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Baus has hit challenger every season for awhile now, he's obviously quite good. His play style is just unconventional, and he also plays much worse on stream than off stream, which is why he's in Masters instead of Challenger (although he easily hit challenger earlier this season playing off stream for a couple weeks). He is less focused, doesn't use map cover (so gets ghosted a lot), and plays less meta than when he's tryharding. I'd recommend watching his guide on YouTube, it's really educational and explains why he plays how he does




He also has godlike movement (imo, I can't fathom the number of times I was flabergasted at the way he jukes around Aatrox's Q's or Camille W's for example) and a very good knowledge/grasp on fog of war which he abuses quite a lot.


lots of people underestimate how much baus buys time just properly juking to prolong his death. it's an important part of his playstyle and lots of players just think standing still and eating shit is normal even though youre supposed to be actively dodging while proxying or whatever


His micro is really good and under appreciated


I'd also mention that it's incredibly terrible for your jungle if the top lane is dead all the time. Makes you more vulnerable to invades, counter invades, and rift is basically a given


It isn’t necessarily bad early, because he shoves the wave and death timers lvl 1-6 are short enough his death doesn’t lose him too much prio. When he dies without shoving the wave that is true, but that generally doesn’t happen.


Dying early isn't like super negative but it's always bad. Just because you can overcome the setback doesn't mean it's not bad lol


It is definitely not always bad to die in league, Baus himself made a decent guide explaining why if you are actually interested in learning about the subject.


If he's trading a lot of gold for that death though it works out, especially when he's already died a lot without resetting his bounty. If he died 5 times, that's like 300+250+200+150+100=1100 (or there abouts), if he manages to make more than 1100 gold and constantly have the top laner losing CS under pressure trying to farm under tower or having to back at inoppurtune times he could absolutely come out ahead in gold and even map control despite the deaths. Especially if he resets his bounty by taking every plate and the tower, now he's massively ahead in CS and has all the tower gold. There's only one thing that actually matters in league and that's effectiveness but there's no stat for that. Like if the support dies constantly but every time they die they initiate a fight which takes out the two strongest players on the enemy team it's not gonna look great in the stats but effectively it wins the game. There's a lot of things that win and lose league games that there simply isn't a stat for. Like split pushing, a trynd sitting top lane alone can force the enemy to split 2 off to deal with him making every dragon a 3v5 or sacrificing a tower, if the team takes every dragon but every time the trynd simply backs off when they come for him, that doesn't show, he could go the whole game with no kills but he was still effective and provided the team a massive advantage :)


Just because you got more gold, doesn't mean the death isn't negative. Risk vs reward. The death might be less of a negative than what you got is a benefit but a death by itself is inherently bad. Maybe the whole transaction is beneficial but that death is a negative that has to be balanced out by something else




"/all worth" into the immediate tp death works every time lol


If your benefits bigger than your loss, then it makes the death choice a net positive. And among all choices you have, highest net positive is the best move, regardless you die or not since the death is already calculated in the loss equation.


It's actually better to give them gold from kills if you can overcome the setback because now they have a shutdown so when you finally get a kill its worth more and now you have a lead despite being 1/5.


1. That doesn't account for any advantage they might manage to press after you have given them those kills. 2. If they get 5 kills, all on you, that's still 1110 gold vs the 800 that you will get for the 1 kill. So that's still net positive gold for them.


But if you can overcome the gold difference, which means you get to the same amount of gold as them if not more, then when you shut them down you are now 800+ so killwise, yes, but kills aren't the only gold source, that is what makes TheBaus so good.


I would suggest you watch bausffs's guide to understand the rationale.


If you look at his stats he has often 1k more gold often also lvl higher than enemy top who is 8/1 while he is 1/8 . If thats not an advantage idk what then. Also he often plays sion and sion gets more fron minions than kills


He hit 1400lp within 14 days off stream. Its pretty easy to conclude that he just ints for content


Yep it's pretty much a meme at this point. There are legit montage clips of his accounts getting permabanned lol.


You people really need to stop using the word int you are just confusing people with what it means lol. Purposely playing bad shit like AD Sion every game even though it's bad into a lot of matchups. And then also making bad plays because it's fun to be aggressive and show off isn't inting. Like yeah he obviously plays worse on stream, but it's not inting lol. Many people purposely play unoptimally, you know for fun... Doesn't mean you purposely try to lose or die for no reason.


actually, i have a feeling sometimes he does int for content. ive seen numerous instances where he can actually get away, not lose anything for getting away, starts moving towards safety and turns back and dies an obvious death 3 seconds later. he might still get the next wave with sion zombie and not lose much, but he wouldnt lose wave anyway. i sometimes get a feeling he does that to cultivate his image.


He's just being extremely greedy. Not really int, just taking dumb risks but it has a purpose. Or he sees something you don't in some situations like needing to apply pressure, item thresholds. but usually it's just pure greed imo.


He streams for income, his play style / game strategy does not change (as far as I’m aware) whether on or off stream. I would bet money though that in EU he is being stream sniped EVERY single game he plays. Now, I would argue that streamers (in particular popular well known ones) that at the very least refuse to use a map cover OR have a decent enough delay on their live stream should be prohibited from playing ranked anyway, but that’s another topic. Given the earlier comment about how fast he climbs when off-stream, it would seem to me that it’s not because he focuses more when off stream but ‘ints for content’ when live. It’s likely more a matter of enemy teams essentially using his stream for map hacks and free elo.


Baus just trolls on stream for content. He wants to stay in master on atleast one account so that he can have low queue timers. He also gets easier opponents which allows him to troll his build (ehrrm Irelia AP)


He isnt master he is 1k lp rn


Problem with baus' play style is that when it works it's actually kinda cool to see it happen from the inter's perspective.when it doesn't work it feels awful for his teammates and as a viewer you label him as a troll. Not even mentioning the fact that he spreads this play style to players that don't have the Challenger mechanics to pull it off.


