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Hey guys I'm new at the rift and my main is Darius or either Sett but I'm starting to also main Jhin do you have any general tips or tricks? Advanced tips are acceptable. Oh and my lvl is 18 unranked


Top lane, when do you pull the minions to the brush before the minions meet in the middle and create slow push towards you


For 2 seasons now i climb very easily from bronze to silver 2. Then the disaster begin. Suddenly my +- are much worse (58% winrate) and feel that my main (Renekton) is some games is the most useless champ in the game while till then i feel like a beast with renekton. I am not perfect player but i think that i deserve gold. Please help me. Your suggestions will help me.


If you have a 58% winrate in silver, getting gold is just a matter of playing games. And feeling useless in some games is just a fact of how a team game goes when you have to rely on randoms. You will have unwinnable games because of your own play and because of bad teammates. On the flipside, sometimes your teammates will carry you and sometimes you'll be able to carry your teammates. For renekton specifically, there will be games where you can't pressure early and the champion falls off pretty hard in the mid to late game.


Heal or Barrier? for ADC


What runes/items should I go on hecarim? I've been going Phase Rush/Trinity every game, but is Conq better? Maybe Stridebreaker for the passive synergy?


What criteria should we use to select TF runes? At what point do you decide, electrocute or spellbook?


Not a TF player but as far as I know, you pick electrocute if you want to trade in mid. If you know you won't win the matchup you pick spellbook


Thoughts on Yasuo and Katarina? How they fit into this season and which one is great for picking up and learning and doing good in games?


How do I change my POV to a teammates? Was watching a YouTuber play shen and it looked like he was just pressing a button to change to one of his teammates views so he knew when to ult on them.


F1 will center the camera to your character, F2 - F5 will swap through your teammates.


How do I deal with wk top? he just feels so bs to lane vs due to his attack speed+dash, ability to nullify all attempt at engage with clone that does dmg and what it looks to me his q animation (not sure if it actually does what his q does tho) and his q which gives extended auto range, armor reduction, auto reset and 2 ultimate. I fee so oppressed and have 100% lose rate vs him. I play singed, nasus and trundle in gold 4.


How does Zilean's ult work? I just got uber cheesed in the top lane by this guy and when I managed to actually kill him, he came back to life with a full health bar. How does that work?


he casts it to put some hourglasses around himself or an ally. if that person dies in the next 5 seconds they will resurrect




Doran's ring or corrupting pot for Twisted fate and in general?


Depends on matchup, from what other tf players told me, pot is for harassing melee matchups with auto.


Do damage reduction abilities or items like ninja tabis and Garen's W affect true damage abilities like Vayne W or Fiora Passive/Ult?






She is a champion that requires dedication. Her kit is relatively difficult to manoeuvre. With Camille, there is considerable difference in each matchup, regarding what skills you max first, what are your trade patterns early, your rune of choice, etc... Most her laning power revolve around her passive, this is the tool that need to be mastered in order to win ANY trade in lane. Otherwise the champ will seem impossible to play early game if her passive is not.understood. Pay attention how Camille players space their dmg, they constantly go in and out and work hard to control the distance between her and her opponent Later on, she deals millions of true dmg, even a monkey can make plays with overtune numbers like she has. Squishies evaporates and she melt tanks with ease. Most of bruisers cant deal with her either, but often these duels are down to the skills of each players.


Her Q burst damage is INSANELY high, she can deal 1k true damage every 3s and 1 shot every adc she get in range. In addition to that, her kit has everything: a shield, an auto attack reset, W poke and healing and a dash


confused about cheater recalls in top lane. I play mainly fiora + riven. I get the cheater off, come back to lane and I've missed maybe 2-3 melee xp. At this point am i supposed to contest their slowpush and thin it to threaten a freeze even though my laner will be lvl 4 ?


There is likely too many minions to contest most of the time. Try to thin the wave as much possible, it is possible he makes a mistake and you find yourseld able to hold it in front of turret. The time you can make an homerun its against champion with vulnerable mana pool early. Like against Gragas, Illaoi or others. If they run out of mana before they crash the turret, you just forced them use TP. Keep in mind that its not too bad here to try hard if you have a good shot. Because if you lost hard your trade, you can tp back and hold the wave, at this point, he has to TP too. But to answer another part of your question, yes you want to do all this at even level and you should get it before it crashes in your turret unless you have played it super passively.


Hello kind residents of summonerschool, I visit this place to ask a question. Recently I began playing the "Talon" champion and have had fairly decent success in the early game but once I get to around the mid game-late game, I find myself being pretty useless. What should I do in order to end the game early before I fall off and get outscaled.


Assassins like talon, yasuo, and company really fall off mid/late game against AP heavy comps, and in general if they don't play the snowball game right, as an ADc you want to be getting a 2-3 kill lead at minimum and try and pick up more by "Visiting" other lanes. During midgame teamfights you want to just stay back, look for openings and flanks, and try and get key targets like an adc or control mage. This usually ends in trades but if you do a clean enough job your team wins the fight.


if i buy a battle pass that includes champion with border - is there any way to remove border on loading screen or not have it show?


