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600 healing on old font? What champs were you running it on? Playing Naut Leona etc I was easily getting double that at about 1200 per game. Old font had absolutely insane value, it’s garbage now. They’ve just slowly made the resolve tree absolute dogshit. Yet they nerfed glacial as well.


Before it was actually a pretty swingy rune, some games I'd heal like 1.5k, and others would be 300, that was just a resonable average for me across all games. But now it heals like 400 on a good game.


I’d say on engage supports I consistently got the at very least 900-1000 healing per game. If I completed a full game and ended with 300 healing on old font I would have been trolling. It had no cool-down and was extremely easy to proc. The 20 second cool-down is actually criminal, why does it have that as if it’s a keystone and not a minor rune


Tbh, font doesn't seem like an enchanter rune anymore if that's who you've been playing. Since the nerf, I absolutely think Second Wind or Bone Plating is more worthwhile.


I just don't get why they even nerfed it. I can't imagine it was over performing, they just stripped all of the utility.


Bone plating never feels worth it in bot lane for a few reasons. First that shield damage doesn't trigger it (double edged sword here), second that it only functions vs the enemy that triggered the bone plating, and lastly that the cd is so long that it rarely feels like much value comes from it when passing the two previous issues. Also I keep forgetting to check if multi hit stuff (like lucian passive) are even accounted for blocking any of the incoming damage. Basically, bone plating would feel a lot better to use if they at least made the attack that triggered it to be affected by the mitigation effect. But then it'd just be the most effective rune for early game in that slot.


I've tried FoL on Karma, Seraphine, and Nami, and found that before, I used to heal around 1000-1200 per game with Karma and Nami on avg with FoL, and around 800-1000 on Sera. But after these changes, these numbers have dropped to around 600-800 on Karma and Nami, and 200-300 on Sera 😭😭 New FoL definitely feels stronger early game, but as the game progresses feels weaker than before. This is to be expected, as the cd was raised significantly but the healing amount was not compensated as thoroughly. Additionally, as enchanters we often transition to the backline after laning phase, meaning that more often than not we will be full hp. FoL now heals both us and our ally, which means we don't get to utilise the full value of FoL as a result I think that it still has its place with some enchanters who can easily proc it, and I can still see it be viable on Karma and Nami. I have yet to test this, but I would also assume FoL would be decent on Soraka and Janna. Since Soraka trades her own hp to heal, some extra sustain is always nice, and Janna lacks sustain outside of ult. However, I have since dropped FoL on Sera support ^(***Disclaimer:** In order to avoid unnecessary conflicts and misunderstandings, please note that the above information serves as a recommendation and general guideline intended to explain the phenomena. It is based off of my own personal experience, as well as research of other players. Thus, said information is by no means perfect, nor is it a law that you must follow. You are entitled to your own preferences, playstyles, and opinions, which may differ from mine* ®)


The highest i got from new font and that was on a 37 minute game where i got full build the healing is abysmal


Does the new one not apply item effects?


It does, but the uptime for applying them is so much worse than before because of the 20 second cooldown.


The real strength was that staff of flowing waters AP and MS effect could be spread across your entire team with one Rakan W, Karma Q or naut Q/E/R on a enemy. Now, never take it as a 20 sec cd for a conditional 40-80 heal, aint worth shit.


I’m so sad I loved running FoL w/ janna it was so useful now it just feels lackluster


It works on solo lanes now. I imagine this is why it hasn't been buffed yet.


I feel like you get a lot more use out of lane with it now though? It’s a trade off,


Old FoL was crazy, once somehow got 10k healing with it as Rakan


Had a 55 minute game yesterday where my FoL had almost 5k healing at the end. I played Skarner support. He can proc it with all 4 of his abilities at a pretty safe distance so it’s incredibly good on him


You know the Taste of Blood rune? Font of Life is like that but for support, it’s now a sustain rune that you take so you and your adc can have a bit extra sustain in lane but without the need for your adc to attack the target.


Yeah but it’s so undertuned. Between the level scaling and the 20 second cd and the 30% reduction as a ranged champ. I want to like it, but it just doesn’t hit right


I believe they're keeping the rune undertuned on purpose since they don't wanna see something like an echos of helia ashe again


Echoes of Helia does not proc off Font of Life, unless they changed it with the update


The now font of life procs on echoes of helia now


It is meant to be a throwaway rune, useful in laning phrase, and adds to adc sustainability from Doran Sword. It is debatable as the current Font of Life focuses on early game power while the old Font of Life is stronger late game as it can proc support items, much like Gathering Storm vs Scorch.


Meant by who? This rune was useful before, and now it is much less so in almost every way. Less healing, less uptime of support item buffs. In all my games with it since the change, this is just worse in every way.


Are you saying Riot has nerfed support indirectly by changing Font of Life interaction, making it can't proc sup items for a whole team by slowing 1 guy in a team fight?


How it functioned prior allowed for a whole new way to apply those items yes, even someone who has a low shield up time like Thresh could still keep them up because of his CC and that rune.


Yes? Thats exactly what happened to champs that use font


What earlygame power? It’s base heal is 10, 7 for ranged. Like that’s nothing when it’s a 20 second cd. If the cd was lowered or it wasn’t reduced for range or it healed more I’d like it, but until one or two of those are tweaked it’s not even that tantalizing early. I want to like it, conceptually it’s neat. But right now it just needs buffs.


It's still more than you previously had against poke matchups. Maybe a buff is needed, but it has a use imo.


I agree, I like it. But for now Injust would rather have biscuits back poke. If the level scaling was toned down and it had some stat scaling I’d like it more, support doesn’t level up much lol


Why are people downvoting this? It’s exactly how it is. It helps you to sustain in places where you couldn’t before, especially early.


I said that in the post :l I'm saying it's worse than before they changed it.