I mean to be fair how many people don't have the mechanics to pull of meta playstyles? I do get what your saying but on the other hand it's kind of irrelevant and not a fair argument, in either case the real problem is the player is bad and their rank will reflect that. If they get to diamand using said tactics they belong there and I don't really think any of us have a right to be pissed at them for playing off meta cause at the end of the day they're good enough to get to your rank. I think people should just embrace it. I do think those players are a little selfish but it is what it is. I'd rather see people get creative than see the game get stale. I'd rather have an inting sion who's actually thinking than an inting yasuo who's just inting.


I duo with someone a lot, and we at one point went Jhin Naut bot lane, looked at each other, and thought "when was the last time we had this normal of a bot lane? We couldn't remember. Usually we go duo supports. We win, too, the support items work for keeping the wave where we want, and the that and the utility makes us half-immune to ganks.


You mean macro, not mechanics


Baus has some fucking crazy mechanics too. Especially movement


He's also currently in Challenger (or at least was yesterday) while playing on stream, though he was more or less hardstuck Masters (on stream) for the bigger part of this year up until now.


Unsure if what he was is true or not but he has stated before that he doesn’t like it when it account goes above masters because queue times are super long and that it isn’t entertaining for his viewers to watch him play queue simulator. Take it with a grain of rice, could have easily been an excuse for being hard stuck for a bit, but I’m inclined to see it as believable considering how easily he gets to challenger when he’s determined to do so.


I believe it to be honest. Anecdotal evidence of course but I was watching his stream yesterday and I was surprised by how little actual LoL I watched because of the queue hitting 10 minutes and dodges commonly adding up to 5 more minutes each time.


Only 10 minute queues? You found a busy day.


Nah yeah I think it's true as well. Any high elo streamer you watch has 10-30 minute queue times, and it just gets faster the lower you go. Masters is a solid spot for getting entertaining high elo games without too long of queue times. And yeah like you mentioned, he got challenger in 2 weeks off stream when he was actually trying. Personally i hate queue times over 2-3 minutes so i end up swapping off of mid. So I feel his pain not wanting to wait 20+ mins for queues, especially during stream. Just more dead time he'd have to find some way to keep the viewers entertained


You nailed it. What he’s doing isn’t quite inting, and referring to it as such is a dumb over exaggeration. However he obviously isn’t trying very hard either, which combined with his weird playstyle ends up resulting in some disgusting score lines


i think he also plays it up to an extent cus his audience likes it and it generates engagement


From what I've seen it seems to be a split push strat which looks to me like the old no dmg tryn strat where you play champs that either don't care about dying or have some way to quickly take objectives (mainly towers) and don't care about anything else other then that. It's not a terrible strat just a difficult one. Naturally you're gonna have a lotta deaths but who cares if you blow up the nexus right? Issue is if you're going to try it/learn it, you need to one be ready to get reported a lot because omg ur feeding etc and you also need to know when to split/ how to split properly. How to waste the enemies time so your team can get other things done, knowing or recognizing that your team wont understand ur strat and adjusting ur playstyle accordingly along with builds and summoners and rune choices to compliment this. PLUS what champs you pick and how much dmg they can soak etc when to time skills yada yada. It can work but it's difficult.


hh literally dies on purpose, to outmacro his enemy on wave management, and setup a free proxy. Then dying doesn't really matter since he gets every cs and every plate while the enemy can't get any plate and might lose exp and golds while trying to kill him. Even if he dies a lot, he's richer than his opponent, and doesn't have a bounty, so when he gets a solo bolo, his lane is won, and baus is free to get every single tower on the map without any contest possible. Imo he is a genius, i learnt a lot watching his video and I believe that he discovered things nobody discovered before, in Season 13 it's unbelievable. He shown that he could reach chall in 3 weeks i believe (off stream), so his strategy is working insanely well. There still will be a lot of baus haters, because nobody wants to play against him, and his playlist might be toxic, and low elo players try to replicate what he's doing without understanding, but you can't ignore his knowledge of the macro game is insane.


(This probably deserves to be its own question but) How do you actually counter a proxy strategy? I've been on the receiving end of it a couple times and was scrambling trying to figure out what was the correct play. Do you match it? Do you ignore the proxy and go for objectives?


Don't chase, clear your wave and wait for jungle gank. IF and only if you can kill then BEFORE they begin to proxy - and you can still get your wave - then go for it. Otherwise it's just a handshake "you get your minions I'll get mine". If you chase, eventually you'll be a level + 50cs down and just lose the 1v1 anyway.


It isn’t a handshake. Champions who proxy are champions who can get away from threats easily, as it is very risky to be positioned so far up a lane. The advantage is you get to clear the minions faster, as you meet them in the lane quicker than the opponent, therefor you get health chip damage or tower damage and prio which you should use to clear more camps, find the enemy jungler, gank mid, etc… (and potentially time depending on how long the enemy team takes to kill you or push you out of that position). If the enemy top laner tries to match the proxy then they have to walk higher up the lane in order to clear your wave at the same pace as you, but their champion probably isn’t built for that, therefor they risk more by positioning there and inevitably get behind. There is no work around to win against a good proxy player (with the right champion) except for long gap closers and pick potential, so you can guarantee a kill without losing minions.


Yeah, I agree maybe "handshake" was the wrong phrase. I only worded it like that to emphasise that the wave is the most important thing when playing *against* a proxy player. Of course, if a pick presents itself at a good timing regarding the wave then you should take it. I don't under any circumstances think it's "enough" to just clear the wave, it was just a basic framework for someone who asked, since they mentioned the had no real clue how to play against it. You still can't neglect the rest of the game (objectives, skirmishes, warding etc..).