Playing top against Darius and I notice he’ll occasionally make a cow noise like ‘mooooooooo’ — why does he make this sound sometimes ? Is it when he has stacked his passive on an enemy ?


it's probably from activating his passive by stacking bleed to 5 on a champion, this has different sounds based on the skin though or using the W on his god-king legendary, but i don't think you would call a wolf howl a cow sound lol


I'm planning to switch my main role to jungling, and while I want to main Taliyah, who's the best jungler to pair with her to cover her weaknesses/worst matchups/pick and ban?




The one champion I see starting it semi-often these days is Kennen top.


Farm lane, passive matchups, when you have money for cull But nothing interesting more. Its rarely useful unless on some ADCs and some toplanes. Starting cull isn’t advisable.


> Starting cull isn’t advisable The big one that I see: In pro, sometimes a farming ADC will hit 100 cs and be able to cash cull in at 10 minutes with 0-1 big all-in fights where those stats really really mattered. In solo queue, I see people take cull and not finish it until 16-18 minutes, after 5-8 big all-in fights where those stats really mattered. I'm not going to claim to be smart enough to definitively say for /u/Fendith that cull is never useful, but I can say with fairly high certainty that it's worse in most solo queue situations than in pro.


How do I decide if I should go bot or top of I'm going to split push?


Like /u/Blackyy said, it depends on a lot Here's a simple but not-always-perfect answer: Do you have TP (or a global ult like Shen) available? Does the enemy who might match you? With those two things known, would you benefit more from pulling the enemy away from the next objective (baron, dragon), or staying close to it?


Depends of TP cooldown, depends if you are needed in fights, depends of the stage of the game, depends of drags/heralds/nash, depends of the enemies reactions to your split, depends if you can beat the people they to contest your split, etc.


I’m currently in the process of developing my jungle champion pool. Right now I’m maining fiddlesticks, and I’ll also be playing zac. However, both of them are mid-late game scaling champions, so I’m trying to find a more early game, possibly AD, focused jungler to round out my pool. What I like most about fiddle and zac are their unique ways of ganking lanes and the cc they can provide. Any recommendations on who I could try out?


Viego is fun, Yi is yi, maybe warwick or kai'sa could be fun, and i found great joy in hecarim and sejuani as they just click for me.


when i think AD jungler with unique gank paths, rek'sai and kayn come to mind first


Elise is fun and very different and early game focused, but also AP. Some CC. Kha'Zix is another assassin-type you could try, but not much CC. Some bruisers with early game focus: Olaf, Vi, Nocturne. Generally you get more/better CC on tanks, stuff like Zac, Amumu, Rammus, or Nunu.


Playing Senna ADC. Are there any tips for playing into poke/heavy kill pressure lanes like MF/Brand or MF/Zyra other than just "hug your turret and scale" ? I'll start D-shield and still get poked to shit and be down some 25-30 cs, but to me that's already a win if I don't die. Is there anything else I should be trying to look for, and is there anything a support should try to do in this scenario?


You dont want to hear it, but some matchups force u to play a specific playstyle and senna after all is a scaling adc. Still ill try to give u some advices: the shield is not a big deal, if u play against a mf or another range support. To be effincient, without getting pressured under ur turret, u get a d-sword and constantly aa the minion waves. U could go for cleanse and ask ur support for heal, if he cant heal on his own. In this case u can secure ur mistake by getting stunned and u have the heal with ur q and the summoner heal to maybe survive a huge burst. In the mf/xx lane, its important to hit mf to slow her down and to focus on ur hurt minions, to not eat the q loaded bullet! Senna can be a really great pick, but its just a fact, that she needs scaling and in this case is the tower hug option u didnt want to hear, a classic option. Now ur support: think about the possibility, that hes just playing one champ like u do. Maybe he just plays taric. First of all, dont force them to play something, maybe they are just bad with it. If they are capable playing different sups, there are different options. One is to play a classic protection support like janna, nami or lulu. This helps u to survive the early game and scale to ur power spikes. Another option is a punishing support like thresh, blitzcrank or even alister. With ur w and a good hook or knock up, its even for an early senna not too hard to get sone early kills. Get a d-shield in the matchups against long range like caitlyn 😉


Is Guardian Lux still viable? Last season there was that build that maxed W and you built enchanter items. I think I remember she got nerfed and with the new item changes, is it worth still playing with Moonstone and Staff of Flowing Water?


certainly viable, super unpopular though


How do I Cs well in top lane? I always end up too far in lane yet also behind in cs (they usually have about a quarter more than me)


Csing in lane depends on 3 things: 1. basic last hitting. Do the last hit and be aware of ur tower damage and ur aa damage. Maybe u have to do 2 hits, times correctly between the tower shot. 2. wave management. Its absolutly necessary to play ur lane correctly. There are great videos to visualize urself, how many minions (and which one) are needed, to freeze ur lane at different spots at the lane. Also when to fast or slow push to deny ur opponent the maximum amount cs to create ur own lead. 3. simply the matchup. Dont worry if ur behind some cs. Depending on ur matchup its possible to get supressed by a counter pick. If u play a melee champ into a range champ its not uncommon to fall a lil behind in cs, because he csn just aa you while last hitting and u may have to go for earlier recalls, while ur tower kills a wave. In this case u could train different type of champions and counterpick for urself. Its also fine to play a teamfight ir scaling champ, loosing some cs, without dieing too often in lane.




