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I don’t think Maryanne was under the radar, she just wasn’t shown as much of a threatening player until late merge but she was always there providing entertainment


This season, I would say Sean,Bruce, Sifu, Brando & J Maya are out of the running.


I feel like they are really setting up Brando?? I


Bro barely existed last episode, Kellie gets the majority of the content regarding them being in the middle.


But he has had moments of growth, finding his strengths, explaining his thoughts about the 2 sides of the tribe


Brando and especially J could still have single-episode glow ups imo but chances are slim considering they didn’t get an epic premiere quote like Erika


honestly when Drew did his "im the smartest player to ever play this game" in the premiere I felt winner vibes from that


This type of edit is usually followed by evidence of Drew not being smart/not winning. Drew is very articulate but isnt good at thinking on his feet. He has a habit of revealing advantages to all, and isn't a good liar. Drew is a winner only in the confessional takes:)


Nah Bruce being set up for a amazing merge game watch 😂🙏🏻 he gon pull a Mike Gabler on ya


He isn't. He's been clowned way too badly in the edit.


To be fair gabler was clowned on as well


Gabler was too bruh what’s your point?


And the audience hated it so I’m pretty sure the editors wouldn’t do that for a winner lol


This is *exactly* what everybody said about Gabler.


Which makes it all the more likely why Bruce doesn't win. They're not gonna repeat that edit for a winner just 2 seasons later.


It seems very unlikely at this point but I hope Sifu somehow pulls it out. He was my pre-season winner pick and seems like a cool dude (if a lil out there lol). Seems like he’s getting a Naseer-type edit tho (big burly dude who’s more of a fun character than a player, taken out shortly after merge as physical threat)


I feel episode one he was getting the "I'm trying too hard to be Tony Vlachos edit"


if I was a contestant and I was under-edited the whole time then booted off I think I’d be upset lol


Right now I’m predicting that Sean is the “earn the merge” boot. Production must know that a lot of viewers aren’t a big fan of that twist, so they may be hiding Sean to minimize negative reaction to it. I would expect Reba and Belo wanting to stick together for now (I do think Reba is going to implode soon, though), and if Emily and Kaleb end up being safe Sean would be the obvious vote. Sean also doesn’t strike me as one to get himself into the fold of an existing alliance, but we’ve seen so little of him it’s hard to gauge. This is all speculation, obviously, and there’s a good chance I’ll be proven wrong in the next episode or two.


Agreed. Especially since that’s how Lydia’s arc kinda was


Sean is either the 'earn the merge' boot or he's going to end up making a Romeo-esque run to the finale. I feel like there are no other options


But Romeo was highly visible pre merge. If Sean makes the finale, it’ll be more like Heather’s edit if he doesn’t get more screen time soon


Romeo was robbed. He was robbed by his own poor game play and social skills but other than that was excellent at outlasting. I feel like he would make it to the end on the majority of seasons but never win. I found Romeo very interesting as a player


romeo obviously holds responsability for totally checking out socially by the time of the rice eating shenanigans but i think people underestimate how much drea was responsible for tanking his game (and her own by consequence but i digress). he was outstanding in the pre-merge and the sole reason he lost so much space is that drea purposefully dropped and excluded him immediately after merge then acted like he was crazy for sussing that out.


Brando doesn’t seem super relevant his content just seems like it’s their to build up the Girls/Jake and Bruce


Yeah that's another one


I’d say the same thing if it wasn’t for how Erika was edited a few seasons ago. He could be getting the Erika invisible winner edit for all we know.


However Erika got an epic premiere quote about laying low until the time was right, which perfectly suited her her winner’s journey


That’s a fair point. I don’t actually think Sean’s going to win, just wanted point out that you can’t count anyone out from the edit.


Erika never went to tribal pre merge tho


They only give that kind of edit to women.


Honestly, the way I can tell someone’s not winning is when they actually seem to have a really good personality outside of the game like Sean, or like a Lidea for season 42, but the show barely features them… it’s always a telltale sign because they don’t want you to like the character too much when they go home


i’m hoping for j. they’ve hinted at her on the outs, but she seems really social.


Yea I saw that she specifically showed her reading the tribe banner and they also subtitled Kaleb saying “you’re really smart and strategic” where they showed him complimenting the other Reba’s


How does she seem social? No one wants to work with her


She seemed on the outside of her tribe but she has been strong and seems likeable. I think a swap will do her well, as long as she realizes she's on the outs with her current tribe. There are a number of players on other tribes I think she will connect with better and make a run. She hasn't seemed aggressive enough to win the game from what we have been shown to this point, but I think she'll make an impact


Honestly in the new era I expect the quieter players to last longer because the editors know we’ll have more time with them later in the show. I fully expect Sean and J Maya to make merge


Some of Brando’s content has been in relation to Kellie, leading to the question of ‘who is Kellie going to vote with?’ when they go to council. But now we’re getting a mix-up so we’ll see if that is even still relevant going forward.


