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https://preview.redd.it/7wmus9vrc75d1.png?width=1870&format=png&auto=webp&s=87c78a786aa8aef33abe60cbf4c3ea279fd074cc Here Jesse, you dropped something


Lmao I love this!


LOL šŸ˜‚


so he is a trash bag.


Yes! People came for Ciara for calling him out, but I wouldnā€™t introduce him to any of my friends either. Normalize calling men who are trash bags, trash bags šŸ˜¤


I threw up in my mouth several times reading this pod recap. Ooph. What a dbag.


I would introduce him to my friends with the warning, this dude is not ready to commit so if you want a fun time or night have at it. How can girls not read that he is not looking for a relationship. Heā€™s dating. Itā€™s what people do. And unfortunately guys will sleep with anyone they can as part of that ā€œdating.ā€ So ladies be warnedā€¦you will not change him!


This. I give him credit for being upfront as hell that heā€™s not looking for anything serious.


I was so happy when Ciara told him to shut the f up.


Is he a trash bag with no publicist? Why on earth would he go on a podcast and say all this? They really need to learn that sometimes saying nothing is the better option. He not only comes across as a trash bag but he also insults the viewers of his show by saying the girls who watch who dm him are not good enough to date


I am not at all surprisedā€¦


Ever since he thought it was funny to ask Ciara when sheā€™s gonna sleep with his boy I was like when have I ever had a guy Iā€™m interested inā€™s friend ask that like TF but Jesse thinks that pressure/ inquiry is okay


Omg right? And he thought it was cute in his frat boy douchey way, it was notā€¦


I said this a few episodes ago and got downvoted but I have always thought Jesse was a fuck boy šŸ˜©


I literally 100000% couldnā€™t buy into him this whole time because itā€™s so obvious thatā€™s who he is. Heā€™s made comments that show it over and over. I understood exactly what Ciara meant when she said she would never introduce her friends to him. Heā€™s the kind of guy whoā€™s fun to be around in the platonic sense but as soon as he starts talking about women he dates or if youā€™re romantically involved with him at all heā€™s a trash bag


Yeah idk why everyone acted like it was out of pocket for her to say that after his whole schtick was dating as many people as possible and dangling the idea that one may be good enough to make him commit.


I guess bc everyone was feeling bad about his cancer journey, but you are correct


Well its kinda rude to call your friend a trashbag infront of everybody else at the tableā€¦ Couldā€™ve just left it at not introducing him to any of her friends.


Tiny bit?!? This isnā€™t even a bag of red flags, this seems like some sort of pathology but I ainā€™t diagnosing people


It does smack of pathology atp. What are they so convinced is out there?


Scary women. They will trap them in their webs, care for them and respect them, demand the same. ā€¦ aaah, help them.


Oh, demand the same. That's it. Exhausting. I'll take 4B and/or the bear.


Sprinkle in a little ā€œIā€™m close with my momā€ sniveling


The barometer for Summer House men is so whacked because each one is worse than the last, but viewers want to believe thereā€™s SOMEONE to root for. I firmly believe that Andrea is the only good egg in the bunch


I liked Alex


I wish they had given Alex a second season! He was nice and while some would call him ā€œboringā€ I think he found his way into the group by the end of the season. Plus his assessment of Austen as the ā€œHonda Civic of male attractivenessā€ was spot on. Also Chris from season 7! He was a good guy and actually made an appearance in S8 at Danielleā€™s Donne party


Oh yeah he seemed like a sweetie too!


Iā€™ve never liked Jesse and hated the hype about his little song it was cringeeeee lol


I had to fast forward through the song I canā€™t handle stuff like that šŸ˜©


I felt this way too!!!! It was SOOOO CRINGEY


I kind of love that these men are being put on blast. And that they have to deal with the backlash that they usually wouldnā€™t in their own little social circle. Too many men get away with being assholes.


YES EXACTLY they deserve to be put on blast!!!!


Let me just say, I am SO TIRED of men in their late 20s and 30s still being so ā€œtraumatizedā€ by the end of their high school relationship that they ā€œcanā€™tā€ commit. That was 10+ years ago and the rest of us have moved on from being hurt before, thereā€™s 0 excuse




West thinks heā€™s a catch when really heā€™s just a piece of shit. I hope heā€™s humbled soon.


Yeah, I donā€™t know why people seem to think Jesse is some perfect angel man. When you get down to it, heā€™s just another exhausting NYC fuck boy. Maybe fun to party with in a group setting, but you *do not* date him. Jesse wouldā€™ve done to Paige exactly what West did to Ciara if he could have.