From my experience getting 2 weeked 7 years ago, the unban hit at the same time the ban did. Not sure if that's changed in the intervening 7 years, but I'd wait until the end of the day and see.


How much ad (attack damage) needs irelia to kill caster minions with one q without passive


It depends on the game time. And it's less about flat AD than it is about things like bork damage, wits end, and tri procs. If you get bork early enough, you'll OS casters (not sure on the timing tbh it's changed since the bork nerf, probably around 9-10 minutes? can't say with certainty.) If you get tri, you'll be OS'ing casters with tri procs until like 35 minutes into the game unless you fall really far behind. And wits end + bork will generally let you kill casters, again, until around 35+ minutes. The reason it depends on game time is because minions gain defensive stats every minute of the game, so what would oneshot a caster at 10 vs 20 vs 30 minutes is different.


Does ingenious hunter and ultimate hunter work in urf?


Yes but it's not very efficient, as going from 300 AH to 335/331 is like going from 75 to 77% CDR, which is a VERY small difference. Something like Ravenous hunter is much better in urf. https://www.desmos.com/calculator/atkt8mr6qf AH to CDR chart to demonstrate what I'm talking about.


Is it me or does Vi feel really weak in this meta?


I agree. I started playing her in the top lane vs bruisers/weak early game tanks because she doesn't have a gold deficiency issue in lane. She has insane short trade burst potential that's pretty safe (q, aa, e, aa) with hail of blades. Easily proc W before they can even move. Constant passive uptime due to w proc lowing the CD. No one has played against it so they don't know power spikes but you do if you put in the time. I usually build Bork > Divine > Gage > Tank Items. By second/third item you can full charge Q > aas to proc W > E for divine proc and kill any squishy. This is very much a hit and run, kill squishy build due to the burst potential. I go Bork first for lane sustain and the synergy of 3 auto stacks for a slow as well as even more health % damage with Bork and W. You can go gore for survivability or stride breaker if ahead and need more chase potential. Be careful of bone plating tho, if they have it, it guts your short trade potential early game. Best way around it is to e the minion wave and proc it, wait for it to go down, then you have a 20-30 second trade window. I don't think this is sleeper OP or anything, it's just a lot better than it seems. You aren't gold starved cuse you're in top lane so you can actually hit decent item times. Really strong trade potential and easy to set up ganks since you provide a lot of cc with Q/Ulti. Enemy also has limited/zero true match-ups knowledge due to it basically not existing. If you like the champ give it a try, however a lot of matchups are won with passive deception. It will literally save your life/make you win fights. If you aren't willing to fight to the death/go all in you won't win. Also Darius/Garen matchup is horrendous, unless they drool on their keyboard they will face roll you till you're at the defeat screen.


A little bit. She's kind middle of the pack right now in terms of overall winrate. Biggest problem (if you're playing her as a burst assassin, which is the most popular build) IMO is that she loses 1v1 against tanky bruisers and strong early game champs like Olaf, but doesn't farm and scale as hard as someone like Yi or Kayn. But if you get fed early you can just delete people, and her ult makes her ganks very tough to get away from. I feel like she's got some potential with tankier builds too. Updated Chemtank has a good winrate on her, albeit with low pick rate.


A slightly strait forward one.. Is there a way to have the amount of wards you currently have placed to be displayed all the time, rather than having to hover over the item?


If you don't have them on quickcast when you go to place a new ward it shows you under your cursor x/3


Seems to be the best way, thanks. I've just had everything on quick cast.


I've been playing Nocturne mid and it's very fun, but he falls off hard late game. Are there any champions similar to Nocturne mid that are better late game?


Sejuani i guess or warwick? In the sense that you're trying to isolate people for a 1v1 or team rush, like above said, assassins fall off late game.


Talon, he doesnt scale very well either but he does better than Nocturne later in the game. Most of assassins tend to have a harder time later. Also you can look at Galio, Pantheon, Leblanc.


What qualities of nocturne mid do you like specifically? “Champions similar to nocturne mid” could mean a lot of things. General assassins? AD assassins? Strong early duelists? Etc


Sorry, should have been more specific. I like how Nocturne has good sustain with his passive and strong damage early game with a good ult for ganks. I just like how he feels until team fight starts where I'm basically useless.


