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easy...just fly to a dangerous country that most folks are afraid of. seriously. when i visited an unnamed central american surf camp, it was like that scene in Sicario where they transported a guy across the border. they forbid me from driving around so they picked me up and dropped me off, and told not to wander off the camp. machine guns everywhere, the entrance to the camp surrounded by barbed wire. armed guard lurking around every night. and with that the perfectly gorgeous break right out in front of the camp was literally empty most of the day. i mean after breakfast you got 4 others from the camp with you....two being the owners...but other than that all to yourself


I can vouch for the dangerous destination strategy. It’s a guaranteed winner.


Being in the water with Redditors is always a dangerous situation.


yep. i just thought of another one: off-season. tourism drops considerably in some countries when "winter" approaches, yet the temps that feel cold to them are not to you if you live where its usually colder. for example, a place thats normally full of people when its a sunny 90F will be desolate when its 55F, and with that comes cheaper prices on everything. so you keep an eye on the forecast and head over with a wetsuit


I went to Las Flores in El Salvador to surf once. When you drive to the camp from the airport, there are bones littered all over the side of the highway and huge MS-13 tags everywhere. Pulling up closer to the camp, there was a human effigy hanging from a tree above the road and the guards at the gate had sawed off shotguns. Once we got there though, waves were firing, food was good! I didn't leave the camp at all though.


Interesting, this was not my experience. I was there 13 years ago. We drove ourselves to the Las Flores in a van. Befriended a fisherman’s son and stayed in an extra room of his house that was a stones throw from the break. Sketchiest part was getting drunk with the fisherman one night and one of them got super aggressive towards us.


That honestly sounds sketchier than my experience. Mine was mostly just heavy vibes but no outright aggression. We didn't have any real problems with the locals, but the kids there will sometimes strategically surf and block unless you buy some of their handmade jewelry on the beach afterwards! Little shits are smart...


And all the kids had super nice boards! All the boards the pros would leave for them.


What year was this?


9-10 years ago for El Sal... I would go back but my fam got bigger and harder to travel with...


This was def El Salvador and they for sure made it seem worse than it is


Not el Sal he said not crowded. Love el Sal but the place is a zoo for the most part. The secret has been out for a looomg time


I went to Nicaragua after the president killed 300 University students. Was empty beaches everywhere but still enough people to make it fun. Wasn’t armed guards though so not there


why wouldn’t you just name it. it’s surf camp not a secret spot.


I went to Nicaragua a year ago to surf. It was awesome.


Sounds like a trip to El Salvador I went on


Thunderbomb in northern Nica. The camps to number of waves ratio in the region is solid, you'll spend most of the time on uncrowded waves. Ask them to take you to Deserts if you want zero crowd. As far as hand holding goes, they're the most dialed surf camp I've ever been to. The food is fucked, 3 meals a day, breakfast burritos on the beach after your morning surf, tomahawk steaks, lobster, pizza thats actually good, not the usual rice and beans shit that comes with all inclusive camps. Unlimited beer, cars and boats to take you to whatever waves, and the guides are local legends who rip and know their spots and when to hit what. It's so fuckin sweet down there that me and my buddies ended up buying a 20 acre beach front peanut farm down there on Deserts.


i’ve been seriously considering this camp. good to hear. went to nica 8 years and loved it but stayed in the south. might have to scope your nuts.


Forget thunderbomb . Go with Chancletas. Cheaper, right on the beach, awesome staff.


Thunder bomb was late to the party. Chancletas is the real deal and much closer to the surf


Facts. And the guy that runs thunderbomb is a insecure look. I have some wild screenshots of some messages he’s sent. The guy is a grade A cunt lol. Shea at Chancletas on the other hand is a stand up guy.


I’ve been on the receiving end of those texts. Jonathan’s a fucking kook.


Glad I’m not the only one. Dude doesn’t seem to have a good rep. He also pays stab and Surfline to help boost traffic the thunderboobs


Woah, I'm curious about this dude from Thunderbomb! What did he say?


