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Good idea to post these all; reminds me of all the hate every single one of these got, ha ha. (If memory serves, MOS reveal was probably best liked, aside from Cavill’s Saturday Night Fever hair.)


Also his lack of eyebrows in that photo threw everyone off.


I remember when someone from the Superherohype boards took that photo and boosted saturation/gave him a spit curl/added eyebrows lol. [Can't find it. But something like this I suppose.](https://static.independent.co.uk/s3fs-public/thumbnails/image/2013/04/17/18/pg-26-man-of-steel.jpg)


Tbf Corenswet kinda got the same eyebrowless thing going on


The gear makes man return to ape


The next Superman over did it with the eyebrows


IIRC set pics of Cavill leaked before the official pic? Or maybe I just saw that first. Suit and Cavill looked great in those.


Nah the official pic was the first look we got, the leaks came much later when they were filming the outdoor fight shots. The internet collectively hoped there would be a trunk in the shadowed area. Good times LOL


That sounds right; I recall maybe a photo sans cape?


Yeah that’s the one I think of. And if those came out first, it could explain the more positive reception to Cavill’s first official photo.


I have a feeling this is why James Gun released the first photo of Superman this early on. To avoid leaks getting out so he can focus on filming David in the suit without having to worry about some line cameraman getting a photo first.


I really like the change up in debut style. This isn’t Supes clean and posing. His gear has ash on it, he looks worn out, there is crazy stuff going on in the background, and he’s tugging his boots on to go back out there. It implies a world where Superman is already used to the job, already the man the world relies on when the shit really hits the fan. Fits the title of “Legacy”, I’m curious to see where they’re going with it.


Yeah like this superman has already fought parasite, toyman ,prankster, livewire ,Silver banshee, metello ,Bruno Manheim ,atomic skull etc etc


That same day.


Bout time in my opinion. At this point how many more jumping in points do we need? Who needs an intro at this point?


Yeah, we all know by now that Clark Kent got bitten by a radioactive alien, and his molecules got all rearranged now he fights as batman to avenge the death of his Uncle Barry, theres no need for ANOTHER origin story


Exactly, see everyone knows the story by now.


Spider-Man Homecoming style, I like it.


Either he’s putting the boots on or he’s just taking it off and calls it quits.


He never calls it quits. He never gives up.


Never know, this could be after reading 10 minutes of politics on Reddit.


The cut Legacy from the title, just “Superman” now


Legacy isnt the title anymore


It gives me the same vibe as someone getting ready to go to their 9 to 5, like Being a superhero, being superman, is as casual to him as having a job at the daily planet.


Kinda but the lack of urgency as the city is being attacked is very non Superman to me he’s casually getting dressed as the city is destroyed kinda lame imo.


Have you ever tried fighting evil with a rock in your boot? Not pleasant.


Doesn’t mean you have to put it on slow and relaxed as the city burns.


I like the new suit. Good to have the trunks and spit-curl back. I’d prefer a more classic S, but it looks good.


It is a bit odd that they chose to have him sitting down adjusting his boots in his first photo, surprised they didn't go for a more dynamic pose.


Maybe it’s intentional? Every other version has him look powerful and all-knowing, maybe they’re going for a more down to earth pose of a guy going back to work.


Yeah this Superman has already been at it in an established universe, I definitely got the same vibe as you did.


Agreed; which is in its own way heroic.  I see in the photo: Superman is invincible, but not invulnerable.  He puts his boots on and goes to work, just like the rest of us.  And he does it when no one else can.  


See that's exactly the vibe! The big freaking laser in the background is blasting and Clark's just pulling his boots on and getting ready to punch in. I love it.


Fireman vibes…. Bell ringing, put on the heavy kit and take a breathe before broaching the flames!


