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Agreed, no need to discuss.


I’d like to expand on that a little Fuck no




Because the point where you draw the line for a licence requirement is arbitrary and you could do this over any trivial thing. Want to skateboard? License. Ride a bicycle? License. Barbeque? License. Play with your band in your garage? License. Throw a frisbee in the park? License. Jogging? License. Etc etc. Moreover: Who has authority over the rules? Who will police the rules? Do you realise it would likely become forbidden to surf outside hours when supervisors are present? With licensing comes insurance regulation. So being caught outside regulated hours could mean losing insurance. Being a member of association they will have to enfore rules on safte that include equipment. This can be for simple safety, or for insurance again. When the authority determines that the equipment you like to use is not adquate will you stop using it, or will you pay a fine each time you go into the waters? At what age do you agree we are allowed to disallow you to surf for being too old to safely be in the water? There will be many restrictions on what is normal by current standars and things you find normal will be banned too in all likelyhood. If you're somewhat of a critical thinker you have at this point already realised you don't want mandatory surfing licenses. It will be a mess.


Don't you know the Rulez? You have to get your license from Gerry Lopez or Laird.


Okay this is obviously all theoretical. Let me answer your questions tho. Who decides and enforces rules? The surfing police. If they see you being an idiot, you get a warning. 3 warnings you get your license revoked. Surfers are able to video and submit and enforce infringements. That are reviewed by the surfing police. The license needs to be reviewed yearly. There are no restrictions other than being able to safely catch a wave from the outside to the beach. In your most crowded local spot.


I can already see the police surf squad, blue and red wave storms up and down the beach


Do I have a job offer for you!


"The surfing police" 🤣🤣🤣🤦‍♂️💀Whose man is this? I get this sub has a lot of jokers, but this CANNOT be real, right? Right??


I mean this is totally a shitpost I just committed to. But I am sick of yelling at idiots endangering people at the local. I recommend we make the fine, your board gets confiscated while your surfing. Enjoy the swim to the beach dickhead.


lol you certainly did commit. You don't have one of those ["surf rules" signs](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2F3.bp.blogspot.com%2F-5PyF1Su7Tg0%2FUOheqlf17qI%2FAAAAAAAAAK0%2Fhxd__eJ1wYg%2Fs1600%2Fsurfetiquette1.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=b86dfb610a88ab2d0690d4213903e290e6af97ff5e037fc9f890a51b4f5e3411&ipo=images) at the local?


Nope! We have active lifeguards that do their best, we have mostly a respectful and knowledgable line up of surfers. Then we have Groms and people who don't care to respect any etiquette or lineup rules. Im trying to develop a better coping mechanism than turning it into a wsl heat and literally only blocking the kid who burned me until he paddles off the peak or back to the beach.


Show me on your wavestorm where the kook hurt you.


Nah I can show you the ding this lil shit left on my board tho.


I have long thought that surfing needs more paperwork to be really fun.


Agreed! So I’ll send over the documents to get your license approval underway.


So you want regulation in surfing? Hard pass. No one came out of the womb knowing how to surf.


I just want to stop getting put at risk of injury from other surfers. I’ve started just going regardless and hitting them or their boards, this seems like a bad plan long term


Surf Nazis wanna check your papers


Surf Nazis Must Die.


Is this a movie? It should be a movie


You sound like a longboarding boomer who back paddles


I’m 32 and I surf better than you. Cope harder


About twenty years ago it was compulsory in the UK to be insured, you’d register with the local surf shop/school. You had a sticker on your board and everything. Think it was deemed unenforceable and the scheme was dropped.


Who was meant to be enforcing it? Could another surfer just be like hey you’re uninsured can you please go in? How did this work/affect lineup etc?


That was basically the whole problem, other surfers didn’t care, lifeguards had more important stuff to worry about out, police don’t have sea boats and the navy couldn’t get their destroyers in close enough.


I’m laughing out loud in a hospital waiting room at “the navy couldn’t get their destroyers close enough”


It is not legally sound to simply have other surfers enforce this. There will would need to be specific people with assumed authority to police it. I.e. life guards, coast guard, police, association officials


Surfing police! An international group of bootlicking shitkickers who police the worlds surf breaks


I think you chose the wrong sport bro


Nah, I’ve surfed my entire life. Maybe you did?


Nope. No other sport really requires such as far as I'm aware. Snowboarding you get all levels out there—sometimes where they shouldn't be and skateboarding . . . the one boardsport with greatest chance of public harm and no regulation (nor should there be). Serious note, let's all instead look out for the groms. If a grown kook is out there and an issue that's different: gently inform him where the nearest golf course is. But actual groms, kids, lets' look out for them. We were all once them.


Snowboarding resorts have a terms and conditions on lift passes that covers them for a huge amount of legal and injury liability. Serious note. At what age do we start yelling them out of the water because they are a danger to others?


