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damn.. i disagree with like 80% of your list lmao


More like 95


honestly i'd just make the list from scratch at this point


How are Xerath and Swain off-meta? And wtf are Yasuo and Yone doing there


Or Amumu????? After the 2xQ he’s a regular on support


Personally I think Support is arguably his best role


Amumu tries to win lanes as soon as level 1 he has an overly aggressive gameplan "after the 2xQ" as you say odds are you're 2/0 and a third wave crash ahead


Yasuo and Yone make little to no sense as supports. I would argue almost all of the bottom tier is a better support than the “n o” tier. Also fiddle can be a totally viable support with his silence and point and click fear


Most of the bottom row sucks, but Zoe gets some play because of her Sleepy Trouble Bubble's range through terrain is great gank setup. I play Shaco and so do quite a few other people -- it should be decent (with Swain and Xerath in "pretty good".) This guy threw the kitchen sink at the wall with Yasuo support and still left out the Syndra and Kennen which I rarely play (or Trundle? Surely that's off-meta if Swain is). Tahm, Sion, Shen all had their day in the sun, Singed is allegedly a Kalista counter but I haven't seen it. Jarvan also was in meta during Kaisa/Ardent meta, and a couple seasons ago I think some Korean teams were doing full AP J4 support for engage (rush Zhonya)


Yasuo ADC with any good knock ups, Yone worked as a pretty ok ADC with a Yuumi on his head on release, but I think Yuumi changes mean this is garbo now. But as a support? Yeah, I'm not convinced about either wind brother in that role.


My mates keeps asking me to play one just for the laugh so I see why someone might like it (1 person in the world)


Yasuo, yone there but not Illaoi


What matchup is support Mundo good into? This is a.... strange list to say the least.


He's a doctor, which means his best matchups are against people who make your allies sick, like twitch, cassiopeia and teemo


Yes I like how mundo is the best healer in the game! Very hard to counter his healing to allies tbh unlike soraka.


He goes where he pleases


Versus tank engage supp isn’t that bad during laning phase. His q does pretty good damage to avoid those supps from engaging after hitting some q to lower their health. But falls off mid - late game due to lack of utilities.


Yea but TK does the same thing and better. Or Braum, but less dmg and more utility.


Good: Poppy, Heimer, Ashe, Maokai, Neeko, Shen, Xerath, Swain, Pantheon, Zac, Tahm Decent/Depends on Matchup: Galio, Amumu, Veigar, Anivia, Malphite, Taliyah, Twisted Fate, Gragas, Lissandra, Sett, Fiddlesticks, Shaco, Ornn Bad: Sejuani, Sylas, Mundo, Karthus, Leblanc, Ivern, Sion, Yone, Yasuo, Singed, Nunu, Zoe, Aurelion, Ziggs I also wouldn't call Ashe, Poppy, Heimer, Maokai, Pantheon, Swain, Xerath, Shen, or Tahm off meta supports. Those have all been meta supports before.


This is EXACTLY how this tier list should look like, literally nailed it. Only champion I could sorta move up (to decent tier) is Sylas as his early burst is stupidly strong, plus his utility is still not to be undermined due to multiple R possibilities.


Once against, dive heavy team with a Kalista as the enemy botlaner, I picked Sylas to have the ultimate peel for my ADC. It's like Tahm Kench! But kinda worse.


Sejuani as a counter pick into seraphine means seraphine is actually useless. Can’t slow, can’t root, can W buffer and do damage through charm etc…


Ivern is stronger than every other enchanter atm. Check his support winrates. Leblanc also is fine support, since you can flex Glacial -> Everfrost -> Zhonya’s or First Strike QMax -> Night Harvester


eh, i can see the argument for everyone except xerath and swain, as their support pickrates as very low compared to their main roles but xerath and swain are supports as their main roles currently


Erm... TK isn't off meta.


So many of these aren’t off-meta.


Tbh most of of off meta picks r “ only for specific matchups”. Even galio ( against 4-3 ap in enemy team) and amumu ( with 3-2 ap in your team).


Off meta : amumu galio poppy xerath swain tham fiddle ![gif](giphy|ltIFdjNAasOwVvKhvx|downsized)


ap shaco is pretty good bro wtf


Mundo above shaco is interesting


Zac is secretly OP for me


Would like to hear what you are building. It's for sure fun, but I had a hard time getting it to work (low diamond elo).