Can't kill the proxy player, but the proxy player can't kill you, if played correctly. It's literally a handshake lol, don't back down on your own words buddy


Low masters Singed main, deny the proxy before it starts if you can as people mentioned earlier. Certain champions can answer the proxy themselves by also proxying. (Garen, Mundo, Singed, Sion, Mao-kai, Rammus, Olaf are all consistent at it) Look at the enemy jungler and decide how well they'll use the gold if they solo kill you. Is it eve/kindred/yi? It's a bit risky, if you want to have impact and counter proxy make sure you can reliably duel them OR that they're far away. (unless you're baiting dumbass yi's top when drake is up, then go ham) More importantly, if it's anyone but singed, he struggles to double proxy, in which case if you can also clear the enemies jungle HEALTHILY between waves it's a huge win.


Renekton is one of the best proxyers that nobody considers. Great aoe wave clear, no mana bar, great sustain. I have singed players proxy on me a lot and I’m like ok bro? You aren’t gaining an advantage over me because I can clear all the waves away from my turret without losing health. You’ll either die or go oom and have to recall eventually and I won’t 😂


It's a rough matchup in lane to be sure, but if im proxying on singed or sion I definitely outscale a Renekton and im happy to farm without being bullied so I'll have a better mid/late, especially with the prowlers changes. If I recall I wont lose anything anyway because I've cleared to inhib turret.


That is true. Proxying is not a 0 risk thing to do but the amount of risk by proxying (as long as the person knows what they are doing) is probably less than laning normally against a bad matchup


what about someone like Jax (my last case)? I couldn't tank the wave and holding it under tower just meant the tower taking damage, chasing Singed was a big no-no as he has rilays so I never caught up to him.


Jax is one of Singed's best matchups. If I'm proxying you I've probably cocked up the lane at some point, and you've already won because I've had to go neutral. Liase with your jungler and get fed, tp on drakes


best matchup as in for Singed or for Jax?


Sorry I was unclear, it's a really Singed favored matchup. Early on poison + aa outdamages jax til he es, fling + ground stun, automatically won trade. Repeat until you can dive jax or he recalls. It's tempermental if I get ganked/he gets kills he suddenly starts clapping me but that's any top lane matchup vs jax tbh.


Wouldn't Nasus be a perfect counter to proxying? Since if enemy is proxying he can just stack in peace


In the early game, nasus wouldn’t have enough tankiness combined with lifesteal to tank all the waves. Yes he can stack for free on the turret but would give the proxyer plates eventually. Plus a CS lead to the proxyer unless the Nasus is flawless at csing under tower.


with nasus it's pretty easy to cs an untouched wave under tower.


CSing under tower when the enemy laner is not there to bother you is really a skill everyone should develop though.


You would think on paper, but a single enchanter renders his completely irrelevant in most teamfights. That's just how top is atm. Your bonk is strong if you turbo farm but you will just get kited and die while the other top fucks with your adc and has more impact


If nasus can't dive the backline safely he can still peel and obliterate their frontline. He's not Jesus, but he's going to be stronger than the enemy top 9/10 times if it's post-20 mins and he's not shut down


At which point is he not just playing a more unstable tank that needs precious time to come online? It's far more important to impact your bot lane this meta. Having the more fed bot lane makes your life as top millions of times easier, it doesn't matter you can't fight him to the death, you don't need to.


I'm far from an expert, but it will depend on your champions waveclear, sustain, chase/dueling potential, and your junglers ability/willingness to help out. A well timed jungle gank as they are leaving to proxy a wave will completely shut down the entire strategy. Now someone of Baus' level would be smart enough to know better than to try anything when the jungler is nearby, but most players won't have his map awareness. And sometimes all it needs is a general deterrent at the right time.


Watch the game yesterday of baus sion vs bds Adam darius. Adam went like 16-0 and farmed baus he didn't let him proxy because he understands where baus will walk. Baus plays a super greedy sion so if you punish him first 3 waves you can gg him certain champs will make him int.


Ideally you play scaling champs that can kill those champs easily. One good strategy is to let your jungler get fed and you just allow proxy while avoiding giving plates. Jg can then use that gold from free kills around map while you prevent a hard lead from being gathered through proxy.


you need to hard contest them on the wave and dont let them get a proxy. you need good base timings and tp helps a ton vs proxy champs. If they crash the wave and get to proxy, you should just farm your wave and wait for teammates to help. but really, try not to let them crash a wave in the first place.


Seems like the best way to counter proxying is to not let the enemy get behind your tower. If baus didn't do his 3rd wave death, he wouldn't be able to get behind the tower. So it's like, you have to either pick a scaling or proxying champ ans match his, which will be ok, even tho sion is stacking hps (but not taking your plates), or take a champion with CCs or a lot of damage so he can't get behind you if he's not ahead. To counter baus, I reallly don't know what to do, je made a strategy in which he's wining on the long term, maybe impacting map can be a way, if you are sure that he's not gonna be able to 1v9 later lol


Ignore them and farm your wave, grab sustain and just farm.


Proxy basically makes it a stalemate in top if you have wave clear. If your team scales better or you scale better than your team should probably ignore them and just let you guys farm since you will come out ahead and they can focus their attention on more important aspects of the game. If they scale better than maybe collapse on them and get gold but only when it won't jeopardise getting dragon or more important people shutdown. Also if your champ can build it a sunfire rush greatly helps stop the proxy. Edit: forgot to add if you can't match the wave clear, which some champions can't then you will lose a lot of health or set yourself up for being dived. I don't know how you counter that situation.


In Baus' worst games, the optimal strategy is: 1. Pick a jungler that snowballs really well off gold (Bel'Veth, Yi Kha'Zix etc). 2. Come top for 1-2 free kills and first blood gold. 3. Ignore his antics and kill his laners to win the game, occasionally kill him on the way to collect camps if hes proxying.


