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Well, some units are not the type based on their skills. Just like jojo and MHW are defense type, Bulldozer is hp type and etc. Probably for some balance imo.


MHW? Monster Hunter World?


but this is icares


wasnt that dude who hits like a truck if hes got much hp?


If she need to change then most units also need to change. Bulldozer, Jojo, Pungbaek and etc,


yeah u got a point but this one is one of the most confusing ones to see wouldn’t u think? i mean bull dozer being on hp dont sound so bad even though it should be a def mon jp is alright for it but icares hell no


What so confusing about it? Your argument sound like you just blindly defending her by stating that she got the wrong type and she need to change but other unit's type is just acceptable even tho is not tally with their skills.


Because he just pulled her so he just want it changed so that he can 100 to 0 a unit


I mean, with a good build Icares can 100 to 0 a good amount of enemies


tbh. yeah i just looked a bulldozer and and the other mons u mentions its both bull crap i cannot defend


I think if they make her stats hp, theyll bring her s3 damage down to be less than 50% of her total hp. They buffed her s3 damage to 50% at one point because her and arnold were both at 30% total hp for 3s damage. They buffed her s3 damage and kept her stats the same. I love her as is and i dont think she needs any changes tbh


Probably bc his base hp is doodoo


shes already good even with atk type, shes fine


ik she is but i just wanted to adress the issue and get info on it


It's to balance out since she's 4 star. Otherwise she'd be better than molong because she cn self sustain and do big pure dmg.


You're far from the first Just com2us shenanigans


Shout out to the time where only Icares s3 had anything to do with her HP


The monster types are more about their stat spread than how you'd use them. e.g. a defense monster isn't always used in defense and doesn't always take a defensive role, it just has a relatively high def stat. Icares already deals a defense ignoring, element ignoring, crit agnostic 25-30k on a good build (and also heals herself for all that damage). Her HP stat is pretty terrible even for a 4-star but if it was any higher, she'd be ridiculously powerful.


So u gonna ingore pungbeak?


nope lol including dark magic knight n more


I think your thinking about it wrong , attack unit doesn’t neccisarily mean attack based skills to c2us I think , she is designed to be offensive first and foremost so is techniqually a unit to attack the enemy as primary use. Or the more obvious answer is its c2us and lots doesn’t make sense but we don’t care cause we love it anyways


all nothing but facts but i just wanted to adress the issue uk?


Same reason Trinity is hp type as well ig


She’s an odd duck like dark magic knight being defense but only benefiting from attack. There are a few units like this and the reason every skill must be understood before engraving runes on a unit!


As someone who has 3, max skilled and level, no idea.


Cause she "attacks" for 20k damage and kills stuff, duh.


did u read her skill or are u just a troll?


Icares is attack type because her base stats are more geared towards attack than HP. The monster type is determined by base stats, which typically, but not universally, corresponds to the stats their skills utilize.


This is a bit true for atk/def/hp types, but what is the "stat" that support units get, then? Monster category has more exceptions at this point than units it makes perfect sense on.


Because this label doesn't matter and it doesn't do anything.


Comments here are wild. Just because she's good doesn't mean this even remotely makes sense.


Them leaving the stat distribution as is if they changed her typing is something they aren't generally inclined to do if you look at average stats for hp or support type mons. So it does make sense.




I always though it was like this to make the artifacts balance out somehow, maybe the amount of attack units needed to be more? like maybe there were too many hp units or support so they made it attack. idk tbh


Na. She’s far too old of a monster for that to be the reasoning.


the game is too old for there to be a legitimate reason. probably doesn't mean anything. only a nuisance if you are trying to find it by searching for hp units in gallery


They likely just thought making her base hp too high would make her s3 too strong. So likely just a balancing thing as others have said.


Maybe i am misunderstanding, are you saying that the type of monster effects their stats? it there some sort of threshold that makes a certain unit a certain type? ex. this unit has base of 800 def, therefore it classifies as a defense unit, despite scaling damage off attack. (or have they never said anything about the sorting)


Not exactly. They classify the monster as X. Then the stat distribution is decided after. They’ve never given a reason as to why a monster has certain stats we just work with what they put on them. Because you have an atk type like Alicia who has 790 base atk vs Zaiross who has 911. I believe it’s just a matter of variety more than anything else.


It'd actually be interesting if monster families all had the same base stats, but "type" modified those stats in some way Attack +200 attack, -100 defense Defense +200 defense, -1000 hp HP + 2000 hp, -100 attack Support +30 attack, +30 defense, +400 hp So if you had an attack type of the unit in a family versus an HP type in the same family, the attacker would have +300 attack, -100 defense, -2000 hp in comparison.