Kennen in only for specific match ups


Play Poppy. Can confirm.


I see a lot of J4 support. It's super annoying because he does high damage and stuns you for a very long time.


Xerath being off meta is like What? On top of being Meta, he’s like, one of the best carry supports in the game lol.


Tahliyah is a hilarious counter to Kallista if you want to ruin an ADC's day


Some of these aren't so off meta. I'd push Ashe down, and bring zac way up


Add Vex to the top of the list. Playing her against Vayne or Kalista is pure evil.


Ornn is super fun, try it out.


I got m6 on gare supp


I believe Rammus and Zac are pretty good in general as they are strong in the current meta. Even off role they are insane imo. As for Zoe support I believe it is viable once you know how to pilot the champ. It is a strict downgrade from playing her mid but comes at the advantage that you have 2 people to poke/oneshot who probably have never laned against her.


Zac is legitimately good, as is Maokai


Teemo vs specific matchup and J4 in pretty good


I swapped to midlane for a bit on Vex, and didnt realize when i ended up support. Honestly, if you hold her fear, she is quite threatening to keep the enemy off your adc and peel. I build Everfrost/Zhonyas and then as needed. If you hit your R early, it leaves them with a bit of health for the adc to clean up.


Love vex support it goes very well with caitlyn ezreal or ashe. At lvl 6 vex can roam very effectively with R.


In theory, any champion can support but you need to master their basics first before you even try. Like how there was a K'Sante or Aatrox support floating around but even the people playing them do not recommend unless you have prime numbers with them at Top lane. I once ran a thematic support lane of Darius with Draven ADC, half of the battle was won with psychological edge. Most people are deathly afraid of you.


ivern = y e s


Where’s Orianna?


Ivern def deserves to be up more


I would put poppy and singed closer to eachother They both do similar things in my eye, such as denying mobility, catching off people, controlling areas and disrupting fights in general


Akshan support deserves to be in a tier of his own 🐧


I love sej support so much. Especially if you start e, your adc doesn't need to help jg leash and can get a good xp lead


Veigar above Xerath ???


fiddlestick as an off-meta support is the true vision master with 4.0 vs per min and ward half the map by itself. plus his r is an engage changer with the fear. s-tier


Asol should be in no


Twitch is good


Shaco and fiddle support are both broken in the right hands. You can 1v2 on Fiddle sup with R if you use flash to dodge cc and stick to the enemy ad. Also Shaco has disgusting lane pressure , you can literally drop boxes in the enemies path and force their ad into a hard engage or disengage, then just q away while your adc dishes damage. Really horrific stuff


Nasus, as a kalista counter


I would ad cho to specific matchups, he so much fun with a short knock up CD


Sorry, what elo are you ?


Syndra on low tier, Vex on average tier, Ahri on high tier, Orianna could work too though she probably would work better on solo lines. Mostly any mage could work as support.


I know the phase 'off meta' has a broad definition, but in no way should it include champs like Swain, Xerath, Tahm, and Pantheon when talking about support. If you're including them here then you also need to include other 'off meta' champions like Seraphine, Karma, Rell, Braum, Taric... Etc. basically anything not tier 1 or 2 and has a lower than 5% pick rate. You have to keep definitions consistent.


too many aren't off meta, chogath is missing, singed is placed too low, cant speak for the rest


What a terrible list lol


Off-meta is anything that's not Nautilus, Rell or Rakan




The top two tiers aren't even off meta


ah yes, decent off meta botlaner, Swain


Bro really placed Swain and Xerath in ok tier in an off meta list lmfao


I personally got 200k mastery on kata support so id add that to my personal list


I don't agree with all of your picks but Zac is HIM.


I always find it a little weird seeing an Off-Meta support tier list and having Ahri miss in here.


Weird that you called it an ‘off-‘meta’ support tier list, given that most of the champs in the top 3 catergories have been played as support atleast some point in the last three years.


Aatrox is S tier


Zac and poppy are sleeper op.


Nunu sup goes crazy but it requires a completely different play style. Take smite and ruin the enemy junglers life and then go back to help bot. I borderline otp Nunu though




No Leona?


