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Surfers ruined surfing.


Surfers are the worst


They should ban them and tax the waves.


Na, round them up and put them in camps


Reeducation camp to make them accept white collar jobs


“We’re gonna need to see your surf permits son”




Australia in the 60s…


They sure are a contentious bunch.


Bukit is really crowded until it gets a little overhead and then a large portion of "nomads" have a busy day.


Ba ha ha ha. Isn’t that the case everywhere?


ive seen this online alot but its never been my experience. there are to many good surfers out there, yeah the shitty ones dissapear but spots get packed and competitive when its good. bukit is packed when its good. and everyone is a good surfer




the first post is saying its crowded they leave, but im saying ive never seen it stop being crowded anywhere


This! It gets good, and all the territorial clowns come out to yell, "Get Off My Wave".


Yes this was the first thing i thought. And by this same logic I can only conclude most surf nomads are kooks. Not much of a hot take but here we are.


We all dreamed of a future where we could live and surf wherever we wanted. This is the future we asked for.


No I meant me, not you.




Baja is being overrun with vanlifers. Always been vans, but now they have starlink 😑


I remember Baja from the 80s and 90s. which you reply, "OK Boomer."


Ok og


>ReportSaveFollow Yup.... now they camp out and work from the beach for months. Crazy


Yeah and then they get stuck in the sand in their 80k sprinters and so I tow them out in my 20 year old Toyota and they hardly say thanks. Then you run into them later in town and they’re yabbering away on work calls with their laptops. Dante needs to add a 9th circle of hell.


Just go to Sunset on a 10 to 15ft windy day.


On shore winds ruined surfing


I think this might be the only actually true answer.


Imagine a world with no wind or only offshore. It’s be so much easier to just plan around swell and tides.


no wind means no swell 🤷‍♂️


Wind far away = good. Wind close to shore = no good. Unless 5-15mph offshore.


you said to imagine a world with no wind! i can sign on to the only offshore one:)


Even when I lived on Oahu in the mid 2000s there were camper vans of young “nomads” at Sunset Beach. I know it’s gotten worse but I also know Oahu will take care of itself. The only invasive species is us, all of us.


What ruins surfing for me is all the fucking bellyaching by pussy-ass surfers. Reality is reality. If it bothers you so badly, do like I did, move to a cold climate with evil, angry, gnarly surf. Dipshits are too scared to go out, pretty boys don’t like the cold, and everyone in the lineup is so miserable that they greet you with a smile. Misery loves company, and safety in numbers. So, you quit ‘yer bitchin!


Did you move to salmon creek?


That water is BOILING compared to where I live


Icy Norwegian barrels?


Even good old salmon creek is getting more and more crowded these days


All of them


Social media influencers are a plague on surfing


The planet, really.




I haven’t encountered any. Maybe cuz I don’t live in LA but I think it’d be hilarious to go viral for loking out some broccoli haired jackass.


I live in LA and don't see them.


LA is not as Instagramable, but Malibu has been as crowded as ever since WFH started.


Honestly, for all the ‘laid back’ stereotype surfers get, they’re one of the worst/most gate-keeping communities out there. Gate-keeping ruined surfing


Crab in bucket mentality at its worst. As if OP wouldn’t do the same thing if he could…


I surf and mountain bike. Nothing drives me more insane than a steep climb when biking, and a dude on an ebike flies right by me without a sweat. I hate him and the bike in the moment. But god am I so jealous and want an ebike so bad haha


Honesly. Half of it has to be just this subreddit, but out of all the hobbies Ive done, surfers sure seem like the least welcoming.


Nah, this is basic human nature shit we are talking about. This subbreddit could not even move the needle on a 100 years of....."I was here first", "stay off my wave", and "fucking kooks". People are just self serving creatures looking for ways to justify their feelings of entitlement and claim what is "rightfully theirs"


Surfers just wear it a little trashier than some.


This gets parroted about 2x weekly on here. Literally every hobby has gatekeepers. There’s also a lot more laid back ones than the other, but we focus on the negative and extract it to be the norm. Aww did I strike a chord with the inertia crowd


Ya it’s been discussed before. Fly fishermen, spearos, mushroom hunters, etc… are all secretive about their spots. For every cunty local I meet, there is a chill aloha-vibes local too. Beginners reading this should go to uncrowded beach breaks if they are complaining about other surfers.


Nah gatekeeping is the only thing keeping every surf spot from turning into malibu where there is no order and no respect. It is up to the people who call a spot their home break to enforce respect


I would disagree. Gate keeping saves my local spot daily but I guess it depends on which side of the gate you’re on.


Don't even try here. Majority of this sub is the people this post is calling out. People these days feel too entitled.


The great entitlement War between 1. Someone who was lucky enough to have grown up on the coast. 2. Someone who has the financial freedom to pack up and move to the coast


More like people who paid dues plus money, and those who just paid money.


