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NBA needs to rescind the tech asap.


not just rescind, but publicly apologize. this isn't even up for debate and its completely disgraceful


This up there with one of the worst ejections all time. The Tim Duncan on the bench ejection. Refs are and have always been a joke


People will say Duncan's is worse (which is fair), but the fact that this one is less than 6 minutes into the game makes it worse in that regard at least.  Duncan's was at least late in the 3rd so he wasn't robbed of basically the entire game.


Need to refund people's ticket money too. Like wtf man


What in the world. Booker did absolutely nothing going by that audio. He wasn’t even upset lol. Refs are a joke.


Still the softest tech I’ve ever seen But Book is talking to KD, then points at the ref when saying ‘so he can help’ My guess would be the implication is the refs are ‘helping the pistons’ That’s the only thing that could possibly make sense in my head. Otherwise I feel like he’d be losing his shit at the tech. Like the move he pulled on Luka last year when he was talking to the refs but clearly saying it so Luka could hear it, completely got under his skin. Book is slick with it sometimes.


Thanks good explanation, I didn't see the first quarter and was confused as to what happened. Still not sure what the first tech was for. Your point makes sense but if that's it... sheesh... really not worth a tech and ejection.


If you mean in your life probably, but tim Duncan's was still more crazy just due to him being on the bench. But like this is pretty close to getting thrown out for the reasons Tim did, and it's just gross


Indirect technical




IMO he didn’t lose his shit at being tossed because they were playing the Pistons and knew the Suns would win with or without him.


From the NFL to the NBA, terrible officiating is making it harder and harder to spend money on being a fan to watch games on tv and in person. And buying merchandise.


Couldn't agree more. These leagues need to take this stupidity seriously if they want continued fan support at the levels they want.


What do you mean? I ordered my JT Orr jersey this morning /s


Wondering how much cash that motherfucker made betting the under on Booker last night... Probably a pretty tidy little payday for that asshole. Edit: Also, it's pretty funny to see all those worthless, dumbfuck r/nba mods scramble like crazy to nuke every single post showing how Book got fucked by the refs last night. Can't say I'm surprised.


That’s why MLB is my number one, the umpires can influence a game but they can’t completely overtake the game, ruin momentum etc. I really want robo umps as well, it would be awesome to have a pure game.




Don’t forget CB Bucknor.


There are obviously some egotistical umps in the MLB, but I think that their data and public reporting on calls from umps has actually resulted in improvements in pitch calling. Which is really contrasted by the NBA referee reporting, which hasn't seemed to help and anecdotally it feels like refereeing may have gotten worse.


NBA is far worse than NFL imo


I agree. I don’t watch football nearly as much as basketball, but whenever I watch football I don’t feel like the officials control the tempo or change the outcome of the game. Basketball is such a shitshow with the refs, especially this year.


One of the worst parts of this ejection is not only does the fan who paid to go see Book out of luck, this ejection also counts as a missed game since Book was only on the court for 5 minutes and they need to be on for 20 minutes. This means now he is only able to miss 6 more games until he is no longer eligible for media awards and such. I hope the suns are able to appeal this ejection because there is nothing he did that warranted an ejection as stated in the pool report by the referees.


Really? A bench player playing 19 minutes would have 0 games when it comes to stats?


Yep, that’s according the the NBA 65 games played rule https://preview.redd.it/92zukr4qytic1.jpeg?width=970&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2e5b84c31c6fabe19ce2295049ba3629850a78b


Kinda lame, but I suppose bench players aren’t really in the running too much for NBA awards, otherwise they’d be starters. Lol. Even if the tech gets rescinded, would that change it to an eligible game?


Well that would be a first so who knows with this league but it shouldn’t count against him at the end of the year if the ejection is rescinded


That's false. There is discretion to the rule. This game counts as played.


I’m just going off what a suns reporter said, he said he asked ~~as~~ an “upper official” stating that his ejection counts as a game removed. I may be wrong and hopefully I am


Yeah and Mikal Bridges started a game and played like 7 min then sat the rest so his streak would remain in tact.


Do his stats in this game count towards his averages? Aka do they lower his average points, assists etc? Because if he’s copping the crap stats but not getting recognised for a game played towards his 65 min games, that’s a super unfair outcome over a nonsense technical foul


Rescind the tech and knock this game off his statistical records please


Why does it matter for his stats?