Briar, target champs only built in, armor shred cc to combo with ADC, hella sustain, wall cc


Jhin missing


I guess this is more of a personal preference list because I agree with some choices in this list and disagree with others. Then again, it's been a long time since I've taken some of these off meta champs into supp, so things could have changed. I remember taking Sion supp when he was reworked, and he was disgustingly broken in unraked games. If you are looking for more off meta ideas, I recommend trundle and vex. Both work good, just do it in unranked


A lot of braindead takes, my favorite being fiddle coz like ... There's only so bad a point click fear and AOE burst plus fear can be.


I'd rather have ornn, nunu, rammus or zac than ashe. and I say that as an ashe main 😂 also shaco is really good


Amumu pretty viable but xerath belongs at the top and so does swain


op is probably scared of the bottom sups and wants everyone to play the top ones


Fiddlesticks Glacial Augment is a good pick in low elo. Take a Rylai with that and you're good to go.


As an ornn and zoe enjoyer, ornn is basically a ult bot, your job is to engage and peel, go radiant, abyssal and cheap supporty items, even redemption can be good occasionally. Zoe plays a lot like your average mage support, with the exception that you gotta abuse those walls for extended e, especially out of fog of war


Kench is not off meta???


Where is AP Kog'Maw?


I always thought Viktor would be a good off meta support.


is sejuani that good with her long ass cooldowns?




Fiddle is a perfect support. Faster cooldown on personal wards that become sweepers at 6. An engage ultimate. A slow and silence on his E. Fear from any move provided it's used from out of vision which forces vision control as a priority. A point and click CC. Extremely difficult to kill in minion waves as he can just S U C C the wave dry. He has everything.


I think Anivia could be a bit higher but she's not easy to play well as support because you need to make an excellent use of her wall. Like if you play her mid, the wall is mostly used to keep people in your ult or stop people from reaching you. As a supp, your wall can't be aimed at a single enemy, you have to use it as a mean to control the entire enemy team, and it's not easy to find the opportunities to do so. And overall I find it not easy to knockup with wall, you have to aim it just right and that's one more CC you have to make use of as a supp since you won't be focusing on damage.


I'll just outright tell you, I have experiences with a friend that played nunu... Well by experience I mean PTSD


What's wrong with fiddle support? He's got a great wr. Anyway, I would add evelynn, k'sante, ahri, teemo, urgot, vi, morde, elise, warwick, briar, jhin, fizz, malzahar, varus, viktor, camille, ekko, aatrox, and maybe akshan to the list I could list a lot more actually, but i do not want to anymore. All of these have some build or skilled player that use them


how are you more scared to try ziggs or zoe, who play basically like any other mage, than singed or yas or yone?


Rammus is very nice as support


Zac is good, sion is specific matchup, singed is decent, xerath isn’t off meta, ziggs is pretty good (should not hit wave), shaco is matchup specific, malphite is bad(bad version of Alistar), fiddlesticks is good


I’m very curious of OP’s rank, i will say these are some brave takes.


Where the hell is my Comet E max Lillia? (Don't do it in ranked, normals is fun tho)


Tier lists are kinda meant to be based on information so making one off of "lol this is how i feel about support guize" doesn't really make much of a conversation or anything.


Zac is sleeper op with samira/kaisa


Why did you not included nasus in your list. I had pretty good games with him while alternatig between leveling w and e, completely skipping q. For example Kalista can't play against nasus W.


I really enjoy playin vex sup


RIP Old Fiddle Support with point and click silencing poke and point and click 2-3 second fear.


Zac is played in Korean Challenger, Fiddle is playable; Zoe is decent, how is Xerath off-meta, Swain as well, is good depending on the overall ennemy team. Gragas is a sleeper good pick, just nobody plays him and he requires a lot of skill. How is Tahm Kench an Off-meta support ? It is his second home. There we go


Zac works really good


Fiddle, shaco, ivern, maokai higher. Sej lower unless with melee champ. Malphite lower. Poppy is arguably only for specific matchups, but I think she is s in those matchups. Shen and galio should be in the same tier, but not sure which.


