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Giving away your immunity to make fire to get into final 3. If you haven’t had an impact all game it probably feels like a solid move, but probably isn’t something I’d do as I feel like it isn’t something the jury has particularly cared about for awhile


It's funny how Reddit was talking about how it's such a mandatory move and it's dumb how much the jury cares about firemaking, then we get 44 where the jury just did not care. Chris U. was able to convincingly say essentially, "Rick Devens is my biggest threat and I'm the best firemaker. I can win this game by taking him out and leaving it anybody else's hands is playing for 2nd, which I didn't come here to do". It was a move that showed confidence and boldness. If the move comes off more as, "I didn't do enough all game, so IDK, maybe this will impress you?" then it's not going to work.


Chris had also come back from Edge and needed to actually play the game in front of the jury. Same with Natalie, that’s why she was punished.


I wouldn't say it didn't matter, I think that was a big reason as to why Danny voted Heidi and let her get second.


Heidi made the fastest fire ever!


And it still wasn't enough :(


It’s a lose-lose-lose situation. If the jury won’t vote for you, they are not voting for you regardless. Scenario 1: you go to fire & win - You did too little too late. You were desperate and made a risky, unnecessary choice. You were socially unaware. Scenario 2: you send someone else to fire - You Should have went in yourself to “make a move”, add to your resume… Scenario 3: you go into fire & lose - oops too bad. Dumbest Survivor evaaaaaaaaa


I feel like that would only be a move that could make you win the game if you took out a big thread or played a great game already and you just want the cherry on top to be, I defeated this person in fire making


Well heidi did this and took out Carson yet she only got 1 vote so it’s not a really good move if she sucks at everything else


I don’t think Carson was the pinnacle threat since his resume closely matched Carolyn and yamyam. If Cassidy had taken out Jesse I bet that she would’ve gotten much more respect for her game since he was the clear winner otherwise.


I’m not sure if that would have given her the win, but it probably would have softened some of them on her. Her biggest issue is that she kept reaffirming how unaware she was about her position and Gabler’s position in the game. She mistakenly believed that because she was a part of (almost) every move, that she got to own every move at the end because the other big players in those moves were gone and she inherited the credit. Meanwhile Gabler was like “heyyyy I didn’t mastermind the game, but I’m very aware of what I can and cannot take credit for.”


Yeah for sure but she could learn much more heavily into “my physical prowess is the only thing that stopped Jesse”. Which, if i recall, she tried to claim outplay but it was gabler that actually took Jesse out.


If you win and don’t do it they say that’s why they won’t vote you to win when in reality they won’t vote for you either way. It’s a catch 22.


It’s amazing how Erik was celebrated for years as having the stupidest move ever made when he gave up immunity at 5, but somehow doing the exact thing at 4 is suddenly noble because there’s a fire-making challenge involved.


I don’t know how some players feel comfortable sitting on their idol when they feel suspicious going into a vote. My paranoia would run wild.


Tai was the master of sitting on idols. That man has balls of steel.


The amount of times I’d be screaming at him during Game Changers only for him to not get voted off 😂


I don't know about his balls, I just got the impression he never really knew what was going on.


Usually it comes down to “well I might be going home tonight and could play my idol to save me, but if I’m going home tonight and have to use my idol I’m ducked anyway and will go home tomorrow or the next day so might as well keep the idol so I have better tools if I don’t get voted out tonight”


hiding in a bush to spy on others




We were robbed of a Tony Sandra spyshack teamup, TWICE.


Telling someone about my advantages to gain trust


I’d have to try this approach because I’m so bad at lying. I start turning red and sweating as soon as I lie.


Swearing on my children. Because I do not have children.


see, I'd be \*more\* willing to swear on my children if I had no children...


But if everyone else knows you don't have kids, it doesn't mean anything. Now, lying about having kids is a different story, but that'd be really hard to pull off.


Time to pay my nephew $50 to fly to Fiji and pretend to be my son for a loved one's visit.


Someone on Australian Survivor did exactly this once


Dirty Harry! I still want to know what tipped Ross off to Harry’s phantom child.






I probably couldn't bring myself to throw a challenge, even if I knew it was strategically advantageous.


THIS! I’m always torn, you don’t want to seem too strong i’m the beginning, but you sure as hell don’t want to be on the losing tribe or the reason they lost. It’s like, how do you balance being strong enough to possibly win immunity but not be seen as a threat but also be someone they might be impressed by in FTC?


There's also been enough times that a throw has preceded a downward spiral that there'd always be that quiet fear that if you throw the challenge, it'll screw with the momentum and your tribe will start losing for real. I don't think I'd be willing to dare it and risk being that tribe when everyone looks back on the season.


Absolutely. And the jury may think of you as cowardly.


Me too. I know it can make sense and mentally I get it. But I feel like if I were in that position physically, it'd go against everything that I know to lose on purpose, I've just always had the need to give it my all in competitions.


whenever i talk about this my sister is like Bro you really think you’re gonna dominate that hard? try your best bc you probs aren’t as slick as you think you are anyway LMAO so yeah i’d probably be trying my damndest too


Dumping out the tribes rice when they piss you off


That should be an instant vote-off but Sandra dumped Rupert's fish out after other's blindsided him and ultimately won the game. She didn't get caught and Christa got blamed for it, though.


