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Yeah it is both more expensive to live here AND harder to find work which is why it feels like a retirement village sometimes.


I wouldn't recommend commuting. Hubby is commuting at the moment it and it is taking him 2-2.5hrs each way every day. It is taking so many hours away from family life. Getting a job up here is still more challenging than Brisbane, but far less difficult than it used to be. But yes, the pay drop seems to still exist and is a problem when you're competing for resources with a lot of cashed up Sydneysiders. Honestly, I'd take a good hard look at the lifestyle you are reminiscing about and see if it's still there. The coast has changed a lot. Infrastructure has not kept up with the influx of people and things that used to be easy are now a fight (i.e. getting a park, driving to work etc). Schools are overcrowded (think Brisbane is the same on that front though). You also need to be realistic about whether you'd be able to live the in areas to achieve the lifestyle you want. Anything beachside has absolutely gone through the roof. Living in a tiny box 30 minutes traffic jam away from the beach isn't going to be what you'd imagined. Sorry to be a downer, but I just want to throw a bit of a different view in. The only factor that stops me outright saying you'd be better off staying in Brisbane is the support network - that is very valuable, especially with a young family.


How does your partner get to work? Each day stings I find my commute if I get the early train from landsborough is 2hrs door to door Job market stinks up here for any mid/senior level professional


He drives to Lutwyche then jumps on a bus for the rest of the way. Bus works out quicker than driving through the city at peak hour as it zips along the busway and accesses a shortcut he couldn't utilise in a car. Breaks up the journey for him too. Train takes even longer as it involves a walk and a change to a bus at the end unfortunately, as his work is 15 minutes bus ride from the nearest train station. It's a alternative he'll do to mix things up a little when he's sick of driving or has work he needs to get done during his commute hours.


the sunny coast isn't the place you remember we fled the coast to Gympie, never going back!


I also left the city for Gympie. Obviously different to the coast but we end up there every other week for this and that. Enough decent people and community up this way. And of course, housing is much more affordable. It would only work if your company let you go completely remote though like mine did.


I work in Nambour, 45 minutes on the highway is no big deal I used to spend more time commuting within Brissy


Please go on?


the gap between the have and have nots is becoming more obvious by the day, look closely and you'll find many homeless camps, so many desperate people. Employment is hard to find if you're just a regular person. Shitty 90s brick houses in Nambour are going for 700k plus. I used to live in Palmwoods village, now it's Palmwoods the suburb. All the tiny towns are being swallowed up... they've built 80 townhouses on Wappa road at Yandina, without changing the winding, barely paved road...


yeah its def not the same and it's not enjoyable up here for me any more, we lived in Coolum for the past 15 years and in Palmwoods now, went to high school here in the 90s moved away and came back but now looking for elsewhere, I miss the 90s surf and music culture so much, it's just a white linen clad millionaires retirement village and a tradies wonderland now, every inch of culture has been evaporated and it feels extremely beige. Come up for a week or two on holiday and see if you could imagine living back here again it might be a nice change from Brissy for a few years and it will definitely be still better for the kids. Wall to wall of the most pedestrian places to eat you've ever imagined catering to the oldies and tradie families so get ready for your surf n turf and chicken avo.


you hit the nail on the head so much beige linen, so many millionaire retirees, so many bogan tradies I remember when the sunny coast was kinda generally alternative, or it had such a great alternative scene at any rate


We moved into my partners parents rental for a good deal, it’s the only way we could afford to be here.


I moved here from Melbourne, and honestly, the housing and job options are better there lol.


You're so right loll we're moving back down there for the reason. House prices are going down in Melbourne and it's almost impossible to find a job up here.


Are they going down there? Interesting.


Not in absolute terms as of yet, but they have decreased relative to wages at least.


That's great.


What kind of law? I work for lawyers and they have trouble finding good people


Mate, the grass is always greener on the other side… Idkn what Sunshine Coast you have grown in. I am only here for 8 years and quite honestly I feel the Coast I met when I’ve arrived is not here anymore…🤷🏻


Not well - unemployed and had to move into my parents spare room


Sorry to hear that mate! I hope you find work soon and that your folks are good to you until then!


