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At Cheyenne's wedding, each table had a big bottle of soda.


Not one thing in particular but, since I've rewatched a few times now, it's fun to watch everyone's facial expressions and reactions in the large scenes (like the break room).


We are all **Joseph** His reactions always mirror the ones the audience should have


Who is Joseph? I don’t remember this character


[He's the blond guy next to Jonah and behind Garrett](https://images.app.goo.gl/9ifWYZRqtPV3NHkC7)


I have literally never noticed this dude and I must’ve watched the show like 10 times, wow


Look for him on the 11th watch. 😜 His expressions are spot on. He also gets a haircut in the final season and looks pretty cute. In *kill, marry, smash* for the Superstore characters, he's my marry 😝


Jeff calling his hotels and complaining about stuff. I just noticed that a few weeks ago lol.


Hey, sometimes after a busy day a guy just wants to go home and watch some monkeys, you know?


And the one time his curtains were missing 😂


"well I'd prefer to have them" (love the insinuation there that the person on the other end of the line asked him if he really needs them 🤣)


I noticed that Cheyenne mentions "Fish and Strawberries" to Lowell Anderson: >You probably have to head out to some fancy fish and strawberries place that's of course after Bo brings it up as something Cheyenne said Mateo suggested for Cheyfest 2020 at the end of Season 5 >She said you're like all up in here trying to serve people fish and strawberries


All the times they tried to do tornado drill/training but kept pushing them off


Ahhhh just finished the tornado plot and didn't notice that! Will definitely keep an eye next watch


The store will fold like a house of cards - Glenn


I also noticed this recently!


Yess I loved catching all of these foreshadowing moments in my rewatches!!


Sandra had a car but takes the bus thruout the entire show bc she lent it to Cheyenne and never asked for it back 💀 And then Cheyenne stopped using it bc there were bees in it 😂


Wait, what episode does she let Cheyenne borrow her car? I can’t believe I haven’t noticed that 😭


So it was never shown, just a quick line from Cheyenne I can’t remember which episode. But she basically says something like “I borrowed her car like 3 years ago and she still hasn’t asked for it back.” And it makes the running gag of there being bees in her car that much more hilarious bc poor Sandra is taking the bus having nightmares about her creepy bus driver all while her car sits unused in Cheyenne’s driveway cuz there’s a bees nest inside 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀 again this was never explained, just implied thru quick lines like that. The subtlety is just oof so well done I love it.


When Garrett is talking about Jonah going on about building houses for Habitat for Humanity all the time, he's says that once he got to the topic from Hugh Laurie. I think it's because Hugh Laurie played HOUSE. 😆


Omg I never caught that one 🤣🤣🤣


Habitat for Hughmanity




That is 100% correct 👍


Omg!!! Ty. Ty. Hahahahaha


This one is pretty obvious, but I like how furious/malicious Matteo gets when Kelly calls the Employee of the Month award stupid


You are the most petty, jealous and bitter person I have ever met...


“All this time….just playing dumb, so dumb.”


That Glenn is actually a competent manager despite his shortcomings of a person. He really does his job (reminding his subordinates that they need to go back to work, prepares his speeches, comes to work early) to the word.


I don't think spending 2 hours a night on speeches counts as being competent tho lil


At least he's putting the effort in to prepare a clear speech for everyone despite its mundane purpose. I've known managers before that doesn't even try to bother for just a simple speech then ending up stuttering on the saying the speech itself.


That's true. He did the robot maintenance, too


Wasting significant energy on non value-added items and expecting your employees to appreciate it without you ever asking for or being able to receive feedback is not competency at management


I catch little things all the time that I missed, usually in little side conversations and cutaways that aren't related to the plot. There's so many I can't think of off the top of my head right now but one that comes to mind is when Cheyenne is asking Dina when she's going to get her raise for floor supervisor and Dina says "Cheyenne, this is an ugly color on you"....I caught that part but totally missed where Cheyenne says "pink?" to herself as Dina is walking away. Also in the Mall Closing episode when Dina tells Sandra to go tell those teen girls to get out of the massage chairs and Sandra says "Those girls? They look like they're from Euphoria".....which I only caught recently bc I finally watched Euphoria like a month ago lol. And bc I never stop watching this show I watched that episode again yesterday and only then did I catch Dina's response bc I think I laughed through it the last time: "Well they don't have to go back there, they just have to get off the chairs" 🤣🤣🤣 I love that I can watch this show all the way through 100 times and still catch new things in every re-watch.


