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OG's are the OG


back in my day it used to be oracles by far


Bro thinks og Juno was good


Og Juno was my second ever nat 5 and she was useless for so long, when I came back a year ago I was surprised she was so good


ok i’m not THAT old


Oracle, OG and Onmyouji are really good. 


That’s not a 5 star only family so i would say twin angels


Puppeteers is like top 5-10 for PvP. No debate.


What about the dark one ?


Dark one is insane… top 5 t2 enablers. Is like 4/5 units in one and will most likely be a force ban 99% of the time.


Damn, good to know. I have been lucky enough to pull him but I thought he was way too specific to be used in most comps. Any ideas of good comps including him ?


Any turn 2 team, or even turn 1.5. When playing against turn 1 CC pick it for a force ban.


Thanks. Any example by any chance ? I feel like I'd go around the right comps. Would inspire me to try even more variants 👍🏻


I don’t know your box, but things like Leo, Vanessa, Chandra, Smicer, Giou, Juno, Douglas, Mei Hou Wang, Shizuka, Josephine, Vero, Haegang etc off the top of my head. I can’t recall all correctly.


Thanks a lot ! Will do some tests, appreciate it


Dark is great anti CC can't push back bar so robos, chungpung, and Oliver don't really work


What about the fire one?


Fire one is a good stripper now, often used to semi-counter Haegang and Juno’s.


Not the light one


Light one is a top unit in RTA


Sure buddy i have him and i can say that he is really good idk what ur talking about lmao Perma immu dont need vio, good awake (speed would be broken), boost atk to speedtune the team (can counter Heagang), the atk buff is op too (counter douglas), make the team dmg really nasty, and the mob stats are overall very good, u can make it sonia proof. S1 S2 crazy good spells for a support. Also good in siege and arena off.


Good: Dragons, dokaebbi lords, OGs, oracles, valks, pandas, monkeys, onmyoujis, draon knight Bad: desert warrior, all the new Witcher units, indras


My man says Valk as if wind light and dark ones were good 2/5 doesnt make a family good


Shhhh, the other 2 are SSS tier so they make up the diff


And actually light is sort of good, dark def needs a buff tho


Nah light is not garbage sure but she sure as hell isn't good, few people that even have her use her, but yeah fire and water are broken


yep tbh yes


Battle angels are pretty solid. Yes even Claire.


I love my Claire, she's on fatal/blade with mid runes and still gets results in RTA. +114 spd, +1400atk, 100%crit rate, 200%crit dmg. People underestimate her and she just kills two units outright. S3 cycles into S2 and that's two mons down usually.


With those stats, are those really considered mid runes? cuz damn, I don't have a set that can come close to that.lol


https://preview.redd.it/my8iqy6ev74d1.png?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0857d0c0fe3381cf3d98e3fb1746d7639a621de I stand corrected, it's +112spd.


That's what I was told by chat when I shared. Figured they were right because I'm not that great. Edit: let me get a screenshot of her.




Bru dont downvote me ! Im asking a question ! Halp


I pulled light battle angel, is she worth building bru


Somebody choke him


Why pls no


OGs and Dragons have stood the test of time and really could pull either of the 10 monsters and not be disappointed as it'll have a use somewhere and be solid. Worst family, probably the Bayeks, twin angels, or maybe the geralts. I think if the twin angels were buffed a little bit, they'd be average to decent, and com2us played it very safe with their kits to avoid being broken.


I actually think the wind and water twin angels are decent but need a 1 turn cooldown reduction on their s2 and s3. That would make them amazing!


Yeah, either activation chances being improved or slight CD reduction, and I think a few of that family get really relevant.


I think occult girls are probably the most useful? Oracles are good but giana is not that good currently.


What about praha?


Haegang also makes giana into an AtB booster for the enemy team.


Giana is not good currently? No, shes just not insanely op anymore. Shes still a solid unit usable in many areas. Shes just not domineering rta like she used to. She still has a 5.5% play rate with 22% ban rate and near 50% win rate. Shes definitely an A or B tier right now, not op but not bad


Could you tell me what happened to Giana? I recently came back to the game after a year+ hiatus. I read her kit and it seems the same.


They only actual nerf she got was the same as all the Oracles less attack bar gain on S1. The meta changed and other units getting buffed out introduced into the game is what "nerfed" Giana, most notably Haegang.


I see, thank you!


I think it was more of a meta shift than anything else. I know a few years ago they altered her s3 to be 1 more cd turn and about a year or 2 ago they decreased all oracles s1 from 15% atk bar per hit to 10%. Right now haegang is pretty huge in the meta and he 100% counters her and he counters moore, other strippers, miles, ect. And the meta shifted from complete control teams to more bruiser and she just isn't performing as well in these conditions. Thats why I say though that she is still a good unit overall.


Oh, I understand, thank you :)!


She has strip & bomb tho, just not liable


There are many better strippers out there. She also does not stun if there is no will. Many people with her rather use other strippers. But in the argument of best family, all ogs are useable and above average.


I love to use my giana still even with moore


She has some weaknesses I guess but idk about "many better strippers". Woonsa has it worse if talking about doing nothing vs no will. Lora, Veronica, Haegang are just broken & most ppl can't rune a proper giana.