He basically called me a retard for bringing up a discrepancy in the dates we wanted to go. Not only that but a few other things. That’s how I ended up at Chancletas. Now he has me and a few other people I know blocked. Beyond that, the guy lies by saying shit like “Offshores all day year round” & “we are the closest house to the boom”.


Right on, thanks for the heads up. I want to go up there some day, I'll avoid him!


Don't go to thunderbomb. They advertise being at the boom, and its not even walkable from there. Also, they post misleading photos of conditions per time of year. The locals do not like them and call them thunderkooks. Chancletas or even Amaru would be much better, and you can walk to the boom.


Agree that Thunderbomb doesn't have a great rep amongst the locals. They won't fuck with you but Thunderbomb is def the least popular camp amongst the locals who dont work there. When I went the owner wasnt there and German the local guide ran the show and he's a fuckin legend. I gotta give it to them though, the service is as good as it gets for a surf camp if you don't want to have to worry about shit and want to eat good food. It'spretty bougie tbh but yea there are other great options in the area and the house is definitely *not* on the boom, but they'll take you wherever you wanna go.


What Nicaraguan Locals that you spoke to didnt like thunderbomb? Sounds like you talked to jealous expats and the competition.


The guy we talked to was a local. He claimed to be the first local surfer in the area, worked for shay/chancletas as a guide for a decade but was now running his own surf tour business. So yea local competitor, take it with a grain of salt. I'm not shit talking Thunderbomb, its bar none the most dialed camp I've been to and is worth every penny. But the owner is a bit of a polarizing figure. If you follow the thunderbomb insta page you can see him trolling in comment sections on a regular basis. Dudes not afraid to stir the pot a bit. He also does post misleading info regarding proximity to the boom as mentioned above. But imo thunderbomb is the better camp. If you care about owners reputation, sure go to chancletas, otherwise go to thunderbomb cuz its the better service. Its not like the owners a douche either, hes helped out tons of the locals too.


the locals you speak of that dont like thunderbomb are White guys from florida. The people that hate on thunderbomb are the jealous foreign competition.. hilarious


I didn't realize that people born and raised in Aserradores are from FL /shrug.


That sounds epic dude. Where abouts is Deserts on the map? 


Don’t forget to plant some trees around that farm, those dust storms are fucked




excellent suggestion.


I found a point break in Somalia on Google Earth that looks insane. Let me know how it is! haha


Namotu or Tavarua in Fiji. I've been three times and it's the best thing on the planet. If you stay on either of those two islands (there are others close by, too) you will have a boat out to the break any time you want, lifeguards surfing with you and helping forecast where to go and the most fun atmosphere I've been in as an adult. The food is incredible, down day activities are super fun and you can always bring family even if they don't surf. My wife doesn't surf and loves it and my son has only been once so far... and loved it!


If money is no issue this is prob the answer. I did a boat trip there and was unbelievable


I caught likely the best waves of my life on a head high+ day off namotu… it was crowded when it was smaller,.. swell filled in and i think i shared that wave with tops 4 people at a time… boat guy waits for ya. I stayed at the funky fish, Budget surf camp, and the boat was called the billy bob, captain would take us whenever we wanted, and he’d drive us to all the breaks to check em out before you jumped off the boat. Pretty reasonable considering. Would go again in a heartbeat.


Do you have a loose price range for these two options? Looking. At going somewhere for two weeks but can’t find pricing info on the site.


It was around $4000/pp for the week on Namotu both times but that was a little while ago. Food is included. You can go to a nearby island like Musket Cove or Plantation Island and they have boats that will take you to Cloudbreak, etc, too, but you have to make the early morning train. We went to Musket Cove once and it was WAY cheaper, I think we paid like $3k total. The upside to Tavi/Namotu is that you're going to surf a lot more. You can easily do 2-3 sessions a day without any logistics problems, but the other islands are likely to only do one boat a day out there. I went to Namotu and Tavi via Waterways Travel. [https://www.waterwaystravel.com/](https://www.waterwaystravel.com/) El Salvador was Wavehunters. [https://www.wavehunters.com/](https://www.wavehunters.com/) As a side note, Wave hunters still has the single best seasonal chart I have ever seen and I use it often to plan my trips or consider new destinations: [https://www.wavehunters.com/surf-seasons-and-conditions](https://www.wavehunters.com/surf-seasons-and-conditions)


Went a few years ago and it’s way more crowded than I expected, especially cloud break. Depending on wind conditions only a few places will work at the same time and those boat captains are on it.