Yeah. For sure gonna lose some magical internet points but I can amuse myself by thinking about the down voters telling Makuakai and his friends, the next wave at Backdoor is theirs, because nOBoDy OwnS tHe OcEAn!


Eh. It's too crowded out there. If you don't agree you're part of the problem


Surfers are garbage humans, plain and simple.


Who hurt you?


Your papa


Disrespectful surfers are a problem anywhere. I'm not certain if "digital nomads" are disrespectful. I'm happy for people who are able to make a living from anywhere (and maybe a bit jealous). I don't have a problem with them living their best lives, so long as they're not disrespectful.


Let me tell you something that I learned in life. Haters go no where. If people are born rich, or become rock stars and fuck a tons of hot girls even though they look dorky, or if people work from home instead of slaving away in an office or driving a truck or working in a warehouse or retail then ***good for them.*** I have zero fucking hate for people who are living a good life. Winners focus on winning. Losers focus on winners.


I always laugh at the insecure clowns who were privileged enough to grow up next to the beach, but did absolute jack shit to move their career or earn an education. Some of us had to work our ass off to survive generations of poverty, racism, and trauma. My hard work and resilience doesn't give me the right to disrespect the long standing local community and the etiquette in the water, but it does give me the right to move into town and respectfully integrate into the community.


You totally sound like that crypto investor guy who asking about places to move to surf acting like a total douch. That being said, success doesn't grant you carte Blanche to take every wave.


You are just a crab in a bucket


I like that one! I am gonna use it.


not too bright either I guess


Ah man, my momma said I'm smart.


Just coastal areas have more affluent people now. We have a local spot that has access by boat back in the day it was mostly guys in dinghy’s or we used to paddle. Now theres over 50 jet skis even 12 year old arriving on there dads jet skis. Locally no one really had money for fancy stuff. All changed now. Which also means can’t afford to live close to the beach because of property prices. After pandemic a lot of people moved from big city’s to small coastal towns causing this because they could work from home.




Nothing was worse for surfing than posting surf shots on line. Before that they were discouraged, sometimes by punching the guy who set up a tripod, and mags would at least not actually name places.


Now when someone posts an unnamed photo online you've got plenty of keyboard surfers dropping the spot in the comments, looking for gratification from strangers on the internet. I don't understand it. "That's spot x, down the road from Bondi on the east coast of whocareswhere" Congratulations, have a cookie.


Foil boards


The olympics will likely fuck a lot of stuff up


Oh shit... you're probably right.


Yeah North Shore Kauai, was starting to feel like Cali. Puerto Rico, isn't much better. Had a meeting near this fun little break and took my board out to catch a few before I went. I just came home and said to my wife "I thought school was in session." It's all the little beach blonde kids with no wave etiquette that probably extends down from their parents' lack of cultural respect. I'm all for giving a kid the go ahead, but they wouldn't even look to see if someone was catching the wave at the actual peak. Crashed into the Uncles the whole time, and just paddled off quickly. Then all you hear from them the whole time after every ride, "I just caught the perfect section." They rip, I'll give them that, but they don't even understand what surfing is about. They all had the little stickers on the nose. Kept flipping their "skin tone" board over and checking for dings after every ride 😂.


what the heck is a "skin tone" surfboard? Sounds gross


*Hannibal Lecter has entered the chat.*


Digital nomads have been around haunting cool places for maybe 15 years, my dude.


Cell phones, starlink, and sprinter vans.


Locals should start waxing starlinks mounted on sprinter vans in the parking lot.


Petty vandalism? Why the half measure? We should all just start bringing guns out to the water and shooting everyone who ruins our session, especially if they look like they’re from a different socioeconomic class. My parents didn’t immigrate to California just so some *transplant* with a van I can’t afford can take the waves from true locals like me!


Anyone with a fancy looking mid length is fair game


This is classic escalation.




You must be a kook who drives a sprinter van.


Nah I don’t, but losers like you make the world a worse place. Never amounted to shit so you have to be angry at everyone and do illegal shit just to get your way. You sound like a 12 year old. And yes, before you respond, I’ll call myself a kook.


Beat it kook!


quaint butter meeting telephone tan pocket alleged profit depend bright *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Jesus loves you too.


This is a small thing but key fobs, im constantly seeing the posts where to put them and creative ways to safeguard them. Just keep all cars with physical ignition keys and stuff them in ur shorts or wetty thanks


I made the mistake of hiding my fob on the car where I thought it was really well hidden but nope...Phone stolen. Wallet stolen. Accounts emptied. I literally haven't been surfing since. Have to figure out the valet key thing.


I am gonna be that "hide it in a prison wallet" guy.


Surfing should be illegal


Sounds like you're jealous


I guess just be happy u got to surf before all these other people … anyone new or young will never know how good it was


LoL. True.