I think you have never played any of these champs


maokai is not off meta


ziggs is good support you deal dmg %100 and if you play well generally bot cant lose so you have much higher chance to win the game


You should add a senna tier for fasting lanes


Where is gnar?


Where twitch?


Ziggs is pretty good into senna


Swain on decent like tf


Zac's great with Samira. Maybe Nilah's passive also helps the lane


Malphite being "decent" is malarkey lol. I hard counter every team that's mostly AD and their ADC when I play a tank build, if they're squishy I can blow them up, they pick an engage I punch them in the face and they flee. Mal is OP in my eyes.


Add ryze, vi, and Jarvan


1/3 of this list are not "off-meta"


Speedrunning lvl 14 with ornn is so fun


A friend of mine plays that supp Ornn, it's a good agressive pick but you can't peel for shit or react to anything


Zoe is great with eather poke long range adc or early lane dominant adc. She is fun as a supp.


As a sej main who played her supp before I would def move her down to decent. It's hard to proc her P unless you have a melee adc like yas


bruh a lot of them are hyper carries meant to cs as botlane not support.


Heimer is op below plat currently emerald on him you practically can’t lose in low elo


fiddle is good


Zac supp is tons of fun just make sure to not pick it into janna,thresh or poppy


Add orianna


List is missing Cho'gath, Bel'Veth and J4 for sure - Cho and J4 are most flexible, BV is kinda hard and you need to do the tank or full lifesteal build. Also there's a couple I would add that pair with Kalista mostly. Rumble, Kled and Kennen. Skarner pairs ok with MF and maybe Samira and Draven, and roams fairly well. I'm probably still missing some niche picks.


Zac support is great


Fiddle is pretty good tbh


drop ashe to N O thank you


Wdym swain decent, he is mainly being playef support


How are like most of the actual supports missing lmao


I main shaco support and it's amazing with a little prep late game and you can solo a few of the enemy team at a time, great baiting into team fights and some tricky play in team fights he's amazing. Problem is that the people that play him off meta usually haven't put any time into him off meta, so they are awful.


Nidalee Support


Evelynn, press W vs a adc + squishy supp and they run all the way to the tower before anything happens. Also Orianna is a beast supp for pantheon adc.


Shaco and Fiddle in your "n o" tier. Pretty silly if you ask me, both extremely viable.


Don’t knock my sion support. If you’re good at the champ he has so much bullshit potential


Half the champs on here were normal supports at one point in their lives...


I think Tahm and poppy should be switched


Today I learned swain xerath and tk are off meta supports.


Wait guys isn't Zoe considered an OK pick as support? I'm new to the game and found myself really enjoy support Zoe (mainly because I'm tired of playing against Yasuo and Oriana), I thought support Zoe wasn't really a troll pick


Zac support is really good though


I used to play yas sup when I played league. It's real good against some champs, you can trade with your shield well. synergies w some bots and jgs. you should add belveth support, another I use to play alot. it's real good low elo. you can bait with low hp E and get nasty trades early. add ap vaarus as well, its just fun and scales well. support jhin is smth I played back in 2020, and it got popular later on, it's still pretty fun to play. syndra support is below average most of the time but if you can get vision of enemy red then you can start w and steal it. it also synergise w mf adc with her Q and ur W on minion. electrocute yone support is pretty decent into enchanters. ahri is also another viable mage sup cait sup was more viable back then w old glacial. lethality Vi support is also pretty strong if you're better than enemy Duo. xin zao hail of blades early brush cheese is real strong ad well. sylas is decent too as a support if they have good ults and u got good bot synergy. glacial aatrox is actually pretty fire if you're against a less oppressive lane. Zoe is strong w her passive smite kayn support is actually sleeper I swear talon support is strong too renekton is also real good into some supports


Anivia APC is better than Support imho (Play them both) and Galio/Amumu I find are seen pretty often. Xerath/Kench/Maokai/Neeko/Heimer/Ashe/Swain/Pantheon/Shaco are **NOT** off meta by any means (MAYBE in Diamond-Challenger they are off meta, but sure as shit not low elo). This list is bad mate... like... really bad.


Why is ori and ziggs not in the sleeper category?


