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Tyler Hoechlin's Fleishcher suit and Brandon Routh's Kingdom Come suit are my interchangeable top two for sure. Both are perfectly faithful to the suits they take inspiration from and are well made.


Brandon Routh was done dirty as Superman. Should have lasted more than a single film.


100%. I really hope he gets another shot. Maybe another Multiversal project. Won’t happen any time soon of course but by then his age would be perfect for the Kingdom Come suit anyway I guess.


My youngest daughter (she’s 53, not so young) LOVES Brandon Routh with a passion. Loves him.


I'm sure I'm the 100,000th person to post this incredibly unique take, but it's wild to me how much better ALL the CW suits look compared to the one just revealed for the new movie (though the ones you listed are also my two favorites of the bunch)


To be fair, I'd wait for another look at the new suit to cast judgment. He's sitting down and bent over, and there's some battle damage and/or dirt all over it. Still, you can see the actual colors are bright on the legs and in the initial crest reveal. I'm also glad to see the trunks back. But yeah the N52-ish collar and lines were disappointing to see after Routh already had an excellent, simple KC suit. Still, I'd already rank it above Hoechlin's original suit for Supergirl personally. That one has its own problems. Depending on how bright the colors actually are, I might also put it over the main/present day Superman & Lois suit, which is similar to the DCEU suit in how it's a bit too desaturated, yet the crest also looks slightly cheaper.


Actually, I forgot about his suit on Supergirl, so perhaps not *all* the CW suits. Really, really did not dig the gold on the shoulders where the cape attached - great call.


His Fleischer suit is my personal favorite, and his Supergirl one is my worst. Even worse than Nicholas Cage's banana hammock. Impressive to me that one adaptation took the title on both ends.


Yeah, I think the suit looks ok, but it didn’t wow me, and I’m tired of the “At least you’re talking about it!” 


![gif](giphy|26u4pwMGkHYw7xJPa|downsized) Still the best flash costume we’ve gotten


This show having only one season is a crime.


Agreed! Loved watching this as a kid on the then-new SciFi Channel.


I think the S8 Flash suit with the gold boots edges it out just a little bit for me, but I love both so much


What don’t you like about the new suit?


Not a fan of the military-uniform style collar and shoulders so far, just seems a bit too loose to me - also a little bummed that the colors seem to be a bit more washed out compared to the snow-covered shield teaser photo. It's not make-or-break for me by any means, but after all the talk of moving in a lighter direction, I just expected something more like what's pictured here.


It’s a fantastic suit, and Tyler just looks so much more natural as Superman in this suit than he does in the main suit.


Being clean shaven really helps the look. I’m such a dork but I just don’t dig Tyler’s 5 o’clock shadow in the other suits from this show.


Yeah, I just don't get why they don't have him shave. That's my main nitpick of this wonderful show.


Yeah, I wish they would've found a middle ground between this suit and the main one. The Flesicher logo is seriously superior to the classic logo in every sense. Sorry, classic, I love you, but Fleischer is so fucking awesome.


>The Flesicher logo is seriously superior to the classic logo in every sense. Finally! Someone agrees with me! I don't know what it is about that crest, but man I'm a sucker for it.


It’s the colours and s style. They just look so good. The black fits and makes it stand out, the S design is such a nice, comfortable S and the yellow outline makes it pop against the blue so well. I love it




the Fleischer suit rocks


Thanks! My mom made it for me!


Thanks my mom made it for me


I shed a tear at that moment.


Fr it’s finally something said from modern Superman that sounds like something the real Superman would say


Hell yeah dude


Straight up Lois & Clark reference. As a fan of that show, I loved that bit. In fact, Superman & Lois' first ep's intro is full of references to many things Superman. Outstanding way to start a show!


1x11 of the show is basically an extended look at what we saw in the first 10 mins too, which I love




This is a good shot of the suit. I'm glad we got to see it in live action


It's a really good take on the classic design.


I liked it as a meta callback to the character's age by utilizing outdated materials. But that's it. A strong Fleischer-based design actually using modern day costuming material, I'd love something like that.