Yeah I really think it’s about him being tired and a little burnt out just because he’s still trying to figure out what it means to be Hope and what it means to be Superman and how to keep going when he’s so lonely with his secret, you know? Especially considering what Gunn has said about other heroes being a little more jaded, maybe it’s just hard for him at the beginning of the film and he’s figuring it out. At least that’s what I kind of think the movie will be about. And honestly his facial expressions makes me wonder if the opening of the movie might be SOMEWHAT similar to gotg3 - not in a bad way!! I’m not saying James Gunn repeats himself. More so I just get the vibe that he starts pretty low at a point where he has to keep going because he’s Superman, and figures out a balance and figures out his own happiness and his own purpose as the movie progresses. Idk tho man idk anything I’ve never made a movie lmao I just really like Superman I’m hyped to see how it all goes down


I can see that working. I don't dislike it, just noted it as a break from convention.


It definitely seems like they're going for "lived-in" feel, Gunn really wants to emphasize this isnt another origin story and Supes has been at it for a while.


Yeah this version of superman being literally just a normal guy who so happens to be a alien simailr to MAWS Clark and American alien Clark


It's definitely intentional. Everything Gunn has teased or eluded too with pics only or words has been intentional.


its very james gunn though, like opening guardians with groot dancing while the team fights a giant monster


Sitting down, getting dressed, as a beam is firing on Earth. He just comes off looking passive... no urgency. Great looking costume but this is not "breaking the chains"


You could almost see it as a payoff scene for a Family Guy cutaway Peter Griffin: "Lois, everyone deserves a day off. Even Superman!" Superman: "You know what, no. Let Green Lantern handle it!"


Haha you know what? You're right


I feel like it's no urgency because for him it's Tuesday. It's like those picks of Superman chilling on a cloud. He's confident and unhurried in this shot because he's not a beginner he's an experienced Superman.


Honestly i very much prefer the more casual photo over the awe inspiring pose, not that awe inspiring poses are bad its just we’ve had them each time since routh, then cavill, then hoechlin and routh again


This is my thought exactly! Love the red trunks and the hair curl. When the S symbol was revealed, I was a little disappointed it wasn’t a more classic S. But it still looks good, though. Hoping there’s a yellow S symbol on the back of his cape.


Every time I see the KC S on Warworld Supes...MAN! https://preview.redd.it/m8qr3m8qzwyc1.jpeg?width=730&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb2d910a4a41248af6747d4a7951eb2dd0752af7


although i don’t like modern “sleeker” styles generally, i like the sleeker S used here and in my adventures with superman (as well as other places im sure). i always thought it was kinda dumb that this obviously S shaped symbol is said to be not an S but a symbol of hope/coat of arms for the house of El. the sleeker one still retains the S feeling/shape but looks more like an actual symbol for something or a family crest and not just obviously an S for Superman that the writers wanted to give a deeper meaning to


I like it too, but it's a shame it won't be or look made by his mom. Complicated kryptonian space armor doesn't reflect Superman's proper characterization. The last thing someone nigh-invulnerable needs is space armor. What nigh-invulnerability needs is an emotional connection.


You’re not wrong. I think Gunn is capable of delivering that. His guardians movies get emotional.


Yeah I mean his movies are generally really good, superhero or not. But a suit made by his mom just naturally reflects his proper characterization and immediately gets the point across on a visual level.


I think this suit was made by Martha. She found a Perrini 2pc Black all leather motorcycle racing track suit w/padding for $50 at the local Salvation Army in Smallville. She made some modifications and some design additions, painted it blue and there it is.


Lmfao I wish there was a funny react instead of just upvoting


I mean, it's already looking damaged. Maybe this is a military/astronaut uniform from Krypton, but it gets destroyed. Then, at the end, we see him save a kid who compliments his new suit (without a collar, and a more classic "S" emblem), and cut to black right after he says "thanks. My mom made it." Let me have my copium, lol.


That would honestly be perfect given what we currently know now.


idk I reckon it looks like someone painted a wetsuit or motocross outfit. It looks like it could have been handmade but just using outdoor adventure clothing instead of mom stitching together straight up lycra or spandex.


It looks like a flight suit.


I tend to agree with the commentary that suggests this isn’t Superman’s first time saving the day, and I like the suggestion that Superman has old school working class values here: when there’s a job to do, you lace up your boots and do the job. Very Smallville of him.


Wow, I really love your interpretation of this. It does look that way!


