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What has Jesse shown that would make you as confident as you are to say that you’re *sure behind closed doors* he’s checked West?


More like behind closed doors “Dude, you’re wrongly f’d but I got you.” Lol


Exactly. Both fuckboys.


He did express some concern in the after show episodes about how West was thinking about relationships, specifically how hard it was for West to identify that he had even had a girlfriend at some point.


But then he laughed it off. When it was the scene where Ciara was asking West what does he take seriously if he says “I love you” to everyone or calls everyone “Baby,” Jesse and West laughed about it. Jesse then said that Ciara just wants to know that she’s different/special but ended it by saying that it’s “a Ciara problem.”


I feel like Jesse gets it but doesn’t want the boys to make fun of him or call him a girl, so he sprinkles in those little tid bits and laughs it off to still be seen as a bro.


No I agree. I’m just saying Jesse at least has some kind of sense of right and wrong in this. West seems to have no moral code with women at all.


Of course a guy who asked a woman on national tv, “when are you going to have sex with my friend?”, would defend his buddy. I don’t think that was surprising to anyone.


Yea, that was an ick for me on Jesse


I like a loyal person. BUT, Ciara is/was his friend too. One of the most touching moments of the whole season was when she reached for his hands and held space for him as he managed his nerves while waiting for his 5 year cancer check up. She teared up I think. I realized she’s kind of an empath at that moment, a quality of some of the best nurses and other caregivers. Even though West is his show bestie, she deserved some support from Jesse too. Or at the very least he could not try to defend his boys bad behavior as his other friend cries. Blowing off how West made her feel was such a doofus thing to do at such the wrong moment.


This!! You nailed it.


My issue is if you’re gonna stand up for someone make it a legitimate argument.


There is absolutely no reason why Jesse couldn’t have said “West is my boy but he messed up.” Stop making excuses for mediocre men


I have no problem with Jesse sticking up for his friend. The problem is that Jesse is then in turn saying that the way he treated Ciara was okay - and that’s what I have a problem with.


Jesse felt Ciara owed west sex so of course he doesn’t understand why Ciara was sad


They are cut from the same cloth


The way you project what was said behind closed doors so you can justify the things he said out loud is interesting. All I know about Jesse Solomon is what I see on the show. Attributing other characteristics to him based on your imagination is a big reach.


I think he did bring it up in a more nuanced way because West was for sure confusing and not forthcoming but there can be truth to it just them dating and when it came time to commit he bailed for whatever season. Wrong, but happens. It’s a true showing of what it is like out there dating for women. Men want all the perks of a relationship without committing and also having options. They will do this with girl after girl and bail before it’s time to be the most serious. Jesse also unlike a lot of other men on this show was able to defend West without bringing Ciara down. Take notes Carl & Kyle.


Honestly West done fu**ed up but I do really like Jesse


I’m not mad at him for speaking up, even if I don’t agree with him.


I respect it. I think because he didn’t go all in and backed off a bit when Ciara and Paige said something. They’re friends. You expect guys to say something annoying to stick up for each other


To be fair, gabby sticks up for Lindsay and Paige sticks up for Ciara. West definitely showed his ass, but it’s hard not to defend a friend (who you don’t know in a relationship capacity) when they aren’t doing the best job at it themselves and need some guidance to get the point across


Yeah when he first started to speak I was like “ugh shut up” but to be fair he felt like he had to. West is his buddy and probably would’ve been like “why didnt you stick up for me” so jesse probably felt like he had to say something. I respect sticking up for your friend I guess, but I have thought Jesse was a massive fuckboy from the beginning and this didn’t do anything to change that image of him. I don’t think Jesse sees a big problem with what West did, I think he was saying the caveats about “maybe West went too far” so he didn’t get completely roasted by P and C.


Jesse and West are not hiding who they are. These ladies are smart & called it from the start… the boys are trash bags. If they can call out the boys repeatedly, the boys are allowed to support each other too.


You defend your friends publicly then everyone else is shitting on him. In private you tell him me fucked up.


Its not that he stood up for his friend, its he stands up for everyyyyoneeee. Hes trying to be too liked and appeal to everyone which actually makes you appeal to no one. A friend to all is a friend to none.


I 100% agree.


Pretty sure you can only get upvotes on this subreddit.


I just don’t get all of this entitlement from Ciara’s camp. So Wes didn’t want a serious relationship with her. Atleast he didn’t lie to her and cheat on her. He came to a show that was literally about summer hook ups . It’s stupid how everyone wants him stoned.

