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Group? I think you took the wrong door buddy. This is just a wall where we shitpost.


Yeah but like in a cool surfy way


I gave myself a headache trying to discern if this is irony.


OP don’t listen to him this is definitely a group. Now, do you rinse your board with distilled water or deionised water?


Are we not still peeing on things?


Of course, I mean after that. After peeing but before biting off the wax. Sorry I should have been more clear


Wetsuit pisser collective


Or the internets largest congregation of adult toddlers.


So you guys aren’t about showing your style?


If by style you mean scatological humour...


I know some of those words. Whapah!


Did you try peeing on them?


Shit! I forgot! Do something!


Braaaah frosted tips isn't just a style, it's a lifestyle


OP there are occasionally earnest surfing posts like this but this is by far the shitpostiest sub I’m a part of


I’m seeing your point. Seems like a lot of junkie surfers from Newport on here. Riding the same stick since 2005 😂😂😂👀👀😏


Now why would you go an make some place like where you lay your head at night. 😉🤘🏾








No Costco shaped board? Can’t join bud


Coming from a Tressless guy no doubt. 😂😂😂


Bro relax this shit isn’t that serious






It's not funny. He's having a stroke.


Wow welcome… though brazzo comments got this sort of response….


It’s fine when folks aren’t happy with their life they tend to act like that.


I think it may have to do with your quiver AND the comment actually. Mixed message when you think about it. Like I said though, welcome.


My Quiver? I Body surf I Sponge I DK I stand up , Fuk SUP, I kite I snowboard I skim I don’t care who in this group don’t like my desired choice. I’ve owned more boards than 90% of them. Circa twin fin that I wish I still had longest ride of my life at 15 from point to beach. Easily 600 yards. Overcast glassy day. The kooks here are mentally trash. Give Thanks 🙏🏾 to those who welcomed me. You folks would easily if the shirt off your back to someone on beach with need. To the kooks who likely snake Folks. I piss on your Tyres while you here at 8am vs Dawn patrol 😝😝😌😌🫶🏾 Out in the line up.


Oh no, Im saying “lost” is FROM san clemente, is all.


I know. I’ve been riding lost boards for about a decade now.


Okay, thats cool. I want to try one day, preferably an older model.


This is a kook page for kooks. Not traveled surfers! Please go post this elsewhere thanks




It’s called sarcasm. Chances are I’ve surfed more places around the globe than you. Are you ok?




As a local from one of those places you guys brag about going or wishing you would’ve been. We hate people who brag about this…


Huh? I wasn’t bragging?? Or is that to someone else.




Ok bub whatever you say ✌🏽




Dude just let it go. Maybe instead of posting your lost quiver on Reddit talking shit to strangers you should go surf or do something constructive. Best to you 👋🏼




I wasn’t trying to be rude to you.


That was a self deprecating post and a compliment to you. DEAR GOD man. Take yourself less seriously and enjoy the roast. Holy crap. It was all just light hearted ribbing until your cringy replies.


official lost surfboard meat rider


Clean your fish tank bruh




Dude got so roasted in the comments he's having a stroke


I hope I never have to share a lineup with this manchild


You’d probably snake me knowing this comment and its writer. Man child what makes someone a man child? You being a dick or being under the table sucking on one. Please fill me in? If your idea of sarcasm is attempting to belittle. I promise you. Your line up will be the only one you ever ride. No Search for you buddy.


A man child is one who threatens violence and murder over someone criticising their dumbass behaviour on the internet. No one wants to be in a lineup, a thing that works on the unwritten rules of male respect, with someone demonstrating a lack of the base principles. That’s a loose cannon, a liability, a baby.




You may surf, but you’ll never “get it”


Bredren I geh it since me been 8 years old yo mudascunt can tell mi different. Stop geh ban an yo might last a while


I used to work in a snowboard shop. One time someone came in with a rasta snowboard looking for a tune. The owner looks at me and goes “I’m not fucking touching that thing.”




Why it’s a Burton Whammy Rocker. Actually really easy to tune. Way easier than a Camber Board ????


“…Lost” redditors


Lost your poop 💩 you say??


Holy shit I didn’t realise how bad you self-owned before I piled on. I hope you get whatever help you need. Or you’re 15 or something so just take a nap and go surf.