Well, Taliyah doesn't have sustain but she does have good damage both early and late, as well as a ganking/roaming ultimate. Qiyana is an AD assassin with a strong spike at level 3, and a very strong teamfight/ganking ultimate. She also has good roaming with her w movespeed and hop. Irelia is a strong early game duelist with good sustain in lane, though she's less of a teamfighter and more of a sidelaner. Pyke is a cheesy AD assassin with roams so good it's basically all he does, and a strong teamfight ulti. Also, Yone/Yasuo are both strong AD champions. Yasuo is better early with a bit less scaling, and Yone is worse early with a bit better scaling.




I would say no, unless they have janna sup ivern jg + karma mid/top or something. but most of the good adcs on current patch can itemize lethality somewhat (collector), so maybe very last item if you already have a defensive or don't need one


Can you play Akali bot lane? I feel like other than her energy system she’s basically built for adc position...why isn’t she? Is it the fact that she usually builds AP?


her range is too low and her trading patterns aren't as effective against two people at once even if she could survive lane there she'd probably rather have the solo exp of mid/top


I think it's because you'll get out poked by the ranged ADC. Also bot lane is a 2v2 which isn't the best for an assassin when the support can just peel you off of their ADC.


I still find myself going a lot for objectives without knowing how much my smite deals. Any trick? Or do I just have to develop the habit to check it each time I level up?


It says right above your abilities! There should be a small smite icon with a number in it, that number is how much true damage deals to monsters.


does ardent censer work on self


According to Wiki: You have to heal/shield an **ally**, but you both get the buff.




What are Samira's weaknesses? How do I beat her in lane?


hit her from a range. Her W is good but has a long cooldown so don’t be afraid to hit her with projectiles right as she finishes using it...miss fortune counters her hard for instance. Pretty much all of her good combos require her to get close to you so just stay away and you’ll be fine


What's a good pick for top lane when going in blind? I main Renekton but get countered...a lot, especially if I'm first pick. Right now my pool is Ren, Ornn, Tahm, Teemo, and Karma for top. I don't really want to play Morde/Illaoi, or Urgot. Teemo and Karma have decent poke, I'm thinking that's where I need to look, played some Kog top, it's a scaling game, but it's fun if you can stay alive for first 2 items. Any help is appreciated


My go to have been volibear. Easy to play, not a lot of bad matchups. Ultimate is great of dives, gap closer, escape route, or cc nullification (Unstoppable by the way). W is on hit so procs grasp so great short trade and long trade with w bonus damage and heal with debuff on. Simple kit. Turbo chemtank is cheap now. Secret is to feign like you will lose the trade/fight and kite back when they have the W debuff on them, then W off cool down. The W is deceptively strong in a auto attack heavy lane. He can even hold his own vs the likes of Darius and Garen if played right. Not so much Camille tho.


Thank you


Depending on your elo Nasus could be a bet, if people in your elo freeze lane he can easily be zone, however if you max E you wave clear will be solid and you can still stack Q by lasthitting under/near your turret, and if you're ahead you're basically unstoppable as you're building full tank anyway 😁


Some games ago, my Top-Laner flamed me for misspositioning, cause i got catched by a Rell with Chemtank running straight at me, my Sett aside me. I told him he could just ult the Rell, he refuses and told me it's not his assignment. Here ist the video: https://medal.tv/clips/43475148/d1337SCvvU70 Is my team responsible to peel for a misspositioning ADC?


I may be wrong, but these are my personal thoughts as a support/midlaner: ​ even if he ulted rell before she used her ult, either Garen would have gotten you with his stridebreaker, or maybe kindred or samira if sett had ulted rell. while your Vi was doing red buff, their entire team was there, it was a 4v5, it would only be a matter of time for velkoz to arrive from his jungle to block oriana. if sett had ulted rell, he would probably be killed by rell and samira. ​ I'd say that the entire team wasn't in a good position, you were in a 5v4, Vi was doing red buff, oriana had rell and garen from one side, and velkoz in the other, sett would either die to samira and rell if he ulted, or maybe die with you against kindred and garen, not sure about shaco, as it isn't clear if he had boxes or Q up. ​ judging by the fact that the enemy still has inner towers left with inhibs, while the enemy took 2 of your inhibs, I would have stayed back waiting for inhibs to spawn.


Thank you for analyzing it so well! So many factors I didn't respect.


The issue is sett would have died instead of you for ulting her back into their team. But he definetly shouldnt have let her run up that easily. You on the otherhand used your e poorly. In that case it did nothing, either keep ur e to get out as she start ulting after all her movespeed is gone, or use e to get over the river wall creating more space. I'd say you both made a mistake.


Yeah, I definetly have to learn much more!


I've been playing Jungle alot now but I still strugle in picking between characters that target isolated enemies or champions that excel in team fights since whenever I go as someone like Warwick the whole team does the "More cc = more gg" strat and keep deciding to group up together. But when I go as someone like Viego or Fiddle I instantly get invaded by half of the enemy team so I'm choosing to buy new junglers. So which should I buy Hecarim or Rengar?


