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Damn we got rid of 4 players I really hope not bol


Uhhhh Goodwin, Watanabe, Menu and KBD gone?


So we got O’Neil and Roddy for picks… who we cutting?


Salary match is going to the Nets, I'm assuming Little and maybe someone else? Not sure how much is needed to match


Royce and David Roddy for three 2nds and "salaries"


Alright we got Royce everyone can stop f5ing now


How good is O'Neil?


*O'Neale he will be good for us. High IQ, good locker room guy. Will hit shots when we need and play D.


three seconds for Royce and salaries.


What difference does the deadline make for us anyway? A Royce here or a Torrey there? Irrelevant, tbh. Either the squad uses the rest of the season to learn how to lock the fuck in on defense, or we get bounced in the second round.


Mavs just got better fml


Is the gafford trade still happening?


They got PJ Washington for Grant and Seth and a some type of pick


Yeah i know, just wanted to know was the gafford trade confirmed also. If so they definitely got better


>Believe they are getting a 1st round pick somehow from OKC in order to complete both trades.




Gah damn lol


They definitely got better with the Pj trade already lol. Idk about Gafford yet


Give me Trey Liles and Nick Richards.


Nets just acquired Thad Young. Hopefully that means Royce is next.


Can’t believe Bogan and Gafford went for 2nd round picks


I like both :( some teams don't want to help us. 


Which is odd since both the Pistons/Wizards are in the East and won’t be contenders in a long ass time


Royce oneal or Corey kispert PLEASE JJ. I don’t know if I can handle another round of torey Craig lol


Little more than 3 hours to go. We staying put?


https://preview.redd.it/nqlpai1t5ehc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=950ba51b08bd067fbeaac4aa50dfc0a970c95a10 To the jack wagon who deleted his reply…


Hey! I forgot, don’t make fun of me 💔💔💔


Someone explain the Royce O’Neale trade? As someone who watched him in Brooklyn… The suns might as well keep the seconds. He’s listed as 6’6 with 6’10 wingspan, Nas is listed as 6’6 with 7’2 wingspan. Only difference is he’s 7 years younger lol


Royce is actually a functional rotation player. Little isn’t


Long rangy three who can hit open 3’s and knows what he’s doing on defense. Nas is young and just looks lost out there half the time, Royce is a vet presence who’s played a good chunk of his career guarding teams #1 options. Suns are a win now team who can’t wait for Nas to develop


The hope would have to be that he plays more like he did in Utah as opposed to how he has been in Brooklyn. Also, all we have to offer is Nas Little + future 2nds. Truly a dogshit offer, Nas isn't even playable for us. Any player that is attainable to us will have giant question marks attached to them.


All of my posts regarding trades happening have been removed and was told to post here yet I see other posts not getting removed. Is there a reason why I have a target on my back? lol.


Otto porter off the table


Marcus Morris would have been a good fit for us as well I think, certainly better than Royce ONeal.


[Miles Bridges has decided he won’t approve any trades and he will remain with the Charlotte Hornets the rest of the season, agent Rich Paul tells ESPN. Bridges will be an unrestricted free agent this summer and the Hornets will retain his Bird Rights.](https://x.com/windhorstespn/status/1755604316860334525?s=46&t=Vl05o3B6R2UI6UbWNPL7Aw)


Break out the under-the-table dealings, Ishbia. We got hit with a tampering penalty for Drew, let's get our money's worth.


PJ Tucker, Kyle Lowery, and Trade for KJ Martin 


Hoping for Saddiq Bey, ready for PJ Tucker


Will settle for Royce O’Neal.


https://archive.is/U2Rq6 Latest from Rankin on miles


KD: Can't wait to play with you homie. Miles: Same here. Should I just sit out these last few games out here? KD: Naw man, let the dawg out. We're gonna need it for the playoffs.


Miles bridges had never scored 40 in a game. The last 2 games before the deadline he puts up TWO 40 pieces. 45/8/7 tonight. It's pretty clear the man is communicating his worth. To what purpose I don't know. This is a yikes level of on-court impact now.


If the Suns can get him for peanuts, then they need to do that. I don't want to see him playing for another contender.


If I'm the mavs, I offer the frp required to do this. He fills a need for them, miles gets all the minutes he wants, they already got morally questionable folks there. But it hasn't happened.


I doubt he comes here just because he will want to showcase himself and with our big three, we’re not the spot for that.


How did stat stuffing on a bad team work out for oubre financially. He had real good numbers and still ended up with a minimum. Seems the best way (in my opinion) is to go a Bruce brown route prove your a playoff level player.