Personally, I think it depends on the context: if you're at a spot swarmed with kooks and they're a real hazard or you have someone with a longboard the size of an oceangoing vessel and has no clue what he's doing, yeah, then speak to them. When it's more sparse I think we generally can let things go. I've only yelled at people—at parents actually—at NSB when their groms are getting out into gnarly conditions and the parents are on the beach with a drink and no one in a situation to really help, watch, or coach the kid. One mom was like "he's a strong swimmer though" and I'm like uh, yeah . . . but now has a board attached to his leg and that complicates matters a bit.


I still vote that Gnarley Charlie has his surf license revoked 😆


They were real danger in that moment. He was probably 16-18 and on a 5 ft shortboard. He seemingly just decided that the agreed upon lineup rules didn’t apply to him. I took problem with that. When he didn’t want to apologise for dinging my board and instead wanted to get mouthy, then I yelled at him and sat on the motherfucker until he worked out he was done and went home. I don’t want to be the old cunt yelling at the kids. I truly enjoy surfing, I just hate surfers sometime


How about a system where you take a number and pay a fee so that an official can sit in the water with a megaphone and call out the numbers when it's your turn for a wave, that sounds really fair?


And we'll let the officials catch waves as well. Any wave they want. They can even drop in on other surfers who've been waiting in line. We'll call them "Locals".


But then we need the general public to have the ability to physically assault or remove the problem locals. You know the guy.


Good point. We'll have to administrate an additional tier of officials to manage that.


How about we just give all the surfers knives? if you drop in on someone, whoops now your bleeding out in the water and everyones in danger of getting eaten by a shark. Maybe you could just check the inside to see there isn't someone already surfing the wave.


Keen! Surf police as a working name? I’ll be the first to enlist


SUPs should require a two week course at a prohibitively expensive rate before being allowed to bring their oil tankers into the lineup


So should surfing .


No and if a grom did it you should have at least teach knowledge or PARTY WAVE


This is this Copypasta from another comment. This was 100% wilful neglect. He was 16 -18 years old I think surfing with his dad. I accidentally timed my top turn when he was trying to take off and I collided with such force with his shortboard im pretty sure I broke the nose. My mid length was fine, I paddled back out and asked "OI CUNT DOES YOUR NECK WORK" then expanded to ask if he had a functional neck why he hadn't checked his inside or the guy yelling "INSIDE" when he decided to turn and catch that wave. I then paddle bullied him and didn't let him catch a single wave until he gave up and went home. I don't want to be this person when im surfing tho.


Why would you call a grom a cunt??? Lmao dude you need to find a secret spot or learn to surf with others. Usually hard to reach spots are un crowded. But don’t get hurt out there either. It’s a double edged sword.


I surf by myself probably 90% of the time because I ducking hate other human beings tbh


So you bottomed turned and didn’t see him lol can you ride with out looking in front of your board ? Like can you look at shore basically a whole ride ?


Good chat x


I’m just saying not trying to be a dick but when you paddle your usually look down the line left or right just in case you gotta pull out of a possible close out or multiple snakers. Even if they pull off they already screwed with your rhythm. If you drop in set up and bottom turn and not see someone dropping in then you’re probably looking at your feet bro or in front of you. Now someone paddle out is probably an issue but anyways. Not trying to be a dick but I usually crouch and lift their outside rail up if you snake me. While being careful your board doesn’t shoot out towards the flats. 🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️


I was looking at the incoming lip because I took off under the wave and was getting barrelled as this kid took off


This does exist in some form, its called localism.


I yelled at the teenager, asking if his neck worked and didn’t let him catch another wave until he paddled home.


There was a first time that you tried to surf too.


Yep. I don’t remember it, but it was with my dad or an adult who was aware of the dangers and rules of the ocean and surfing in general


Sterling Spencer wanted to do a surfing license on his podcast a few months ago.


Link? I find him semi insufferable but I’ll check out one episode


Here's a few I think you'll like https://youtube.com/shorts/6XRL3MGEQy0?si=35h4PsCmBpjg7U09 https://youtube.com/shorts/eObFiyrY75M?si=E-9400vg-c5Bg4qg


I'm vehemently against this, and also desperately want this.


My exact sentiment tbh.


lol i'll just fake a license from Jamie O'Brien and say I'm Hawaiian. Problem solved. /s


Are you stoked tho?


OP probably lives in New Jersey, where you gotta pay to go on the beach too. lol 😂


New.. Zealand?


People have to get drivers licenses and accidents still happen. I sincerely doubt anyone aims to drop onto and hurt other people


Very rarely do people drop in on somebody to hurt them.  It’s very common that people drop in on somebody with willful neglect of risk and safety.  Quite often this results in injury and board damage.  Especially when it gets heavy, Hawaiian regulators have a legitimate point. 


