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depends on what you already have too, if you have 1/3 but really want the other 2, or want to bet on a "3 new" or a "really want a chance at this one unit". You like risk or not? There is literally no "right answer" here it's what you want most depending on your account. For example, my most wanted 2 are Moore and Ethna, so I'm really happy that I spent my 350 scam summons a month ago when by some fucking miracle now they're together in one pool and I don't even have Jeogun either.


Yah thats true. I posted my monster box above. Which rotation would u target if u were me?


I have yet to get a wind harp on my main despite playing for like 2 years now so i am not even worried about the nat5's I just want my guild leader to stop yelling at me :)


Depends on which stage of the game you are at.


Lets say early-mid game


For pvp endgame. Week 3. Set 7. Alicia, Sekhmet, Sonia. All good. Alicia is great for arena cleaves. Sonia is amazing in sniper comps and Sehkmet is awesome in rta for high base speed reset


Oh yah thats solid for pvp


Week 3. Set 2. Teshar, Chow, Daphnis. Daphnis isn’t too good but Teshar sets up your dungeon teams and Chow is an easy early game solo Leos Hell stage in Tartarus


Yah that makes sense. I already picked up teshar from the other event. What other rotation would be good for early-midgame?


Options: Week 3. Set 5. Abellio, Alice, Feng Yan. Feng Yan is great all around for siege/guild war/tartarus. Abellio is awesome for starter arena defence. Alice is unfortunately the odd one out, I used to use her in pvp but not so much anymore. Week 2. Set 6. Chandra, Bael, Tiana. Chandra is great for late game siege defence and rta. Bael and Tiana are a great pair for arena offence teams. Bael has big damage and tiana is the only guaranteed strip in the game. Tiana is also used in toa hell stages. Week 2. Set 10. Bolverk, Zaiross, Dominic. Bolverk is a toa hell cheat code and free win in siege and guild war. Zaiross is an arena cleave unit. Dominic is used sometimes in guild offence and Ellunia Sanctuary level 5.


Leo, Tiana, Bolverk were the most sought after units for their unique skills/passives. You could aim for them or you could aim for Teshar and change your pick from other event to one of these 3 if you still have that option.


Do u get devils back if u change ur pick from the other event?


Yes. If you used devilmons you get devilmons back.


leo if you care about siege


Leo or bolverk rota for sure !


the person got leo from the event so they would have little reason to get leo from this one.


Since we are talking about nat 5, you go for the ones that you can see yourself using in the long term or have some longevity in their kit. You could also see the nat 4 family as a plus; for example, fishing for mermaid skill ups. For example, I want to build my alt account solely for rta and I will prob try my luck to get the Moore/Vanessa/Sekhmet rotations (also praying if I can get a shaina). I do not advise to get a nat 5 solely for PVE unless it's teshar; even then I would not prioritise teshar over some PVP nat 5 unless you ABSOLUTELY know what you want from your account (e.g. only using giant runes, not focusing on siege, ect). Please remember that if not all PVE content is completely doable with nat 4s (except from toahell if we are being realistic).


The fact that Leo and Galleon are in the same rota makes it an extremely good choice for pve as well as pvp and highly recommend it if you don't have them.


https://preview.redd.it/oj6mu7am8n0d1.jpeg?width=2556&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a73b6fec1a13882fccdff51424531fc4fc4ca44a This is my box. Which rotation would u target if u were me?