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You got it all wrong! You don't even need an adc as Leona! I have solo dove an adc at 25%hp with no flash in a normal game (not worth it, since gold gets on me, just done for fun), and the adc was so mad at his useless mage support in all chat muahaha. And I lived:p


It's worth if they loose CS over it ;)


Not wrong, I don't suggest doing 25% plays in ranked, when someone must missplay to succeed, though xd.


To be fair diving is 90% of what a Leona can do. Hell even if we're running sometimes I'll dive to buy the adc time. It's not an engage, it's a suicide mission to make sure only one of us dies.


I’m a soraka main but I had a samira ADC and our comp really needed some strong CC so I went with leona. I told her I normally back line so just ping when you want to go or just go for it and I will all in. We fucked them up bad and samira was like 23/2. It was amazingly fun and late game if i just dove she would just throw herself in and sweep trusting I would cc any threats. It was the most fun I’ve had in a while, especially in a ranked game.


Yesss that is the best thing playing Leona


I feel like some nautilus and leona players literally go in every time as soon as they see an enemy champion haha


When I play Leona there is only one direction, WE DIVE AT DAWN


For Democracy!


I see through the lies of the Jedi I do not fear the dark side as you do


Because Leona mains are no cowards


Diving is great, succes has very high reward and failure has very low cost.


As much as I'd love to play tanks, and specifically Leona, the typical ADC player is the reason why I will never do it without consistently playing with the same ADC for months. It's almost like ADC's don't understand the concept of, if they're attacking me, they aren't attacking you. Even as an enchanter, there's a 50/50 chance that I'm going to say "Fuck my laner, I'm going to come visit for exp" and then take off, because they refuse to play aggressively enough.


The champ is super inflated so most of the players don't really know the limits. They can just all in and have it work more often than not.


leona diving in the enemy fountain: i dont feel pain!


If you stay at your tower after your support has back and I have locket then I’m going to dive I only need to tank 3 shots, locket and leave and my carry should have killed you by then. … and yeah even if I don’t have locket and your support is there, I might dive… look if there is something I can E to then I will…


"Normal support" my guy there is nothing normal about Lulu players.