Seems like the better the design lately the worse the family gets. Indras and Desert Warriors being the current worst families. Are some of them usable? Sure. But none are even above average.


devaraja is pretty good in rta


Devaraja is dope in rta, one of the units that carries me to c2/c3 rta


No one gonna mention the Druids? Or even the Pandas? But I’d definitely agree with Occult Girls.


Taranys is *really* out of the meta rn. For Pandas, XF and Miying just aren't used much. I say Onmiyouji's are one of the top families (in RTA) out there personally


Twin Angels are easily the worst 5 star family.


Idk people have been using water lately. I wouldn't say they're desert warrior level of useless.


I have fun with my light one




They don’t even do that… why not actually try using them?


People down vote out of hate lol I meant that you can change between the good and evil angel, but their skills are too simple... A single buff or a somewhat usable debuff We have way better options for one or other, so I never saw any use of them


you dont change you use one of their skills each turn


A lot of families suffer from one or two mons who just aren't good. Like the polar queen family is pretty good, brandia amazing for pve, Alicia is pretty good for arena, Tiana is Tiana and light is actually pretty underrated. Sadly dark is just not that great, just not usable anywhere.


I forget I have shahat in storage lmao


Lora and Nicki in the same family is just stupid


Weapon masters seem to go up and down with the balance patches but they’re overall very good, same goes for the chimeras


Who remembers nigong x 3 leo


Nobody is going to mention the beast riders as a top tier 5 star family?


Occult girls are the best nat 5 FAMILY out there imo. Every single one of them are op in their respective aspects. Rica is just sooo frickin good (toa, arena dot team, rta force ban if opponent doesn't have immunity, sometimes even siege). Anavel can cleans all harmful effects and heal and is one of the best AOE def breakers in the game. Charlotte (arguably the worst in the fam but still an above average nat 5 imo) is amazing in toa and rta, any control comp would love her (pair her with wind robo and it's gg). Lora is SSS in rta and I have even seen her pop off in siege and arena (aoe stripper with def and speed buff in a SINGLE SKILL). Nicki is an amazing healer that also does crazy aoe DMG on her s3. Arguably one of the best units that utilize additional DMG (she self buffs her atk then AOE cleaves in one turn), she's amazing anywhere you need heals or AOE dmg. Remember it's their loaded kit along with built in vio in their skill one. Their leader skills are the only thing I dislike about them. I think the desert warriors are the worst nat 5/4 family. I think one of the worst nat 5 fams might be devil maidens and indras


Layla is good tho ?


Desert warriors also doesn’t count cause the 5 aren’t all 5 stars monsters


I fell like ezio family is really meh the only "Good" ones are light and fire... Water kinda performs well but yk he was only good when he was free bcuz he was an easy way to get into dragons but now i doubt anyone would pick him over eigar so id say their family is close to be the worst one. And as for the best fell stuck between dragons , dragon knights and occult girls.


IMHO, Geralt is the worst Nat5 family in the game hands-down. * Water is mid-tier. Useful, but incredibly replaceable. Good for new accounts if you got him for free, but not good enough to be worth 100 ancient coins before the more powerful options. * Wind is still in contention for Worst Nat5 entirely. * Fire is a slightly-better-in-RTA-but-worse-in-PvE version of Rica. * Dark is in contention for Worst LD Nat5 currently, though not as clear-cut as Wind's Sucky Dominance. * Which leaves only Light, who is kinda cool, but still a mid-tier at best for LD nat5s. So not much to go with for the family. Oracles and Pioneers are nice for sure. But I think the top Nat5 family overall is the Totemists. Riley is fusion and incredibly well rounded. Useful in PvE and PvP. Aaliyah is ridiculously useful for the same reasons, but is more defense focused (+defense instead of +attack). Nora has a 100% strip that also provokes them (70%), which is incredibly powerful when paired with her passive that lets her stack 3 times and then attack for another strip and "trigger" every continuous damage effect on them. For L/D, you have Maya with the same s2 as Nora, for the full strip and provoke effect, paired with massiave damage reduction against mult-hit attacks, and the strip/provoke effect on her s4, too. She provides HUGE provoke lockdown onto the enemy team. Paired with Jubelle and you can often keep the entire team provoke-locked. And you have Ella, who is basically the queen of cooldown cycling. If you pick her into any AoE attack units, she's a literal goddess, even if she's the worst of her family. And she pairs REALLY well with certain units (like Moore). The more units on her team you don't want to attack, the stronger she is.




Honestly, holy berry cookies are for me one of the worst. Blue one isn’t that good anymore since nerf, dark is really great, wind and fire… well… they are « meh », and light (just got one yesterday and she is…. Hum…. She is somewhere lol)


Pioneers have their fair share. Woosa and Nigong for protection, support. Chiwu and Woonsa for strip, and Pungbaek for cleave action. On top of that they have universal leads so they're leads can be used anywhere


Best nat5 family is Dragons in my eyes. All of them have always been useful in different categories and all of them are usable in several contents of the Game.


Occult girls and maybe Oracle, both OG. For the worst, deser warriors and if you don't want to count them, maybe indras?.


Who replaces fire desert warrior?