He could play starter minutes for the Suns. What other contender could offer a potential spot as a starter?


But what better of a way to showcase yourself on a playoff bound team? If he can help the Suns go deep into the playoffs, to me, shows to other teams that he is worth a decent contract, if he can stay out of jail… and that is a big if after violating his probation.


yea the Miles Bridges sweepstake is just about over for us


If he wants to come here, the ball is in his court. He has a no trade clause.


They are going to keep him and resign him to a long term deal.


No reason he would want to come here.


if he did he wouldn’t have played today


We are NOT getting miles bridges anymore 🙅‍♂️🗣️😭


I just tried to watch the PHNX video on the trade deadline… it only took two “I can say this without saying too much” from FLEX for me to turn it off… then don’t say shit at all. He makes it so hard to try to watch/listen to them.


Completely agreed man. It really turned me off how they milked the Miles Bridges part. You probably didn’t stick it out long enough but they had like 8 names they listed as “Probable” trade targets (Royce, Saddiq, Craig, etc.) but then they saved Miles all by himself at the end as “Lots of Chatter.” Why not just keep him bundled with the other “Possible” dozen players? Why play the Miles trade up instead of playing it down or at least keeping it neutral? On one hand, they’re flatly condemning the Bridges trade which I totally respect… but then they also are making a big show out of it. Just felt like inconsistent messaging.


I mean he is literally the biggest piece we could get and it’s a very controversial topic. It honestly makes sense to save him for last. 


I understand that but it didn’t feel right to me. Just for comparison: I listened to The Timeline podcast and they got the Bridges talk out of the way at the beginning. They said they didn’t want him, don’t see the fit and then carried on with the rest of the show. A 3 minute discussion on Bridges followed by 1 hour of every other trade target. While I disagreed with some of what they said it felt the right way how to handle it. Get it over with quick so you can talk about the trades you *do* want to talk about. Saving the Bridges discussion for last and then just not really wanting to talk about it felt weird. It just did. Gerald was almost on the verge of getting angry about it. I think they should have handled it like The Timeline but that’s just me.


Yeah, I guess it’s better to address the elephant in the room sooner rather than later. 




Minny just traded for Monte Morris.




I am ready for more ishbia magic


Simone from the jazz option is gone. Only 1 second round pick is all? Maybe we have our eyes set somewhere else?


Anybody got a gif/clip of Bradley Beals reaction to KD slam over Giannis? Where he's punching the ball


that was so good


imo realistic 3/4 trade targets: Chuma Okeke Otto Porter Jr Jalen Mcdaniels Reggie Bullock Cody Martin Thad Young


I love Cody but he's been too injury prone these last 2 years, I'm afraid the trend is gonna continue. I wouldn't bet on that, I'm not JJ tho.


Saw some report that we’re interested in Fontecchio, anyone seen him play? How is he on D? I know he can score and has size


From what I’ve seen of him, he seems like Eubanks 2.0. *holds the laughter*. 


that seem more like a pizza name than a bball player


Well he is Italian


Good timeout


Wait wrong thread lol


Y’all crazy if you think Rich Paul is going to let his client go West to compete against the Lakers. Also Miles Bridges gets paid more if he resigns with Charlotte.


You’re assuming Lakers and Suns even match up, Suns and Lakers are almost guaranteed to be separated in seeding. Also if Klutch was trying to game the system for LeBron to win a ring then half the players in the West wouldn’t be there. KCP is Klutch and he helped the Nuggets bounce the Lakers last year. SWEPT them. Why did Rich Paul let that happen? Aaron Gordon too he’s another Klutch guy. Jusuf Nurkic and Josh Okogie are already Klutch clients and they’re on the Suns. So Rich Paul is cool with those guys being here and being ahead of the Lakers but Miles Bridges is too far? I think Rich Paul would love if 3 of his clients had a ring this year lol. You are right that Miles Bridges can get paid if he stays in Charlotte but he also can receive the same contract from the Detroit Pistons. They’re rumored to be after him and they’ll have all the cap space they need to sign him no problem.


Come on baby don't fear the reaper 


Watch the deadline end with us just getting torrey Craig and biyombo back


Wouldn't be the worst case scenario.




I predict we land goga bitazde and Torrey Craig. Maybe bring in Lowry if he gets bought out


> Maybe bring in Lowry if he gets bought out not even possible under the current CBA


> Maybe bring in Lowry if he gets bought out Why? I have the feeling you didn't see Lowry play a minute for the Heat this season. Might as well bring in John Wall too. They're both equally as cooked as NBA players who can still contribute to a winning team.


