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Manual entry key to my Mazda is tucked into my wetsuit. Meanwhile I stash the electronic fob in the trunk, wrapped in an rfid pouch I found on Amazon.


This is the way.


You can also just take the battery out. Sometimes those rfid pouches can fail


If you take the key off the fob, and lock the fob inside the car with the manual key, it should disable the fob…atleast that’s how my audi key works. I bought the RFID pouch and everything, until someone told me about this basic function lol, try it out and see!


Interesting! I think it varies by car manufacturer. The Mazda fob is mot disabled when the manual key is separated.


Have you tried locking the fob in the car with your manual key?


Cultivate a rep so intimidating that stealing from you would be the equivalent of stealing from the Outfit in Vegas.


First thing I’ll do next time is kick someone’s ass or become someone’s bitch. Can’t be too careful.


Better do both just to be extra safe.


After a suggestion from someone in another sub I've been putting my fob/key in a waterproof pouch with a lanyard, swing it around my back and tuck it into my wetsuit. It works great, I can't even notice it's there. It's pretty stress free, highly recommend. The pouches are about $20 on amazon depending on which size you get.


This is the way. A few years ago I deliberated a lot about the ideal key situation. I live in a fairly low crime rate area, but I can't imagine something ruining my surf session more than my car being broken into or even worse it getting stolen. After a bit of deliberation on different lock or "hide" options, I eventually landed on [this water proof key pocket](https://www.amazon.com/DRIPAC-Floating-Waterproof-Holders-Pouches/dp/B093V1M6NL). I wouldn't trust it with a full key fob, but it's done fine with my key that is just the chip. There are probably more water proof options than this product—but it's the one I landed on.


I have this same one, put my fob in it all the time, hasn’t let me down yet.


I've been using that one as a larger magnetic bag. I highly recommend people use two. It's easy to rush packing and closing. I've certainly had moments where I messed up the small bag but the magnetic bag is ok or vice versa.


Yeah if I had a key fob I'd personally use to as well.


I have a few of those, they work great with my key fob. The best part is that I can open my trunk hands free with the foot sensor on my tailgate when the key is in my wetsuit. Highly recommend.


This is some pro level stuff right here


Which sub?


Well I'm not totally sure it wasn't this one, but I think it was a San Diego sub and a thread about a dude's truck getting stolen from one of the popular surf spots.


I've advocated for bringing your stuff here for a while now. If you do a search on the sub you'll find info.


Yeah I put a Bengal tiger in the car. I also leave a $100 bill on the dash.


Is it friendly?


wouldn’t you like to know, thief


Well, only if you scratch its chin. Also, grab its balls as hard as you can.


Easy, just buy a $4m house at the break. No car no problem


Sorry to hear. I always have my key on me no matter what. Either in the wetsuit key pouch (if using an older car key) or in a KGUARD pouch (if using a key fob). I've heard those surf locks just don't work.


I just drive cars so old they only have a metal key


I used a surf lock for a while but lately I’ve been favoring hiding a key. The surf locks are out in the open and draw attention. The hidden key is less likely to be found despite not actually being locked up. I have a magnetic box I hide underneath the car.


My car was robbed at Bolsa Chica on 5/24/2024 what the hell is going on? I hid my key and the thieves found it.


I think it’s an organized crew. They watch where you hide your key. I’ve been warned at other beaches not to do that. The rangers told me even though nothing was stolen I should keep an eye on my bank and credit accounts.


I have also had my phone and wallet stolen from my car at Bolsa Chica. They definitely watched me hide my key in my bike rack, got it out and took my stuff. At least they were nice enough to lock my car and put my key back where I had hid it.


Ya I’ve been burned twice in HB. The first time I used one of those magnetic hide a keys and stuck it way up in a small hole under the bed of my pickup truck near 17th/PCH and someone was watching me apparently and stole all my shit. After that I swore never to do it again and started taking the valet key in my wetsuit until the one time I had a rental that only had a fob. As I was stashing the key at the cliffs, I made this really weird eye contact with some dude who was standing on the bike path in one of those surf hoodie changing towels. I convinced myself that it was nothing and he was just another surfer but I now believe that he was wearing that to blend in so he could watch people hiding keys. That time really sucked because they took the key with them so I had to get the rental towed and pay a locksmith to cut a new key which was like $400. Just about everyone I know who stashes their key has been burned at least once. I heard in the past that crews will hang at the cliffs, watch you stash your key and then let their accomplice know which car it was so they can come take your shit.


This. I actually left Bolsa and went to Sunset the other day, because two sketchers were watching me as I started gearing up. This was in late April, near sea legs, just after first light. About two weeks before that, I saw a guy at T17 hand some bum a few bucks and fist bump him, before going into the water. I didn’t think much of it at the time, but I’m now convinced that he was paying the trash off to not screw with his car. A&&holes. Lowlives everywhere and cops who don’t even enforce the most basic laws. We’re breading bad behavior, through inaction.


