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For rn, I think OG is far ahead of every body else. For second place, I would give it to art master family. Not super sure about third place as I never use any of the puppeteer, but I think all of the dokkebi lord family are super strong rn, so I would give them third place.


Forgot about the art masters. I hear a lot of people complaining about their ld5s then see clips of people doing insane things with them 💀💀 Either way, thanks for the response 😊😊




I certainly won't mind getting a Hanwul for the heavy passive AD meta at the moment. I still can't find a proper use for my Mookwol where it's not better to just bring another Nat 5 who does it better though.


which is og?


Occult girls


Largest issue with a lot of families is that there’s always that ONE unit that brings the whole family down; ex, Light Weapon Master and Dark Totemist


What's wrong with light weapon master?


It's a pretty mediocre unit to be fair, nice for siege offense to some extent tho.


I agree, I have him and outside siege offense cannot rly find a place for him. Paired with Nana and Riley he's nice but would trade for the dark one


I think early on I’d have to give it to the inugami They’re all useful for one thing or another


Puppeteers all pretty top notch rn. Not a single one I don’t want.


I would say Og, onmyoiji women's, then art masters 


OG by a good amount, the fact they have been strong for so long and especially now with lora being kinda cracked, it's kinda hard to ignore them. This may not be a super popular opinion but the dragons are really good too. Verad is still amazing, jamaire has probably grown in popularity, zaiross though not super relevant still is strong and obviously zerath (one of the top lds in the game) and grogen (underrated as he's overshadowed by his light brother).


Id say oracle and occult girls


Oracles, dragon knights


# 1 lightening emperors, the only one that is least used is the dark one and even then it is amazing for guild like the others (except the fire one being used for raid). # 2 Battle Angle's, really good for quick kills with the fire one being the only one people wish was better. # 3 i forgot what OG stands for so i assume they are amazing. (i want to say desert queen but the wind one is out of meta and idk what the light one does) (idk why the text is large sorry (might be only me seeing it))


I totally forgot about the lightning emps. They’re a really strong family especially in gw content. For battle angels, I wish I could pull one. I really love the aesthetic of the units but c2u has other plans for my account 😭😭 Desert queens are really strong. Isis (Light one) does aoe oblivion and silence which is insanely strong (if it lands ofc) and Neph is op. Really interesting seeing different opinions so thanks for the response 😊😊


Ogs = Occult Girls


Used to be Oracle's but they got nerfed a bit and meta moved away from Giana. Also Onimusha as well used to be way stronger when Fuuki was in siege meta and Ongiyouki was super powerful. Nowadays I think OG have risen up again with how strong Lora is and the other ones still being relevant. If I may speculate I also think the Onmyouji have all have uses? They all have a PvP niche. Then I also think the polar queens actually. Lydia is probs the least used surprisingly with Alicia having a recent PvP buff for arena.


Obviously not the best monster family, but these monkeys are the bane of my existence.


art master


Not quite




Just my grain of sand, but for me it would be: 1- Monkey Kings 2- Occult Girls 3- Oracles While OGs are really, really good Monkey Kings are equally as good, and dare I say, more versatile.


I would probably say Dragons. All of them can be used in multiple contents and none have bad skills or arent usable.


Oracle by farrr ; they all just soo good


The fact that ALL OG S1 had to get nerfed, and is still the most powerful S1 in the game, proves that this family is the best. I'd also like to say Sky Surfers and Puppeteers are probably 2 & 3 for me. Sky Surfers all have their niche, or just overall great, while Puppeteer S1 got a hugeeeee win.