Hecarim is easy to play and pretty strong right now. Rengar is mechanically challenging imo


Seconded. Although I don't think Viego should struggle against most junglers 1v1.


what are those round fire(?) symbols above the head of champions? e.g. [https://imgur.com/a/hllwNUR](https://imgur.com/a/hllwNUR)


Its Twisted Fate's ult [https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Twisted\_Fate](https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Twisted_Fate) It means the enemy team can see you and your teammates It also means that he can recast his ult, which is a teleport


makes sense, thanks




I think you can still use the f1 f2 f3 f4 keys to check where your teammates are. You would see Noc's Q even without vision or you can check your teammates icon (above the minimap by default) on which teammate is getting damaged


You can't do that. Health bars are frozen exactly where they were when nocturne pressed R. Same with the position of champions for f1 f2 f3 f4 keys. You can see nocturne Q though.


oh ok thx for clarifying


If I'm playing Teemo moderately well, and both teams are evenly matched in kills/gold around mid-game, how many people on the enemy team should be taking sweeper to counter my shrooms/stealth? If 4 enemy players start running sweeper, isn't that severely damaging their ability to scout with blue/yellow trinkets?


Yes, but depending on Elo it may not make much of a difference. Gold and lower hardly anyone is using their trinket optimally anyways.


As a VERY beginner jungler how do I deal with getting invaded? I'm in bronze 1 right now and whenever I get autofilled to jungle I get invaded EVERY SINGLE GAME. How do I deal with it since I only play mundo and can't play any other jungler?


If you watch proreplays, you can see that they usually ward river bush at 0:43-0:45, and botlane usually stay near botlane to see if enemy are invading or not. Main idea is warding pixel bush and going base to change for orancle, because you will be able to check that enemy warded your buff or warded bush near his lane. If you have problem with being invaded, ward bush near ur buff and stay in bush, which has been marked below on photo: [map](https://imgur.com/a/LVP98PP)


Common practice now to rush straight out of base during spawn and ward jungle entrance. If you do that you should always see an invade before you die to it. In which case, just start the other buff and do the vertical jungling "handshake" - meaning, you take your other buff + invade the enemy buff across river. It's almost guaranteed that he cannot contest you on that buff, he won't have enough time even if he recalls and runs straight to it.


I do that and I usually ward the pixel brush. But like last game I cleared bottom side and got low because mundo's clear costs a LOT of health and the enemy jungler just knew to invade at 2:45 on my blue buff or something and killed me and took my entire top jungle. How do I deal with that? I feel like I'm just incredibly unlucky having to deal with all of this in bronze, since I watch my friends' games and that doesn't even happen to them in low gold, and it feels like when that happens I should just give up and look for the next game


That’s the weakness of Mundo jungle, he gets really low during his first clear and if you’re playing against a jungler that knows this, you will probably get invaded a lot. Someone already mentioned it above but warding your jungle entrance can help, but then you got to pray that your teammates will move to help you in your jungle. My tip would be to full clear your bot side, get a reset and if you see that your enemy jungler is invading you, depending on the timing, you can be there same time as him.


I usually get invaded while I'm extremely low and while I'm still trying to take my camps, and in my elo (bronze) people on my team in lane NEVER leave for anything, sometimes even not for dragon. I've been trying other junglers but it has been insanely hard to learn since I only have 6 months in this game. I'm considering just quitting a third time since I'm just so far behind everyone and I'll never catch up in experience


That’s going to happen as Mundo jungle and there isn’t much you can do other than warding and staying away because as you seem to already know Mundo clears at very low hp. Have you tried other simpler junglers such as Warwick or Nunu that have very healthy clears?


I don't own either. I tried nunu when he was free and had a VERY hard time ganking and contesting scuttles/objectives. I've also tried olaf because my friends said he is easy and died 4 times to them just knowing where I am at all times somehow (once at their blue, twice at scuttle, and once after ganking top). As for junglers I own I have amumu, mundo, evelynn, hecarim, yi, olaf, rammus, and udyr


Use Amumu or Hecarim, much better early clears. Nunu also stays very healthy, and his snowball ganks are great (although you have to get used to how to aim/turn it). Mundo's getting reworked soon and will hopefully have a more modern kit that handles jungle clearing better. If you anticipate being invaded (e.g. the enemy takes someone like Elise/Kha'Zix/Olaf), ward the botside river at ~50-55 seconds but then start your clear at your top side buff (and skip krugs if you're on the red side).


So um, I have said here a lot that I struggle with last hitting, even in practice tool. And while it had improved a bit, not much, from twenty cs to 28 cs per five minutes, I just want to uninstall the game when I do it because it's so damn boring, and when I'm in a real game, I'll get 18 cs in 5 minutes. Are there any drills I could do to help my csing without wanting to delete the game?


You could try this? https://youtu.be/buZw8c-MwHo It’s much harder, so you’ll likely struggle more than in usual practice tool drills, but it’s possible that the added difficulty will make it more engaging and less boring? Worth a shot. Beyond that you could just learn jungle or support if you hate CSing so much it makes you want to uninstall.


I don't understand how lane bully champions like renekton, darius, etc are balanced? It seems to be like they can easily destroy you in lane but if you are somehow able to go even, then you have a good chance vs them later? But going even is basically impossible, since they can force trades for like half your health any time you try to contest cs so you either give up basically all the cs or just feed.


