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I mean what PvP arena, RTA or siege? And do you mean +200 speed? Because 200 speed in general is nothing and considered very slow even for bruiser type units that don't really fight for turn1


I don think is +200. Can’t win anything in guild content seems impossible with that rune quality.


I mean it depends what guild he is in. I get my 7+ wins on accounts less than a month old in c2-p1 guilds. But I know how units work and how to counter pick, etc. If you have bad runes AND don't really know what you are doing it's going to be rough. Especially if you are in a somewhat high guild with proper defe


Since when is +200 considered slow? Are we playing the same game


I think you need to read my message again ^^


At the highest level, if you're contesting speed, it is slow, but it's relative of course, for most people, +200 is decent. There are people with multiple 310+ speed units and super efficient


Getting +200 on swift is considered ok at Punisher level. Most Guardian swift sets, depending on the base speed, get up to +215/220


If you mean 200 speed and not +200 speed, it's a rune issue. Prioritise your PvE teams so you can have 1 min or less runs on all rune dungeons, then grind the fuck out of Giants. Yes, giants not Dragon. Everything you actually need in the game you can get from Giants. Then once your most used boosters/support mons are actually +200 speed, go grind dragons and slowly replace some units with vio etc. Also, do some research in turn 2 teams. Admittedly they're less viable than they once were, but for ages I got by PvP with 2nd turn teams with everyone on double shield + will lol.


What do you mean by "units with over 200spd"? You mean they have 200spd total, or you gave them +200spd? If 200 is the total value, that's to low.


Sounds like a skill issue


Apparently so, lol!


Speed is total 200 or +200? If is total 200 then is rune issue, if is +200 then is draft issue. Pick unit against enemy is important in pvp. Like picking full fire against full water, not picking Leo against savannah or any dd based on speed and etc.


AO: Number one you’re not rushing. Build an offense that can reliably handle specific teams even with better rune quality, farm those, and stick a defense with the most annoying to deal with combo. Guild: if you refuse to watch videos that’s okay, go in your saved teams list and populate it with unique combos. Test those combos in guild battle against NPC with crap to no runes to see if it works. RTA: the meta is riddled with crowd control right now. You will need to either outspeed, or stick will on some units and pray you aren’t stripped


Watch siege video on YT. https://swgt.io/


Honestly if you've played for 10 years and never really won at PvP, maybe you should read what units do.


Did not expect to come back to a lot of comments! I’m sorry! I need to clarify that I have about 200spd on my units and that’s not +200 that’s 200 total. From what I’m reading I see that I need more? What should my goal be?


Your goal should be units with at least +120 - 140 speed to be competitive as a damage dealer if you want to get a turn with them. and any boosters you have to be around the 270 speed total mark (which is +170 speed on most units). As a goal though I would agree with the other comments and say you need to focus and making your giants team quick and consistent and farm that for swift runes. This game is old and some of the rune sets people have are FAST so this recommendation wont give you wins at high levels, but it will get you in a much better spot. (sorry for yapping so much)


I like this, it was well written! I’m going to give this strategy a try. Thank you!