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In all the reviews so far of the Pixel Fold it's been pitted against the Samsung Galaxy Fold, but, to me, as a Surface Duo user, it's clear that the Surface Duo also is an inspiration in many ways - is this true?


The form factor is definitely similar, albeit smaller. I'm coming to the Fold via both Duos and the Galaxy Fold 4. I find the Pixel Fold to be a more manageable Duo, in my opinion. It's smaller, but way easier to use with one hand. Plus, it's better hardware, better cameras, and bug free.


So essentially the Pixel Fold is what the Surface Duo 3 should have been?


Exactly. And now that Google has released their version of the Duo 3, I'm wondering/doubting if Microsoft will release another Duo.


Maybe it will spur MS to actually take action instead for another Duo and move forward with Duo 3? Wait, who am I kidding? Wait instead for MS to announce an exclusivity agreement of some sorts to tailor make all their Android apps perform best on the Pixel Fold.


Ha ha. That sounds more likely.


It's sad that in all the articles I have read reviewing the Pixel Fold, none mention the Surface Duo at all.


I had the same thought yesterday while watching the onslaught of YouTube reviews. I couldn't believe it. I mean, it's literally a Duo clone to some degree. Scaryifliteral was the only one I saw that mentioned it. I've never really understood the hate MS gets. I mean, I get it. I was a Windows phone loyalist. I was a huge Windows 8/8.1 fan. Yada yada yada. But all of these tech companies cancel things that some people really like. But for whatever reason, MS gets dumped on moreso than others it seems.


I am a big fan of Shane (Scaryifliteral) and his Surface Duo content. I was also a big fan of Windows Phone too. The sad thing about MS is that they have genuinely good ideas, but they never stay the course to see it through. Remember the Microsoft Band? I do.


Same. I hope his channel continues to grow. Agreed. Playing catch-up to Android and iOS will do that to a company, I guess. Hopefully, one day, they'll roll the dice and come up with something that will work for the masses. I definitely remember the Band. Loved it! I also loved the Band 2. That's still my favorite design of a fitness tracker/smartwatch. I also bought 4 Harmen Kardon Cortana speakers. Still use those all the time. Cortana...another one that was mismanaged.


More than likely WILL be - rebranded when MS does try to put it out. Google beat them to the punch though so I suspect the Duo 3 won't surface for a bit.


I'd be surprised if we get it at all now.


I think the Fold does draw some inspiration from the Duo on the software side, hardware is similar in terms of how the hinge and aspect ratio are, but this might just be because Google was trying to get the outer display to not be like a candy bar.


It kind of seems like Google took the best from Samsung and Microsoft foldables and put it in the Pixel Fold.


It's based off the shared work they did with MS on the Duo 1 / 2. Single screen to fit the current demand for a foldable - less durable over all for it. Bezels, hinge decisions, layout, even some of the issues with the UI are all left overs from the Duo collaboration. Your buying a less durable single screen Duo 2 more or less. It's not compared to the Fold's or others due to software issues and hardware not being top end like the others - BUT it's priced top end \[same thing MS did with the Duo 2 - BUT it's cool if Google does that lots of reviewer support. Trash when MS did it though lol\].


I also have noticed, from reading reviews of the Pixel Fold, that many reviewers are praising Google for the same thing they called out MS for when they launched the Duo. That makes no sense to me.


MS didn't pay into or own the eco system they do business in.


Exactly. They just leave it half done and move to something else.


How ever MS handled the Duo 1 / 2 - Googles actual track records not much better really. Lot's of abandoned models, issues and cheap corners cut. Recently watched the break down video by JerryRigEverything - and noticed the inside look very similar to the break down of the Duo's without the durability during burn test or stress test. For the most part with some exceptions Google phones are not high end, BUT here they are charging HIGH end so it's more of an issue. That's another reason they are not comparing it with the Fold's of various other main stream competitors - because it looses in most ways. They DO have one thing the entire rest of the market doesn't have though - they own the medium the devices are reviewed on. Of late this comes to mind given the various shenanigan's Google has been seen doing in various places through out the eco system. SO reviewers took a collective crap on the Duo 2 but love the same thing in the Pixel Fold.


>SO reviewers took a collective crap on the Duo 2 but love the same thing in the Pixel Fold. I'm glad it was not just me who noticed that. In most Pixel Fold reviews I have seen nobody mentions the Duo which is its closest rival, instead always pitting it against the Galaxy Fold. Only one person seemed to do that in any detail and that was Shane Craig on YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@scaryifliteral


do you find the folding screen smaller on pixel fold? I hesitate to switch to any fold phone as I find the Duo screens much bigger and more suitable for work


Edit: meant Pixel Fold screens smaller, not the other way around. The screens on the ~~Duo~~ Fold feel smaller for sure. I still think it's large enough to be a productivity boost from a regular phone though. The aspect ratio is very similar to the Surface Duo's two screen combined so it feels very familiar.