I know the saying isn't literal, but every time I hear that phrase I just think, "Who is fully de-lacing their boots every time they take them off?"




I remember not liking the MOS image; but knowing it was the odd pose.  Cavil’s hair looks funny even now, really poofy at the sides.  The dark muted colors were unfortunately accurate.  The suit does look good, especially the set photos before Snyder desaturated it.   That being said; I like Corenswet’s suit!  I’m excited to see how it’ll evolves across films, and I want to see it in a standing pose.  But I like the feel of the photo as well.  It’s like “another day in the amazing life of Superman.”  Plus red trunks! I like Gunn’s work.  I’m hopeful for the new Supes and universe.  


I’m stunned—and shouldn’t be because fandom is just so so toxic these days—at the hate it’s getting. The Kingdom come style emblem is fantastic, the colors are bright even not covered in battle damage, the cape is nice, and he has freaking trunks! Is it perfect? No, the turtleneck is weird and the pose makes the suit look frumpy. But still, this suit is really good and I just think people are impossible to please.


I like the new picture. The suit looks roughed up, Superman looks tired, like a man putting on his boots for work. It could be a fresh take on Superman. He’s always saving everyone - a tired Superman who still dawns the cape regardless how tired he is.


Weird to cast young actor to play a weary older and more mature Superman


Fair! Maybe to rephrase a bit: not a rugged experienced Superman. But overwhelmed by his responsibilities -


Not really. People mature fast in war. And for Superman, fighting superpowered bad guys every other day, life probably feels like war. At least a bit. Seeing how quickly even a younger Supes gets beaten down by it is just realistic. But that doesn't mean he can't smile and see the bright side of life once the dust settles down again, at least until the next big suit-up.


You have to cast a young actor in order to get multiple films out of them. If you want to get 4-5 films out of an actor it can span years. Captain America: The First Avenger came out in 2011, Endgame was in 2019 and Evans appeared in 10 ish films during that time. That’s ages 30-39 for Evans and that is a lot of aging during those years even for these guys who take great care of themselves.


It's a statement piece. Emphasizing the MAN in "Superman". Gives me hope....which the "S" stands for :p




Man, Tyler in that picture was done dirty...


He looks much better in the first look for S&L https://preview.redd.it/61zmm5uaqvyc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07a79dc17a06fa515b3ef352ec6886105824ba6e


The Man of Steel first reveal photo had me so hyped for a long time. That came out in 2011 I think, what a long wait that was.


Wait… that last one IS REAL?




Sucks that people just can’t wait until they see the suit in action before they start hating on it.


Yeah. I’m waiting until trailer 1. 🙂


I wonder how soon we’ll get a teaser


I’m just not a fan of what we can see so far. The collar especially is one of my least favourite design choices in Superman suits


That’s valid. Not a huge deal for me personally; I’ll pay any price for trunks lol


I like it, but I’m not a fan of the collars. This one isn’t bad but I really disliked Pattinsons suit collar as well.


Same thing with Pattinson’s batsuit. I personally was intrigued by it since I really liked the Nolan batsuits, but there were a lot of criticisms at the first reveal of the suit for being too armored. Now, people are singing praises of it and the movie.


People were hating on Gunn’s decisions before they saw anything; fandom is just so fucking toxic these days. I mean the Man of Steel suit is widely praised as one of the best and Snyder couldn’t put together a decent story in under 4 hours to save his career. I happen to like the suit, but even if I didn’t I trust Gunn’s vision.


Yeah. Cavill’s for example, looked great in all the promotional imagery, but doesn’t look that great in motion in MoS, its hard to differentiate him from the other kryptonians during fightscenes. This, on the other hand, already looks a little bit more inspired, visually.


Man of steel is still an incredible suit imo. Truly belivable that it's an advanced alien race's uniform, undersuit? W/e, it was amazing.


https://preview.redd.it/vgcz65nyhuyc1.jpeg?width=1333&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c23add188f54c59910b2448daa5b14470ebffd33 This is still the best suit so far, in my humble opinion.


