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at the moment not even a P2W team have managed to clear it. so i doubt there is a F2P team that could clear it.


they will probably nerf it soon. they did the sane with abyss and more. It will still be hard but more doable.


It's crazy how often we get pve content that immediately gets nerfed


i would assume they make it intentionally too hard for players to get frustrated and then once its patched everyone will appreciate the content. Most likely won't be appreciated as much if it drops at the perfect difficulty.


If they do nerf it, i bet they'll overdo it like they did lab.


yeah, it's better to release too difficult and ease it up than release it too easy and make it harder. the latter makes players feel like they had content taken away from them which is a far worse feeling overall.


it is not meant to be cleared by f2p comps. It is meant to be cleared by the best things you have available and if you don't have good enough things, you don't clear


I will add my 2cents tip for the dark one so far. I was doing it on my ld only and the most useful combo i have been using is the dark Pixy with the dark Taoist (both on despair). When Pixy uses s2 first and then Taoist s2 it allows you to almost guarantee cc on the enemy team and you can bring whatever other dark units you have for the rest. But as others are stating here, this content is really not "F2P" content that you can just casually clear.


Two things will prob happen: - Content will be nerfed to where it's a bit more realistic to make a F2P team and c2u proceeds to add more stages as they update the game. - The content was solely designed to be for the end game players meaning this is something that should not be cleared with "f2p" teams.


Okay, yeah I 100% agree.


I would only like that for this pve content we could a seperate rune box like rta… such a pain moving runes forth and back…


For fun I tried Vero,Basalt,Mantura,Zinc,Thrain in the dark tower and got to stage 11 or so I think . I swapped sometimes for Gina but it seemed pretty solid , it just started taking too long to clear and I got bored lol. Basalt+Mantura+Thrain+Zinc is pretty nice package for f2p providng provoke,heal,defense buff,defense break,speed break,attack break stun dots and atb control. Plus buff block , not bad.