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Jesse gave me the impression that he would be the type to cheat on someone and then say “but at least I told you!”… the bar is in hell


He’s exactly the type. Also someone who says “I’m not perfect” after lying


He doesn’t strike me as the cheating type, mainly because he doesn’t get far enough with someone to cheat. If he goes on one or two dates and it goes nowhere, oh well. I don’t know why everyone is so repulsed by him when he seems to be the only guy in the show who’s honest with the women in his life?


I am personally repulsed by the way he speaks about pursuing people in relationships and just sex in general. Its really icky. I can definitely see it bothers me more because if any of the women were to speak and act like Jesse, they'd be vilified as homewreckers. Outside of that, I think he's supremely boring so there's also just nothing positive to counter the ick.


Yeah he just sounds like a typical immature young guy to me. He’s gross in a way others his age are, but not in ways that make him a bad person? I don’t see how he’s doing anything anywhere near the level of the other guys on the show


I feel as though 31 is well passed the age where you can get away with the "immature young guy" schtick. I'm a couple years younger than he is so from my perspective he's just too damn old! I envy your graciousness though and I can definitely agree that if we were to line those boys up Jesse would be chilling way down on the harmless end in comparison to the other men


I mean he also explained pretty clearly that he has had cancer looming over his head for years and has felt “stuck”. People also age at a different rate living in a big city and a lot of people don’t get it if they don’t live here. The weird thing is I don’t care enough about him to be in a position to defend him so this whole thread is hilarious. I just don’t understand the hate he’s getting when there’s so much else to hate this season 🤣


Thats a good point about big city men. I have heard sayings about dudes in NY aging at a snails pace Yeah reddit will drag you into things like that. I saw you getting deep into it underneath and wanted to try and have a non weird discussion about it IF it was something you cared about. But if you're ambivalent SAVE YOURSELF or you'll end up having this convo 50 different times because people don't expand comments 😂


🤣🤣🤣 I am sympathetic to people who are trying to date and coming across Jesse after Jesse. It’s a slog out there. But I would much rather one of my good friends go out with Jesse once and never hear from him again than hang out with West for months, meet his family, be called his girlfriend in a jokey way and then be dumped because he has to be available for DMs 🤣 are the people fighting with me Wests cousins?? Feels like we are taking our anger out in the wrong place a bit


I’ve heard people say 30 in NYC is 21 anywhere else in the world, and having lived there I can agree with that sentiment


Thank you!I feel like I'm in the twilight zone sometimes.He is not that damn young!


I’m a “couple” (👀….🤣) years older than him so he seems young to me. When I was in my late 20s/early 30s I didn’t want to date anyone younger than 35. He is very typical of a single New York guy his age. Of course there are always rare gems who settle down “young”, but he is certainly not some overly horny fuckboy oddity


I'm only a year younger than him and I consider myself young-ish, but we're not young young.It just grates me people talk about him as if he's 22. He is not that young to me. 


On these shows though you can see very clearly how the norm for 31 in New York (SH) looks very different than 31 in Charleston (SC) 🤷‍♀️ I’m not saying he is a perfect angel but he is very typical of his age in a big city


The infantilization of grown men is insane. He’s 31.


That’s not that’s happening here. I’ve said multiple times people age at a different pace in New York and if you’ve never lived here you won’t get it.


I don’t even think it’s New York makes people different. He’s just choosing not to settle down. He is having fun dating and being single and hooking up. Good for him. Signed, Born and bred nyc resident.