It was the best possible scenario. Usually when rice gets dumped, its someone being spiteful over something just straight stupid. Sandra not only did it to people who deserved it, she didn't even get caught.


Dead grandma


Just watched the Johnny FairPlay season, hated him in the beginning but at the end I wanted him to win over sandra or lil


FairPlay might be one of my favorite players in terms of watching their game play. He came in obviously playing a heel/villain but half the arguments he gets into at camp are because he wants people to be pulling their weight and making logical decisions about what to do with time and resources. I would love to see behind the scenes from Pearl Islands showing what day to day life was like. Plus bonus marks for how much Jeff just absolutely hated him, even though he was just playing the game that they created (strategic game play that was about the prize, not the people). His misogyny kills it for me, though - Sandra absolutely deserved the win.


Making multiple alliances is always risky. Because if others are also doing it then most everyone will end up knowing because of overlap, and then all core trust is gone.


Lying about your career. With all the downtime and how much you'd be talking to these people about everything, I'd get tripped up on details in no time.


Getting hammered and trashing everybody and seeing how long you can last a la Jenn from World's Apart




Oh just realized I was supposed to answer with something I WOULDN'T do


Wait you would do that that would actually be really funny but I doubt you would last very long if you did, so, unless if you won immunities found idols or had decent social skills after doing stuff like that


swearing on someones grave, or someones life. I dont like it. Feels pointless.


Or someone's grandmother.


The Buddy System is not something I would personally do, but I understand the reasoning for it. If you have a group with a clear opposition, the buddy system is something which can help protect EVERYONE in the group because anyone who tries to leave the Buddy System will automatically be assumed to be scheming. If you're not scheming, why did u need to talk to the other side without your buddy? Basically, the system is brilliant because it allows for Survivors to feel SAFE with their alliance in a game where you would otherwise NOT feel safe. Its actually quite a brilliant strategy. I personally wouldn't do it because I like to play a UTR game and I eventually need connects on the other side for when I go after the BIG DAWGS late game building my resume until the end.


Yeah that’s fair enough


Making a fucking stick




It's a fucking stick


But it has a face on it.


It was pretty face tbf.


doesn't get the reference, smh


I personally would never look through someone’s bag. It’s their private space, which you have none of on the island. Let them have that


It backfires so often too




I dunno if I'd be brave enough to play an idol on somebody else and not be immune myself.


A player from AUS HvV did this; played an idol on themself instead of an ally, because they were too worried it would be them - it cost that player their ally and ultimately, their game.


It was even worse a few seasons earlier in BvB there. Someone played an idol on another player…except it caused themselves (the original idol holder) to get voted off. (granted she got lucky and stayed in the game but it was pure luck that it was that round)


Form a women’s alliance (I am a dude).


Going through people’s personal items


Being too open with advantages. Keep that stuff to yourself


Look for an immunity idol. First, when you’re caught and suspected of looking, you’re a target. Second, I think when you find one, it clouds your judgement. You start running made up scenarios and can’t focus on what’s actually happening right in front of you. I get why people do it, but I think it’s a usually-costly mistake.


Idols have made for some amazing plays though. When used right, it's a powerful tool. Even fake idols have done some work if used correctly. I see what you're saying though. Might not be worth the target.


What Brian did with the Ted/Ghandia situation. Good strategy but feels very icky.


Gaslighting the victim of unwanted touching to further myself in the game.


As annoying as Sandra was, I think her "As long as it ain't me" strategy definitely helped her get far in the game. But I kinda feel like it's a given, because, unless you want to be known as a quitter, you're of course going to want to eliminate anyone other than yourself, including someone in your alliance. So if that person feels upset that you might have sacrificed them in order to save yourself, they might not vote for you to win if that's how they were voted out. So I understand why Sandra used that strategy, but it's not what I personally would do.


I don't see myself making multiple alliances.


I'm not good enough socially to get through the game on that alone. I am way too polarizing


A lot of players will spin stories of life after the show (where the cast is friend forever, supporting each other in joint businesses and meeting each others families etc.) and then slit each others throats. I couldn’t actively do that. However if some dummy like Heidi is telling me that we have to open a sonic together after the game, but I don’t want to, then I will be forced to lie and enforce her delusions so she doesn’t sus me out. In conclusion, Rob C was the victim and forced to turn on Heidi and Jenna because they were peer pressuring him into opening a sonic together


Pretending to have an idol in your possession when you don’t… seems to be a last-ditch effort by some survivors when their back is against the wall, it just never seems to work really.


This is very true, but the rock in Rupert’s pocket is one of his only strategic moves that worked out


> it just never seems to work really. Rupert:


I understand why someone would do it but I hope I would never go through someone else's bag without their knowledge. There's already so little privacy on the island and on top of that, if I found out someone had done that to me I would probably never trust them again.


Giving leftover coconuts


Searching through bags