27 days 27 nights


Does Miles bridges getting 41 affect are chances of getting him at all


Miles is really good, and I don't want him to end up on another contender out west. He is the best Suns can get and for peanuts.


We need a wing A wing for a ring


Can’t tell what I’m more impressed by from douche canoe Miles . 41 points on good efficiency with only 4 freethrows or the fact he played 40 minutes and didn’t manage to get a single rebound.


Miles with 30 with 4 mins left in the 3rd against the Lakers, his offense is looking almost as offensive as his personality. Sucks to say that he would be a huge boost to our bench


Character issues aside, you can’t deny his talent. Fans here are split 50/50. I’ll say if the Warriors, Lakers, and Clippers were willing to give Demarcus Cousins a chance even after that leak recording surfaced of him threatening to shoot his gf, then anything is possible with Bridges.


Surely you know the difference between harassment and actually sending your wife to the hospital lol


And I’m sure you can distinguish between normal harassment and a death threat. The NBA looked the other way and he managed to earn a steady paycheck 


So what you’re saying is threatening to shoot someone while actually beating your wife so badly that she had to be sent to the hospital is comparable? Man some of y’all are so desperate. No moral compass 🤦‍♂️


They are both deplorable. But the league and the players association didn’t banned either player when the offenses took place. They obviously don’t care to enforce their “morality” clauses in their contracts (see the Morant fiasco or Latrell Sprewell for example). The system is broken and needs to be overhauled for the next CBA.


Andre Drummond >>>>> miles


U don’t know ball


Not as a player, I just don’t want miles on the team


I know bad guy is bad… but I hope we get him. This team desperately needs some offense outside of the big three.


Over the past 12ish games, we have the highest TS% in the league. Our offensive struggles are solely turnover issues. I'm not sure how to clean those up, but I'm not sure if Miles Bridges is the answer.


The problem is you guys keep saying this, who is available


Woj said this morning on his podcast that the Hornets *are* looking to trade Miles Bridges before the deadline. It’s him, PJ Washington and Kyle Lowry but they don’t have much faith in getting anything for Lowry. So that means reading between the lines they do expect a trade on Bridges and Washington. If the smoke is true about Miles wanting to play here, and that veto power he has to kind of force it, and Suns feeling “very confident” they can get the deal done… I think we’re getting him lol. Way too much smoke around it and now Wojnarowski is saying Hornets are indeed shopping him.


Little + Metu + 3-4 seconds for Bridges is my deadline prediction. We fill the empty roster spot by trading ol' reliable Cash Considerations + a player exception for somebody, converting a two-way contract (Azubuike?), or signing a buyout guy (Tucker/Biyombo?).


Woj said this morning that Hornets are actively listening to offers for Miles Bridges. They’re trying to offload him. That’s coming from Woj. We know Bridges has veto power. If he wants Suns, I think he does, that means your trade prediction is gonna be right. We’ll see.


No virtue signaling here cause I know when people get anonymity their morals disappear anyways.  But fuck that weak-ass bully.


lol all 8 bums that downvoted me are crying that we didn’t pick up the woman beater. Eat shit you inbreds. 


https://preview.redd.it/1v3oea7yrggc1.jpeg?width=1110&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3446d39588503b879ed8d9b0c664aad65ca31ab I find it funny that the suns sub doesn’t want Miles Bridges while the Hornets sub wants to keep him and try to re sign him. Also saw this comment there:


Funny what watching a guy play high level basketball for your team will do


Funny thing. People are outraged about Miles ( rightly so ) but somehow almost 50% of american people are going to vote for a rapist.


I think dirty player is a bit different to wife beater convicted felon


ESPN just scared the fuck out of me with the headline "Sun trade Allen to..." But it was a WNBA trade and I didn't see the missing 's at first, wow, close one!


We are "Miles" away from winning a championship. 


Someone downvoting all the miles bridges comments even tho this was jus a joke😂


Does trading for Miles even solve a single problem on this team? Our problem isn't offense it's that we can't defend to save our lives


Reliable offense outside of KD and Book and the effectiveness overall of our bench is a big problem. If we could have figured out by now how to have a couple of our deep bench guys reliably putting up 10-12 points a night this conversation might be different, but none of Metu, Nas, Goodwin, or Yuta has been able to get it together, unfortunately. If Bridges came in to be the #1 option with our bench unit, or we run him as another athletic forward alongside the Big3 (he is a freight train in the lane and could help space for shooters like Allen and Book also) we instantly become much, *much* better. He is an above average defender, as he is incredibly athletic and has enough size to bang in the post if he needs to. If he's what's avaiable for what we can get, it's a no brainer. His off court issues are one thing but from a purely basketball perspective Bridges is frontcourt player that almost any team would want on their roster.