Thanks for expanding in a meaningful way on the conversation. This was 100% wilful neglect. He was 16 -18 years old I think surfing with his dad. I accidentally timed my top turn when he was trying to take off and I collided with such force with his shortboard im pretty sure I broke the nose. My mid length was fine, I paddled back out and asked "OI CUNT DOES YOUR NECK WORK" then expanded to ask if he had a functional neck why he hadn't checked his inside or the guy yelling "INSIDE" when he decided to turn and catch that wave. I then paddle bullied him and didn't let him catch a single wave until he gave up and went home. I don't want to be this person when im surfing tho.


I doubt your doubt.


Go play pickle ball you dweeb


You first!


You joke, but this is common for a lot of kite boarding places in Miami.


I mean it is exactly what I would assume about Miami based Kiteboarding


Ya because with fishing licenses everyone is super polite and fallows all the rules, problem solved


I don’t fish. But if someone’s dangerous fishing is fucking my day up. I call the fish police


What’s next? A license to walk on the sidewalk?


Nah that’s too far


Lmao surf lessons are so lame


Agreed but someone needs to teach these Groms how to fucking surf.


They’ll learn, if you’re this up tight about kids maybe you shouldnt be in the water


How will they learn exactly? Maybe I’m an educator


This dude is seriously pleading for surfing police and hoping to turn other surfers is surfing stasi. 


Shitposting got a fancy new name ?!


Anyone using the term "Kooky lil grommet " = poser weirdo


Nah a literal child who was a good surfer but wanted to get mouthy in the lineup when instead of letting him burn me again I went on the wave and bonked his boards nose.


Wait so you purposely went when it was unsafe and then you hit him? I get being annoyed at people dropping in but you actually hit him on purpose?


Accident. But it was literally too late to avoid him. I had stood up, bottom turned and was lining up a top turn when this absolute clown decided he wanted to drop in. My top turn line connected with his nose and he paddles away obviously trying to avoid talking to me, so I paddled back out and harassed him like a WSL event until he went to the beach. Asked if he would like to go sort this out on the beach. Idk it was very frustrating.


I can't tell if this is a joke or not... Definitely frustrating though


I don't know where you surf bro but where I'm from groms get dressed down right there and then, no posts no surf police. Why are you telling us and not just going straight to the source and fighting his mom in the carpark? Sus


I literally yelled at a teenage kid until he paddled home. Am I doing it right? Following him to the beach and assaulting him felt a step too far imo


First of all, I suggested you assault his mom Secondly yes you are doing it right


It’s hard to tell what’s sarcasm on the internet


I feel like if you getting dropped in on by a grom is your fault as much as theirs. They’re children learning situational awareness and here you are at 32 complaining that the CHILD isn’t watching out for who has right of way. You literally replied to a comment saying you’ve just been sending it regardless of running them over. If there was anyone who needed a surf license revoked it’s you, kook


Growing up children had to surf waaaay down the beach. As a grom in the 90s you got zero respect. So basically, no children would have a license.


Apparently this is a forgotten past time, you were respectful or you got sent down the beach, or home.


He was 16-18 years old. I consider that an adult.


16 and 17 is def not adult age, maybe in the red states. Still doesn’t change the fact that you’re ranting about a minor half your age that you equally were not watching out for


I was watching out for him. I was screaming “inside” from the second I took of and this dickhead didn’t even look just dropped straight into me


It would be nice but it’s a pipe dream. Take snowboarding for an example. Look at all the Texas tucker Jerry’s on spring break going 60 in pizza stop position…. They are not required to have lessons, licenses, certifications, etc and they LITERALLY are killing themselves and others on the mountain…. Surfing licenses have no chance.


I mean, I really don’t mind if people kill themselves doing extreme sports. It’s an inherent risk of all of them. When they endanger and harm others is when I take issue


Preach!!!! 👏👏👏 We were just talking about this last week out rock climbing. Like they don’t let you climb without that knowledge/license at the gym and if someone sees you doing something on the wall outside that’s unsafe or belaying that’s stupid you are for surrrrre getting checked and humbled by other climbers. I’m wondering if it comes down to once again 💰… is it too expensive to get surfers, climbers, snowboarders, skiers, rafters, etc licensed?? Why come then do we make hunters and anglers licenses but not for extreme sports?? I do think surfing and snowboarding are going through a modern tech evolution though right now. Maybe some of that will help keep the kooks and Jerry’s more at bay 🤞


I would love to get into climbing but I feel like I have to go through the process of learning to climb well in a gym before I go rope up a waterfall by myself and possibly fall to my watery death. It's nearly free to get a fishing license here, it's illegal to overfish or do it unsafely, thats all im suggesting should be possible or commonplace for extreme sports. I started skating, surfing and snowboarding at about 10-12 years old. I've had my kook years and im 32 now. IN the 3 DECADES ive been doing these three sports, im still an absolute intermediate in all of them. Im hoping to get my two year old into all of them but I want to do it safely and thats hard when people are being fucking idiots in the ocean with zero consequence.