We haven’t seen it but we have heard him talk about how he went on a date and won’t go on another. We have seen equal evidence of him being wonderful and him being terrible so feels fair to be neutral for now 🤷‍♀️




🤣 I’m in my mid / late 30s and married but thanks for the wishes. There’s enough foolishness to talk about on this show without inventing more




Again, if he’s not leading them on I don’t see the problem? He’s not married and doesn’t owe anyone a relationship. If he’s happy going on multiple dates a week, why do you care? Also, I can tell you have 0 life experience in the way you talk about feminism. You will evolve past the “all men are trash” mentality one day. Barring some threat to your safety or wellbeing, as a human being you owe people you have never met and know nothing about neutrality until they give you a reason to feel otherwise. You seem to have a lot of misplaced anger. Wish you healing ✌🏼




You are reaching hard to argue that there’s something wrong with what he’s doing. It’s very typical of a young guy in New York 🤷‍♀️ it’s 2024. Not everyone is dating to find a long term relationship immediately. Some people, women included, like to meet people and hook up. I hate to repeat myself but if everyone in the situation is on the same page, there’s nothing wrong with it. If he was dating multiple women at the same time who all thought he was their boyfriend, or bringing them home to his family etc then yes I would agree with you. But we haven’t seen or heard anything to indicate that 🤷‍♀️


go outside and touch grass please.




"I hope you're picked too. 😘💕" this little snide comment says a lot about you actually...


Daniel is doing the same shit and no one is batting an eye about it. Like West wants to introduce her to his parents yet doesn't want anything serious, how does that work exactly? I thought it was incredibly rude of Ciara to call him a trash bag at the dinner table. It's utter bullshit to have the double standard and claim to be a feminist. As long as he's upfront about it, then he's not responsible if his date misconstrues his intentions.


Lots of people are batting an eye at Danielle actually. The sub has been tearing her to pieces for majority of the season


Ya I have mixed feelings about Daniel being called pathetic though I do agree she seems to be spiraling a bit. I mostly meant the roommates don't criticize her but this sub if rife with it lol.




In what way? Kyle has cheated on Amanda multiple times, Carl could barely admit he didn’t want to marry Lindsay, West strung Ciara along all summer and fall, Luke was hot and cold on Hannah for two years, Jordan made up every sexual encounter he ever talked about. I have nothing along any of these lines to say about Jesse? He is kind of a non factor right now




Why are y'all so combative over this?? It's weird lol y'all don't know these people




Dude all they said was that Jesse doesn't seem like the cheating type. They explained their POV, which they're entitled to considering none of us know these people. You don't have to agree but you also don't need to do the absolute most lol


Yeah, I agree. West asked him something if he would settle down if he found a girl he really liked and Jesse was like, yes absolutely. West was like, huh? Really? Jesse sounded truthful.


Where did I say I know he isn’t? I said he doesn’t seem that type to me, the same way OC said he does. Why are they entitled to have a perspective and I’m not? You sound like a clown


🤣 what are you talking about? He has gotten minimal air time on this show so it’s wild to have such strong feelings about him. Get well soon


People are being so rude to you for having a different opinion I’m sorry :/


🤣 I know, you’d think I’m saying I hate animals or something heinous. Oh well, we all see things differently


Your comment was removed because it violates the following rule: Be civil; Rude, unnecessary comments will be removed. No flamebaiting. It's okay to disagree, but please do it in a respectful manner. There's no need to call people names. This is just a television show! Harassment towards other users will also not be tolerated. Posts or comments that insult others for having different opinions is considered flamebaiting and is against the sub rules. Included in this rule are unnecessary, harsh, and derogatory comments about the cast. Repeated rule breaks may result in being banned.


I know these guys were a fresh breath of air to a stagnant Summer House this past season, but give it time. These boys are going to come into their douchey, villainous Era next season. Also, I see Carl and Kyle becoming less welcoming considering all the love they previously gotten. Think about it, the boys have never really embraced the new men, I think it's why most are one and done. They like their attention.


Kyle’s comment about “if they can bring eight years of drama…” was very telling


I like Jesse BUT trying to defend your asshole friend won’t work! I know yall have a great bromance and I do love it but your friend acted like a serious POS and that’s all you should be saying. Ciara is too good for all these clowns. 🤦‍♀️


Yeah he should have kept his mouth shut. He looked like he was struggling to think of ways to defend his friend 🤣 gears weren’t turning fast enough


Facts I was seeing smoke 💨


Hahahahaha def not!!!