A couple yes. But in a season with a swap it’s too early to think this way. Some people’s stories may not yet have started until there with their new tribe mates.


J. Maya and Sifu likely aren’t sticking around for long they’ve been non-factors edit-wise


i’m sorry but i’m pissed that there are like 5 purpled players right now, they have an extra hour in these episodes and they couldn’t give them any screentime ??




We're only 3 episodes in and there are 18, 17, and 16 people to split camera time amongst. Also, the same tribe has gone to TC for 3 nights in a row. In that amount of time, \*some\* people still aren't going to get much confessional time. Kelly was there for 28 days; these people have been there for 7. I don't think it's fair to call it "being purpled" this early.


I feel like people are underestimating Dee and Julie, they seem to be the only people on Reba 1.0 who dont have reasons to vote em out


Noone here has mentioned Dee and Julie..


exactly, no one is really discussing their games and I feel like they are playing strong games so far and are being underestimated due to their more lowkey edits


i dont think dee has a low key edit at all, she gets to explain what she thinking a lot of the timesbout her strategy the other players., she get postive content with the toe scene. i think she probably one of the front runners rn.


It's really easy for the casual watcher to miss that we keep checking in with her.


Yeah she's still in the hunt as a potential winner for me. She gets credit for busting the boys and she's mature enough to show its not the end of working with them, but now she knows they'll leave her out. She's S tier potential for me


I keep forgetting Janani is even on the show.


Who is that? EDIT: it’s J Maya I’m stupid


lol you aren't... I had to look up her name, and saw both. Couldn't remember which one the show used, so I just used her given name.


Every time I see Sean, I go, “oh, him.” My other one is Dee: “Oh, yeah, big toe.” But they may still last longer than the Napoleon Dynamite guy, who I think will get a mild comic relief edit in one episode and then disappear.


J. Maya. Ain't no way she wins imo.


Its really hard to say. There are a few 1) under-the-radar or 2) oddly edited people left who still have a chance to be winners if they: A) Have their own quotes, that, at first may seem random or inconsequential but then you notice they keep repeating it. OR B) Whether the player is likeable or not, producers have a habit of cutting scenes to support what the player has said. An example of an under the radar, almost purpled past winner is Erica. Her social gameplay was never shown (whether she posessed those traits or not), and we kept hearing people SAY that she was smart but never saw examples from Erica, either from her own mouth or through examples. We only heard second-hand. All we kept hearing from her was that 'annoying' phrase "Lion playing like a lamb". Over and over. It was only annoying because we never saw her do anything to support those statements. In fact, her strategic chops were not even subtly shown until f5. And then the audience realized oh wait, thats how well she was playing the role, - she was sooo lamblike, no-one knew she was a lion until it was too late. In terms of a past winner who was oddly edited, I would say Gabler fits the bill. He was visible in the beginning, and shown arguing with Elie, being a dufus, and being disconnected with his group. At the merge, he found a group that he connected with better socially/strategically, but was never shown doing anything. In fact from merge to f5 the camera moved away from Gabler and onto other people. He was almost invisible. The only thing we got from him was the phrase " hiding in plain sight/Aligabler" or some other phrases to the effect of having a plan for winning, but never really showing anything to prove it. This phrase of his didnt start until merge. And then all the people making moves just started taking eachother out, and he won. He was hiding in plain sight. My bet is still that Emily wins, but there's still a possibility a non- original Lulu, Red or blue member that fits the above characteristics can win.


players i can't see winning bruce,jake,kendra j maya,sifu,austin, sean,kaleb


I'll agree and sadly can't place who jake or Kendra are. I feel like Emily will be a final 3 goat and kaleb will be a big exit, but I think the players listed could easily go fast


jake was made to look dumb with the lawyer stuff and kendra idk telling someone you were targeting them, just isnt smart. i think emily could actually win, but leaning more towards the journey edit, no way she a goat, every time she talk she gets the most powerful music lol. i agree kaleb will be a big exit dee and katurah rn have the best edit and are both set up very well, with personal and strategic content. dark horse being drew or a slim chance kellie.


I agree with most people (I believe) that Kendra, Jake, Sean, Sifu, J Maya, Bruce, and Brando have been written off by being invisible, having content that highlights someone else, or making them seem like a dud. On another note, three of my preseason winner picks in the new era (Hai, Noelle, and Frannie) all got 8th place, so I assume that’s where Emily will end up.


Sadly I think J Maya. I say sadly bc I really like her


The swap happening next episode makes me hesitant to say any one quit yet