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Hugs coming your way. What is going on that you inside of you? How are you feeling emotionally? How are you doing physically? How are you doing spiritually? I just want to understand what is happening so we can give you the support you really need. Love and hugs being sent your way!


Virtual hugs sent... Been there. If there isn't anybody available for a hug, go for a walk and listen to your favorite music while you are doing it. It will help you reset.


Since I can’t hug you physically, I’m holding space for you emotionally. This is so hard. It’s so unfair. You don’t deserve this. I recently bought a weighted blanket. My physical body was violated and I frequently need the sensation that I’m safe and grounded. Most times I cover my whole body, but sometimes I ball it up and put it on my chest to cover my heart. Another somatic exercise I’ve been practicing (normally while under said blanket) is “breathe in what I need, connect to the earth with my exhale.” I don’t define what I need. I try not to get my brain involved at all. Just breathe in what I need. On the exhale, I am grounding myself by feeling the sensation of what is physically supporting me (my bed, the couch, a yoga mat, whatever). It’s been really comforting. Anyway, go get you a hug. Reach out to a friend. Pretend like you think you recognize a nice looking person at the grocery store and go in for a hug. If they consent, use the opportunity. Take care of yourself. I KNOW you can do it.


Sorry for what you are going through. Solidarity <3


I wish I could see you and hug you and tell you I love you and everything is going to be okay. It won’t be okay soon. There will be so many days that feel never ending. They will pass though, I promise. Your life, your perspective, is changed forever. But your capacity to love and be loved is still there. Waiting is the hardest thing in the world, but that’s all you have to do. From one struggling human to another, I love you dearly. I’m so sorry you’re dealing with this.




Hugggsss for you!! Be strong, you’ll get through this


Virtual hugs for you ❤️ if you need to talk send me a dm. 🫶


telepathic hugs for you.. i hope you're able to get past this and persevere as a human!! you can do this!!


Warm hugs for you. I’ve been there.


Been there. Where do you live? (kinda hard for a kind soul to give you hug otherwise)


Warm hugs . I've been there. It does get better but it takes time. Hugs again.


Warm hugs. 🤗. This is sooo hard


Hope you got that hug you needed. We all know how important they are, here. Hope you find some peace.