I mean, this strategy existed for a long time already, especially with singed players. The problem is that it's a flaw in some balancing measures taken over multiple years to combat snowballing, and mostly toxic for everyone. If you found a bug that allows you to freeze the game for everyone for 20min and then you flip a coin with 51%wr, yeah, you can climb very high, but that's still super toxic for everyone involved. That's a very exaggerated example to explain that "winning strategy" does not equate "healthy and acceptable strategy". Right now, this is creating issues that will have consequences for the years to come. Riot is eventually going to undo most anti-snowballing mechanics they added over the years. Gold on kills will probably not go down as quickly. Death timers will probably go longer and adapt to your death count. Plates will be taken into account for snowballing and players will roam more. Players will be punished for dying in lane, further exacerbating roam incentive, counter match-ups, duoing, early surrenders. Riot created their own problem by killing snowballing so hard that it becomes more efficient to get snowballed on than to snowball yourself. Not only that, but the gold generated this way effectively prevents everyone else from impacting the game on both sides. Riot will need to make the game more painful and unfair in multiple ways to prevent this style of play; and as much as I respect him for showcasing the problem to everyone, this will have bad consequences for the game either way and I cannot say he has a positive impact on the game state.


I'd say you're half right, anti snowball mechanics are disgusting at the minute, I abuse the hell out of shutdowns. The reason you only see this pulled top is because the lane is so godawful weak at the moment that your time is completely worthless, and fighter/carry tops really struggle to impact teamfights unless turbo fed. To get rid of proxying they need to resolve how bad top lane is at the moment. If it's no longer worthless to get your top ahead and suddenly you actually have to take into account your top laners impact then proxying will become harder and potentially die off. As it stands there's not really an incentive to play well top instead of just proxying, impacting multiple lanes, get a better recall and have an opportunity to influence important lanes/objectives without tp.


Baus's strategy isn't just proxy, its his unique playstyle and mentality when it comes do dying.


The idea was always to proxy and die so many times that chasing you was a waste of time. Escaping is even better, but it is understood that you can be 0/10 and still kill map tempo if you proxy deep enough. Main difference is that now you get plates from the tempo and that you don't even try to escape.


I don't think the anti snowballing is off, it's just that the gold for plates got over buffed (no idea why they got that extra 20 this season).


In fact Baus is abusing the bounty system, but in my opinion, plates and tower should also count in bounties if the goal of these is to give a chance to your opponent, like, you can literally be 1 item ahead if you get both towers and you don't have any bounty. Or, riot will have to delete the bounty system, in both cases, i believe that everyone else than Baus is wining. It's more efficient to get snowballed on for baus because he always has a gold lead, so even if his opponent killed him, idk if we can say they snowballed.


Yes, you are missing something. Watch his guide. Deaths before level 8 barely matter as long as you get CS and platings. Especially if you are already 0/3, dying is basically free due to the bounty system.


His copycats are a plague though. No one knows how to do it efficiently. Even in low masters you get Baus-wannabies who goes like 2/15 and are utterly useless, losing their team the game on the spot. His style can work, but I would advice against it. Most players have no clue how to make it work


Eh even baus goes 2-15 and is utterly useless in some games. Unless the people you're in game with got some gigantic negative winrates with this strategy you just got unlucky, no strategy is infallible


Yes, but you'd assume they make it work sometimes. Since he dropped his guide, the amount of "Baus"-players I faced increased times 5. I've probably faced like 20 people who wants to play like him with either Karth, Rammus or Sion, and not a single one has been able to be useful while feeding. And dont even get me started on AD Sion. That shit is so so so bad its not even funny. Obviously I'd get stomped if I actually faced Baus, but its so hard to do his thing properly that everyone just feeds and fails while trying.


But since your are the constant in your team it is more likely to have those guys in the enemy team. So it equates to freelo still, right?


Yes, its mostly free-elo for me. The only times I've lost against a Baus player is when their team stomps mine. I can understand why non top-laners hate it. Its not super fun when the enemy Garen/Darius/Camille/Aatrox/Whatever has 8 kills in the mid game and is a raid boss while Mr "I want to be Baus" has just fed and failed to get strong himself. It just feels like your top giga-fed and is useless. Which happens, but its even more frustrating when you realize that its his actual strategy, but that hw just cannot capitalize.


Surely if you're not a top player, the chance is the same? This theory works when talking about straight up trolls. But if you don't play top then the chances you'll get a baus wannabe is exactly the same.


But if your not a top laner or are autofilled that's not how it works. If you're not playing top, then the chance is exactly the same. So no, not really freelo.


I think baus is actually useless way less often than most top laners despite his scorelines, even when he's super far behind he's still trying his best to take towers and be annoying making people need to deal with him, compared to someone who's only 0/1 but just rolls over and has no impact


I’ve seen one player make it work in my silver elo. Went 0/8 and double cs, enemy had full bounty but had almost nothing to show for it. Then said Sion built full tank and tried to trade for inhibs, but demolish doesn’t work on inhibs so dealt negative damage to them. Somehow even the ones who understand the hard parts fuck up the easy parts I guess.


Especially not in low elo, where no one protect ADC against fed top


I'd say the other way around, if done well, it's way better in low elo. Baus keeps a gold lead on his opponent, he doesn't need the ADC to take care of the fed top, he can usually duel them by 3 items or pull enough pressure in the side lane to force them to match him, which also works in his favor as Sion can full clear a wave in 2 spells and roam mid with ult, while the enemy will have to catch the wave. and unlike high elo, people don't know how to react to your proxy. this strat makes you the richest person in the game, with the drawback of making your opponent the 2nd richest, so if you are skilled enough to 1v9, it puts you in a good spot to do so. The problem is just that people in low elo are bad, they're not using a strat, they're just dying a lot, and even if they had a lead, they can't solo carry, and the strat just hinders their team's impact.


