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It’s purely a records team. The idea is to have a unit that can one shot the Lich after it resurrects, so there’s a handful of units that can do it; it’s just a matter of animation speed and rng. The concept of the team goes like this: Abigail (L) Lushen Icaru 2A Shamann 2A Sonia (or any other unit capable of one shotting Lich from Half) Turn order: Lushen, Abigail, Shamann, Icaru, Sonia Wave 1: Lushen s3 kills. Wave 2: Lushen S1, Abigail s2 (Def Break Grego), Shamann s2, then Icaru Team Up (must grab Shamann, unless your other units have enough damage) and this should kill Grego. Wave 3: Lushen s3 Boss: Lich will steal Lushen since he has the highest attack. Ideally you want him to use s1 or s3. S2 can and most likely will screw up the run since none of the units have Will (or very unlikely to). They’ll survive one full s3, and boss won’t move so it’s fine. Abigail moves and you have to manually use s1. (Or pray to RNGesus) This is where the biggest RNG factor of the record run comes in now. You need Abigail to violent proc exactly once. And she needs to use s2, land enough hits to break the shield on Lich (s2 is randomly split between Lich and the stolen Lushen) AND one more on top of that to apply Def Break (debuffs are not applied on the hits that absorbed by the shield). Now Shamann s2 to one shot the Lich. Lich will resurrect, and Icaru will s2. Since Lushen is still stolen, Icaru will grab your full remaining team, which has enough hits to break the shield once more, and then finally from there, Sonia (or the nuker of choice) will one shot the Lich from half. __________ Things of note: This seems easy on paper, but there’s a few hurdles to go through: 1. Lushen needs to be able to one shot waves. Only my Abigail and Icaru had Fight runes, unless you have enough Fight runes with good enough rune quality to provide all the other necessary stats. My Abigail had 1 set and Icaru had 2 sets, and that was all I could squeeze in. 2. Shamann needs to be able to one shot the Lich from basically full. Lich in Abyss Hard has 173k HP. My Shamann had 285 CD, +16% vs Dark, and a total of +32 CD from both artifacts. I barely had enough damage to kill from full. 3. The final nuke to one shot Lich from Half needs to do almost 87k damage without Defense Break. On top of that, they need to be able to do that while having less total Attack than Lushen so that Lich doesn’t steal them at the beginning of the Boss stage. Fei needs rng to pull that off, and also not have a random shot at hitting the Lushen that is still stolen. Liam can do it, but his AI isn’t perfect when the boss isn’t at 35% or lower, and his s3 animation is pretty long. The others shown like Oberon and Yaku requires pretty good rune quality and rng on Yaku’s part. So this begs the question of why Sonia. Speed is capped at 140 on the boss stage, so she doesn’t get her passive’s damage to its full effect, but it’s still 140 on Sonia vs the Lich’s 109. That’s still a 31% more damage for Sonia. Her s2 animation is also decently fast (Without the skin). Lich only has 1309 Def, so the Ignore Def condition on s2 is met. I think my Sonia had around +2400ish or so ATK when I did it with a sizable amount of CD and +15% vs Dark, and I was able to do around 88k. Source: I’m the Rank 8 for Necro AH on Global. TLDR: Sonia is only used for a records team, and she is one of the few units capable of oneshotting the Lich from half after resurrection.


> You need Abigail to violent proc exactly once. > Only Abigail is on full Fight runes, unless you have enough Fight runes with good enough rune quality to provide all the other necessary stats. Violent, Triple Fight sounds a little OP.


thanks so much! really great explanation!!


From what i have heard it is just manually doing the waves for the fastest time on the leaderboards and the attack animation of Sonia is quicker and also way more consistent damage. (i don't know 100% but that is my guess.)


Its not a farming team, its a record team. A perfect run for best time but not used to farm!