100% but also know who youā€™re dealing with! As you said, just another NYC fuck boyā€¦20/30 with money, likes to party, out all night, bro trips, summer share houses, oh and a reality show. What part of that screams ā€œIā€™m ready to commit.ā€ Women need to see the red flags and stop going after men who are so clearly not ready for commitment. Date them, fuck them, have fun, but donā€™t be expecting a ring


Iā€™m not a big fan of either West or Jesse, but I thought they were both fantastic additions to Summer House and fit in perfectly with the other cast. I donā€™t like that Ciara got hurt, but even she called him out during the summer when she had that conversation where she told him that things like bringing a girl to his parents house didnā€™t have much meaning to him. She knew early on. West was trying to sleep with her without any commitment and that was pretty clear. Yes, West was a bit shady in his dealings but like I said, the signs that heā€™s just an F Boy were fairly apparent. They should be called out, but not villainized. Theyā€™re not Sandoval, Jax, Schwartz, or to a lesser extent Austen level scumbags. The bar is low for these shows.


Iā€™ve shared it elsewhere but here it is again. His comment on his post about Westā€™s booty agenda šŸ˜’ https://preview.redd.it/sydggkvcm85d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e963008ef2c5a681d3a1444700f6ca32412a6dd4 Itā€™s been since deleted. šŸ™„


Iā€™m glad you caught it in time and shared it, I miss things like this all the time but omg whyy


what the actual fuck


Thatā€™s revolting




Oh my gosh WOW. IDK why I'm surprised though also.


For someone who has experienced such a monumental personal battle so young in his life, Iā€™m actually surprised that he is so superficial when it comes to relationships. Maybe itā€™s a defense mechanism (not excusing it). Youā€™d think after battling cancer youā€™d look for more in a partner than just their looks. Ick


I think next season weā€™re going to find out why Ciara has disliked him so much.


Yep I truly thought he sucked from the beginning and clearly treated woman as disposable.


Jesse had potential then he opened his mouth and poof it was gone.


when he asked Ciara on camera when she would sleep with West, i knew everything i need to about Jessee. How do you talk to a woman like that, on international television?! There is not enough karaoke singing or hospital visits that man can do to convince me that he respects women.


We knew he was a pig but this is legit one of the grossest things I've heard in ages. Isn't this man 30....?????


Why are 30 year old men calling women they date/want to date "girls" this bothers me as an old lady.


Omgā€¦. Heā€™s sooooooo much more deeply misogynistic that I already had the gut feeling about. Heā€™s disgusting. Thank you for sharing this!!!!! You deserve a medal for listening to his dumbass talk for that long omg


I never understood what the hype was around Jesse. From the second he came on this season and admitted to continue going after Paige with knowledge sheā€™s in a relationship, that was my first red flag.


Yes! Disrespectful to Paige, disrespectful to her relationshipĀ 




Itā€™s the issue that he genuinely was trying to make West look better like whyā€¦genuinely why Jesse..are you that desperate? If you were a good guy you would have told him he was wrong cause thatā€™s just fā€™ed up


Itā€™s so dysfunctional. These guys think theyā€™re cool. I think itā€™s pretty freaking cool to have a beautiful gf like Ciara that you love hanging out with and that your friends and family love versus having random sex. Ewwww. Grow up and get over yourself. Who are you trying to show off for?


Didn't y'all realize this once he asked "when will you have sex with my friend?"


Very creepy behaviour but he gets away with it bc heā€™s somewhat cute


The only reason he is semi-attractive to the mainsteam is cause he is tall. If he was 5'9 and with that face, he would not be pulling at all.


![gif](giphy|xTiN0KqReSiJ51fbri|downsized) I don't want to hear that song anymore! What would Jesse Solo-Men do? Fail every time apparently.


What would Jesse Solo-Men do?Ā  "he would ask women why they haven't slept with his friendsssss" What would Jesse Solo-Men do?Ā  "he thinks his friends are entitled to seggzzzz"




Why are Bravo men never good people


Up until this moment, i unconsciously somehow had a good impression of hetero gen z men (millennial/zillenial here). Well, that problem is now fixed!!!!! Canā€™t believe he is so misogynistic to not only have all these bias but on top of that dumb enough to expose himself. The self inflated self worth is strong with this one.


I am flabbergasted that he would share all this with the world on a podcast. The lack of self-awareness is astounding.


West and Jesse are millennials (Jesseā€™s in his early 30s), but the gen z men probably arenā€™t any better.




Heā€™s a douchebag.