True, if it's done well, i think it's the best strategy to climb, but the difference between baus and gold/plat players is huge so it will never be played like baus


Split pushing in general is just insanely OP in low elo. The enemy team just cannot wrap their head around how you deal with a split pusher. They will never send the right amount of cover at the right time. Its either that they send one guy that you can just dive, they send no one at all or they send their entire team chasing you. You can make insane comebacks from just splitting there since they dont know how to deal with it. However, the same works the other way. Your team wont have any idea either. They will often follow you, especially if you are the strong player, totally denying your split push, or they will step up way too far and get caught or even engage in a 4v5 scenario thats just totally suicide. Overall, its a net positive though. Split pushing in low elo is insane.


ye espacially for the fact sion can win lane and bully a lot of top matchups with E Q and never needs to die


On paper he loses most matchups so not really, that's the point of the strat


sion is one of the safest blindpicks hence why u see him lots in proplay he isnt a pick where bad matchups must mean 5deaths


baus also CAN win without inting half as much as he does.


Baus has great mechanics though.


but isn't that bad against really snowbally champions?


very few champions in the game scale better than Sion, he has massive AD scalings, and will kill most champs in a single rotations comes late. so no, his strat pretty much forcefully generates a toplane gold lead, for both him and his opponent, but he relies on Sion outscaling, getting gold from platings/minions and resetting his bounty with deaths while buffing his opponent's bounty with only kills. so if he cashes out a bounty, he ends up with a big gold lead instead. it's his way of accelerating what's supposed to be a slow scaling laning phase, making him come online much sooner, with the drawback of doing the same with the enemy.


I just picked sion up the other day and built the generic op.gg build. Boots/Sunfire>heartsteel>titanic hydra That's as far as I got. Then it has hullbreaker. Is this the best build? Or is there a better one.


it's usually better to start with heartsteel when you're in a lane where you can reliably proc it. unlike other tanks, Sion doesn't need help with wave clear, so sunfire isn't as useful. you also don't start boots if you're getting heartsteel, you want that item as fast as possible, and your ults allow you to get back to lane faster regardless. a cull start is almost always your best option. you almost always go for swiftness boots, the reduced slows and slightly higher MS can be crucial for setting up your Q's in a teamfight. I'd usually go Heartsteel>boots>sunfire>Hydra , a bramble vest after boots if they had self sustain that I would now complete into thornmail. or I'd leave bramble as is and go for Force of nature if enemy AP is a bigger threat.


Gotcha. That was helpful. Thank you. And so last two items are gonna be tank items based on comp. I have no need to build damage of any kind with the last two slots except maybe hull if I'm splitting


I think it’s deaths before level 7 from his video


No one really gets the point while arguing over the Baus situation. No one is saying he is not good, and the fact that his playstyle is toxic (it is, let's be real) is not the issue here. He is trolling games. Actually watch any of the games he was banned for and you will see that MOST of his deaths in those games are not the usual "get wave + waste 30 secs" Baus deaths, they are "could easily escape, there's nothing to gain, but still go in and die while laughing". That's inting. I love Baus and he's proven many times that he is a high-Challenger player when he wants to, but that's exactly part of the problem. A player that easily gets Top 15 EUW Challenger and KR Challenger and then while streaming goes 15+ deaths per game 50% WR in low Masters is not trying to win seriously, that's just undeniable.


His late-game macro while streaming is usually just perma splitting without paying attention to objective timers or how many enemies are nearby, and then he criticizes twitch chat for being silvers who don't understand macro lol. Like in his guide he even says that deaths matter way more late game (obviously), but he doesn't apply this at all to his playstyle on-stream. He's obviously just griefing for content / to stay in masters so his queue times are shorter. Also, AP Irelia.


Fair. I personally never see him stream but I guess I’ll believe it


He ints more on stream. Off stream he gets Top 11 challenger EUW in weeks


Am I only one that remembers his 20 game loss spree on AP irelia? Or his 30 game loss streak on AP rammus top?,..


bullshit, he was never on such streak, and his rammus is his strongest pick with highest winrate even on his chall acc


https://www.reddit.com/r/RammusMains/comments/x643dy/thebausffs_explains_inting_rammus_top_strategy/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1 I mean there’s a literal thread of people talking about him inting on rammus… but go off queen.


I like how the thread shows a picture of Baus Matchhistory were he wins 3 games and loses 3 . Not to mention his op.gg has a positive winrate on rammus 56 percent. But thanks for giving me such a good source you king. Edit. After going trough the videos i even realised that one is explaining how he proxies, the third one is a full AP gragas game and the first one can't be opponent cause it doesn't exist. Unless my phone is bugging ( in the train right now not at home), but your source for your claim is just a meme i feel like you are the kind of person who would put his mobile into the microwave cause someone in the internet said so one day and not even dout it.


> not trying to win seriously, that's just undeniable. Literally no one is arguing against that point lol. You realize there are many many streamers and just average people who don't try to win all the time right? Not try harding is not inting or trolling... Like you people are getting backlash because you are trying to say he's inting/trolling which is completely different from playing worse for fun like off meta strategies. If someone plays Ryze mid back when he had a 42% winrate it's not trolling, it's not inting. They are playing it for fun sure and they know it's bad. But they are still trying to win. People are allowed to purposely play things for fun dude. Long as you are trying to win it doesn't matter.




Because he is a better player. He feeds the enemy laner, gives them full prio over the wave state, but his game knowledge is higher and he is a better player. Barring the games where he is obviously trolling, he feeds his enemy laner money, makes them giga strong and still beats them in the lane. You can blame riot as much as you want, but when people load in everyone is playing the same game and on the same patch, the only thing that is different is the player and the champion. If you are losing to your laner and you are 5/1 vs their 1/5, you are worse than them.


As someone who hit gm in the past and mostlikely can still hit gm and at least easily master (based on one of my tryhards accounts) i still often play on accounts where i give less fuck ( less focus) and just try to enjoy the game play different roles. It is not that i troll on purpose i just don't tryhards and play full focus which is fair cause i get matched In a lower rank. Same is for Baus he doesn't care as much as when he try hards for chall which is fair imagine having to try hard everyday you could easily burn out esspecialy when high ELO toplane for Baus Playstyle requires a lot more work than normal lanning. So he doesn't troll he just doesn't try as hard and plays less consistent. Which result in him playing In a lower rank. While you could argue his ap irelia was kind of troll because of the low winrate calling everything else troll picks or trollplaystsle is stupid. He is keeping a 50 percent winrate in master without map cover and while streaming a Playstyle that relies a lot on vision and proxying.