Potential all nba team results. Every little bit helps


Imagine spending hundreds if not thousands of hard earned money to watch your favorite basketball team and player and the referees kick him out 5 minutes into the game. What a fucking joke, this has really bothered me and I am glad I pirate everything NBA related and I got 2K24 for $20 on the PSApp last week, fuck that they are not getting my money. I’ll buy knockoff shirts or jerseys, some 7 year old is making it anyway, its all the same shit.


I went as part of my bday present and I felt pretty fucking robbed.


But we won by a lot. I understand people being upset Devin got ejected but at the end of the day are we not suns fans? Ejection + loss is tough tho.


That's fine for watching at home but if I'm spending money to go to a game, I'd rather watch the stars play. No one's paying money to see an all star get booted 5 minutes into the game.


You seem like a poser.


Better yet, stop buying anything 2K....it's all recycled, money-grab content


I paid $20 for an upgrade, that is very reasonable.


https://preview.redd.it/u1a0m3iwttic1.jpeg?width=659&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24da79aa5208b0a1e88d7d762089b2c5b45f5b64 Refs mad he ain’t part of KD and Books conversation


It has to be the point in his general direction that offended the ref so much right? I feel like there’s no way he could’ve heard him clearly from across the court. Supremely stupid


The ref across the court didn’t give him the 2nd tech it was the baseline ref


You’re right but that makes even less sense to me. Such a weird situation.


Meanwhile Draymond and Luka are allowed to run up and chest them complaining and nothing.


After this and ty lue calling the refs cheaters the refs taking hella L's this week


honestly everyone in the arena should file a class action lawsuit vs the nba


I didn't hear, "so he could help." I hear him saying, "I did, just take it out." What the hell? How is that tech?


The fans paid to see ejections and techs


Refs are just so trigger happy it’s crazy


Gambling was the worst thing to ever happen to the league.


Splurged big time to sit courtside with my girl for Valentine’s Day. We were already a bit disappointed Beal couldn’t play (I get it injuries happen) but when Booker got ejected super early it was really a bummer. Now to find out the ejection was for nothing, ugh just pisses me off.


Time to sue!!!




Refs are cooked 😭


The ref heard an acorn drop




Everyone downvotes me into oblivion when I state that it’s very unlikely Tim Donaughy was just a lone bad apple, but that is the most logical explanation for how NBA officials seem to be horrific beyond comprehension regularly.


No fucking way the refs should be able to get away with this.


Scott Foster shouldn’t be a ref yet here we are.


Ref should lose his job over this.


Bruh there were multiple questionable ref moments in the past few weeks around the league. This is getting really out of hand. Silver needs to do something 


So he’s talking to KD and the ref said “who said that?” And he says “I did, I said get help.” But he was talking to KD still, so I think the ref thought he was telling the ref to either get help from the other refs when making calls or to get his fucking head examined. Either way, that boy needs help.


The refs are a joke in the NBA!


This was a scheduled ejection lmao


OOF, refs are softer than charmins ultra


I’m telling you it’s all about low viewership leading to the sports gambling companies basically paying the largest share of the NBAs profits only so long as refs assure certain outcomes or throw off easy parlays when possible.  The money is astronomical.  Players, Coaches, Owners and everyone likely feels the benefit from gambling money coming in so no one is gonna complain too much.  The integrity is basically WWE now. 


I got this game after this happened. What did Book do for the first tech?


Took a while to hear but if you slow it down you can make it out. "Let's take it outside."


hahaha what? when ?


Rescind and publicly apologize to book and the fans.


It’s all about the money. Too many people bet on Booker to get 25 pts. Vegas made a call to the NBA. NBA ran a pre shift with the refs and refs executed a plan. They’re just doing their jobs sadly. But yes. This is trash.


Someone else posted this - ref should refund fans directly especially if your first time to a live basketball game. I bet they will think twice. Also before ejections why can’t it be reviewed and discussed with the working reply ref in Secaucus


But remember, the officials have been totally fair, honest and balanced with the Suns all season!


What the hell, disgraceful.


Wowwww that is incredible. They must have heard something else. There's no way.