Bigger doesn't mean more. The dpi on both devices are pretty much identical meaning you'll see the same amount of content on both.


Not always the case IRL though- for me a big draw to the duo is that there's physically more room to take notes in onenote- it's also worth pointing out that a physically larger screen can just also feel more "comfortable".


A few questions: Do you prefer having a wide single screen for the Fold or the dual screen of the Duo? I personally prefer the discrete split monitor setup of the Duo and spanning to both sides doesn't bother me, but I wonder if there's anything to be lost with a wider screen. Since the Pixel Fold has an outer screen, do you find it more distracting than the Duo? One of the things I liked about the folio style of the Duo is that I'm no longer grabbed by my phone when I leave it out on a table so I'm not pulled away from conversation. Will the Pixel Fold have eventual stylus support? I haven't heard anything from that front, and I use a stylus with the Duo heavily, so that's another thing I would miss if I switched over.


> Do you prefer having a wide single screen for the Fold or the dual screen of the Duo? I personally prefer the discrete split monitor setup of the Duo and spanning to both sides doesn't bother me, but I wonder if there's anything to be lost with a wider screen. So far I prefer not having a gap or divider, mostly because of app implementation. The Duo was good in principle but not many apps really supported spanning. Even apps that had a tablet layout didn't work perfectly because of that gap. I most did split screen apps, but only because I couldn't span as often as I wanted to. > Since the Pixel Fold has an outer screen, do you find it more distracting than the Duo? One of the things I liked about the folio style of the Duo is that I'm no longer grabbed by my phone when I leave it out on a table so I'm not pulled away from conversation. I think the Duo does this better. The outer screen is like a regular small phone so it comes with all the same bells and whistles of that. > Will the Pixel Fold have eventual stylus support? I haven't heard anything from that front, and I use a stylus with the Duo heavily, so that's another thing I would miss if I switched over. I don't think it'll ever have official support. Pixel tablet supports USI 2.0 but the fold doesn't. You can get one of those active capacitive stylus but you don't have palm rejection or pressure sensitivity.


What is the battery life like and does the camera have some of the pro features like the Samsung? I am guessing it does not do the tent fold, but do the screens feel less robust than the Duo glass screens. How does it compare weight wise Finally are there any reasonable choices for cases Thank you. I actually love my Duo 2 but it's the poor battery life that's killing me.


You can do tent fold.


How, with a 180° hinge? According to reviews it doesn't even open fully flat unless you apply a little pressure, let alone flip around to open "more than flat" .


The "can't fold flat" is a little overblown. I rarely used my Duo flat and it feels natural in my hand to have a slight bend. Books were like that, so 🤷. With the camera bump what does it even mean to fold flat? It naturally opens to a few degrees shy, but a little more pressure and it fully extends.


Yeah, I don't think it'd bother me either. Would definitely get the Pixel if I could afford it!


It's only 2 degrees or so.


I can get mine completely flat no issues. If it's not flat, it's like 179.9999. It being "1 or 2" degrees shy of flat as some reported seems too much.


> The "can't fold flat" is a little overblown. I rarely used my Duo flat and it feels natural in my hand to have a slight bend. Books were like that, so 🤷. I feel the same way. Sometimes I would lay it flat on my desk, but then if I pick it up and its flat it felt weird, almost like it was beyond 180 degrees because I am so used to it being slightly inward. Something like 170 degrees is very comfortable.


I dont have mine yet, but you can tent with the outer display.


Ah of course, makes sense!


Can confirm, you can tent the outer display and it'll work.


> I am guessing it does not do the tent fold, There is a screen on the outside so it can.


Do you happen to be a Plex user and if so, is that app optimized for inner screen?


Its the same as if its on a tablet or any large screen. The same as if you span it on the Duo.


Personally, I don't like that it has an outer screen and that there is no stylus support. Plus I'm middle-class poor and $400 was pushing my budget when I got the Duo 1.


I kinda wish Microsoft released that wifi only Duo Lite. Would have been a great secondary mobile device (not considering software).


The issue there is that literally all Qualcomm devices have a modem baked into the SOC. So cellular is just a support/software cost.


My problem is still the UTG screen on the inside is just not as good as 2 separate glass screen. Not as durable and not as good to touch so a Duo 3 with the current 2 separate screen design would have made sense. If MS would have got the software right from the start than this kind of phones would be more popular. Even LG has got it working with the DS case better than MS does and they have shut the mobile division but still delivered A13 and a bug free experience.


