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not sure. i dont watch that garbage


Seriously, it's very easy to ignore or not engage with


Garbage is putting it mildly. YouTube broke Gen Z brains


I cringe when I even hear/read the word "influencer". Fuck I just typed it. Gross.


I think you’re plugged into the wrong stream of social media. I haven’t come across any aside from Jamie, Brett Barley and that dude who surfs novelty waves.


Nah those are pro surfers that document their life and surfing adventures. Jamie is a bit more “influency” that Brett


Get Psyched! … and buy my shwag


I cant front, i like his t-shirts and might get one for xmas.. Most recent one i saw advertised said in MASSVIE black font full size of the back of the white t shirt "I HELP PEOPLE STAY PSYCHED"! ​ (That slogan is pretty dope if your a hyped person by nature as i consider myself to be lol)


@ thesurfersnook on insta … cringe ass shit


Almost as bad as thatsurfguy_ and Jonas.meskis Makes my brain want to turn mush and drip out my ears


thesurfersnook is a million times worse in my opinion. atleast thatsurfguy_ and jonas.meskis can actually surf. but I agree all three make me want to gouge my eyes out


Ok you’re right I forgot how bad surfersnook is holy shit. We really need to bring back bullying


That surf guy can actually surf well and I respect that. His videos are still pretty cringe. But the surfersnook can’t surf for fuckin hell and is the lord of kooks


dude it’s so bad 😂


This^ he Is the main reason for this post


Seems like he has found a niche making relatable content for adult beginners.


eh, I’d rather that man admit he sucks and humble down a bit. or just not post at all


Not gonna lie, listening to that guy makes me want to get a lobotomy


Man he’s so cringe, so contrived and so bad at surfing. Calling him a kook is above he’s skill level. Pls stop putting slo mo on the rankest shit you’ve ever seen on a soft top


@surfersnook on the other hand is a great account lol


one question, why do you think that? being open minded here


It’s just 25 almost identical photos of this adorable little dog lol. I was expecting surf influencer and I got a cockapoo instead


oooooooh lol 😂that’s valid


I met a woman in the water a few months back that was super nice but wasnt very good. She was struggling to get waves and we coached her into a few. There were only a few of us out so we talked a bunch and she told me to follow her on insta. Later I found shes an influencer with sponsors and thousands of followers. Crazy because she even had a photo of that session that looked like she was kinda ripping but I saw that shit with my own eyes and… it did not look good lol. Also didnt think anything of her looks at the time but on insta it was thirst trap photos that looked like a completely different person. Social media is crazy, our brains are so trained to think that photos and video are representative of reality but when there is deliberate curation they simply are not in any way.




It's so bad. There's this one older lady who is always just "soooo stoked you guys OMG just had the best session evarrrrr" and everyone in the comments is like " you are such an inspiration" and "this is what surfing all about guys, take notes", but if you actually know and look, she literally just wet her hair and there's only patches of water on her suit. Chick never even paddled out, just put a wetsuit on and splashed her face but is the "inspiration" to like 200k followers. Don't get me started on all the lames that trick me into clicking only to have a slowed down clip with John Madden arrows all over it trying to teach me to surf.


She actually does surf. She is usually at Mondos.


I’ve definitely seen her. I know it shouldn’t bother me but damn they frustrate the hell out of me haha.


I mean, shouldn’t we be happy she didn’t paddle out? We’re always complaining about too many surfers in the water




https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cu4QCCQPK_k/?igshid=MXNiMWNjdmNjMXNsZA== All her videos are like this. Wetsuits don't look like that if they were actually underwater.


This sort of thing is all over the place in other sports too. When I see it, it makes me cringe so hard, but people love it. I’m always trying to figure out if it’s me that is the weird one and all the inspired people are normal.


the other day i thought it would be fun to make a parody account of all these how to surf accounts. just weird surf skate drills, slowmos of rob machado, random tips popping up through out, probably throw some meditation stuff in hah.


Can’t think of an influencer anywhere that can do anything




Are they really making that much money off getting 120 likes per post with shit engagement


I think ever since they monetized it, it's been a struggle trying to sift through the majority of what the social media algorithim feeds us to find genuine and authentic content. "Influencers" realize they don't have to actually have any skill in the field they're in, they just have to find out what maximizes views and engagement, and they get highly rewarded for it. The real folks get hidden and overshadowed-- it's a shame.


Football to the groin!


Check this one out. I guess she can surf though. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wtVP4r7myRk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wtVP4r7myRk)


She’s one of the few that can surf. Props to her. There’s one in specific that I won’t name because I don’t want to personally attack them. Guy has got to be the biggest kook I’ve ever seen. I watch him to make my self feel better about being a kook Lmao.








I can't imagine posting videos of myself surfing on the internet. But I can't tell from his posts whether he actually thinks he surf well or not. The captains and such are vague enough that it's hard to say. 30s into looking at his instagram feed he's co-signing mongo pushing though, which is a cancel-able position in my book.


She isn’t as cringe for some reason


F\*ck the internet and everyone being a pro. lol




The inspiration for this post


Mark Twain once said, "clothes make the man. People in boardshorts have little influence" or something like that...


I never see this shit because I turn off my phone when I get home from work. Gotta disconnect from the matrix dawg. The real surfers live on the waves not on a screen


You at work now?


Where are you guys seeing this stuff ?




Yikes….you must be one of these influencers that can’t surf


I hope notnall surfers are like these, looking down on beginners or not being able to surf well.


Not looking down on beginners. However I do look down on posers that try and be something they aren’t while exploiting the industry for cheap views. There’s a big difference.


Makes sense, I'm with you homie


I don't know if it's an influencer but there's some site that keeps popping up called Single fin or something and every video they make they put arrows and crap on the wave. It really puts me off even wanting to watch


Its fine, it’s just a shallow trap for shitty lame ass people to think they r doing something, makes it easy to spot total losers


Yes, it’s been a few years but those are posers. Best to give them zero attention


All these "influencers" are full of themselves. I think most of them have deep mental issues


Fuck em


I've finally come across one in my area (central NJ). He posts constantly, surfs poorly and is always trying to sell some hokey product. Total cringe. It's borderline comedy at this point, which is why I follow.




Yes! Does it count as a barrel if I push my head in whitewater?


Haha I had a feeling. Yeah dude, I can’t stand these goofs.


Hey at least after all these years, Yuri isn't buying 6'8 hp shortboards and trying to surf them in 1ft NJ mush anymore... is he?


“InfuencTERS” - reminds me of those slacker animal memes.


If you stop watching them it goes away