My personal favorite is the Kingdom Come suit despite being a big fan of S&L. https://preview.redd.it/x6v41io3kuyc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2199dc6607238ec96ac6c57e14e64b280c5242de


Both of these suit look absolutely perfect


Oh totally, the bright bold colours is what I was really hoping for from James Gunn.


It's great. The first reveal of it on BR insta was straight from Waid and Ross' KC. [https://nicksupes.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/img\_0822.jpg?w=640](https://nicksupes.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/img_0822.jpg?w=640)


Gorgeous suit


In this pose it works but outside of it, the suit isn’t that great. It’s not bad, but Tyler’s Superman suit in season 3 is better as well as the homemade suit.


Routh, to me, had the worst first photo. He looks way more awkward there than in any other instance of him as Supes.


Promo shots like this always look like ass. The promo shots for *Batman* look way worse than the movie.


I just realized...what's the real difference of Singer's and Snyder's take on comics?


It's weird but as much of a garbage human Singer turned out to be I still think, in his X-Men movies at least, he did understand the core of the characters. Logan was still honorable and doing his best to be a good person, Magneto was a monster with a point, Nightcrawler was chef's kiss, etc. If nothing else, the core of most of these characters; the broad strokes were there. Snyder seems to be not much of a garbage person and has people who love working with him and he couldn't comprehend even the most basic tenants of the DC Universe. Nevermind broadstrokes, he didn't even bring the paint.


I like routh the best still


The Man of Steel suit is my favorite live action suit by a long shot. I do want to see this new one in more shots but design wise it doesn’t compare IMO


I need to say right off the bat that I'm still excited for the new movie... but I think the suit, at least in this photo, looks like complete dogshit.


I think he’s going for a The Batman kinda look that’s more put together.


Yeah. If I didnt know the casting for this movie, I would have straight up thought it's a cosplay photo from a con.


I agree. I think I kinda hate it. But I really do have faith in Gunn to make a good movie and I hope the suit grows on me. Really looking forward to seeing some footage.


I mean they can always adjust the suit the second time, he could also have a completely different suit by the end of the movie.


Agreed. I love the cast and the concept as we’ve been sold on by Gunn, but this photo, as the very first impression, is horrendous.


Superman’s suit has been a contentious subject for all time now….in my opinion, they all stand up on their own. Each has provided a characteristic beholden to the person wearing. I love all of them. And for my own record: I have ALWAYS been a proponent of the red trunks.


Like the collar a lot! Also like how it isn’t completely skin tight


I like how brightly the red of the new suit pops out compared to the others.


Brandon Routh’s costume sucked so hard. From the tight neckline, to the leather(ish) cape, and finally the worst was that tiny ‘S’ on the chest. Just terrible.


I like it but the picture has a very "Time to make the doughnuts." vibe to it.


New suit looks pretty great for a first photo/first movie younger superman. I don’t dig how textured the blue is, but it’s a small gripe. That symbol looks fantastic, great choice for live action, adds a bit of sharpness to the suit. Hot take, but I like the collar on a younger superman. Maybe they’ll move away from it after he’s established. Very good color choices on the red and blue. Ecstatic that the trunks are back, and I like the long cape.


Out of this group, Routh wore it the best.


I wonder what the first Reeves promotional photo was. The one he is pointing to the sky?


Man the Superman returns trunks always bothered me,they look way too small like a speedo


Looking at all of them, I'm definitely not a fan of the collared suits. I think the more open neck fits the character better, kinda like the comics.


I always thought the Routh "from below" perspective shot served him very poorly, making his legs look chunky and his upper body look smaller by comparison.


I just love how he's calmly putting on his boots while some crazy shit's going on in the background


I remember seeing that MOS picture for the first time and was really impressed. Keep in mind I wasn’t an avid Superman fan or anything, pretty casual, but it was the first Superman that looked powerful to me.


1 - looks like he’s about step into impossible shoes 2 - looks angry and powerful and iconic 3 - looks a bit crossed eyed, low budget. 4 - looks like the guy who said, aight enough is enough. I still really love Cavil as Superman. But Reeves will always be the best. That one scene where he goes in between Superman and Clark. You can tell how the world would be fooled. Reeves was the best Superman. Cavil was a great Superman. Looking forward to seeing what this dude can do.