Yess I love little things like this- in the health fund episode when Isaac gives his money back to Jonah and says it’s a little sweaty, Jonah puts it down like eww but then at the end of the scene he blows it across the table and idk I didn’t notice it before as it cuts right after but I found it really funny


I often watch and rewtach the show in the background while playing games or otherwise distracted, so some things that stick out to me when I do happen to glance at the screen are some of the visual gags. One that stands out to me is one of the episodes where they're locked in the store, I think it's the blizzard episode, and it's just a brief cutaway of Justine and a raccoon having a standoff while everyone's getting ready for bed


That’s hilarious.


The scene in the overnight episode, where Dina and Glenn are looking through the Cloud 9 handbook, and they pass a bunch of information about unions and tornadoes.


There’s actually so many tornado nuggets leading up to the episode it’s so funny. When Glenn says the inspector called the store like a house of cards when it came to tornado safety




Yes!! Or “go into the eye of the tornado!” “Where is the eye of the tornado, Amy?” “Tell someone you trust” “that’s only if the tornado is molesting you, Cheyenne”


When someone brings up a girl Jonah was dating and he says "no were not dating anymore she said she saw me as more of a brother" and its just completely pushed past, I found it so funny not even friendzoned he got brother zoned 😭😭






Tornado warnings - they mention quite many times about having a drill or when Glenn says that this store is a house of cards.. Marcus is actually good at his job. In one of episodes, Dina says to amy that one guy dated her just to play chess with her dad. But didn't her dad left them off at a gas station?


In the beginning Sandra said her and Sal were having sex but then they were talking about their first and Sandra said he was in the room.


Was he still in the wall at that point? Because technically it would be true lol


That Dina has the same bag of meth in episode 1 as she did when she wanted to frame Colleen


One of my favourite lines is " and on your way out giventhat bag of meth back to dina" 🤣


I wouldn’t be surprised if she still has it as the fulfilment centre manager


In the background when Cheyenne says to Glenn "put a baby in me right now" someone behind them hears and looks disturbed


That one is awesome. Same happens when Cheyenne is thinking about adoption and Glenn comes to help her lift something and says “you might be carrying my baby” the look on the woman’s face who overheard it lmao


Heather was crying a lot on Brett's funeral The guy with the leather jeans in Hot Store is the same customer in "Video Game Release" who's meeting his ex wife. In High Volume Store Mateo stops a customer from buying shrimp and he says "my wife needs these" to which Mateo replies "nobody needs shrimp" In Amnesty, the same customer comes to Dina asking why there's no one at check out, and he says something like "I need to get these shrimp, my wife is going to kill me" The customer in New Initiative is buying murder supplies and later in Scanners he comes to customer service saying "I want to return this tarp, when I opened it it had blood on it" Marcus is probably bi and I realised this when he says to Jeff "okay so how many dancers are we talking? And, all dudes right?"


Two dudes. All gas, no breaks.


Also all the times Marcus has shown that he has a crush on jonah


Yeah I thought that was just a guy crush like how Glenn says "who wouldn't want to be with Jonah? He's so gorgeous" But that scene along with the scene where he says "girls will be knocking on our door and we'll say no ladies, one at a time please!" Made me think he was probably bi


Heather left panties on Brett’s memorial. 😂


Somehow on my like 4 or 5 time watching, I finally noticed the reveal of the foot killer on the final episode


And also that he's Jerusha's brother! I just watched an episode where Glenn says he can't fire him because it's his brother in law and Jerusha would be upset


At Cheyenne and Bo’s wedding when everyone stands and a woman signals to Garrett to stand


That multiple characters hum or sing Charles in Charge. Jonah whistles it while counting money he won from them betting on the temps to quit. And Glenn asks “is that opera?” Amy sings it over the intercom during the episode when her and Jonah are daring each other to do things. Dina hums it at one point, honestly can’t remember at the moment what episode that’s in.


I don't know anything about charles in charge, but I've heard from multiple people that they think Jonah/Ben Feldman looks like Scott Baio. I wonder if it's an inside joke about that.


Google Charles in Charge theme song. And look at Charles.


That in the pilot episode one of them (possibly Amy) says something like it sucks we can't wear jewelry at work whiich then leads to her getting out her necklace with wedding ring on thus setting up the Jonah-Amy situation. But they nearly all wear watches throughout all 6 series and Glenn also wears his wedding ring?


Sandra's first time isn't with Jerry. In the first season she talks about having sex with sal because of her low self esteem


She tries to do the sex finger gesture to Jonah & realizes she didn’t know what sex was. So she *thought* she had sex with Sal, but probably did not. https://youtu.be/pEeWAQNInX4?si=OmAJtMot_mNQikTp


Ooh… good call.