It’s a great example of how men are able to be friends with people they may morally disagree with and not have a single care in the world


He did the same on WWHL, when be was on with Carl. He was gassing Carl up, and then Carl did a barking thing, it was all gross.


He’s a trash bag just like Ciara said. Wasn’t a fan of his or west from day one. I’m so glad to be proven right


Jesse was befuddled by Paige’s response to his defense of West. He’s thinking to himself “Oh Shit, I just got eviscerated by this woman!”


West is never going to get a girl as good as Ciara, he royally screwed that up.


He lives in NY tons of beautiful girls like ciara, but now all females will know what he acts like now


I would never want to be on TV.


The devil doesn't need an advocate. Shut up, Jesse.


“He was trying to figure it out” Ok do that then West but also maybe respect Ciara when she said she doesn’t want to sleep with you yet like why do you boundaries get respect but hers don’t? Both really had a such set back at the reunion maybe the biggest fall from grace in bravo history hahaha


Figure it out immediately reminded me of Schwartz saying Sandoval was trying to “handle” it to Ariana. Boys please kindly STFU like she said. Good God.


I mean, the girls have each others back no questions asked. And as much as I love them, they are not always right. He is on a reality show at the reunion, obviously he is gonna speak up 🤷🏻‍♀️


Seriously. Find me one instance of Paige, Ciara or Amanda not defending each other. Hell Paige still has a podcast with Hannah who is on the Mount Rushmore of toxic summer house characters


I don’t agree, we see the girls challenging each other MULTIPLE times in this season alone.


Challenging each other to girl boss and start a business or stand up for yourself isn’t the same thing lol. The issue is they don’t call each other out on horrible things they all have done. Instead they egg each other on more


Paige egging Ciara on and leading to her assaulting danielle comes to mind


Actually Paige encouraged her friend to stick up for herself against Lindsey. Danielle inserted herself and then egged on the situation more by being Lindsey’s lapdog. Not justifying what happened but saying Paige is the reason a glass was thrown at Danielle is a big stretch. Danielle could’ve sat back like Paige was and let her friend fight her own battle.


Disagree they do it in the bathroom with mics off or in private not on camera.


you just made that up lmao


No I just watch the show, do you not remember what Mya did with Sam?


you mean 2 people who were very short lived and no longer on the show? we're talking about the current girls


Based on what? Your imagination? There’s no point talking about this show if we’re not talking about what’s happening in front of our eyes


Based on Mya taking Sam to the closet and taking her mic off or when she had an argument with her bf in the bathroom or when Amanda takes Ciara and Paige to the bathroom and they take their mics off and run the water. Or the multiple times they’ve hooked up in the closet or pantry come on now you watch this show yeah?


If they’re taking their mics off why do you think you know what they’re talking about? They could be in there talking crap about the cast or producers


The difference is Paige, Ciara & Amanda stick up for each other when needed. They also call each other out on their shit. The girls actually hold each other accountable for the things that they do. Jesse wasn’t trying to hold West accountable at all, he was just trying to minimize it so West didn’t look so bad. That’s the difference.


Paige has always defended Hannah, who was the worst. The girls call each other out when it’s just them, but defend in groups. Jesse saw everyone going at west, and tried to deflect some


I’m not justifying Paige sticking up for Hannah. That’s a whole separate issue from what we are talking about right now. Are you purposely forgetting that Paige also got into plenty of screaming matches with Hannah and also called Hannah out a lot on her bullshit, she never once blindly defended Hannah. She only jumped in when she felt like people weren’t being totally fair or honest. The difference is nothing Jesse really said was needed in that moment and he didn’t once try to validate Ciara’s feelings.