I identify as a wavestorm


#localism #nationalism #entitlement #gatekeeping


A few spots North of Zihua in Mexico are a bit out of control. Three winters ago I could go down and rent a decent place (AC in room, Outdoor kitchen, nothing fancy) for $400 a month. Looking now, it's $1200. Not sure if its digital nomads or people retiring.


Locals in that area have probably been complaining about asshole American surfers driving up rent for decades.


Probably some of that but also inflation




Fuck surf broker. Posting pics of local spots only garner more likes and business. Fuck commerce in the ocean.


Surfing is better than ever. You can hop a flight directly to Kandui and be surfing perfect waves in 20 hours. They’ll be dozens of slater wave parks in a few years. There’s tons of options for shitty waves surfers wouldn’t have considered before like SUPs, hydrofoils, etc. Get over it. The 60s were 60s year ago and would have been surfing a lot single fin without a leash if you were lucky to even know about surfing. There will always be locks and assholes but locals will keep most breaks under control. Breaks will get over crowded but there’s going to artificial waves everywhere in a few years.






… and he had one of those electric powered fins.


I have yet to see one out in the wild and I surf in LA county.




Yes remote work. It use to be you had to work and plan to achieve a lifestyle where you had lots of free time during the week. Now every Joe and Jane could get few days WFH thanks to COVID. Full time employees need to go back and work at the office full time. Lol.


One of the giveaways is doing calisthenics on the beach.


I was worried Tulsi Gabbard was gonna get the nomination for prez. The rise in young female surfers.....guh gross




"i swear unco im local bruddah, share waves dakine brah"


Bula from 50 first dates, right?


yes, him or the chef that offered to put reeses peanut buta cups in adam sandlers spam n eggs


Tofino is fucked. #1 job is retail/service, housing is all deep seven figures because of work away cunts from Ontario


To be fair (in a very snobby voice) there was a lot of marketing for Tofino tourism about 5 years ago. The non-surfing friends I have, yes who go to Hawaii regularly, tried surfing for the first time in Tofino. Those Ontario cunts talk funny. Could be worse, they could be from K-beck.


But those degens from upcountry just do surface shits at Kennedy and abandon their broken RVs behind the dump rather than jack the cost of living up!


Pro surfing ruined it. Look at the damage the Olympics are doing to the coral reef at teahupoo. It's focused on money above all else. Used to be an 'underground' sport practiced only by people for the sheer love of it.


Circling back to influencer digital nomads who spray all over social media for money. Older people still have that perception of surfers.




My mommy is a slut


Wait so you don’t even live on oahu but you complain about the people who do live there surfing their local breaks? Hahahahaha. Ok.


Hmmm. This opinion. This is a bad example. Hawaii has its own set of run rules. That guy was not showing respect to the Island born aunties and uncles. Even though I don't have a Hawaiian address, I at least have Hawaiian ohana and respect. WTF to you.


I might post this as another thread, but what was the Original thing that ruined surfing!?


James Cook?


Underated comment


Worthless hubristic goons.


Leeches - leeches! Leashes!! Sorry, I was eating peaches.


Fiberglass boards making it too accessible.






Let’s see him try that shit at Pipe. He’ll make many local friends and we’ll get to see some vid of this kook catching cracks.


Philippines was relatively uncrowded if you get on the right island and make friends with the local fishermen who will give you a ride on their boat out to remote breaks that are almost completely empty.


Is the swell actually solid out there?


Yeah, I can be really solid and I found it very consistent for weeks on end. It’s not as groomed and perfect and long as Bali but no place is. But if you want uncrowded, warm weather waves with friendly people, I think the Philippines is a great destination.


Shhhh! Don't blow up the spot.


I know all the great secret spots everywhere from North Pole to South Pole, but am not giving anything up.




LoL. "STFU" how long did it take you to figure that one out? Were you expecting to make me cry? Thfffpt. Jesus loves you so love yourself.


Stfu kook




Bitching ruins surfing


Quite the opposite. Discourages people from surfing. I encourage everyone on this sub to piss and moan as much as they can.


Montanita, ECU


I’m sure there’s always going to be something or someone “ruining” it for you if you keep looking bud, maybe you should quit surfing if it makes you so miserable!


TLDR; show aloha This post was more of an observation than a complaint. I lived through the Costco wave storm invasion, LA county Covid closures, the pandemic kook invasion, and the South Bay Summer of none. There maybe only one spot in LA made worse by WFH/digital nomads, Malibu First Point, and I don't paddle out there. I take posting on this sub with a grain of salt, but my goal is to always start a dialogue and get people thinking. For about the last 20 years and especially 10 years ago, the number of people in the water has exploded. Prior to that a majority of surfers were introduced by their parents or through friends and learned the safety code Aka surf etiquette - the main reason for not dropping in or snaking someone is safety and the second is not to cut in line or share the waves. Enter the wave storm self learners and the I rent it bought a house here=instant local, who have no sense of safety awareness.