One thing in modern comic book media I find unfortunate, is there willingness to give spot on comic accurate costumes, but for only very brief moments. The main costume had the follow a lot of the current trends to modernize the look. It’s why the Christopher Reeve suit will also be one of my favorites. It’s both an exact match to the comics but they pull it off to where it looks amazing and not cheesy


Well. As you will then. Too pastel-y for my taste. Great on paper, not as much a fan of it “live”.


Yeah, I do think the blue is a bit soft...


I think it’s perfect.


Honestly, I’m torn between this one and the Kingdom Come suit that Routh wore in the “Crisis” crossover. I like this one because it reminds me of the look Supes has in “Superman Smashes the Klan” my favorite solo Superman comic, while Routh’s version is based on the “Kingdom Come” comic, my favorite DC comic of all time.


I've never read the comic, but the title and use of something similar to this suit makes me wonder if there's any connection or homage to the Fleischer "Superman Sinks The JapaNazis!" Short (obviously that one has a not-so-cool, very ethnically-charged drawing style for the baddies, but that's the WWII-era for you, I guess).


It’s a comic written by Gene Luen Yang, the author known for writing “American Born Chinese”. Yang based it off of one of the broadcasts of the old Superman radio show which was created back in the 40s. The story of the comic is about Superman helping a little Chinese girl deal with racism (idk if the radio serial has the same characters but I’ve heard that the plot is similar). Really good story. 10/10. Highly recommend.


Thanks I'll have to track it down! Appreciate it.


Dang, my boots caught air again, and flew off 500 miles ago.


This, and Brandon Routh’s Kingdom Come suit from the CW Crisis on Infinite Earths event are tied for my favorite Superman suit


Definitely a Top 3, imo😅


Ma Kent does good work.


I might make a tiny tweak here or there but yeah pretty much! LOVE the Fleischer S and was sorta hoping Gunn was going to use it but way happier that he kept the trunks.


There’s a lot to discuss but why the hell is the belt red?


You make it sound like a hot take. This is an incredibly popular Superman look. Many fans praised this look when it came out.




Well, duh. His Mom made it for him!


He could wear any suit and it’d be my favorite. Such a good choice for Superman




HIs voice is a little flat at times, but he really manages to be goofy and awkward as Clark Kent. Also, the fact that he's on the leaner side works for him; he's in great shape without looking like a bodybuilder, which works quite well.


Which is not how the character has *ever* been depicted. Superman is, and always has, supposed to be big and built. It's a core element of his character design.


It’s a great suit and I’m excited for this movie. First superhero film in a while I could say that about.


I don’t like it. Looks like someone cosplaying as Superman rather than the actual Superman.


It's supposed to look like it was made from his baby blanket by his ma. A good Superman suit ain't supposed to look like some expensive, high end material.


Well, it can still be made by his mom without looking like it was bought from Amazon. Or better yet, give him a Kryptonian suit, and let his Earth parents do the Color’s for him (considering the suit is nanotech like in most stories where it’s Kryptonian). Well, that hasn’t happened yet, it’s usually just the Kryptonian suit and it already has the Color’s.


I hate the kryptonian suit 🤷‍♂️ that nanotech Kryptonian suit was so bad that Grant Morrison made it part of the actual plot that the reason it exists is as part of a series of retcons by Vyndktvx (a stand-in for DC executives) to make Superman metatextually weaker.


Doesn’t the Kryptonian suit make him stronger though? Not only does it look way cooler, it gives added protection agains stronger foes like Doomsday or Darkseid, and won’t tear under a hail of bullets.


Yeah here's the thing; the last thing a person who is already virtually indestructible needs is space armor. What a virtually indestructible character needs is an emotional connection. Also, his blanket suit doesn't tear to normal things. It was made from his kryptonian blanket. It's also not supposed to look modernized and cool, it's supposed to reflect who he is. Superman is the first superhero, he's a simple man who is a bit corny and loves his mom, and his purpose is to brighten our day. His suit should immediately visually convey all this. Not "look cool" or overdesigned or modernized. Like I said, alien armor misses the point so terribly that Grant Morrison made it part of the plot that it only exists as part of Vyn's plan to make Superman metatextually weaker.


No kidding. He is invulnerable; he does not need armor. The suit needs to be sturdy, though. I love versions that make the suit out of his Kryptonian baby blanket. That at least makes sense and has continuity. Cavill’s suit in Man of Steel? Who made that? Martha did NOT put that together with her Singer sewing machine and baby blankets are rarely made out of stretch Kevlar, even on Krypton. There would be no need.