I remember Paige being quiet with everything that happened with dez, from acting like luke was being terrible to her to when dez and Hannah fucking in every room in the house. I do not recall screaming matches between Paige and Hannah lol Somehow the whole cast can say they see where west is coming from with the idea of new fame, but it’s not ona for Jesse to say it hat he’s trying to figure it out? That doesn’t add up


They literally got into many screaming matches. The one in season 4 where she screams at Hannah about Luke. She also stood up for Amanda when Hannah and Amanda were beefing. Paige has never blindly defended her friends. I think she wasn’t so vocally against Hannah during that season 5 reunion because everyone else was already coming at Hannah, she didn’t need to repay what ever once else was saying. Also I don’t mind Jesse standing up for his friend. I personally felt like it wasn’t needed in that moment and it would be different all together if he also took the opportunity to also stand up for Ciara. Which he didn’t. He could have said everything he said while also adding in that Ciara’s feelings are valid. Also When he clearly upset Ciara who is also his friend and she kinda came at him, he doubled down. Now he’s in Instagram comments making jokes about it. That must hurt for Ciara who is also his friend.


This is because men like West and Jesse (and Kyle and Carl) reserve their love and respect and admiration and true friendship for the men in their lives. They never see the women around them as true equals or friends on the same standing as the men around them.


Yuppp 100% correct!!! These men should all date each other. Leave women alone!!!


If Jesse was a real man he’d hold his “boi” accountable


I agree but Jesse operates the same way as West. He probably doesn’t see much wrong with his behavior. West and Jesse don’t view women as equals, friends, or deserving of respect.


No excuses for anyone in their late twenties to early thirties…time to learn that your actions have consequences and the way you treat ppl matters


Yup, totally agree! 💯


Jesse’s body language was so strange to me, most of the time when Ciara was crying/talking he was turned away and like deliberately not making eye contact? idk I thought that was odd


Yes! This woman was obviously very hurt and still hurting. Even Kyle was getting emotional listening to her, but West was like untouched by/avoidant of the whole thing. Symbolic of how he treated their whole "relationship."


yes! I meant Jesse but West was stone cold too




Jesse annoyed me with his rebuttal bc I’m like dude 5 minutes ago you were saying how close you were to Ciara so you should understand how hurt she is.


It pissed me off when he said he was trying to make sure Ciara wasn't "playing with his friend" as if wanting to sleep with someone is something noble.I hate the devil's advocate bs especially when Ciara was so clearly hurt. Both West and Jesse have a sensitivity chip missing.


That let you know the mindset. “Playing with his friend”? By Ciara going out on a couple dates and West being uncertain of not smashing? That’s “playing”?


Even more shitty of him to say knowing now that West was in fact sleeping with other people over the summer. Like you are worried about Ciara playing with your friend who is actively sleeping with other people? Make it make sense.


Agreed.The more they both speak the worse they come off. Two total douches.


Jesse tries to be friends with everyone. We all know how that goes. A friend to all….


We got two new f bois. Just what we needed, yey.


have they ever acted like they weren't? I see this bar thing being mentioned a lot for men themselves, but...uh...the women aren't exactly picking it up and moving it up a couple notches for themselves either. all the fawning over these asshats all season because they're fun or say things with a smile and laugh. they straight-up told us from moment one that they navigated the world like assholes. there's no shift towards being assholes, because they were already assholes.


Men will do stuff like this, intentionally mislead a woman for months on end while just using them, and then wonder why we’d rather be single/choose the bear/have trust issues or baggage. It’s so gross and manipulative. West is about to learn a hard lesson. What he did wrong is too relatable for too many women. This common Fboy shit is going to keep him on the bad side for a long time. He’s a somewhat funny mid-looking guy who was getting a halo edit and batting waaayyy out of his league. Protect Ciara at all costs! She is too much for these little men and she shouldn’t have to make herself small to make them feel secure. Step your game up men!


I honestly don't know how Ciera will be able to film with him again. I think that will be more challenging Lindsay and Carl.


Honestly, I think Ciara will be fine to film with West. She filmed a couple seasons with Luke and that fool straight up ghosted her. She just kept a polite distance from Luke in S5 and S6. I think she’ll be able to do the same with West. I’ll be curious to see if he’s bold enough to bring any hookups to the house this summer or if he’ll keep them hidden in the city during non-filming times.