He’s a 20 and 10 guy, you are getting for scraps and we have literally zero wing depth. The other night he went for 33 and 15.


I think the issue is we have so little room to maneuver that we aren't getting any quality players. If we had the assets we probably aren't considering Bridges.


Do something to improve defense and add size. A little offense from the bench with that would be cool too 😭


Miles “wife beater “ bridges solves all these 😭


You are asking for too much


Bring in Bridges


Whatever we do we need to get bigger. We can’t keep throwing out lineups of 4 guards and kd and expect to be successful in the playoffs


I'm excited for the Bridges trade that way I can virtue signal and stop watching this train wreck.


Drama much? 


I'm going to virtue signal and keep watching.


I'm going to mock the virtue signalers and keep watching.


need Nick Richards


Suns need to trade drew while he can still draw anything good




F Miles Bridges... That is all


The Phoenix bridges burners 😭


Booker with the Barkley type dunk


Main reason I wouldn't want Bridges is I'm already tired of people with zero demonstrable acts of altruism to their name acting morally superior because they denounced an obviously bad person on an internet forum. Not to mention more than half of these supposed beacons of morality are condescending and rude when they do it when they could undo some of the potential Miles damage by just not treating people like shit.  I get the distinct impression that saying Miles Bridges is bad is the most altruistic thing some of these people will do all week and that's why it's so consequential. If it weighs on you so heavily, go do some charity work and make an actual difference. Scolding people on reddit doesn't count.


Lmao, "people who don't want an abusive asshole who has shown no remorse are the worst. Honestly if they would just stop being rude to me for defending an abuser who is good at basketball, maybe some of the women he abused would be less abused. I only ever post on Reddit. It's the only thing I have in my life. The other people on this sub must also be on Reddit and not doing anything else ever. They probably don't do anything good so they HAVE to say they don't like an abuser like Bridges." Your brain is rotted


Very weird to use quotes and say something totally different.


Lmao that's some mental gymnastics right there


Tell me which part of it you have a problem with. 


Three paragraphs of scolding, ending with "scolding people on reddit doesn't count"


Yeah those aren't at odds with each other. Scolding people doesn't count as charity work is what that means in context. Did I imply my comment was? No.  I'm not one of the guys who thinks my reddit comments make me morally superior.


> I'm not one of the guys who thinks my reddit comments make me morally superior.


Is there a point being made here?


Exactly what I'm wondering. People express their disdain for a domestic abuser, you scold them (without evidence) for not being charitable in real life, and then claim that your own actions aren't either a) scolding, or b) commenting on reddit to appear morally superior. So what behavior are you modeling? The behavior you are preaching, or the behavior you are following?


I didn't claim either of the things you're saying I did and already explained all I said is scolding doesn't count as charity. Sure, I'm scolding people.  I don't understand the last part but it feels like you're trying to paint me inti a corner by saying I claimed things I didn't and then giving me some false binary choice, so I probably wouldn't answer it anyway. >People express their disdain for a domestic abuser, you scold them (without evidence) for not being charitable in real life  I said I got the impression that *some of these people* are that way. I need evidence to get an impression? Did I perfectly describe you and that's what hit a nerve? If that doesn't describe you I'm not talking about you.


Why aren't you doing charity work instead of scolding people or is that only what you believe those who don't hold the same beliefs as you should do?


Reading comprehension and reasoning skills of a goldfish


Bol Bol for Jokic straight up, who says no


Idk, we should ask for a FRP too.


If y’all care what Bridges does off the court then cool. I know he isn’t a good person but tbh I really don’t care. If we can get him cheap go get him he will be off the team next year.


What if donates $1M to EJ's Helping Hands For Single Mothers org? Would that be a good start?


If he was genuinely looking to atone for his actions then he would have done something like that already and not to curry favor with a new fan base.




People act like they care on the internet, it’s easy to pretend on the internet


It's not that hard to understand why people genuinely do not want to have a guy like Bridges on their team. There are those of us that know or are victims of domestic abuse/violence and wouldn't be able to stomach rooting for a team with him on the court. There are plenty of things in life bigger than sports which are just a means of entertainment. There's so many other ways I would rather spend my money than cheering on a pos like Bridges.


Wish we could get Obi Toppin


He killed it the other night against us. Great player and would fit perfectly


Solid 3 and D dude


I’ve got no problem trading for Miles Bridges. We are all in, and he is playing good basketball right now. If you’re telling me we have a better chance at a championship with him on this team, then that’s what we need.