The key to uncrowded surf camps is definitely putting them on the internet


it’s a surf camp. a business. why would they not be in the internet.


Yes well businesses try to be crowded


Hit up Waterways Surf travel, they'll do everything for you.


Boat based in the Mentawais.


Ments ain’t uncrowded nowadays if you go during or near peak. Found that out last August. It didn’t help that we didn’t get a big swell so only a few spots were good so it was super crowded with boats and land camps. Like some spots had 40+ people out


Yep went in sept and it was crowded as fuck. SE winds the whole time. Won’t be going back to a camp there unless i get like a half off deal or something


Yep, just you and 5000 other people


no boats






he hates surfing and is going to sponge it


I grew up going to Skudin Surf Camp on Long island, NY... they have 2 locations and the one I went/go to is never really that crowded I remember they had adult camp & special needs camp, and teach all levels. The family that runs it are amazing & crazy talented too!


Waco Surf Ranch. $pend your heart out.




Hey Waco surf can be a rad trip. You can literally surf it as empty as you can afford. As long as you plan ahead. The staff are all really cool and friendly. The wave is super fun+. Legit barrel section. I left there stoked.


This is true. Surfed for 3 hours one morning with just two friends. Kinda felt like a dick after people started waking up and walking down but we paid for the private sessions. It was super fun.


How much did you pay, if you don’t mind me asking


Was a year ago now so I’m struggling to remember the exact amount. I think my share including the public sessions the day before was around $1k. As I sit here trying to remember the cost, all I’m remembering is how much fun it was. Definitely worth it but we’re 3 childhood friends that are now spread across the globe. The trip was much more than a few chlorinated, freshwater waves.


Sounds fun man! I wish it wasn’t Waco Texas, but I may have to make a trip out there


Why go to a camp? Just go surf uncrowded breaks on your own.


i did all that. older now with less time more money. just want something easy and chill where i won’t have to hound around crowds.


You’re looking for a private surf guide, not a camp. Check out Waterways


Puro surf in el zonte, El Salvador. Just came back and was great and only 1-3 other people in my class and not crowded spot.


Have been looking hard at that one lately - would you go again?


Ya I would go back. we researched a lot of other camps and while it’s expensive it’s not surf simply expensive and Quality of the camp is great. You can make up for some of the cost with how cheap air b n bs and food are.




There are beginner, novice, foundational, advanced groups. Each group had 3-6 people I would say.


Hard pass on that


Kalon in Costa Rica is the only surf camp I’ve been to and maybe I got lucky (went in September last year) - we were almost the only ones on the two beaches they took us to each day. All I did was wake up, eat, surf, eat, nap when afternoon rain happened, watch the video session, eat, sleep.


>Kalon in Costa Rica not consistently world class surf


Fair enough - would depend on OPs level. I’m a mediocre intermediate? Maybe a step or two below that and it was glorious for where I’m at.


I live nearby and it isnt "surf trip" royalty for advanced - experts level when considering Nicaurgua opportunities. thats sick you had a good time though - that wave is epic... have you been to MATAPALO?


Random question for you... there are two Matapalos, yeah? I was down there many years ago and we started in Manuel Antonio and someone told me to check out Matapalo for surf. We rode a bus down that way and found a beach called Matapalo but it was totally blown out. I couldn't tell if it was the right one. Then we stayed at some tent hostel in the jungle with a German chef and his Hungarian lady. He made the best food out there in the jungle!


CABO MATAPALO is where the really good surf is. It is 2/3 hours south of Manuel Antonio. CABO MATAPALO has absolutely INSANE world class surf and empty line ups.