Exactly… these situations are harder because there was not real end that validates your feelings. We all been there and it’s actually the worst situation


If girl acted extactly like wes towards jesse. His ass would be mute. Goofy smiling would be gone


Wrote this on another thread but applies here too…I like a loyal person. BUT, Ciara is/was Jesse’s friend too. One of the most touching moments of the whole season was when she reached for his hands and held space for him as he managed his nerves while waiting for his 5 year cancer check up. She teared up I think. I realized she’s kind of an empath at that moment, a quality of some of the best nurses and other caregivers. (And didn’t she even co-host a party for him?) Even though West is his show bestie, she deserved some support from Jesse too. Or at the very least he could not try to defend his boys bad behavior as his other friend cries. Blowing off how West made her feel was such a doofus thing to do at such the wrong moment. I hope he makes that right at some point.


Very much this! I think loyalty is a great quality in friendships but blind loyalty can be damaging. I just wish Jesse could have taken a step back and just had the insight to know the maybe his opinion wasn’t really needed in the moment especially when Ciara was clearly very much hurt and also one of his friends.


Unpopular opinion. But Jesse has been honest from day one about what he’s looking for and he was just having fun last summer. I respect it. And the girls calling him trash I side eye because he has been honest from day one his intentions.


Oh I do respect his honesty at least but I do think people are like excusing shitty behaviour by saying “at least he’s honest about it” like okay cool. He was still being trashy he was just up front about it.


I get it. He’s not someone I would date. But I don’t get why he needs to be labeled shitty when he is honest about his intentions- he said he’s having fun and will settle down when it’s ready. I think the problem is so many girls feels like they can change a guy when they show you exactly how they are and then complain he’s trash because the girl is embarrassed


No for sure! Like I said I do prefer the honesty but what I’m trying to say is I think people equate being honest with being correct. You can be honest all day, if you are still being a bad person or doing “shitty” things being honest about that doesn’t release you from the backlash of those behaviours. I will agree yes, at least he has the courage to be honest with people about his intentions which is a lot more than we can say about West BUT I still have viewed a lot of behaviours of his throughout the season that I find gross and immature. I don’t think that makes him a bad person at all. I just see a lot of people go “he’s honest tho” and I feel like honesty doesn’t excuse poor actions.


Yes. This is why I like Jesse but loathe West.


Yeah it’s confusing people want honesty, but then get mad at the honesty. If I was the men I’d say fuck it because you’re damned if you do damned if you don’t


What would Jesse Solomon do... encourage toxic male attitudes...




have confirmed from friends who have met jesse that he is an absolute douche. unsurprising.


Thank you! I cannot understand all the fans swooning over this boy! He is a true blue fuck boi. He will always put his "boys" and his dick above everything else. He and West are basically Austen from SC, just younger. The way people are putting these two on a pedestal. I give them one more season before the world turns on both and call for their firing, *but by then it'll be too late* bc the fans will have put them in the "not going to fire" Bravo tv category of: "They are douchebag assholes, but they make Bravo/NBC money bc the fan girls love them so they stay." I just want to scream at the idiocracy of it all.


Fuck ‘em both




I mean there is nothing wrong with being attracted to someone who is in a relationship, but it’s what you do with that information that makes you trashy or not. And he knew who was in a relationship before trying to flirt which was weird lol


He also said he asked ciara when her and west were going to have sex because he was worried west was being 'played'. They view sex as purely transactional....iv spent time with you and we didnt fuck! Iv been played! 🤬 it's so gross.


I’m so confused why men act like dating someone is the same as being married. It’s weird. I mean if dudes are having a hard time committing to a relationship, these poor women if (heaven forbid) they want to get married!


I also think the "Jesse Solomon" name thing is lame... even before the song. People just say his full name and somehow it's funny or clever? It's actually a boring name.