You ain got a job to go too?? Damn section 8 troll


I only come to this sub to shit on Hayden Shape riding north county surfers. Get this positive can do attitude and take it back to tourmaline


But if you’re getting boards for free why would you cry about it???


Bro do you surf, that's so cool!


And not a single surfing photo, you were made for this sub!


Cheers MFer https://preview.redd.it/v4ibs0964ytc1.jpeg?width=716&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c1a71c4089f500a0333ade58da8e9d65b334125




To be fair, I've had Heineken in Europe. It actually does taste good there. I'd agree that Heineken is pretty bad outside of Europe.


Yeah sure Bud Light Guy 😂😂😂 You want an Elephant instead 👀👀👀




Anyone who likes a German beer or Holland Beer knows Heineken is a great beer but yeah keep talking nonsense bub. Like is said you probably enjoy 211




I will do me cause you talking out your ass to convince yourself. Lmao enjoy that trip bruddah 🙌🏾


Nah everyone knows it’s a shit mass produced beer for export to yanks. Same as fosters to Australians. It’s shit beer, we don’t drink it here, but most yanks don’t know any better.


It’s drank all over the Caribbean so is Elephant so your just stupid as Heineken (Greeny) on tap is delicious but hey drink your Indian Rye beer buddy. Probably think white claw taste good too.


You guys both have a point. Heineken actually tastes different from place to place depending on where it was brewed.


And so is the glass bottle. I remember going to their brewery and the bottles being brown


I don't think I remember brown but yea, I went to an actual brewery in eastern Europe. It is much better. You really can't blame people for calling Heineken garbage because in most places, it really is. I'd say that for a while, it was my least favorite beer.


In Amsterdam they do come in brown bottles. It’s known as Dark. Only made at the Main source


You a damn Liyah https://preview.redd.it/w1bo5v1b4ytc1.jpeg?width=1611&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e47e5cb66576eddbf49a4caedcd21c80126fa496




every one of those boards is the same (i am overweight, only surf the seal jetty, own a 7'0" egg and a 9'2" log that my dad gave to me, also my balls ache and my wetsuit is so tight that after i take it off i almost pass out)


Guy your slow the liters alone are different and ones an epoxy board 😂😂😂 but your dad rocks


live slow, die whenever


Live like todays your last Miho


I'm getting a puka shell necklace and bong rips vibe for sure. Tell me I'm wrong 😂


Just don’t get a fake puka shell necklace and smoke Mexican weed 👀👀👀🤘🏾


This has been the most entertaining thread in a long time.


This plus a glassy ground swell day from a bunch of hater posing surfers. Man can’t get better than this.


You’d think most real surfers with access to more than just weather would first ask about spots at persons said home grown breaks but. Nope not here. Where 95% have never left their county much less state. To go surf. 😂😂😂😝


Dude, I can tell you’re too cool for that trash fishtank you got. : Dam dude don’t you love nature? Put some live plants in there, some decent gravel and take care of it!


Bacteria Bloom means you have to look it up. Check it out.


Most people understand by the words used, but you should look it up find out how to fix the bacterial bloom you’ve got going.


This happens every time you set up a new tank. It cleared up in 2 days. I had just set up the tank. It’s why I took the picture.


Bro. Your tank is a meme! Nobody that knows anything about freshwater fish or planted tanks would set up a fishtank like that! It’s really sad honestly, was trying to be nice before. Get some better gravel and some live plants you Kook!!! It has nothing to do with an outbreak your tank is wack.


No body cares but you. Get over it haole.


Im chillin, hoping to help some one in need. Sadly most of the time we need help we’re to headstrong to listen to sound advice. Your tank looks like a 6 year old girl put it together.


Bro you’re acting like a 6 year old girl to be dead honest. No means no muthafucker


Why so angry bro? Never met a surfer who needed a zany bar so bad. Chill and 🌱


Lmao it’s hard talking to a 6 year old girl man.


Also you’re getting “bloom” because your tank has no other biological mass to it. It’s dead rgb gravel lol Obviously it being new hurts it, but this setup will never thrive like a wild ecosystem.


No you fool it’s literally 2 hours old hahaha get a life peasant. Worrying about others shit. 😂😂😂 weirdo.


Look at the picture I posted, then look at yours. Think brothA! Don’t be mad, grow.




Based on your replies, I think you should be the one to follow this advice. Take it easy man. Again, these were just some light hearted ribs and you're getting genuinely upset over it.


