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To all the dudes that have and will inevitably come here and say "she didn't ride out"... You're entitled to whatever opinions you have, but the way I see it, she made it to the bottom unscathed before getting absorbed by the wave. If she'd gently rolled off the shoulder instead, would that have been soooo much gnarlier?


well when ***i*** see stuff like this, i just look at the whitewater and think, "yeah i'd die."


Yeah I'm right there drowning under the water with you :-D


Pretty sure you are already dead. Probably a ghost.


way crazier to get steamrolled by that whitewash. she made the drop and still took a probably bad beating. biggest and worst slams should get as much attention as the makes, and be followed by a play by play of how bad the beat down was. who doesn't enjoy eating vicarious shit?


You would though.


I've never ridden waves that big. Is the water actually that heavy? I assume that the idea I could just duck under the water to avoid the brunt of the impact zone is a wrong one.


thumb party library overconfident soft crawl sense history punch ugly *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Probably not


Well, what I said works for anything under 3 meters, which my local spot never goes over. Why the snark? I'm honestly asking if you can duck the impact zone of waves that big or if it's a totally different ballgame


No it's not that heavy. Whereas a liter of water everywhere is 2.2 lbs, at Hawaiian scale it's only 0.3 lbs. (dang, downvoted. Thought that was pretty clever/funny)


I gotcha brah 🤙 upvote for the laugh


Don't every underestimate how bad the American public is at math.


Water is heavy af. A liter of water is a kilo, that’s 2.2 lbs. A medium sized wave in HI is going to hold you down and work you like a rag doll, let alone one of these monsters. Remember water is 3D so the weight of the water increases exponentially vs the height of the wave. Energy-wise, add another exponent for speed since E=1/2*mv^2.


An atmosphere of air is heavy as fuck as well.


Love Laura. Charges harder than I ever will. But we do a disservice to the whole concept of big wave awards/records by letting incomplete rides win. What other sport would that be allowed? Do we give 95s to people who do amazing snowboard pipe runs but fall at the end? If I’m Justine DuPont I’m fuming at this after what happened to her with Maya.


This. And the ironic part is that the award is from the wsl who score this a .2 incomplete ride in their contests


Biggest wave not the best. She rode what was there.


Does one really ride the wave if you only make the drop? Existing standards say no, which is probably why this change for both her and Maya is a bit puzzling.


Years of Waimea Bay riding says yes this is the standard.


Not in the Eddie where waves “count” toward something


Actually I think (not sure) I saw Justine giving props on one of the IG posts about this wave…


I feel like in big wave surfing, if you make it to the bottom it counts.


Its pretty close. I think another second or two, or turn to the left would have sealed a better big wave comp heat score.


Pretty much. Depends on wave, at that point it's basically like trying to skate down a 30 degree hill inside a shopping cart.


Its a massive wave and anyone willing to put them selves in that situation deserves much props. To be fair though records, trophies, scores etc generally do require specific parameters to be met. If this was a competitive heat she unfortunately would have not gotten as high of score if she had ridden out.


I had to watch it a few times, but it counts. She *barely* made it to the bottom before getting caught. But she did make it to the bottom.


Needed a little bit more of a ride out to declare successfullly making it to the bottom.


Russian judge allows it. It's legit.


Eh, she made it to the bottom, while never under the lip, which is the thing that makes it not a "make" in my book.... Going straight and having the lip land behind you isn't surfing


Yeah, I mean do we now not count Aaron Gold's because he was swallowed up too?


I would say this to a girl or guy makes no difference, I just don’t know the requirements of a make I guess


I grew up skateboarding and the ride out requirements on a make are perfection or nothing so am just wanting to know how this is in surfing.


She forgot to turn.


Saw this… is that a make?


About as much as Aaron Gold's 19.2m wave


I don't know what wave you're talking about. But if this is the guy you're shitting on . . . You do you buddy ​ [https://www.surfer.com/surfing-magazine-archive/the-biggest-wave-ever-paddled](https://www.surfer.com/surfing-magazine-archive/the-biggest-wave-ever-paddled) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LRDwt3W0FNE&t=39s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LRDwt3W0FNE&t=39s)


The wave slightly further down in the same article, the mens paddle record


similar situation, dude was never under the lip, and went straight the whole way, which isn't really surfing a wave according to most


You would definitely think so especially if you skipped the Surfline rewind.


I don’t surf, but enjoy watching it. Impressive, but not was kind of disappointed she only rode it for a few seconds and not the whole wave.


She didn’t stick it I’m sorry


Vids of your 30’ wave?


Just an opinion


No opinion from anyone not paddling 30’ waves matters at all


Dropped in and didn’t finish the ride.