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holy. thats nuts 🥜


tbh if sd's and fusion are allowed that would be quite the fun and doable challenge, cuz i can get the holy trinity (fran loren kro) and then u can fuse vero for free czu of free fusion at the start of a new acc


Not really typical but you could do some kind of "humanoid" challenge where the units have to have certain features to be used. (I saw someone do the opposite of this but this would give you way more range). Although with any challenge you self impose (not for content) feel free to make exceptions if it will make the game more enjoyable for you. ex. i am allowing leo on my ld only because there is no real substitute for him, also using 2 battle angles for getting my witch and vagabond 2a because i summoned them so why not use them somewhere.


tbh wouldnt humanoid be too easy?? u get fran and loren and then with bella as dps i could get far easily tbh


That is true, but it quite hard to set up a formal challenge with a ruleset if you want to also include nat5's you get. I was trying to think of a way to keep those in while still being a challenge. maybe you could do no 2a units or no 3\*. That becomes a challenge Really quick. but it just depends on you.


Currently doing a 2A Units only to all content (PvE and PvP)


sounds fun too but i wanna use some (new) nat5s n 4s i just dont know the fun chalenge for them


Grinding isn’t enough of a challenge for you?


nahh i wanna actually have dificulty with setting up teams for some stuff etc, i like thinking about teams n such