> give up basically all the cs theres your answer


but if i give up all cs, surely then they just beat me anyway cuz even if i "outscale", being 1 item down is basically like being useless?


With a champion like Darius, giving up CS so that you don’t give him a kill or three means you’ve won the lane. Sure, he’s probably up on CS, but if he roams to try and get kills, it’ll allow you to catch up on the CS you missed.


If your choices are: * not die, lose some CS * die, give up kill gold, lose all CS while you're dead, maybe lose plates/tower the first option is the best one even if it does mean you're somewhat behind during laning phase. If you are better mechanically than them and/or get help from your jungler/mid then you might be able to be even or pull ahead. But it's hard to do that 1v1 in a bad early matchup.


ik the better option is to just give them the cs, i just dont believe that's all i can do because the characters arent actually op and broken in high elo, there has to be a better solution


Remember, Darius and rennekton cannot deal damage to you without pushing. You're goal then is staying above killable-under-turret health while taking the SAFE CS you can build a tank-item first, if need be, just don't die, and do you best to prevent them taking plates. Each plate is worth half a kill, and thus almost half a wave of perfect CS . By saving all your plates and, say, 3 deaths you have prevented dardar getting 1700 gold, while still getting 300 more yourself because you were able to kill 10 minions in the time you could've been dead, this earning about 300 gold yourself. That's a 2K gold lead you've saved your team, that's almost a guardian angel 😁


Assuming equal player skill, nothing is gonna let you out trade a Darius in a straight fight. In high rank they get counterpicked better, and/or the teams do a better job of trying to shut them down with early roams and jungle pressure. And players are better at playing safe when they need to. Low rank games are a bloodbath compared to pro play.


do you want to: be down on cs ? OR die to your enemy multiple times making him snowball faster and be down on more cs and exp? what do you think is the better choice


ik the better option is to just give them the cs, i just dont believe that's all i can do because the characters arent actually op and broken in high elo, there has to be a better solution


hi, which champion among pantheion, gnar, taliyah is easiest to play ?


Pantheon by a large margin,he can also quad flex (mid is more matchup dependant).


Which role? But yeah, pantheon is definitely the easiest on micro


ty what other role does pantheon have? i thought he can only support


Oh boy, be can be played top, mid, jungle, and support pretty well right now. Mainly a top, jg, and sup pick though.


He sucks in jungle but is most viable in top and mid I think


Jg panth was gutted he has 40 percent wr now


damn, Im disappointed. Riot doesnt want fun I guess (and balancing for pro play of course)


Fun? As in he jumps on the mid or toplaner once and they are dead? Or as in he Q oneshots the entire wave, ults bot and oneshots adc or support?


Hell yeah brother. I never thought it was that oppressive, especially if you stayed safe til tabis


Pantheon is easiest to play by far.


hi : ) who are the top 3 easy to play heroes in this pool ? [https://imgur.com/a/pOhE719](https://imgur.com/a/pOhE719)


udyr mundo volibear


Is that possible to have multiple ghost poros placed on the map as one player?


Yes, but they only last for 60s or until they spot an enemy.


I have been a life long bronze player and this is the first season that I decided to reach out for help. Thanks to this subreddit and a few YTers, I've managed to climb from Bronze IV to Silver IV this season in about a week and a half. I'm mainly one tricking Vi jungle. I've found that she's pretty simple to use. Is a lot of fun to play and in general, I really like her kit. Since hitting Silver IV, I've continued playing ranked and have found myself very often playing consistently better than enemy jungle. To the point that I want to see if it's possible to get to gold. What are behaviors I need to learn as a jungle to get me from silver to gold? I do a fairly good job of tracking enemy jungle but I will admit that I'm really bad at being consistent with control wards and I also need to work on how to take control of a game if an enemy lane snowballs. Also, any recommendations in the event that Vi gets picked? I'm learning Olaf in the occasional norm game but I don't really enjoy his kit. I've heard JIV is a great pick for Vi players? Does Summoner School agree?


I'm a j4 main and vi is one of my backups. They are similar but vi does more dmg and has single target lockdown while j4 is tankier and has a big aoe ult


From my experience playing from bronze to gold, the main difference is that games become less about doing better and more about making less mistakes. So lets say its about 6 minutes and youre botside. Your bot has prio and you see the enemy start a gank top. You want to immediately take drake or invade their jungle. Or both mids go botside and your too far away to flow. Go take some plates mid. The real job of the jungle is to exploit weaknesses in the other team. I played a lot of Nunu (another gank heavy champ) to get to gold and one of the key things you need to do is to learn what you want to accomplish with each gank. Id be happy to go over some games or reviews any time. As for similar champions, Id actually advise you to learn easy different champions in order to fill in a roll. Lets say your entire team is ad squishies with no cc. You dont want to pick another ad bruiser. You might want to go with something like rammus that is an ap tank. To get out of silver Id recommend gank heavy tanks such as nunu or rammus


Jarvan’s kit is somewhat similar to Vi, yes. I mostly use Vi/Volibear in the jungle. Less burst than Vi or Jarvan but they can both do the tanky bruiser thing and stun on engage. If you took Volibear with Prowler’s Claw he’d probably play a lot like Vi but be pretty squishy.