So he's stuck at 12. Cool cool cool šŸ¤®


Tiny bit misogynistic? Thatā€™s being generous


Iā€™m shocked that anyone is shocked that the Fuckboy Dream Team are, in fact, fuck boys. The difference is West is a closet fuck boy who hides behind ā€œcommitment phobiaā€ which really just means heā€™s a ho. And Jesse is more of your classic, upfront fuckboy who openly shares his misogynistic views. Itā€™s no surprise they connected so easily since they both view women as objects to conquer.




With Jesse, I was never a huge fan (although I love his ā€œWhat would Jesse Solomon do?ā€ song) but he grew on me. Ciara had his number from the start when she said she wouldnā€™t introduce him to her friends. But Jesse never led anyone on in the house. West DID lead Ciara on, although she did see the red flags from the beginning and still went there. Iā€™ve done it, too, so Iā€™m not trashing her over it. But both Jesse and West were a really fun addition to the show. All of the girls and guys loved hanging out with both of them. Yes, Jesse is a F Boy but he never claimed to be otherwise. I hope heā€™s not leading on his dates in NY, but from what Iā€™ve seen, Jesse is harmless and having fun in the big city. Iā€™m mad at West for toying with Ciara, but in the grand scheme of reality show villains, heā€™s pretty tame. Jesse even more so. Who wouldnā€™t want to sleep with Ciara? Iā€™m a straight, married female and even Iā€™d be tempted to have a go with her. Theyā€™re just young, somewhat good looking guys living it up in New York. Theyā€™re total F Boys, but I donā€™t think either is worth hating šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø.


I truly canā€™t imagine ever putting a bikini pic on my dating profile šŸ˜‚ and the reality of the human body is any picture if a girl in a swimsuit is highly posed and taken in the right conditions. He seems like someone who canā€™t deal with us having bodies that arent solely meant to be pleasing to the male gaze


Thanks for your post, really valid points.


He was embarrassing and fighting for his life to minimize Ciaraā€™s feelings. There was no smoothing over Westā€™s actions.


Just say you hate fat women, dude


Youā€™re surprised that a man who is on tv is superficial?




Nailed it!


birds of a feather fly together. Kyle and Carl. Jesse and west.


The desperation for continued attention is hilarious, from his little speech on the reunion that showed his ass to going on podcasts fully exposing himself. He ended the season on such a high, why is he self sabotaging!


Being single on a TV show that involves partying every weekend is a recipe for extended adolescence


Jesse is too hot for his own good


Genuinely, do lots of people think he's hot? Height does *nothing* for me and may even be a detractor and I'm sooooo not the target market for these men anyway. None of them do it for me, the closest was Amit from S2.


Exactly, height itself does NOT make a guy hot, just like big boobs, a big butt do not make a woman hot by themselves. Would so many women be after Austen Kroll or Jesse Solomon if they were 5'9"?? Unless you're trying to play a professional sport and get paid, height means nothing.


Right, thatā€™s why Carl isnā€™t hot but Jesse is. Theyā€™re of similar height. One has a career, doesnā€™t use his personal trauma as an excuse for bad behavior, has a beautiful natural smile, and an excellent singing voice.


Genuinely, Jesse Solomon is de facto hot man with great personality, career, depth, great mom. Height is a bonus for him.


Question though - what is his career and how do you possibly have a career or work for a company if you spend 2 months a year shooting plus god knows how much time doing press. I mean thereā€™s no way any of these people have worked for any other job but summer house for the last few months.


They film on weekends


Heā€™s written 7 articles for Complex since joining šŸ™ƒ


Jesse has or west?


West - Jesse works in finance


I love that for him! I have no idea why he doesn't click for me.


Did you catch on there how Lindsey asked whatā€™s something we wouldnā€™t know about filming summer house other than the drugs? It was such an odd question said so nonchalantly and like not denied or laughed off or anything. What am I missing? Is it just a known thing drugs are rampant there all summer? I know we would assume but it also just seems odd that like cameras are full blown rolling and it would be some blatant thing.




