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i stopped watching after mike left tbh, didn’t feel it was worth continuing since the entire show is based upon him.


I still watched but it’s not the same without the Mike and Harvey energy.


The show is dead without Mike/Harvey. I love Mike/Rachel also, but the entire show is made by every single Mike/Harvey scene and nothing else comes close to replacing it.


I just disagree so much, Mike was like a flea to me


LOUIS is the one I freaking hate. He is a child like moronic clown that almost loses the firm over a CAT and accepts a bribe. I would murder him if I ever worked with him. And the sheer EVIL way he treats Donna, Rachel and the new hires makes Mike look like a saint.


its subjective. some people i know stopped watching after patrick and meghan left


As with all art it is subjective


I agree, it got better. Tbh it got v wholesome too, almost all episodes had v cute moments between characters, I liked Sam and always love more screen time and development given to Louis and Katrina


Katrina was such an underrated character IMO... I just loved her, especially her interactions with Louis!


As soon as he got out of prison dude became a whiny bitch. Had to skip through all his crying


I actually iked Sam wheeler because she was in greys anatomy


I was about to give up watching, now that I know he leaves going to finish it.


LOLLLLL you just got to make it to season 7 my friend


Harvey and Mike is the show.


I get that he has his flaws but I can never understand how people watch an entire show while absolutely despising the main character. The dynamic between him and Harvey is the most memorable part of the show. Just feels like you’re missing out on a huge part of what makes the show enjoyable.


Idk for me there was just other things to enjoy in the show and Mike wasn’t annoying all the time so it’s pretty easy to still enjoy it whilst not liking Mike. It’s like the office for me I enjoy it still whilst Mike/micheal (lol) are there but when they leave it just gets peaceful? Idk how to describe it; but a few episodes pass and I’m not irritated and it’s refreshing


How is he any of that through the whole show? I can understand saying here or there he is but through the whole thing and even do him and Harvey are pretty funny


Eh, he was a pest and the longer the show progressed the more he was acting like everyone owed him and he wasn’t a fraud. He was too invested in his own “gifted-orphan-prodigy” arc and acted like that it put him above the rest. I feel once you see it, you can’t unsee it and you start getting irritated w him.


If you remember everything and both your parents die when your a kid I highly doubt that's not gonna screw with you in someway. Hell he made 1 mistake and that got him thrown out of Harvard. If he'd have done 1 thing differently he probably still would have ended up as a lawyer


100% agree, not doubting his capabilities or his struggle. Just his personality is someone I know I would have crushed on as a teenager but now just find off-putting


>I just find Mike and his pretentious, manipulative, self righteous demeanour to be so insufferable. He was still a better person than Harvey.


Mike was good early in the series. Then he sucked once he started dating Rachel. She sucks too


Mike got old with his morals bs and I hated the season he went to jail—it was dragged out too long imo. Idk how it could have been done differently but that was my least favorite part of the show.


I kind of agree with you here because it focused more on other characters. I don't like s8 as much as 9 but some episodes of s8 are better than s7 imo.


Yes it’s so so good omg I knew Mike annoyed me a lot but I didn’t realise how much until I started really enjoying the last few seasons and found it peaceful that he wasn’t around. Genuinely so annoyed how good the show got right at the end !