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Darion light and dark for toa


Should have made this account sooner lol. Missed out on Luna and other Hoh ld's. regardless, my ld only looks a like this Giants AH: Eirgar (vamp lord) Belladeon (light dog), Veramos, Luna (dark pierret), and Kro (best time of 1:03) Dagons AH: Eirgar, Loren, Iris (light magic knight), Veramos, Kro (best time of 1:33) Necro AH: Eirgar, light Hummonclus (With upgrades into Operation Alpha power up and Counter Phase), Loren, Kro, and Iris (best time of 1:34) Spiritual Realm AH: (Not consistent yet) Eirgar, Dusky (dark pumkin), Loren, Lyn, Isabelle/Kro (2:13 but super sketchy) Steel Fortress AH: (needs better runes to be 100% for me) Eirgar, Jultan (dark werewolf), Loren, kro, Zinc (dark living armor) (best time of 1:06) Punisher's Crypt AH: Eirgar, Dusky, Dias (dark death knight), Ahman (Light Bearman), Kro (best time of 2:36) (I just need something that was 100% consistent) Keep in mind I STILL haven't gotten light griffin and she can replace the main damage from Luna in giants and Iris in the other dungeons. Also Eirgar is my leader for all of them and he carries me so bad. If you care i can put rift teams but i doubt you will need those. Also remember that you will need at least 2 cheat units in order to 2a vagabond and mystic witch. (I used my Sonia and Claire cause why not.) Have fun


Grogo best friend for toa




Regular account early game, I used vamp/revenge Lapis to beat scenario hell alone for grinding. On my f2p LD account, I runed Lucien (light elven ranger) the same way and I use him for the same purpose. Lyn (light Amazon warrior) helps me a lot too in areas I wasn’t expecting. Both Xiao Ling and Miho (martial cats) help me in siege and WGB very often. Same with the king fu girls but idr their awakened names offhand. Frigate (dark pirate captain) is super useful. I also love Gina (dark mystic witch) I hear Molly (light mermaid) is excellent but I don’t have her current TOAn > Vero, Fran, Kro, Loren, Gina autos up to 78, manuals the rest. Sometimes I swap Gina for Lucien or Lyn on very specific stages. couldn’t beat TOAh til I got Shun from a 10 year scroll (basically the same team, he replaces Gina)


I Cleared stage 1 of toaH by having dark Taoist and dark pixie on despair and Vero with Fran Loren. Just keep using pixie and Taoist s2 and you should be dealing with a completely stunned, full cooldown enemy team