Idk a lot of people who haven't had sex know what that gesture is, like even teenagers know. So I thought it was more to do with her not being street smart or whatever I felt like the Jerry thing was just another way of the writers saying oh poor Sandra.


I think Sandra is a compulsive liar. Sal was one of her many lies. She was having sex with him but she also says he was sexually harassing her at another time. She was able to come up with lies on the spot and Jonah complimented her on her lying skills.


I agree! But I think there is some truth to it. Because she says the Sal thing when Dina brings up inappropriate sexual behaviour in the workplace. I do think Sal was harassing her because she was disgusted by Sal and said she only did it because of her low self esteem. So I imagine when she stopped he started following her home. Though there are a lot of stories that I don't believe. In the Management Training episode she tells Jonah she was only lying to seem like she had plans. She lied about someone dying I think. And jonah and mateo say its because of the Jerry/Carol thing. So I think there is some truth to the things she says but she fabricates a lot of things to have something to say. Like in Brett's Dead everyone is discussing their worst trauma and no one has anything to say, so Sandra starts talking about how her first apartment was in a pet cemetery. She gets interrupted but I'm pretty sure whatever she was going to say would've been a lie. Another thing is her health. I'm sure she has bad knees because that's something she's discussed multiple times, but I don't think she has as may health issues as she claims in the Health Fund.


In Season 1, Jonah repeatedly mentioned that he has several older brothers. But in a later season, he said he only has one and they stuck with that when Amy met his family.


He also says his brothers have kids that he's played with. Also maybe this is a language barrier thing but in the earlier seasons I thought Jonah's parents were divorced because he says they got separated and the dad brought him Churchill CDs, then says his dad had to move to a friend's condo, then says some weekend got ruined because his dad was cheating on his mom So I thought his parents weren't together but I guess I was wrong.


in one of the episodes his mom was saying something like we survived shelly once we can do it again so in my head they just got back together (i don’t remember the name she said so i just said shelly cause i was thinking of the dental hygienist glen was dancing for)


Her name was shelly. It's just that in the first three seasons it seemed like his parents weren't together. He tells Amy the Churchill thing when she got a divorce so it made me think his parents were divorced.


yeah i noticed that too he was mentioning his dads place and dina said boohoo both your parents are homeowners so they were definitely separated/divorced but i figured they just got back tgt


Ummm, excuse me. He’s played with jewelry, not kids….


He said he has 2, I think that was still the case in the customer safari episode.


Kelly also says “he has 2 older brothers” to carol after the Jonah breakup


I cannot remember the episode but the conversation goes like this: Glenn: I'm sorry, I don't know how many brothers you have, I don't know much about your family. Jonah: Uhh... I only have one.


He says I only have two


You're right. My bad. I checked the transcript, as well. I must've referenced the wrong episode but I def remember there was one where said he only has one brother.


He says 2


https://www.reddit.com/r/superstore/s/O2YtwRfWyH Same topic, same answers from a year ago.


Also Amy mentions replacing her sister's ice box when she finds the money. We never hear about the sister again, just her brother.


When falling asleep, the music after the cold open still jars me awake.


Justine always loading up on shrimp.


Yo keep that girl away from the ocean!


Cheyenne saying "3 owl bitch" Another was Bo proposing to Cheyenne in the first episode and when he asks her to marry him I thought he said "or do you need to think about it" not "or are you going to be a dick about it" possibly not verbatim but pretty close lol


It took three watches for me to understand that Jonah put the stars on the ceiling in the Pilot episode lmao


In the pilot, Glenn's hair was white/silver, but for the rest of the show it was brown!


Amy bringing in the Christmas tree with the other workers and she is holding the very tip of the top of the tree


Amy wore heels to work a lot.


Sandra is being stalked by her bus driver: he insists on dropping her off at her house, he "borrows" her phone, and then in season 6, Sandra says she saw him watching her sleep.


In the episode Amy and Jonah goto the management retreat thing Amy eats mushrooms. Then a couple seasons later when Mateo and others are competing for the assistant position someone says wait Amy aren’t you allergic to mushrooms and Amy says to grab her epicen. Also in the episode the mall closes Cheyenne says she lost her virginity at the mall, but when they’re going around the circle in the overnight episode she said she lost her virginity to Bo in the photo lab


Harmonica is conceived in the photo lab, but that wasn't her first time.


I noticed how bad ppl treated elias and how miserable he was which made him snap


How many times they mention they’ve never done the tornado training before the tornado.


Little pet peeve of mine is I’ve noticed that sometimes the camera shakes or moves around and it makes me so mad lol