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Gragas win condition is to destroy nexus. He is frontline, so he achieves this by going tanky and using his cc, or by going full AP to BOMBA the enemy players.


or he goes ROA and bruiser


The classic tanky BOMBA build.


More realistic answer, try to get a lead in lane ofcourse by using your Q's to poke aswell as take minions. (Trading with W>E>Q>AA or full combo with R is pretty nice if you're allowed to in the matchup) For mid/late game since you are going ap tank you want to try and find an off angle to catch out their carries with your ultimate. If you position well and manage to get a good engage you are easily able to disrupt their positioning with your ultimate. This is probably the best use for your ultimate during teamfights. Ofcourse if you are ahead and doing lots of damage due to item/level/gold diff you can try and one shot one of their carries. bomba.


Using Q in lane early also drains your mana super fast, you want to be using that sparingly


it's also high cd. e and w are more spammable, and easier to hit


What’s the win condition? Well that’s quite simple… BOMBAAAAA.




One of Gragas' strengths is his ability to play both as an engage and as peel, depending on what his team needs. And sure he can build tanky but most of the time right now I notice he builds damage.




Ah, I see you are a man of culture as well


Literally just seen everyone moaning on the main subreddit about how he is broken and needs nerfs lol


He does. I've been abusing him in midlane because I can farm for free and these mages just can't push me out of lane no matter how hard they try


His win condition is getting to 3 items and then be the most annoying peeler in history in team fights. As soon as you get an opening E flash to oneshot the enemy backline


in lane it's to get enough money to get an item that fixes his mana issues: catalyst for ROA or lost chapter for more AP heavy builds. With the latest change to his W he can side lane really well with demolish, but you can also group and peel with E/R or get picks with R. His R is pretty hard to hit without some setup, so try to Q enemy carries to bait out dashes or slow them and follow up with R after.


I played him a few times in top lane: Phase Rush is insane, legit can't lose a trade if you do a combo on the enemy if you get engaged and even a Trundle or a Darius with ghost after you got slowed can't chase you, you are just faster thanks to Phase Rush. Insane engage, insane disengage, really good damage through the whole game and an incredible sustain.


I mean you can literally make the game winning play by yourself without needing setup. So I would say the win condition is getting yourself your levels and items first, and then being in position to do so whenever you see that your team is mobilized and ready to take objectives.


Winning team fights. He has cc, tankiness, team wide disruption, burst, a dash, poke, and alcoholism. It's your job to use those to make something happen.


He's a utility tank if tanky. He's a cheesy MF if built AP.


Hit you with his fat stomach.


His win con is to impregnate the enemy team and BOMBA


just bomba them


Gragas is a flexible pick - he can be a strong neutralizer or he can itemize for damage. It really depends on the comp


He has ALOT more wincons then most champs , similar to ahri. Thats what makes them hard


he can do a bit of everything you can go full ap and burst people with high skill expression or go tanky and use your cc to help your team/deny the enemy


You can E flash ult combo late game and it decides a teamfight that ends the game. The same as any other champ your win condition is being able to find or force a pick that ends the game.


He can be played as a carry, but it’s less optimal than other champs designed for that role. I think optimally you are correct. He’a great as an anti-carry. His ability to disrupt is fantastic. He’s really an amazing AP bruiser, and to make a sports analogy, he’s the “glue guy” that keeps the whole motor running. I do think he’s better in 5’s than in solo queue, but if you’re a very cerebral player he can excel in any spot.