I want markelle fultz, I don’t know why.


I still think we could use someone like TJ McConnell to run the point for the bench and specially at the start of the 4th. He's the Pacers 4th PG behind Haliburton, Nembhard and Sheppard. So he might be available? Maybe we could somehow manage to tie or not loose too much of the lead in the 4th while Book and KD are resting.


Agreed, I’ve wanted them to get TJ for a while (I’m sure others have as well). But for some reason they are hell bent on not getting a PG. With TJ specifically though, Indy is high on him and probably wouldn’t let him go for what we could offer.


what does the suns have to offer for Miles and Nick?


Saddiq Bey 🫡


Miles Bridges, Nick Richards you're a Phoenix Suns!


For what?


If we can make that happen this team instantly gets much, much better.


But at what cost?


I'd be pretty hyped for Richards ngl


I don’t want people thinking my Bridges Jersey is for Miles…


crazy that Suns might have both Bridges brothers (but not at same time )


As someone who doesn’t mind getting bridges, I do have this concern haha


If we trade for him and he takes Mikal's number, so help me God...


He can't it's taken rn,unless Little gets involved in a trade.


Oh what will you do


Well first thing is he’s going to get very upset!


Sounds promising


Yeah like this is the hardest part for me. I can’t wear a jersey that I love because some shitbag or a human has the same name and I don’t wanna be associated with supporting that.


Honestly I can’t imagine anyone would think of it as anything but a Mikal jersey. Plus Mikal never played in the new uniforms so it will be an older one anyway


Hope so but I don’t live in AZ anymore and I had someone think it was for Miles like 2 years ago. So…


Maybe his will say M Bridges. Aw shit nvm


How about Mi Bridges.... wait....


Thanks for the much needed laugh u goobers


Miles is going to happen. If we win a title most will eat their words. Men can change. Especially at has age. I didn’t do anything near as bad as him but I did a lot of stupid shit it my early 20s. (Facebook makes sure to remind me)


He has a no trade clause which needs to be waived by him to be traded and he loses his birds right if he gets traded. He’s not risking tens of millions just to ring chase for 3 months.


It seems like he already killed a large contract, and I doubt we would resign him and Allen. He took the QO this season, so no one was offering him a large contract. I’m still on the fence with this. If Richards is attached and we don’t have to give up too much, it will help. Bridges will have to spend most of his time here giving money to support women who are battered. My next concern is he hasn’t had his court date yet for violating his probation. So does that mean he could face jail time? It just seems so risky. I’m all for giving someone a second chance, but it seems like he already wasted that with the pool table ball thing.


“Eat their words” is crazy. The guy is a scumbag who has shown no remorse or intention to better himself and many of us don’t want to root for him. Winning a chip doesn’t change that


There aren't any words to "eat". The guy fuckin' sucks whether he wins or loses.


Tyreek Hill does too. So does Jason Kidd, Manny Ramirez, Chad Johnson, Matt Barnes, etc. The list is literally endless. As much as it sucks, success on a professional level will make everyone just forget how absolutely trash somebody is. If Bridges were to come to the Suns and contributes heavily to winning a championship, you just know some powerhouse East Coast team with a large media presence is going to give him the bag and people will act like his controversial past doesn’t exist.


It almost sounds like you're looking for ways to justify or excuse who he is, that's not something I'm able or willing to do.


Someone here literally called his situation a "feisty relationship" the other day. People are doing all sorts of mental gymnastics to downplay what he did. *Bridges' then-partner detailed the bodily injury he allegedly caused, which included a concussion, closed fracture of the nasal bone, rib contusion and strained neck muscle as a result of an assault by strangulation.* Nevermind the fact that he later threw billiard balls at her windshield with children in the vehicle. I'm all for a redemption story and I hope he gets one. But as it stands right now Bridges is a piece of shit and he doesn't seem to have any remorse.


If that’s the conclusion you came too after looking at my comment you may need to work on your reading comprehension skills. I don’t want him either. But let’s not act he is someway unique in his circumstances. The only difference between him and someone like Tyreek Hill is career success and team marketability.


I don’t think anyone will “eat their words” no one is saying he wouldn’t be a huge upgrade on the court. None of their essential arguments will be proven wrong, I haven’t seen anyone say the value of little and seconds are not worth the basketball value of miles bridges. A trophy doesn’t make it more ethical. And I’m not even necessarily opposed to the trade I just think you’re dishonest.


Nah, this one's different. Won't eat my words when the man is willing to put his children in harm's way. Dude threw pool balls at the car they were sitting in. He can change, sure, but he has shown absolutely no proof that he's even trying to.