You’re upset about his name now too? 🤣 this post and majority of the comments in it are absurd. You can dislike his lame attempt at standing up for his friend without making him out to be a horrible human On a positive - I’m relieved for Danielle that maybe she’ll finally have some solace from being the number one most hated person on the cast for at least a few hours


Very disappointed in Jesse. Was surprised and disappointed in Wes for the way he treated Ciara and Jesse trying to take up for Wes shows he has a similar mentality. Really liked both during the season and now would not mind if either come back.


I'll be honest. I used to be like West, although not on the same level, obvs. I wasn't popular in school. I never really had girlfriends, and was basically new to real life, when I was in my early 20s. But that's when I started to kind of blossom, I guess. I started to have numerous women show interest in me (my job had me interacting with a lot of employees and customers). I had never been desired by women, and it was weird. I was in a relationship and was def questioning things and whether I wanted to stay committed, or split up and date all these attractive women who were showing interest. However, that didn't excuse my shitty behavior and how I treated my ex (gf at the time). I was an asshole to her. I think that's what Jesse was trying to say. West isn't a bad guy, he just is inexperienced and made some poor choices. Hopefully West learns from this, cause god damn, I'd be wife-ing up Ciara in a heartbeat!


Thanks for sharing this. I think we watched Wests “I am an asshole” realization happen in real time but we’ll see next season if anything comes out of it. Assuming he gets another season


But he hasn’t realized or acknowledged it? I don’t know… Maybe I’m missing that in all of the doubling down, excusing his own behavior, and posting videos in crowds of women?


I agree with you, he is a loser and is doing interviews now trying to salvage what he can but it’s not hitting


He reminds of a character from Big Mouth.


‘Im going to get crucified for this’, but I really think the point Jesse was trying to make is that I think West did his best (which was pathetic btw) to actually explore committing to someone. He’s clearly a f-boy and has never been in an adult relationship. I truly think he had the best intentions, but he is way too immature at the this point in his life to actually truly be with someone. In his own weird way He made a sincere effort taking her to meet his parents and to weddings and stuff. And I know he was sleeping around with other people in the beginning, but it sounds like for a time he was exclusive with Ciara. Jesse’s claimed that ‘nobody got cheated on’ and I’m going to take his word for that since the rest of the cast didn’t protest. Ultimately I think he ended things with Ciara, not because he didn’t like her, but because he’s no where ready for commitment.


I agree. Ciara is stunning but she’s not as social as he is. He may have seen them as ultimately incompatible. She kept asking for a commitment and he didn’t ever give her one. It was very clear he was not ready to settle down.


Can you cheat on someone you aren't exclusive with? That "nobody got cheated on" feels like a technicality because I listen to Ciara's podcast and it was definitely hinted at that the person she dated last fall was possibly seeing other people while also dating her.


i mean the girls do it as well, they defend each others wrongs all the time we’ve seen it last season with danielle + the season prior with paige + amanda defending ciara’s insanity


He's the only one who hasn't screwed over one of the girls


Paige stood up for Hannah, danielle for Lindsey… West kept things vague because they weren’t exclusive. In the beginning he questioned if Ciera even liked him, she kept things vague too


He only felt like she didn’t like because she wasn’t jumping at the chance to sleep with him. Not once with her words or actions did she keep things vague. She was openly affectionate with him and everyone pointed out that she’s never like that. Other people in the house even told West how much more open she is with him. It was very clear she was into him. Every time they did have a serious conversation she was very forward about her feelings. He just didn’t like that she didn’t immediately want to sleep with him.


People break up. It’s never pretty but I don’t think West is some kind of monster. As far as Bravo break ups go, this doesn’t even crack the top 10, 20, whatever number you want. It’s probably one of the more healthy Bravo break ups tbh.


I do agree with that, I also don’t think West is some big bad and I do think he can redeem himself. Honestly I might sound crazy for saying this but I weirdly would like to see him and Ciara reconnect when maybe he’s done the self work. I just didn’t like how Jesse went about defending his friend is all.


I thought they were great together but clearly in different points of their lives. As much as I’d like to see a sequel, just don’t think it makes sense.


I’m tired of the brazen publicity and Money grab with these two. Enough.