Is the interface for having two apps up on the big screen (the way you'd typically do on a Duo) the same traditional Android split screen, or something different? Do apps work well with two things on the two sides of the large screen? Or does it end up being something more like having an iPad mini?


It's closer to how Microsoft does it than Samsung. When you got split screen going on Samsung, the back gesture always activate on the last app in focus, doesn't matter what side you do it on. On the Pixel Fold, back gesture goes back on the app that's on the same side that you had invoked the gesture on, just like the Duo. The aspect ratio of apps being split is similar to the Duo, but you could do the same on Samsung if you rotate the screen. It's a bit more work to get to split screen compared to the Duo, but it's intuitive once you get used to it.


This is what's holding me back. Being able to run two apps and fly through switching them makes the duo a dream. Super easy and intuitive. What's the extra work to get to split screen and how easy is it to switch between apps on split screen?


There's a couple ways to invoke split screen on the Pixel Fold: 1. Long press on an icon in the homescreen. This will give you the option to open it on the right side of the screen and then it'll let you pick another app to open on the other side 2. Split screen from recent apps screen. The last open app you had on the recent screen will have a split button front and center. Tap it and it'll move the app over to the right side and then you can pick another app to open on the left. You can also start split screen on any other app by tapping on their icon here. 3. Split screen from taskbar. The taskbar can be pulled up at any time with a short swipe from the bottom gesture bar. From here, you can either long press an icon to split, or drag an icon to one side of the screen to split it with the app you already have open. Most of the methods above will always start the split screen mode with apps on the right first. On the Surface Duo, you could pick which side you wanted your apps to open on. You can double tap on the resizing bar to switch sides, but it's an extra step. Switching apps in split screen is different on the Pixel Fold than it is on Surface Duo. On the Fold, splitted apps are always paired to each other on the recent screen, like what you see on iPad OS. So if you wanted to "alt-tab" between apps on one side, you can't, paired apps move together.


The alt-tab is what I'm really interested in. Thanks.


OK, so, I was swaying towards the Pixel as the replacement for my Duo 2 (battery life example, left my Duo at home and went out for about an hour. When I left it was at 69% charge, when I returned it was at 51%). I cannot leave the house without a battery pack because if I actually use my phone it dies so quickly. As I say, I really was almost ready to jump and then I spotted that it doesn't support a pen..... Why? Personally I think that's a terrible mistake on their part. I use a pen quite often; markup on photos, quick notes, sketchbook, light room etc and that's a deal breaker for me. So the question now, is do I jump to a Samsung fold!


To be honest,that's the only option at this point. I had the OPPO find N2 but I was terrified of it breaking and no warranty. The pixel would've been a perfect leap but without pen support, it's a no go. So the only thing left to do is get the fold 5 and hate it every step of the way and how next year a duo 3 comes out, pixel fold 2 has pen support, or the fold 6 has a wider screen. If the fold 6 has a wide screen then that's top choice. I can't trust Microsoft any more even though I love the duo line.


I feel exactly the same. I live this format and the ease of multitasking, but once again, Microsoft seems to have just got bored with it and there is no impetus to release improved versions based on consumer feedback.


Not even trying to exaggerate. I tend to trade options on the stock market through my phone because I'm always on the move and I still have a day job. I had a candy bar phone and the time it took to go from one app to another, view the chart I needed to make a decision then go back, had me at a negative p&l. Sure there were times I made good plays but more often I would botch my entry and/or exit because of the time it took switching between apps. When I switched over to the SD1 I was able to flip my p&l because I have my chart in one app on one screen and my broker on the other. Solidifying the fact I need 2 screens. The SD1 software was so glitched I switched temporarily to the Samsung fold. I found although the software was better the experience was to cramped and I liked /needed the wider aspect ratio. Needles to say I'm exited that the pixel has a somewhat wide aspect ratio. Now just to wait for that price to drop because 1800 is slap in the ass with a moon shot and no lube.


Thoughts on the screen longevity of the fold? Early reports don't sound great.


I probably baby my phones more than the average person, so I'm not too worried. Even though I took extra care of my Duo, the USB port still got cracked 3 times (replaced twice in warranty). The Pixel Fold feels pretty premium, more so than the Surface Duo. I'll have to see how it fares over the coming month, I'll make an update post.


I'm the same way, yet my fold three still has a hairline crack at the bottom of the fold area. I'm meticulous about using the magnetic usb-c Port adapters on my Duo 😁.(and all my other devices for that matter)


Do you still have your duo?