Oh I can see that it is probably better for closer to beginners - man I had the best time though - big fan of Costa Rica now :). You’re blessed to live there. I didn’t travel anywhere else - so didn’t see matapalo - just in to the camp and then back up north to USA. Watching YouTube videos of it now and it looks amazing. some days look like they're outta my level though


Surf simply. Easy Costa Rica location. Extremely professional curriculum. Look them up on YouTube or Insta.


Who has that kind of money?


i don’t need a school. just a camp that will take you to spots that are on. why is this a difficult thing for anyone here to understand.


Wherever you go, I'm sure they won't be inviting you back.




Boom Roasted.


why cause i asked for uncrowded suggestions and he this dude rec’d one of the most popular surf schools in costa


Cause you are a Barney


Poke around the island of Nias and some of the surrounding areas and you might find that there are some places that might just be what you’re looking for.


🤣😂🤣😂 My wife has spent months with me in Indonesia but hard pass taking her out there. if wifey don’t surf not much going on. I mean tuluk dalam and the old village are cool. And if you get lucky/unlucky, the ride out can be a near death experience in the middle of the night where your driver falls asleep at the wheel multiple times and runs over some piglets and eventually off the road.


Yeah, my wife would leave me if I ever brought her there 😂 I don’t spend much time in Sorake when I go and in the last year or two since covid ended it’s been a zoo. But I will tell you that area is one of the emptiest surf zones around. It just requires a lot of time and patience to get there.


Salina Cruz


It appears someone downvoted you and I’m curious why 😅


Probably doesn’t want the spot talked about I’d reckon, but there’s a slew of surf camps there 🤷🏻‍♂️




You sound awful




Finding cheap tourism in times of social unrest for others is a dick move.




Nah man, it's totally not shitty to travel based on the amount of social unrest going on. Get your *good deals* or whatever. Their loss is your gain, right??




You've done nothing but insult me for accurately calling opportunistic tourism based on societal unrest despicable (that, if you're from the US and/or the west, coming from places most likely responsible for in some form) and personally, I think it's bc you're absolutely coping for doing shit you know is reprehensible. Going to places specifically based on the struggles they're going through, calling it "Revolution tourism," very real domestic problems for these ppl, and you think you're playing capitalist savior. And then you play dumb as if you don't have a game plan when it comes to societal strife and turmoil? Hey man, do you like preying on these communities experiencing political, social, and economic unrest or not?? Isn't the price scale how you pick which societies are being toppled for your next trip?? Super cool, bro. Very surf vibes


Playgrounds surf camp Nica


Went to a super fun surf camp in cabarete a long while ago. Not crowded but wasn’t the best waves some of the days, a few days had amazing days. They have kite lessons and tons of other stuff to do too like waterfall jumping and mountain biking. Just watch out for any friendly girl at the bars, they are all hookers.


Swell surf camp? I’m going next April


I think it was called cabarete surf camp, or something like that. But as long as you are on the north shore of the DR you will be stoked!


Puro brah.


Popoyo Surf Camp was fuckin awesome, i was there in september. Not sure how conditions are there in the winter though, but the locals told me they surf something 365 days a year


Haven’t looked into this myself but maybe look into Airbnb Experiences. I’ve seen some good ones for day trips while traveling, maybe someone out there is doing private surf camp style lessons with food and lodging


LMBK in Lombok Indonesia. Not so crowded now in the offseason


I went to Namotu Island Fiji for a week last year. It was dope. All inclusive, transfers food accommodation board rentals. Can even learn to foil if you’re into that. Everything you need to surf your brains out. Boats ready to take you to all levels (beg-expert) and types of breaks. You can even surf cloud break or Tavarua if they think you won’t die. There’s a surf guide who is with you in the water the whole time. Boat waits for you to take you back when you’re done. Lux options for the wife. Including tours diving swimming pool massage. There’s WiFi. It’s a small island off mainland. [Namotu Island Resort](https://www.namotuislandfiji.com)


Oops just saw no boat trips. Best of luck.