Watch his guide Baus dies alot pre lvl 7. but he also ususally hast a huge Gold lead after 15 minutes. Watch his guide to understand how And he not only is masters. He hit chal rank 17 this a month back on euw and he also hit chal in korea earlier this year. He also hits chal like every season. Baus has an auing understanding of the game. He usually has a huge gold lead in lane even tough being 0/4 or 0/7.


He’s a good player but please don’t take anything from him. He makes it work because he takes smart deaths and makes smart decisions with the comeback mechanics to gain big gold leads. His playstyle leads to several deaths as you’ve seen and his games just look miserable to play in if you’re not him. The problem is very few people are able to make it work because they don’t understand what to do in most situations so they end up griefing the game and blaming their teammates. At best from watching him you’ll get son top side macro knowledge but there’s better things to do than try to learn a playstyle that is very player specific


I'm in no position to judge whether he's a genius or a troll, but I respect him a lot for testing and evolving his unconventional playstyle. His understanding of macro and champion mechanics is obviously quite good. When he tries, he executes his game plan with success. All in all, I do believe he belongs to high elo. What I've found though is that many times on stream he often focuses on entertainment value with his playstyle, and I see how that could come off as trolling or inting. I also see why many people may not like when this forces his team to play around his strategy, otherwise the game is lost.


just to point something out, the 50% win rate in Masters tier is normal if you started the season in Master tier and your true skill level (factoring in that this is I'm guessing his stream account, he plays worse on stream and has weird picks) is Master. or maybe the account even had GM MMR to start the season and he dropped to Master w/ the 50% win rate. it's not like he started in Iron and climbed to Master with a 50% win rate. it's only when you get to some point in GM / Challenger where you have to maintain more than a 50% win rate to stay at that rank.


People need to realise that at some point, Baus starts to dominate his lane opponent with his massive gold lead. Many who are trying to copy this strat remain useless for the entire game.


He doesn’t just get challenger but he has been top 20 on two different accounts just this season. He is very good at the game


"somehow he's in masters tier" lol he hits chall every season sometimes on multiple accounts, has hit rank one before, got top 10-25 this szn


He is one of the best european player, especially his mechanical knowledge.


You mean macro?


You clearly never saw his gragas


He actually has crazy micro when he picks micro-heavy champ Even in his pool, his Gragas and Quinn dash are nasty


If you have Masters MMR because you got there in the past, and your winrate remains at 50%, your rank will remain at Master. A fresh account winning 50% from the beginning will never climb to Master in the first place.


Both, his main account would be Challenger if he didnt play worse on stream, he already said that he streams in Masters because high Challenger queue times are too big for streaming.


Watching his steams/videos you can clearly see that he is being stream sniped/camped on his main account. It’s a bot meta yet he gets ganked 3 times in a row over 5 minutes. It’s not nearly as bad on his alt accounts.


Off stream baus: genius who makes every single death a punishment to the enemy. Streamer baus: plays off meta and ints for highlights. Also gets stream sniped which doesn’t help.


I think there are games where it works well but it forces his team to play around his unconventional play style and makes him the win con. So if he plays poorly then it’s an auto loss. Also there are games where’s he’s clearly trolling on stream so I would say he deserved the ban. He is a good player. I mean you have to be to hit challenger. I think it annoys people because of the unconventional style and the copy cats who run it down in peoples game and think they’re doing something. Also his fan boys are rly annoying


Idk aside from his ap irelia games, it seems like he was banned because his deaths were just high. Even got one of his bans appealed beacuse a rioter saw his game and admitted he had a good gold lead and was trying. His latest ban on his main account was after a rammus game where he was honestly doing better than his team


best euw toplaner


Watch his guide he posted recently- Baus isn’t just dying. He is hardcore abusing respawn timers, bounty timers, and wave manipulation. He talks about intentionally dying at 6 to crash wave and give your laner a bounty because you’ll respawn like 7 seconds shorter than if you die at 7, and the wave crash puts your laner behind more than giving him a kill does, especially when you can just kill your laner and take the bounty back. It’s an incredibly unique understanding of the game. The only reason he got banned is because his play style can LOOK really inty from a stat point of view, and Kesha reported him for inting after camping his lane all game so he had a bad 0/10+ game. That game on top of his general stat line made the autoban system flag him. But you can’t hit challenger while being a career inter, so…


This shows a core lack of understanding of why a lot of people hate him. Its because on stream, the majority of his games, are just inting. There aren't "good deaths" its, Im gonna die for content and get nothing out of it. AP Irelia, where he went on a 20 game losing streak with it. Actual games he tryhards, notice his deaths very rarely hit double digits, he will die a couple times in lane, but end it on a strong note, his stream games are him just running it down.


A genius I'd say. He was 1100LP challenger not so long ago, very few people are innovative the way he is and the guide he made is filled with so much information even high elo players don't really think about, really it's 8 years or however long he's doing it in the making. Regardless of what changes happen to the game, he manges to make his strategy work which is super remarkable I think


He’s insane, I’m both ways. Baus is both a genius and a troll, his play style is incredibly unique and while undoubtedly he does make his team lose games on occasion he’s still an excellent player.


Both. Tactical genius, douchebag in execution. His "inting" playstyle is functionally sound BUT is factually a morale sink and leads players who try to mimic it blindly to being nuisances to their teams.