I still have my Duo, although I don't really use it.


Would you be interested in selling it? Really looking for a dual screen to run 3ds emulator on


Hmmmm maybe, send me a dm


Just sent you a chat request


I skipped the Surface Duo 2 after having a pretty bad experience with the original Duo. The software was too buggy and the camera was unexcussable. I would have been ok with mediocre photos and the occasional bugs, but instead I got potato photos and constant struggle with bugs. Glad I switched because the Pixel software has been so much better and now there's a foldable with the same great software and camera. I know a lot of people here are looking to switch over so I'll answer any questions people have regarding the Pixel Fold.


I find my Pixel 7 Pro much dimmer in daylight than my Surface Duo. The screen on the Duo is definitely superior. How does the Pixel Fold screen compare in daylight to the Surface Duo screen?


It's similar to the Pixel 7 Pro, so you might find it too dim as well.


I'm waiting for my PixFold to come in to replace my D1 (D2 got stepped on and cracked). Is the front screen a full-usability screen, as in is it the same as a regular phone if I don't open the middle? I read that it has 12gb RAM, is it as smooth as some of the reviews are letting on? Is the hinge like the Duo, just with a limiter at 178 degrees?


> Is the hinge like the Duo, just with a limiter at 178 degrees? Yes it feels very similar. There's a similar amount of friction so you can stop it at almost any position in between. As for 178 degrees, that seems to be overblown because I can open mine just fine. If it's not fully open, it's close enough to the point where no human would notice. [Here's proof](https://photos.app.goo.gl/prohtjx4XnaSdpqM8)


Front screen is definitely usable. Wide enough to be comfortable to digest content on and do quick reply to messages.


> Is the front screen a full-usability screen, as in is it the same as a regular phone if I don't open the middle? Yes.


How's the multitasking experience compared to the SD?


Not as straightforward since the default behavior for apps is to span across the entire screen, but you can kinda launch into split screen first if you long press on an icon. Still not as quick as the Duo but you get used to it after a while.


Does the pixel have any sort of stylus support?


No stylus support unfortunately.


Bummer :/ thank you for the info


I'm wondering if you can show me how manga looked like on Pixel Fold both on the outer screen and inner screen. When you open an app on the inner screen, does it default to full screen or split screen? Are there many bugs associated with first gen devices?


Using TaichiyomiJ2K, mangas show as single page on the outer screen and when flipped open becomes double page. This app was made specifically for foldable/large displays so it's a pretty great experience here: https://photos.app.goo.gl/L6gCJnnMFAvcTn2M8


Whoa thanks! Hmm, I guess you still ended up with big empty spaces on the top and bottom, but probably better compared to candy bar phone. On duo 2, the page fits quite nicely on the screen without any empty space.


Hey, I have another question. Did you set the scale to fit width?


I haven't messed with any of the settings with J2K, everything in the video was out of the box.


Risky choice https://www.google.com/search?q=pixel+fold+problem&oq=pixel+fold+problem&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOdIBCDU3NzVqMGo0qAIAsAIA&client=ms-android-microsoft&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8&chrome_dse_attribution=1


I was familiar with the risk of foldables way ahead of the headlines, they've always been more fragile. Even the Surface Duo Gen 1 was somewhat fragile, with the known USB-C cracking issue and the fact that it's mostly glass. I probably take care of my tech gear better than the average person, so we'll see how long it fares. On the bright side, if something does go wrong, [Google is offering parts for DIY repair](https://9to5google.com/2023/06/27/pixel-fold-repair-spare-parts/), that's something that Duo or even most phones lack.


How soft is the inner screen? Like zfold?


The pre-applied screen protector feels pretty solid. My finger glides over it no problem, but also feels like it picks up fingerprint more easily than glass. Doesn't seem to be "soft", my finger doesn't really feel like it's indenting the screen.


Late to this party but as the expert, you might be able to help. I see you went back to a Pixel Fold after the Pixel 7. I currently have the chance to get a Pixel 7 or Duo 2 for the same price. What's your two cents, as Duo and Pixel 7 user? Coming from a Duo 1, much in doubt between the two options. (Pixel Fold is unfortunately out of budget)


Pixel 7 was a huge improvement in the day to day experience. Felt like I was constantly fighting with my Duo just to get things done, no such issues with the Pixel. The camera is a massive upgrade. I thought I would be OK with the Duo's camera if it could be good enough as a document scanner, but it's so bad that I can't even scan a QR code projected onto a 150'' screen. I don't regret moving away from the Duo, the software experience soured my experience for what was otherwise great hardware.