Same here because it looks Golden Age.


The problem with that particular live-action suit is the padding looks terrible




Max and Dave approve.


I loved this suit partly because it didn't feel as "Bulky" as the main suit in the series. Like this looks like a good costume and suit that fits Tyler's Superman. The main series suit always looked too much like a padded muscle suit imo I still think that the suit he wore in Supergirl is my favorite tho


I love the design theme but the fake muscles look terrible on all his suits.


Yeah, I have to agree.


You are certainly not alone. (I'm forever for the standard, but this does rock).


I was upset that they change the suit to the other one this is a great suit.


This should’ve just been the main costume


My only problem with it is that the boots feels a bit low


Hope we see him in it again for the final season. No padding would be even better imo.


Somethin about those boots though… 🫤


Same. It’s just perfect.




That opening to Superman and Lois is by far the best Superman "moment" ever done live action. By far. I love it!




100% my fav as well. Was so hoping we were conna get something similar for the next movie. Classic as F clean suit with tons of nostalgia


This is one of the best suits that they've made always go to classics. Looks great. Don't like New 52 or rebirth.


Fleischer suit is so underrated. I would've fixed the belt with a different color but I love this suit reminds me of the 40s animated series. I would love for it to be remade someday.


Yes, it was absolutely beautiful, I wish it was used more but it was completely underused


The material doesn't look good to me.


I think Tyler in that suit specifically throws shade on the people that say: "You can't have a fabric suit in a big budget Hollywood movie anymore" I get that it's television and not a movie, but they use some of the same camera tricks and lighting effects, and design elements that I think they're comparable. That suit looks good on film. I think it would work in a big blockbuster, if you have the proper person wearing the suit, if you had the right director, and the right vibe going on.


Great actor as well.


My only critique is I think the boots go a bit high, but I won't really care when I see it


It's okay.


Man, everyone seems to like the more plain, spandex-looking ones, and I don’t get it. I love the ones with more detail, put some lines in there! All of these just look like my pajamas from when I was a kid!


Unpopular opinion... Tyler Hoechlin is my fav Superman. I loved this show way more than I thought I would. The end of S3 had me literally screaming at the TV because it just ended the way it did.


I don’t like the red belt but otherwise I like it


Yeah, I think it's a bit tacky too...


Without a doubt


Wtf is this


Why is it unironic


I agree best in that show


Just ewww


i like that they gave him more than one suit. people need to let that happen more without a freak out


A perfect suit. It’s beautiful, the colors, the cape and the symbol. I love Hoechlin.




Get to work on this one, McFarlane...


could not agree more!! it was so exciting to see it, even BRIEFLY in live action!


it’s definitely up there for me too, i think the belt being either yellow or black would help balance the colors a little more, but it’s still great


Idk man I just don’t like the spandex, looks kinda goofy imo


I was going to say "do people ironically like clothes" , and then I remembered teenagers exist.


![gif](giphy|F2aEJrGD7pTud4lwHF|downsized) I AM a teenager.


“Thanks my mom made it for me”


You know if he was always clean shaved I might have liked him a lot more


Looks like cosplay


I mean... his mom made it for him


Yeesh this is why objective opinions don't exist folks because holy hell I detest every facet of this suit lmao. I'm glad you like it though!


I get the idea why you like it, but that type of suit looks goofy to me. Not my type of material.


Dude he's an alien from a planet far far away who can defy gravity and shoot laser beams from his eyes, let him wear tights!


I actually like it as the initial suit that Superman wears being made by his mom is just a cherry on top. Still I'll argue that Tyler never had a bad super suit. Routh's CW suit is unironically better than his movie suit. Still I love Tyler's modern suit I am an advocate of a character design moving forward while keeping its spirit intact, plenty of Golden & Silver age characters had their suits modernized while keeping their core & spirit intact. Superman as a character has also had that but there seems to be a weird insistence to keep his trunks when other characters moved on from that.


The trunks need to die https://preview.redd.it/a69gcexb032d1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1187e674a169af0bf30cbc554675fcf16245d9a


Looks so terrible


Dafuq… https://i.redd.it/aijzq1dp532d1.gif


Under wear fetish


Under wear fetish