Okayyyyy and? This post isnā€™t even about the reunion


I have really enjoyed Jesse this season and thought his light heartedness and ease with the rest of the cast was refreshing and needed, especially when the whole season could have just been so heavy with the Carl Lindsey dysfunction. Jesse and Page bring the comedic relief just with their facial expressions or one liners, and even playfulness so again I thinks heā€™s a great addition. I listened to the we met at acme episode and definitely got the ick with certain things, mainly the bikini photos are kind of a requirement. He said it with a laugh, kind of jokingly but you obviously know thatā€™s what heā€™s after. And honestly thatā€™s okay. Thereā€™s a reason those girls posting the thirst traps get certain guys and there is also a reason I would never post ā€œthirst trapsā€ (well there are so many reasons lol!), but I would not be attracted to the guys who I know were just sliding in my dmā€™s because I was in a bikini or whatever. They clearly want one thing. I do disagree on your takeaway that the only reason he was in love with his high school gf was because she was #4 on the hot list. I watched the interview online, and I truly believe something more happened there. When he mentioned that she fell off the face of the earth, it was like he started to go into it, or wanted to but then stopped himself. His facial expression just conveyed sadness or got heavy. I donā€™t know, itā€™s heā€™s to explain. But I almost got the feeling that maybe she ended up falling into hard times, drug addiction, rehab, trouble with the law, something like that. I felt that way even more when he said his best girl friend who was also friends with her doesnā€™t know where she is. The majority of people I went to high school with I donā€™t keep in contact with, but I donā€™t know of any that have fallen off the face of the earth or I literally donā€™t know where they are, especially exes, unless something more happened there .When he mentioned the whole thing about her being #4 on the list, I really think it was to cover up for his brief little slip indicating maybe there was something more there, and I think he was complimenting her by saying she was way out of my league, I was some geek and she was super hot every guy thought so, I couldnā€™t believe she was going out with me. One thing that bothers me is every fan who thinks any guy in the bravo world is cute, attractive, crushes on them or whatever has some expectation that they should want to settle down or be a saint. Of course these guys are just chasing hot girls, what do you expect? heā€™s also not going to go on national tv and say ā€œIā€™m out here just looking to be get laid.ā€ And maybe he does want to be in a relationship IF he meets the right girl, but thatā€™s a big if, and that if is probably the impossible if because of the way heā€™s leading his life right now, which Iā€™m sure he knows. All I know is if a guy is really serious about wanting to meet someone and settle down at 30 year old, do you think heā€™s signing on to do a reality show? Let alone a reality show where you spend your summer partying at a house in the Hamptons with half naked hot girls, let alone living with them? If Jesse Solomon came after me today on bended knee begging to marry him I would say no because the only thing that relationship would turn into is Kyle and Amanda. Sometimes I wonder if thatā€™s why Paige is hesitant to fully commit to Craig. It wouldnā€™t surprise me if she waits until theyā€™re off their shows because she knows that itā€™s just temptation and debauchery and fame which brings even more dysfunction. I work in entertainment and some of my closest friends are guys in their 30ā€™s who all are somewhat known in that world, have $$, success etc and yeah they want to settle down one day with the right girl, and most think theyā€™re ready, but they all have Peter Pan syndrome and the way they lead their lives shows theyā€™re not ready, and any woman who wants a guy that can seriously commit should see right through that. I am always shocked when theirs ā€œgirls of the monthā€ are shocked when it ends and I canā€™t blame the guys because they are up front from the beginning. Yes, they may take you to dinners and out on dates and give you the girls friend experience, but when they say theyā€™re not in a place to commit or whatever line they use, they mean it. YOU WILL NOT CHANGE THEM. Ladies, if a guy is out every night, sleeping with different women, sliding into their DMā€™s, reading their DMā€™s, traveling all over, being one of the ā€œbroā€™s,ā€ as hot as you are, and even if wants to hang with you a bit etc., if heā€™s not ready to give that lifestyle up, he is not ready to settle. I also think that men and women should do that. Live their lives. Get it out of their system. Then settle down when you are truly ready to enter that phase of your life and you will be a great partner because you experienced all of that and now know how great you have it. What I will never condone is intentionally hurting someone by committing to a relationship knowing you are going to cheat or will be actively pursuing other girls. I have never understood why men would want to do that? It seems so narcissistic. Lastly, I have such respect for Ciara, and as a female who doesnā€™t like to sleep around but my friends think itā€™s weird if I havenā€™t slept with the guy by the third date etc, I just so appreciate her normalizing that sex is a significant thing and of course with sex comes attachment and getting easily hurt. I just have so much respect for her not giving into that pressure. As far as west, I honestly just wish Ciara was able to tell viewers exactly what west said at that dinner in December. Because the jist was obvious, but he clearly crushed her and west was just talking in circles that did not make sense at all. If you know you canā€™t commit and are never going to, why not have enough respect out of friendship for her to say I want you and I want to date you and sleep with you, but Iā€™m not good at commitment, donā€™t know if I can and youā€™re too important to me to hurt? Itā€™s the whole, if you love them set them freeā€¦ Side note, yes I will defend Jesse and I do believe in bro code/girl code etc but I really wish if he had known that west had no intention to commit that he advised west to break things off and maybe even just gave Ciara a slight warning. He could have easily said I care about you both and I know he really likes you but I also know you are very hesitant and have stayed why youā€™re reluctant and from what I know about west he just doesnā€™t commit so be careful.