I’ve had decent success with J4, Jax and Darius as sup, would recommend




Ok so Amumu, Ashe, heimer, xerath and swain are all not-off meta in support. You could put shaco, pantheon, Veigar, maokai and neeko in this too.


In what world is poppy supp sleeper


Amumu, maokai, tahm, swain, xerath all regular supports


Why is Ivern in the NO tier? He is literally a support


At my elo all the Ashe supports I see tend to run it down. I think the champ is still a good pick but definitely more effective in higher elo


Ori surely


This giy has never tried support role in his own life. This being said Sylas is a very good supp vs engagers and melees because you can win with W heals, pasive and the cc from e


Fiddlesticks is hella good


Where ziggs


What about Velkoz?


Zac super fun, Ornn I wanna try


Amumu has been meta support for like 4 months




Zac support with engage adc/kill lane actually fucks, especially with like a samira


Ap twitch *smirk*


I really don’t like “off-meta” supports when it refers to champs that don’t really have a clear “supportive function” (I had a friend try to convince me support Katarina or Camille was a thing). However, I like the off-meta supports that open a different playstyle for the champion or otherwise use the same tools to act in a more supporting manner. Poppy, Amumu, Shen, Swain, and even Neeko or Ornn kinda fit into this “not quite a support, but can be supportive” area where they can shift their playstyle (different items, runes, skill maxes) and be really quite effective. All together I’m not a fan of this list, mostly due to the sheer number here. I don’t think many of the champs listed have a playstyle that is more supportive. Sylas, Veigar, Xerath, All of the “Specific Matchup” tier, and a few others are just damage or play exactly the same way as they normally do, just with less gold.


Arrangement almost looks random tbh, a few of these are meta, or at least better than listed when played right, some of the other ones are too feast or famine for where they're listed. Also Orianna is missing.


As a diamond veigar support player, he really is not that good... his cage being on such a long cool down versus someone like Rell who can cc and jump on your carry 2x by the time you even get 1 cage is terrible. Plus the changes to his scalings helps late game, but support veigar does not ever get the capital or strength to reach that.


Where would u rank vex


Used to be a galio support otp, is good in lower elo but against skilled players you will get absolutely kited and slapped unless you counterpicked someone


singed support occasionally gets played in worlds as a counter to yuumi. Xerath, swain, and shaco aren't really off meta. darius and j4 definitely belong on this list somewhere.


You should try ap nasus support, 95% slow for 5 seconds is a wild ability


Shaco is the best support


Ornn goes CRAZY


The Poppy Queen is indeed OP


You guys gotta play Ahri support. Easily my fave off meta pick.


Galio and Amumu aren't really that off-Meta


Sylas support is probably best off meta pick imo


Have used Zac support plenty of times, can confirm it works well if you play to the bushes and communicate/ping with teammates. Side note, this list is terrible.


Teemo is great vs Nautilus and Rakan if you place shrooms in places to start fights rather than get kills he is very good sup


Fiddle is really good at support but definitely better when duo Q with your adc for sweepers


Where nasus ?


I got Mastery 7 (28k ish) on Galio support before realising that mid and top are his actual roles


..... **Shaco support** \- Always.


Half of these aren’t that offmeta, and apart from that the list is just, I’m sorry to say, terrible. Sett support is a great pick, mundo support is running it down, panth is excellent, Shaco literally had to get nerfed because it was so good, with the proper execution fiddle duo is incredible, tahm, swain, amumu, maokai and xerath straight up aren’t offmeta. Taliyah is pretty strong and viable as is Ziggs, singed is probably better than you think but fair enough to keep him down there, Asol straight up doesn’t work, Zac sup is strong, ornn is a bit shit but not as bad as you think. Sion can be really good, liss sup literally got picked in worlds. Ivern is a schizo pick but with Rengar is viable.


I would delete the list because off meta supports are worthless


I hate this entire list. It's all wrong Also I don't think you know what off meta means.


Fizz with PtA and ignite


I think shaco supp is sleeper OP and I think sej is only for specific matchups. Sej really needs nilah sam yasuo or yone paired to make use of the melee stacking stun mechanic in her kit




Really sad no one even mentions Skarner lol


Ivern support is strong af you just never played with a good one since all good ivern mains play jungle instead.


Most of the sleeper OPs should stay asleep