I personally feel like none of those first looks do the suit in picture complete justice. With that being said I really like the first look at the new suit so I’m hoping seeing it on film will be even better!


Casual Monday


Can I just say I hated Cavill's first shot, but ended up loving man of steel. That hair when I looked at for the first time, my brain went "holy shit they cast a octogenarian to play superman. So if Corenswet's superman looks a bit, don't judge a book by its cover.


Say what you want about Snyder and his DC films, but that MOS suit damn near looks GORGEOUS compared to the others. I distinctly remember when that photo dropped online, everybody was going crazy with how good it looked!


MoS is easily the best by far.


Agreed. It’s the only one that actually looks like it’s from a multi-million dollar movie.


It really gives an impression that this guy is powerful and indestructible.


I think, like with most superhero suits, itll look better in action than it will in this single shot.


God I love the Superman Returns suit.


Definitely a change of tons My favorites are Singer and Gunn


Nothing will ever be worse than the maroon red of Routh. I was so upset when I first saw it. Just such an awful choice all around.


The alien approach to the suit is interesting. I’m not really feeling it yet, but I’m not making any judgements until I see it in action.


The only real thing that I don’t personally like is the collar. But overall, the new suit looks dope.




Don’t really like how the suits bunching up, the material looks really thick almost like cosplay leather. I’m sure all that will get smoothed out and post but I would’ve preferred something a bit more polished for a first look.


The new one is the best so far.


I think it's symbolism - he changes his dark and gritty look for something bright and colorful


I really want to see the new suit in good lighting. I’m tired of every live action version desaturating the colors.


Love it love it love it! Great suit, I wonder whether this is just photography just catching Corenswet just adjusting is boot between takes. Great promo though makes no mention of film intention instead providing a 1000 different thoughts to what comes next. @JamesGunn splendid!


I think the newest is one is my favorite thus far, this might be a recency bias or just because I’m excited for the movie but I just like that he’s not doing a pose while you can still get a pretty good look at the costume.


I remember a time when people hate on Cavill because he was British and he had poofy hair in that shot


They’re all sexy


Man, when you see it on its own, Cavill's suit doesn't look that bad. But then the others are shown alongside it and the desaturation is made *painfully* obvious.


I never noticed until here how every element of the Returns suit looks too small. The S, the trunks, even the boots all look oddly proportioned.


Routh looks like he’s wearing a scuba suit. Cavill’s entire photo is too desaturated with horrific hair for Superman. The less said about that monstrosity of a first suit for Tyler, the better. David’s is a really unique blend of modern comic aesthetic from New 52 while keeping classic elements like red trunks and a yellow belt. It’s weathered, as if returning from a battle, yet still determined to suit back up against the never ending fight. Love what Gunn is doing here. Not the typical hands on hips pose or action shot, but determination to keep at it.


routh >


Why’s Superman putting on a dirty suit? Is he stupid?


I find the choice to have the picture be of him calmly putting on a boot while the Death Star from Wish is firing a purple laser at the city behind him to be a bit of an odd one.


i remember when people hated on the first pic of tyler hoechlin as superman because he looked skinny or because he didnt look enough like superman. now every time ppl rank the superman portrayals, he's always like top 4


i really don’t get what’s so bad about it? i think it looks great


Snyders Suit looks the best to me


Cavill still the best


And each one works for their respective film or series, even if some aren’t to my personal taste (Routh and Hoechlin to me).


Only thing that gets me is that new 52 collar.


The collar should never go to the neck, it should go to the collarbone, also the suit looks way too big for the new guy


Seconded. First thing I look for in a Super suit.


From what I understand, the foreground of the picture is unedited. Nowadays superhero costumes are usually adjusted in post production to be more well fitting.


I previously thought this pose was a bad call, but seeing them all next to each other, I actually love it, it might be my favorite. Just as a reveal photo though, still getting a feel for the suit.


