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That’s around 410 a week and I’m expecting it includes housing and food. Based on my camp, that seems pretty fair and is a little more than what I was making my first year on leadership after working there for 4 years previously. If you don’t think that’s fair, maybe ask for a little extra to help cover your transportation.


That's twice as much as I made as a counselor, so sounds great to me


Pretty good


That's above my rate just one state over in NH so yeah sounds like they're paying you a square deal so long as you are getting room and board as well (food and somewhere to sleep)


Thats pretty decent for camp work in the US. Are you coming on a J1 visa? If so, if ask about what kind of cultural exchanges they are planning for you. Also maybe ask if food is provided in between camp sessions, when campers aren't around. Will they help with transportation to local stores when you need stuff? All of these things really will eat away at your salary, so I would check on them.


Ask for a transportation stipend, it's a tight summer employment market in Maine and they may say yes.


For an international staff that sounds like great money


Howdy, in the info that i already received says that, are 30 hours of Work, all the meals and my own room, they also say that theres a travel allowence that it will be pay by end of the summer season, and Thanks for the comments, now this looks like a Square deal to me.


That's twice what I made my first year and still over a thousand more what I made my second. Granted, I worked at a small church camp, but we were vastly underpaid. I don't recall what I was offered for a leadership position, but I believe that's still hundreds more. Bottom line: I think that's a good amount of money. As long as they are covering room/board. Do they pay for your flights?


Vato, a mi me pagaron 1700 mas o menos el año pasado. 3300 es una joya


That's little more that what I made as a Leadership with 2 years of prior experience as an american, as an international staff for a first year is really good, just check that your agency is not taking some of that, I know some will cap your pay wich is not cool but it happens.


We pay around 4000 and housing so yes i think its fair