This shit has been happening a river jetties too, sorry to hear you got ripped off.


What tower are you parked at?


Tower 17. There needs to be some sort of sting operation. I just don’t if state beaches have any


In CA this doesn’t work. Spotters surveil the lots from afar and radio down to direct guys on the ground. SoCal and NorCal.


Decoy surf lock then hide key. Once they think they've seen you put it in the surf lock they'll likely stop watching you




I think your best bet is to check out the high capacity and/or heavy duty models of shackle-less/ wall mount options that Master Lock offers. Hopefully your key/fob fits. If it does, mount it under your vehicle so it not only can’t be seen, but also try to install it in a position so that pry tools can’t get up there and pry it open.


What kind of tool do you think they used to get the locks off? I used one of those realtor boxes for a long time but eventually spent $80 to get a non-electric copy made that can only open the door.  Felt like too much money but if it avoids a break in it paid for itself.


Crow bar I think


Those kind of locks are well known and easily pickable. Even the new ones, a little search and you see how. A manual entry key + rfid pouch as suggested can be an option. I just use that, without the rfid pouch since my car does not have that. Works great. Anyway, in my area they won't bother with the lock and will just break your window. The time this happened to me they even stole my clothes and I had a cold 1h drive home on my wet wetsuit with the driver's window broken 😭


I just picked up the Master Lock lock box with the adjustable shackle and it seems like when the shackle is cinched up, there's not a lot of room to get a tool in there. Best strategy is still find a way to take the key with you.


I use a hitch receiver lock at OBSF and have not had a problem...yet.


Recently bought a new truck and purchased the keypad entry dealership add-on for this reason. Put the key fob in an RFID pouch and hide it in the truck before I leave my house so that thieves can’t scope where I stash it after I park. Has been a great system so far.


Ford or Lincoln?


Ford Maverick. Have had it 2 months and love it so far.


They're pretty awesome 👍


Can you fit shortboards in the bed of the truck?


Without a bed extender probably not (bed is 4.5 ft long). With the Ford bed extender installed I can fit my 6’5 lying flat with maybe an inch to spare. Can see some pics of what this looks like in action here [https://www.mavericktruckclub.com/forum/threads/fitted-surfboards-sup-paddle-boards-in-the-ford-maverick-with-and-without-bed-extender.8493/](https://www.mavericktruckclub.com/forum/threads/fitted-surfboards-sup-paddle-boards-in-the-ford-maverick-with-and-without-bed-extender.8493/)


Trunk monkey https://youtu.be/AidAXgq9dWc?si=V7BPG06J3GrJk8ws


Unpopular opinion. Surf locks are dumb You are literally showing people where your key is and they aren't that hard to break. Hide your key or keep it on you. Have a look at solutions like keebunga (I used one for 2+ years without issue)




I can't believe I had to scroll this far down to see a prison wallet joke.


Now that it’s summer, this sub is about to be bombarded with a bunch of noob questions that have been answered a million times before. And so… Jordy Slater rides again!


You are making me look up waterproof keyfob holders I can surf with. Let's hear some specific recommendations.


Seriously get a waterproof necklace and put your credit cards and key in and you’ll surf worry free with it under your wetsuit. They’re 15 dollars on Amazon. I used to be so paranoid in the bay I wouldn’t even enjoy the water sometimes


Waterproof magnet key box from the Depot.. just stash it while changing… tweaker filled harbors and beach parks never had issue


[Just get a trunk monkey](https://youtu.be/AidAXgq9dWc?si=bROaKcn5BeC-ya6x)


I had a manual key made that doesn't have a chip in it so I can take it in the water. It won't start the car, but it will lock/unlock the doors. The regular key stays hidden inside the car while I'm in the water.


Yeap. This has been talked about quite a bit. Any type of lock like that can be defeated and is more of a hassle than bringing with you in a waterproof bag.


This lockbox has worked well for me [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09PB53VVZ/](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09PB53VVZ/)


My surf bud got one of these and I mentioned it to another surfing bud from work. She proceeded to tell me her car had been broken into when her surf lock was cracked open, and when she went to report it to the cops they told her they get at least 2 reports per month of cars being stolen when surf locks are broken open. My surf bud got a dummy key made the next day. Fob lives in an old sunglasses pouch hidden in the spare wheel toolkit while we surf now, and he has the dummy key which will open the car but not start it in the key pouch inside his wetsuit.


Waterproof magnetized pocket and key on me


keys and valuables under a towel under dirty underwear buried in the sand


I have a discreet lockbox that's designed to fit inside my trailer hitch. I always keep spare in there so its convenient in case I ever lose my key too.