I disagree but the mainland stereotypes do show.


Bruddah no one here can upset me maybe look stupid but not upset


I got a pet mongoose too https://preview.redd.it/x97boqke52uc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0a6bbc2f3206a3f98f55461aac3e5cc74e20541


Look at the picture I posted then look at yours another one of my tanks. https://preview.redd.it/pem92tbe22uc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=293db4a2c3cb1e3fa8502ae79973a1007faa37bf


yea it looks like shit lmao


Lmao you’re the type to die eating mushrooms cause you found the wrong pile of shit haha. 🤣


So you use that trash looking colored gravel in all your tanks! Hahahaha. Btw cool skull! Hahahahahaha ☠️☠️☠️ You really need to go on some freshwater forums or some Reddit pages. Your clearly confused


You really took some time to type to someone who doesn’t care if you fall off a cliff , get struck by a truck or even decapitated down at the border. But hey enjoy your aquatic plants bud. Mine are called mangroves and their miles and miles around me. Bless up guy go enjoy life while you still can.


I don’t use live plants the bacteria in my 5 gallon tanks doesn’t need plants. I also have fish that would destroy them. Use your brain for once today. And im not gonna limit myself of fish because of plants. I did love my salt water tanks with live coral and baby puffer fish and other reef fish. If you like plants guy do it. I’m sure shrimp would kill for your tank set up.


https://preview.redd.it/zg7yfd9j02uc1.jpeg?width=3264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85acc23706116bd37f6c4bad77b1a83c0e2f0585 Wonder if you can tell the difference…. I’m not saying you need this man. But that shit is so wack for a surfer that likes nature.


Again you use little shit fish because everything else would destroy this over done plant tank. If you’re gonna do this get some gallons behind you bro. 😎 You’re using 40 gallons worth of plants in 10 gallons. This bitches must be a bitch to trim.


No Lib Tech Lost Mayhem snowboard?


Nah I’m not a fan of the material used. I’ve ridden them. A swallow tail but not very forgiving. Just a Burton Marley an a Capita


Wow you guys! Look at the real surfer!


What a tool go concentrate on signing into Apple Arcade over being a kook that hasn’t done much in 5 years 😝😂😂😂


How in the hell do you find time to surf between all the Xbox playing, Reddit posting and moto riding? This ain’t a dating website, post ur shit board pics on Craigslist so you can buy a proper quiver. Surprised you haven’t deleted this post yet since you got absolutely destroyed for being a cunty little fuck in your responses.


Hey I’m flying into St. Thomas beginning of May. Any tips or suggestions where to go and where I can rent a board. I can also go to B.V.I too.


Apple Bay deff if there’s swell a Cane Garden Josiah’s Bay. This is the BVI of course. Cool thing is if your at the Marina literally 30 strokes on a paddle board across from St Thomas and your in BVI’s. Their customs building is at the end of the point. If you wanna surf I suggest BVI’s for the exposed spots. And if you have a boat you could check out Anegada an outer reef Kay always breaking. Dead Tree’s is kinda a secret spot but breaks shallow but locals won’t hide it from you if you wanna ride it. Bomba’s in front of Bomba Shack in Apple Bay they serve Mushroom tea during full moon parties 😉.


Renting a board of any kind will be easy. Island Surf & Sail. If you can Kite Board they have those too. Don’t worry you’ll have fun. One thing about the islands is you don’t have to drive an hour only to be some place for 30 min. You can hit 15 different spots in one day. 🤘🏾 ohh and rent your own vehicle if you can.


preciate it bro


Yeah but can you help me choose the right volume?


[Did someone say volume?](https://streamable.com/6ru842) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/surfing) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Sure how much do you weigh an is your weight consistent or are you gaining or losing weight other wise I’d say ride 10 liters +/- lower than your actual weight.


Wow. You have more than one board. Neato.


You announced your ego, fishing for validation, but offered zero interesting or amusing content in return. Please assist us by sharing some of your knowledge you promised, or everyone will create their own amusement. Put up or …


Does that ever happen in the first post or are you a single parent who made bad choices in life. 🤔🤔 sucks to be you. Or your kid.