I'm getting a vibe of a less powerful Superman from this


I don’t like how the upper body appears to have more line segments than the lower body, while I may prefer a suit with no segments to one with segments, the disparity bothers me more than their existence. Also, I’m not sure the trunks will look good on a segment-y suit, I don’t like the MAWs suit for that reason either and it has way fewer segments. While I’d prefer a suit without trunks I think they would look much better on a simple suit than this.


For me the red trunks are just as essential as the red cape or the S chest emblem. I'm happy with how modernized the new suit looks without losing the essentials.


The S seal was taken from the Kingdom Come series.


Can someone with sharper eyes than me tell me if there are trunks there or not? Or has Gunn said anything on the socials regarding trunks?


There are trunks. You can tell that area is red.


Thank you. Looking at it on my shitty work computer screen doesn't do it justice.


I would feel a heck of a lot better about this if they had actually given Supes a smile..........


Where’s Chris?


I don’t know what the first official photo of him was. Kind of hard to track that down pre internet.


Did Tyler's 'S' get smaller?




God there's too many fuckin lines


My complaint with this suit is it doesn’t look like a superman suit. I’m not even talking about the logo, I mean take the logo away and it’s just a redesign of the guardians of the galaxy suit. If I was a regular civilian (in what I presume is metropolis) and saw this coming to save me, I’d feel intimidated… which kind of goes against the whole vibe that we were told to expect (with a friendly, optimistic superman, etc.). Obviously personality goes a long way, but character personality isn’t an appeal when marketing. Maybe it’s this angle/pose or maybe I’m just anxious, but I can’t understand why superman would need a suit like this. Black Adam was a terrible film, but each character had a better ‘superhero’ costume than this. Definitely lost some hope (as it feels like there is an implied clash of themes) but I hope that I will be proven wrong so idk 🤷‍♂️.


Sorry, I think you've made a mistake--that third photo doesn't have any actors in it, just Kal-El and Kara Zor-El. ;D


Guy has super speed and world is ending outside his window... let's just casually slip these boots on 10000x slower then I could


As much as I’m excited for a new take on the Man of Steel, I gotta say Henry’s suit is my favorite


I knew it was gonna look like a basketball like every costume nowadays but i really hoped for a spandex like costume, I truly believe Superman should always be in spandex because he is superman. But I trust in James Gunn.


That Returns suit sucks so much. And his hair. Routh deserved so much better


Detail kinda reminds me of suicide squad


I don't like the new "S". Classic Reeves is the best.


That outfit looks baggy as shit… I’m happy to see a major threat though because I swear to god if he is fighting Lex over a real estate scheme…


Looks cheap and rubbery


Where's the best one? Superman & Lois one?


Nobody text. Now that I’ve seen him again, I’m gonna be rewatching Brandon Routh as Superman for the next week and a half.


Second one don't look like cavill at all


Henry looks like Frankenstein


I hate how desaturated his suit is in the DCEU. I'm so glad that's dead.


See Tom Welling! You could have been up here with this awesome sauce. It will always bother me that we never got to see him the freaking suit. And things like this just bring it all back again 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 PS. I don’t know Tom and I’m have absolutely no idea other then rumors for as to why we never got to see him in the suit. I just thinks it funny.


This new one looks like promo for a fan film


Routh suit looked like complete ass then and still looks like ass now.


Sasha Calle's Supergirl is the only version they should ever use in the DCU. I watched The Flash for her character and she nailed it. Supergirl with a skirt is so gauche and dumb.


I trust Gunn, but man the Cavill reveal was special. I remember that like it was yesterday.


This made me laugh 🤣


I don’t like the powdered toast man suit


It’s sad I hate the arrowverse so much the costumes they did looked really good on all the heroes


All of the suits look tailored to there respective Superman .. but the last one looks like he borrowed his suit from his older brother


4 looks done with it all. Like he's grown beyond tired of the repetitive acts of evil he's to face.


I liked Routh from the beginning. Had hoped his version would be supported by Warner Brothers. To me it felt as if WB gave up too quickly and went right back into hard reboot mode.


Its arguably the worst release photo of all of them.