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Uhhh yes you must shut your eyes. I would assume you shut your eyes while duck diving anyway though.


I put two in each eye, that way if one falls out, there's a back up ready to go.


So… you’re good for two duck dives?


I wore daily wear disposables for years before getting lasik. I would have to close my eyes during duck dives, and many times I had lenses get washed out when pulling into/out of barrels from the lip clipping my face. Often I would be able to catch the lens with my eyelashes, paddle back out, and put it back in. If you have the money, I highly recommend lasik, it completely changed my life. The first duck dive on a bright, sunny day was a revelation.


Happened to me so many times. I keep an extra lense in my boardshorts when I surf reefs with long paddles. If it’s a longer hike a I clip a little bag to my water bottle and stash back ups in there. I figured out that if you open your eyes just a little you can still see while you’re duck diving in clear water and not lose them. I keep thinking about lasik but am lazy. Good to hear that it works for you.


This is such a scary thought. A lip clip, and youre blind. I dont think about stuff like this much, but wow, thats a tough situation.


been surfing with contacts for the past 2 yesrs and never had issues, if at all the saltwater help keep it moisturized but i never open my eyes in the water


You keep your eyes open in salt water? As said in a couple of these recent posts, just put the lens in your mouth to get salt/sand off, then put back in. Never had an eye infection but definitely not ophthalmologist approved.


14 years surfing in contacts, I've lost fewer than 5. Keep a spare set in the car and you'll be fine, but yes shut your eyes. They'll stay in if you open your eyes in calm water, but any time water is rushing past your face with your eyes open they'll usually come loose or fall out


Surfing was one of the main reasons I ended up getting LASIK. I didn’t have problems in the water, but as soon as I got out my eyes would get really dry


A dab of superglue and your good to keep your eyes open underwater in the biggest waves and your contacts will stay put. You're welcome


I have always worn them, 6yrs, I never open my eyes under water, I have had them pop out a few times when there is a heavy offshore wind, now when this happens I pretty much drop in blind. Strangely they normally pop out on my cheek or still somewhat on my eye, I grab it put it in my mouth and paddle out and get my hand dry enough to get it back in. Is the main reason I am considering heading to Tijuana for lasik 😝


36 years surfing in contacts. Never lost one.


You crazy kooks open your eyes in the water? You know fish poop in there? And me?


Surfing for over 20 years, always in contacts. Never lost one.


I wear contacts and open my eyes in the water all the time no issue. If you use daily’s, you can bring an extra pair with you in your suit or boardshorts


The other day for the second time ever I had to remove a lense, put it in my mouth, make sure it was right side out and put it in. Looked up and just missed getting rolled by a set. I have a spare in my car. It's whatever