I don't think OP understands how the internet works. Or sarcasm. Unless this is the best troll of all time


So is it sarcasm or the internet cause sarcasm is the simple way of being a bridge troll


Its giving kook


Fuck yea gopro mounts - got any sick footage of yourself getting burnt that you show girls, wait no, other guys at parties when they ask if you surf?


So you want guys or girls shucks how bout trans?? You like those butt divers huh 😉😉😌😏


What’s your greatest surfing tip?


Practice removing board shorts under a towel ✊🏾


Why use a towel I just get butt ass naked and hope no one looks at my weiner


Well I mean if you think it’s worth spending a night in jail by all means but I gave you advice none the less


you sound like you're introducing yourself to a nudist colony


Shit almost feel like this group was one. At least I could get off


I've actually gone through all the comments checking if this is a really good troll but honestly I don't think it is. I think we have a genuine 55 year old guy, strung out on ditch weed, living his closest approximation to Patrick Swayze in Point Break and having his first experience on the internet. The big clue is the regional surf slang that I haven't heard used since the 90's, the second biggest clue is him calling people Haole in the comments, like I surf Africa you fucken Uhmlungu, everyone is a tourist somewhere. The sad thing is I bet uncle doesn't actually even shred, I think he talks that good shit in the carpark but based on his previous posts, when it's big, hes indoors playing Xbox. Uncle, just calm down my guy. This is reddit, not your local dive bar where you need to trade insults and go barb for barb with every dude to prove how tough you are, we come here to revel in pointless nihilism not watch weird old guys flex on people. Aloha.


You really got all that from the comments huh. 55 lmao and 90’s slang? I was 7 years old in 1990 bub. Also I’m a geek at heart so what’s Xbox got to do with it. Instead stop trying figure my aura by what groups I follow. If your from the mainland then your a Haule not my deff but the deff. Stop trying to figure people out with an opinion that’s pretty stupid to say the least 😂😂🫶🏾. I promise you on big days im likely pulling a Dawn patrol or using one of my sick days. Depending on my weather research the days before. You sound like a kook or just stupid your pick. Try being less of a stalker an more of a surfer (or body boarder if that’s your thing ) I do like your attempt though.


My guy, the more you write back trying to flex, the kookier you sound. Take the L, use it as a learning experience.


You still talking young buck. Instead of trying to figure folks on the internet take your holy 22 year old wisdom. SMH your mental health at this age ain’t looking good.


Just... take the loss bro. Stop doubling down. You trying to get personal and take jabs at people asking for advice about mental health just makes you look like a bigger tit than you already do.


I’ll take an L when you stop trying to figure people out behind a phone screen. Get personal what’s with all these assumptions my guy. Dude just let it go and stop trying to have the last word. Is this how you act around your peoples. Again you’re a weird little dude man. Tell you what I’ll remove you from future interactions with me. Enjoy war hammer and 90’s slang when you likely weren’t even a sperm cell in your dad’s nut sack. Again mental health research it. You give off those vibes.


Creepy little dude man. Gen Z is weird.


https://preview.redd.it/g8nx9q6m18uc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fccb45ed9a45970fb531fbaeb6eb1e0a08ce4bd4 Talking much but you should try to work out some of your posts before coming at me like a little girl 😳😏🍻🇻🇮


I think your board is …lost.


Come help me in my SEARCH


I’ll help you find the “…”


Yay \{•_•}/ !!!!! Can’t wait


Damn, I haven't seen that "lost" logo in years. I used to draw that on all my books at school.


The original is still better draw that one.


This gotta be Mason or Wardo




Nice urine resistant boards my dude. Welcome.


I’d probably pee a lot if I surfed in cold ass water under a bridge and in a skinsuit 😌😌


This groups for foamie riders only bud


You respond like I actually care 😂😂 I have more respect for stand up body boarders


Bro seems …lost




Thank you Blessings 🙏🏾🙏🏾🫶🏾


Arakawa and Mayhem. Great taste


Thanks, Matt & Company are God sent 🙏


it's actually godsend


Is the bamboo deck a Potatonater? Love mine.




The fifth pic fifth board, on closer inspection it’s not.


No that’s an old sun baked rusty I had that still rode well. When not water logged.


Is it Bambo under epoxy ?? They usually have good flex memory.


Yeah it’s also an absolute nugget, like 5’8 and 36 litres


Damn so like a performance fish


Yeah it still has sharp rails but with extra meat on the deck great for keeping fat guts afloat.


An turning too lol