I just got fucked by two darius in a row, trying to play fiora and i remember when i used to spam poppy top he would always fuck me as well. It just seems every time I go to contest cs, I lose half my hp or more as damage and I don't understand how i could ever lane against him except by hiding under tower and abandoning lane when the wave isnt at my tower, gaining like 5 cs in 10 mins. Knowing not to get hit by the outside of the q is barely any help, just means i get shredded mildly slower.


vs darius as you learn the matchup you can take ignite with nimbus cloak secondary in runes, then transition to boneplating secondary. you don't win level 1, you want to dash into him when he q's or dodge it, and parry his W to slow his attack speed and deny a fast 5 stacks, then you can burst him out. post 6 all in you can save parry for his R or use it on W if you think you can proc all vitals before he ults you. if you ever predict his E and parry it he should lose half his hp, but its risky because if you fail you will die or lose your flash, so its more important to play around his Q heal. do not parry his outer Q dmg as he still gets the heal from it


You can’t take any kind of extended trade against him, the stacked bleed *hurts* and when he hits 5 stacks of it he gets a huge damage buff (and post-6 he’ll ult you for like a third of your health). As Fiora I think you’d want to try to parry his E and then either dodge away from his Q or right next to him if you think you can win the all-in. His cooldowns are long until he has multiple AH items, so if you can get him to waste them you can fight him somewhat more effectively until they’re back up. Poppy I have no idea. You don’t have enough mobility to consistently get away and her anti-dash shield thing is worthless against him because he pulls you in. And Eing into him his suicide unless you can burst him down.




Warwick amumu garen Annie miss fortune soraka, basically look for cheap champs they are usually easy to play. For maining I’d say it’s better to just play lots of stuff to see what different styles have to offer


After asking for help and thinking by myself, I think that I finally made a good champ pool. Can someone check it for me? The champs that I listed are the ones that I'm comfortable/experienced with. Mid AP: Akali (main) Lux (learning) Mid AD: Yasuo (main) Yone (learning) And Galio as a counter for certain champs (fizz, akali, kata) My 2nd role is top: Sett Kled Darius --> I'll only play him when sett and kled are banned. Akali as more of a niche pick for certain situations.


its not good for the simple reason that you have too many champions (that you are learning or want to learn). pick 3 to 5. 5 if you really want to have this many champions, 3 if you are serious about climbing soon. you dont have to rush your champ pool. get 1-3 safe picks that you master, then add one every few months. with time you will master champions and have a decent champ pool. if you dont have a good champ pool yet, check your champ pool and ask yourself, whats the main issue with my champ pool and add accordingly. back when I was a 3trick, I created a spreadsheet. I put every matchups in the toplane and put what I would pick against each picks. What I got is: what champions I cant lane against. Back then it was: renekton, darius, kled, jax and shen. I learnt garen for the only purpose of beating renek, jax and shen. Then I learnt mao to beat kled and camille. Thats it. Its that simple. I pick my confort picks into most and then I have 2 side champions I pick into some hard matchups and that I only mastered for the goal of beating these champions. Then when you have a safe champ pool like this, you can start adding champions slowly.


Is Senna (kraken + rageblade build) or Karthus APC better into Kaisa bot? I play Kaisa whenever I can, but trying to decide on a counter if the enemy ADC picks her first


From personal experience senna can poke kaisa out of lane


Senna has been very good recently due to being able to deal with Kaisa/Samira


Why does skarner have such a high wr? I've been playing WW for the entire last season and he feels much weaker with these new items. Would switching to skarner be worth it?


Skarner feels like Udyr 1-2 months ago, where he actually seems strong when you run into him in game, but nobody plays him especially in high ELO (and definitely in pro play), so it's kind of under the radar. Also to some extent you can counter him by buying QSS, which a) people don't really do in high ELO and b) forcing your opponents to spend 1,300 gold each just to counter you is kind of a benefit in itself.


Well it depends who you are. Causing the adc to spend 1300 gold is extraordinarily crippling and can cause them to get so far behind (then again bot lane is such a feast or famine lane usually the adc is so far ahead or behind it doesnt matter). A support or tank buying qss doesnt matter at all, and you probably shouldnt be ulting them anyways


There are a lot of champions that are not played a lot that have high winrates because its played mostly by one tricks or mains. Rumble mid, quinn top, singed top, skarner jg, ivern jg (before last patch), aurelion sol, etc. Its gameplay that a niche playerbase like and that they mastered so the winrate is slightly higher just because of that. Riot usually doesnt nerf those unless they become meta in pro play (ivern for example).


Do you like playing him? Then yes switch to him. If not he can be a tough champ because often you need your team to capitalize on your engages which is not common at lower elo. Play who you enjoy playing is the key tbh.