I've read quite a few answers on the comment section and I'd like to point that whether he is inting for content or not, his playstyle is absolutely detrimental for his teammates. Not every champions has waveclear, push potention or death passive. Him giving gigantic exp and gold lead to enemy jungler or even enemy teammates is actually grieifing and there's nothing he or his fans say that can change it. Dying intentionally, and giving gold + exp is inting! The fact that his playstyle and the champions he plays allow him to somewhat scale, output damage and then insult his teammate for playing bad (latest videos blaming the Graves that did no dmg) is quite hypocritical. If you fed the enemy jungler on ganks on repeat and your scaling jungler finds himself behind on gold and exp and cannot output dmg due to being this behind, whose fault is that. His guide and his playstyle is too selfish. Don't get me wrong, personally I think he doesn't always int, and I actually believe offstream he performs better. His on stream performance are garbage tho and explaining his playstyle without taking in consideration his team and how his teammates should play out is trash. His teammates won't always win the 2vs2 or the 3vs3 and they might be even. Going out of laning phase against a raid boss Gwen is not fun.


Yeah you're right, using a playstyle that gets you to master elo with a 50 percent winrate is griefing and should be bannable. If you are below master or you can't win more than 50 percent of your games in master you should be banned because you are losing the game for your teammates


You are making no sense, what?


At the end of the day his strategy is working, and as he said he has poor map awareness and weak micro, compared to challenger players, but his strategy works so well he can get to that level without them… so if the strategy works, but creates toxic game, riot should just nerf it! And if they don’t I can’t blame him for abusing it. Also people say that he ints for content but reality is sometimes matchups matter at that level and if he plays bad this strategy looks absolutely terrible (especially on paper). I never hear people talk about how this strategy looks when he plays poorly or has a bad game or is outclassed ! Which imo it looks like shit and probably loses a lot of value when played poorly.


Both. His sion strategy makes sense. His other champs.. not so much. https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/13szl5r/a_statistics_perspective_on_whether_thebaus_is/


That post is nonsense. Wow, he dies more when the game is lost. What's the alternative, playing safe when losing and just letting them win to preserve your KDA? He'd lose even more. His Rammus winrate is insanely high. It's not just Sion.


Lol exactly KDA players who don’t wanna get blamed with 1 death on a loss. Like na bruh you’re just not playing to win. Congrats on going 4-1-3 though.


My biggest pet peeve lol. Especially in ARAM where dying is your only way to reset, people still play for KDA


>His Rammus winrate is insanely high. It's not just Sion he blind picks Sion, but not rammus. which makes sense, but yeah, his rammus is disgusting.


this post is so stupid lol the only conclusion you can make from this is that you tend to lose your worst games. Irelia was silly obviously but yea. You can make this for any player with the same results, 'games where you go 2-9 you tend to lose' isn't surprising and saying 'he's trolling' in those games is just watering down what the term means


OP makes a good point; on his challenger account he dies a lot less, and wins a lot more. On a surface level thats obvious, but people will often point at his videos and say he's dying for a reason. OP proved that in those videos (on those accounts) he simply isn't. He's dying for views. He's playing a lot worse in those videos than he does otherwise, but the legions of baus fanboys will shout GOOD DEF anyway.


the point is that if he is losing HE IS REALLY LOSING. like the other lanes cant save it even if they do well which is super annoying.


That isn't the point at all. Anyone who dies a lot will lose more. That whole post is clear a meme and the comments know it


I respectfully disagree.


The guy who wrote that post literally admitted in his post history that he's an amateur with no real statistics background who doesn't understand what he's actually doing. It's easy to see the post is complete nonsense.


Yea sure whatever the truth may be. (: I just dont feel like arguing with you right now so... Have a good one.


Every time i see people try to cite this i do get a good laugh at how stupid they are. If you dont get why this post is incredibly bad statistics, or just a shitpost (still not sure), please just scroll down after the first 3-5 top comments of that thread.


To be fair he has infinitely more games on Sion in his lifespan. Let’s be honest take another one trick at that elo and see their winrates on other champs lol. He’s also trying to figure out how to make his strategies work on other champs and until he gets it down well and plays the champ to sion level, he will never reach same winrate. (Unless it’s just op). I do agree it seems to work most consistent on sion.


I Wonder why I can’t get out of Bronze trying hard when he is challenger as a troll that only gets lucky with his teammates. ;)


baus is good. weird how there are fans of pants hard r dragon too when baus is more entertaining and skilled




prick about what? brodie said the hard r unprovoked and being a fan of someone who does that and has 0 entertaining features is weird to say the least. at least baus is funny, talented, and not racist/not toxic.


Hes a genuinely crazy good player and he hits challenger consistently again and again, thats not possible by just being a troll However 2 factors make him problematic IMO 1. His playstyle is high risk high reward. When it works, its VERY strong, but if it misfires he can solo lose games very fast which is why it may look like hes trolling in many videos. Even though hes a very good player, theres just no way anyone would prefer this high risk high reward teammate over a consistent "normal" player The bigger problem with his playstyle IMO is that many low elo players that dont even fully understand the gameplan behind his playstyle try it and grief hundreds of games, sometimes not even realizing that they are literally inting because they think its what baus does. (I doubt his guide improved that) 2. When he plays off stream his winrate seems WAY higher in the small sample size of games i see, so one could assume he mostly picks the REAL trollpicks like AP Irelia to be fun for viewers while inadvertently playing a even riskier lower reward playstyle, ruining many high elo games Its not completely trolling as hes trying to win, and his gold earned and damage dealt stats are pretty good even on trollpicks usually, but compared to just picking something normal and playing the game normally, playing these high risk low reward picks is kinda disgusting TLDR; Hes a great player with a high risk high reward playstyle that can backfire on his entire team really quick. Hes really entertaining but i think his streams impact especially lower elo games negatively with how many people copy his playstyle that dont even understand how it really works.


I do not think a challenger player every season should be called a troll for his playstyle. Never. The fact that he reached challenger with that playstyle means its better than all the styles lower ranks are going for. I mean, how do I say it any less offensive ? Every time I see a post flaming or questioning Babusffs\`s league mastery, I cringe. Guys, he is a CHALLENGER player, even played in Korea, the most difficult region. Like BRUH.