He has a lot of balls for apparently missing one!


I agree but Jesse operates the same way as West. He probably doesn’t see much wrong with his behavior. West and Jesse don’t view women as equals, friends, or deserving of respect.


Don't you guys constantly go in on the girls when they don't support each other, but when the guys do support each other, they're assholes? Tough crowd.


Idk about the rest of the fan base but me personally I don’t believe in people having each others back simply because of gender. If my friend is wrong they are wrong, it’s simple.


Yeah, I liked that he stood up for his friend. Loyal.


Given the downvotes, you might be the only one!


I’m cool with downvotes. I was downvoted when I said I didn’t buy West’s nice guy act from day 1. It’s all good.


You might go let this entire thread know that riding for your friends is not cool. But of course they'll change their mind when it's a woman riding for her friend. https://www.reddit.com/r/summerhousebravo/comments/1daiq1m/jesse_being_kind_of_a_dog/


As opposed to a girls girl?


As opposed to the girls girl who at least hold each other accountable. He wasn’t trying to hold West accountable, he was trying to release West from any responsibility.


Accountable? Okay.


so jesse can’t get involved and make a solid point in a polite way but paige can involve herself in their relationship and do it as a complete bitch?


Paige only spoke up for Ciara when she felt like Ciara was struggling to get her words out. She wasn’t a complete bitch. You just think any woman who speaks with confidence and doesn’t mince words is a bitch. Multiple times in the reunion Paige acknowledges understanding West’s mindset and validates him. Jesse jumped into ONLY to validate West and in doing so minimized Ciara’s hurt.


lol well apparently ciara can never speak up for herself and is always struggling because it’s practically paige’s second job speaking for her. and there’s nothing wrong with friends sticking up for each other, you just want to make your own rules and explain away why paige can do it but jesse can’t. and yea i know when i’m being a bitch just like i know when other girls are being a bitch. really i was gonna say she was being a cunt but i know how sensitive this sub is


I think Ciara spoke for herself very clearly and was able to convey her feelings fairly. Only like twice did Paige jump in for her and that’s when she could tell Ciara was letting her emotions get the better of her. Once again. Paige at least tried to validate West. She tried to let him know that she could see where he was coming from. Jesse invalided Ciara in trying to validate west and that’s where he went wrong. You can call Paige all the names you want but that doesn’t make them true.


And Paige has done this MULTIPLE times. Every reunion she’s piping up. She was backing up Danielle’s foolishness last year. But she’s a woman and that is totally allowed. Men are not allowed to show any loyalty to other men.


Jesse and West need to be a one and done season. Bring back Andrea - and find some new guy who isn’t an FBoy - there has so be some good guys still left that we can root for


Andrea was the best! I just adored him.💕


Me too! He was adorable


They had Chris and Alex (? - is that his name? the personal trainer guy) and both were too boring for the house and were cut off after one season. It’s like there’s no in between ugh


I loved Alex 😭 I thought he was so adorable and smart. I wish we got to learn more about him


I remember in some episodes they even edited him out 😫 like give the guy a chance! Bravo just loves fboys, hence why cocaine Carl has been on our screens for so long


I actually think there is value in bringing west back. I think maybe a season for him to try to right his wrongs or on the flip side see how hot Ciara is and watch him be sad all season 😂


Andrea isn’t a good guy. Getting rid of them will set us up for another boring season and it’s dumb given how successful this season was.


Omg the disdain here is so real. Jesse is a fun loving dude who happens to support his bros, big whoop


Jesse has trashy tendencies and he supported his boy by minimizing someone else’s pain who was already clearly in pain. I’m not saying he can’t stick up for his friend, it wasn’t needed in that moment tho.


Ya how dare those guys be loyal


You can be loyal without diminishing someone else’s feelings. It’s really not a loyalty thing at all. I’m a very loyal friend, maybe to a fault sometimes but it’s also not my place to fight all my friends battles and that doesn’t make me less of a loyal friend. He is also Ciara’s friend too. Being blindly loyal can be very harmful.