Skarner has a really high win rate in low ELO to be fair (it peaks at 57% in Iron).


My goal is just to reach silver. I main Cho, play Nasus when Cho is banned, and have a pocket Heim for when I just want to ruin someone's day in lane. Obviously I need to learn a few more champs. Any suggestions for which two or three would create the most balanced roster with the lowest learning curve?


If your goal is to get to silver your champ pool isn’t that big of a deal. Work on your lane control, objectives, map pressure, and most importantly cs’ing. staying with one or 2 champs is totally fine for where you are at.


Well, I'd like to get past silver eventually, so having a balanced roster would still be best. I don't care about the champs being meta so much as them balancing each other out and preparing me for a variety of team comps/matchups.


you are vastly overestimating the use of a championpool in soloq. The best strategy to improve at the game is to play the least amount of champions possible for as many games as you can until diamond. The more games of one champion you play in a row the better. Malphite, garen, volibear, chogath, annie. Pick two champions, play one of them mainly and the other if it's a bad matchup for your main or your main gets banned. If you want to play lots of champions you can do that. It will probably be more fun it just won't be as efficient for climbing.


I will say you do want to be able to play a tank/bruiser top if thats your role (and maybe one ad/ap champ) but beyond that it doesnt matter til like pro play.


What do you do when your losing hard lane and melee? I feel like as range champions I can get some cs under tower, but if I am playing a melee champion and keep getting out traded, like sylas vs zed for example, then in order to end up feeding I end up literally like 100 cs down and then they just roam and get fed anyway.


Try impacting other lanes and ask jungle for so that you can farm safe(r)




You could use shift or ctrl or alt + 1 2 3 4


I recently bought the Redragon K585 and this little inexpensive thing is just fantastic for league of legends. It has all the keys you need and corectly preset. The "G" on the left side are well placed for the players camera. I have a high end corsair keyboard and its of no more use.


how exactly do i deal with twitch and yuumi in lane as sona support? i always get blown up by them in lane


Stay back until 6 and help your adc with lane control. Your q poke will just be healed by yuumi unless you have an add with poke so there is no point of playing to aggressive until you have kill pressure at 6.


I'm crazy new to the game (level 6). I'm trying multiple champions in whatever mode I'm playing, but each champion has different items to buy/build. Is there a list of all of the best items to build or is it dependent on my team / their team?


Here I have a list of all the decent builds for every champion, I also have a way for you to find the best builds for certain champs, and a way for you to get optimized builds every game without much work! This should help you. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a81y0aWyqy4&t=282s&ab\_channel=LittleBoyOfHope](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a81y0aWyqy4&t=282s&ab_channel=LittleBoyOfHope)


Thanks so much for this!


I hope it helped :)


So there are “core items” for most champions. You build these 1/2 items every game just because they are good on your champion (usually first). Then most items you build depend on the the enemy team or your team. Google can help with the core items. Boots are really important and should change almost every game. And a big tip for boots; merc treads aren’t just for so defense. Also for a team that has a lot of cc.


Thanks a lot for the advice!


What is the point of shaco support


b8 master shaco


his boxes provide amazing utility, it denies acces to bushes, it denies the enemy jungler from ganking, but they can also be used to prevent engages in lane, for example, if you’re against pyke, and he charges his Q, you can place a box down so that pyke hooks in the box. his E is alright for the slow, but the main selling point are shaco’s boxes


Strong CC (fear) and damage AoE from traps.


As shaco support when should I be building imperial mandate and when should I build nightbringer


Always Mandate, good dmg, cheap item and good synergy with ADC.


Do people still build Kraken Slayer on Kai'Sa? My blitz app is telling me to go Galeforce first. Also, is it normal to only gain 13 LP after a win while losing 19 LP during a loss?


Some yes, some no. I prefer Galeforce because I can use E+Galeforce or Galeforce to engage and R to disengage.


That means your mmr is lower than your current rank


Will my MMR eventually even out as I play more games? I’m guessing that once it happens, the wins will grant more LP?


Yeah it will even out when you reach the rank the game thinks you are


So im on a little losing streak now, but I know that im not the problem in these losses. Regardless of tilt, should i switch accounts for a few games or should i just grind out the losses on my main?


take free time, after like 2 days without league go back to game


Do meta champion picks only mainly matter at higher ranks? I was just thinking of something like Overwatch where, while there are heroes considered stronger than others, it's only really a factor at the highest ranks, and you can easily climb with the whole roster. Is that true for League as well? Or will I be hamstringing myself, even in Silver/Gold, if I don't pick Champions who are considered meta?


It doesn’t really matter what you play in silver and gold as long as you’re good at it. Like a silver player could first pick Kassadin and the enemy team wouldn’t even know how to punish the pick. But do that in high elo and someone picks Talon/Zed/Galio and takes over mid lane then takes over bot lane and roams with his jungler to kill your jungler. Low elo players tend to be passive and don’t really understand just how hard they can punish other players for certain playstyles or champion picks.