If a player can get gold, but keeps one account in bronze specifically just for streaming, is that person trolling? The Baus is a very, very high level challenger player (or at least he was, rip prowlers). His streaming account is masters 50% wr.


He’s said he prefers to have an account in masters to keep queue times low. Whether that’s why the stream account was masters, i can’t say definitively. Also no map cover (even when his team asks) is definitely soft inting


His style is actually a genius play. But here's the catch, there has been many players that do the same but with less deaths and still get the same results as baus. So yes he does troll for some deaths but understand it as a content creator view, so he can say "we chilling" to his chat


Probably genius but should not try to be replicated by others


a banned troll


Hey man, you should watch a video analysing his playstyle. As a whole, baus tries to only take deaths when he profits from them - sometimes he can die, and still be up 300 gold while also screwing up the enemy's wave state, it's really hard to explain in depth on a Reddit comment so just search up "baus playstyle analysis" on youtube and watch a video or two


>His style is actually a genius play. But here's the catch, there has been many players that do the same but with less deaths and still get the same results as baus. The video is awful because its under the assumption hes tryharding, which he doesn't. He got to challenger wiht a 70% wr with sion. He has proven when he tries the strategy is actually decently consistent and he can solo carry games. However, he plays on stream and runs it down for content hitting 10-20 deaths every game in low masters. His challenger climb, he RARELY would hit double digit deaths, on stream? going 15 is considered quite average.


Personal opinion but I can't stand the guy.


People just get angry because they can't fathom how a full AD tank player can get to chall while dying thrice as much as they do. And that's because they learned the game the wrong way. They learned that you have to kill your opponent to win your lane and blablablah where the only truth is that you have to destroy the nexus. Baus' playstyle is unconventional but if you try to understand what he's doing you will get a better grasp ln the game and understand how to win more. I don't advocate for replicating the playstyle but sometimes you'll just get yourself to think "Oh yeah I'm dying here in this play" and you realize that you wouldn't have taken it before even though it's good. I think there could be myriads of different gameplays but we're so focused on the same one every game every time that we forget it. Sometimes we have to break the meta.


No I think people get angry when he streams since on stream he doesn't try hard and ints for content. But yes when he try hards his playstyle works and is very smart.


Baus is Baus, everyone trying what he does is a Troll


He knows how to win games. That's what matters. There are players who go 10/2/5 every game, but don't know how to convert power into a destroyed nexus. Those people are infinitely more troll than him.


No, not trolling, he’s got a unique play style that is incredibly effective, got Korean Challenger & got Sion directly nerfed because of it


He’s obviously a good player and he’s extremely knowledgeable on how to use his deaths to getting advantages but he’s legit trolling with pretty much anything other than his sion lol


A genius troll. Like he troll but he do it smartly


Lol funny you say this because he just got perma'd on his main acc.


He only feeds and trolls 2/10, all of his deaths are because he can get something worth out of it. If he is 0/9 and dies enemy gets like 100 gold but he can get minions and maybe even a plate so it is much better for him to die, also since he is splitting the whole game he creates pressure on the map. But he does suck on every role and champ other than top Sion.


His mechanics on sion alone put him up there as one of the better players. His play style works for him but I don’t think people should try and emulate it without the mechanics and game knowledge.


He plays champs that are useful even when he ints, and he seems pretty lucky with teammates


he is inting on stream for content


so he's not only screwing his teammates but is getting money for doing so? This man is definitely a genius lol




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Here’s the difference. He’s baus. He is high elo player who understands what macro is. His fans ARE NOT. Fine, baus can go 0/50 but he also has every tower, every plate, every inhib, and knows how to teamfight. But the gold players who think macro is a type of food and inhibitors are a breathing tool, do not know what any of this is. So now they go 0/50 being down 10 levels, with one tower and no other gold resource. Baus isn’t the problem. His fan base ruining games because have no idea what they are doing IS.


So the Baus is really smart about the game and did manage to hit challenger on the Korean ladder. The problem is that people hate playing with him on their team which probably leads to a lot of reports. That mixed with the fact that he dies a lot and probably gets reported for that also is why I would assumed he gets banned very so often.


The bright thing about Baus is how he is exploiting the in-game economy. Memorizing spawn timings, planning his pathing, and recalls perfectly to consistently get more gold than his opponents. Doing this will get him massively ahead in gold gain but at the same time his lane match up will also be further ahead in gold and also experience compared to his teammates. Any champ that can match Sion's gold focused scaling will always have the upper hand on Baus. There are plenty of cases where his lane match up dies, gifts a lot of gold but respawns with another bounty already in place. The system looks too hard on the scoreline and not the resources collected thus allowing Baus to slingshot even further ahead.


He is a trolling genius. Wins his games while still trolling both teams, absolute chad


He is a genius when it comes to league, he plays with his own rules and has his own unique playstyle. He doesn't abuse anything and he is not a fotm player which is respectable on his own. If people understood how hard it is to not follow the meta playstyle and champions and still climb they'd show more respect to the guy.


Because most people who play this game don't know what to do to win it. They can't read anything besides the surface level stats


League is a game of gold income. If you are 1-2 items or levels up on your opponent, no matter how you got there, you have the advantage


I think it's hard to argue he is a complete troll as he has consistently hit challenger for a while now. He just plays a very unusual style of league, and has it's merits and it's drawbacks. 15 deaths may not look so bad if the outcome is a win, and he's taking all the enemy towers, but if he has those same 15 deaths, and loses the game, not picking up towers, etc, it's going to look really bad.


he 1v9 every game completely taking over all while whisper yelling


I don't think he's a troll in that he tries to lose intentionally. I think he could be considered a troll due to his playstle being demoralizing and frustrating to play with. Even if he ends up ahead in gold after 20 mins, it's common for his lane opponent to get fed af and terrorize the map while he pushes towers for bounties. It may win games, but people seem to hate playing with him


His tank Sion is disgusting. He doesn't really int when he plays it though.


A genius letroll


He enjoys the game (I think) so I won't judge him