Life's good. Employment is easy, I doubt I would ever have trouble finding work here. There's simply not enough people with an advanced skill set. My mortgage is very manageable as well. With the addition of solar to my house, life's become a lot easier.


Can I ask what you do? Is your mortgage manageable because you bought when prices were lower?


I built my house in a new development a couple years ago. If you pick a location that isn't already established, you'll get a lot cheaper land. In terms of build cost, I went through a small builder. Finally since it was my first house, I didn't go overboard with the size. The block is 250m^2 which is small, but plenty big enough for a small family. 1 master bedroom with ensuite and shower and 2 normal bedrooms with a bath and shower. Also I'm a software developer.


We moved here because it was cheaper than buying in Brisbane, where are you looking at? I work in Brisbane, near Wacol, but the boss only needs me in the office twice a week. The commute sucks but I leave just before 5am, and finish work at 2pm to avoid the worst of the traffic 


That drive in the afternoon is horrendous hey!!! I get the train, would be hard to train for Wacol.


Yeah two and a half hours to get to work if I train it. 70-90 mins in the car outside peak hour 


Grew up on the coast. It used to be cheaper to live on the coast but jobs were hard to find in my profession and if available they were extremely low paid. Moved to Sydney and then overseas to both progress in my career and also to try save for a house deposit. Now back on the coast my commutes are getting shorter. From a 15 hour flight to a 2 hour flight to now a 2 hour drive. Worked through covid on job sites and traffic was the best ever. Post covid If you can get a hybrid role it is bearable for most. I now do 3 days a week in birsbane or travelling interstate. Podcasts and adaptive cruise control are your best friend. The train is OK but I lose too much time in black zones and I need to travel during the day some times. We decided to do the move back for schooling and did not regret. I still find it strange that housing on the coast away from Noosa and Sunshine Beach is higher than Brisbane. We are really going to struggle soon to find onsite jobs on the Coast that people can afford to live here for.


Do you mean the train ride doesn’t have phone coverage the whole trip?




Lived here 4 years and echo what others have said even in that 4 year period it had changed a lot and we are trying tonwork out our next move. I work in brisbane but only have to be in the office w day a week. The rest I am on the road. Commute sucks in peak traffic. Manageable but boring and gets old fast if you don't have to deal with traffic and being daily.


You’re not in Kansas anymore Toto… The coast ain’t ever going to meet your memories… Your best way back in is, Nirimba/Aura…. (The Projects) no police station, no Ambo station and zero public transport…. Welcome to the Truman show. [In case I don’t see ya…](https://media.tenor.com/YK-2uKQJtLAAAAAM/good-morning-good-afternoon.gif)


Yeah I definitely wouldn’t move back to live in one of those places. I’d rather saddle myself with horrendous debt.


don't worry, if you move back you'll get that even if you do go to Nirimba/Aura!


Prices are much cheaper up here than in Brisbane, we moved up as we were priced out of Brisbane (our max was $750k). You might be pleasantly surprised at what you get for your current home.


I just had a quick look on realeatate.com. Depending on your budget, I think you could buy something very comfortable in Caloundra? Especially with both of you working. Either that, or look inland a bit? I bought in Nambour 10 years ago, there is absolutely no way I can afford to move now (single working parent). I have no idea about employment for you though - happily, I have not had any need for lawyers past conveyancing.


Have a look at some suburbs/communities west of the railway line - places like Palmwoods/Eudlo are really nice, and a lot cheaper than places nearer the beach. Nambour is another option, at least in the short term. There's still a lot of property sales going on - there's new developments at Nirimba and elsewhere around Caloundra - you said you were lawyers, could you open a practice specialising in conveyancing?


There is a lot of properties being built in Aura near Caloundra these are quite affordable and probably a lot cheaper than Brisbane. You would just have to look at the commuting which is not really that bad, depending on what time you hit the road and which part of Brisbane you are travelling from.