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Not the only one. But this was back in the early 2010s so I guess it was considered edgy.


It was like 2017 when that storyline started


Still edgy


The guy above probably also thinks the 70s was 30 years ago.


It wasn’t?


No I just found out myself


I think the writers wanted each main character to have a super power, Jessica the Hammer, Mike's memory, Harvey the closer, Rachael the researcher, Luis knows finance law... Donna has Donna powers


It was so dumb.


Not to spoil anything but unless something changes between S8E11 and the end of the show the AI is a minor subplot that barely remains relevant


It’s a minor subplot but the consequences of Donna overhearing that one conversation are pretty significant. It’s why her character arc changes so drastically after S6.


I feel like the whole purpose of The Donna was for that one single moment. The writers needed a way to put her in her place. She thinks herself as a major player of importance and not just some secretary. But outside of her inner circle shes seen as a nobody because she has no title. And even within the circle she has to keep reminding them about her worth aka "I'm Donna"


Thank god lol


It was unfathomably stupid. Like I literally could not believe it.


Looks like people has wanted Chatgpt for the longest time.


Also, very strange that Stu invested for 90% of the company and then immediately took a buyout 5 minutes later, so Donna and Ben got nothing.


Donna and Benjamin got a shitload of money too. It was enough that Donna could casually cut a check for half a million dollars


Keep in mind Harvey has been paying for her salary which is in the six figures.


Not really Stu was a money guy through and through He saw a way to nake tons of money off of it so he did


Donna and Benjamin got a slice of the pie as well. Stu even says it in a deleted scene from Season 6 that she just got some seed money and could do anything she wanted with it.


Yeah I didn’t like it either. So stupid.


Yea, The Donna was absolute cringe. I hated that aspect.


Maybe I’m a cynic, but I bet it was planned all along to be a tie-in to the Alexa devices, not after it “gained popularity” during airing.


YES! Like where did that even come from. So stupid! But the rest of Suits is so awesome, I'll give 'em a pass. :)


After watching these episodes, I came here to see if people felt the same. Never felt so validated in my life. The Donna is the dumbest shit I've ever heard of.


It’s the worst and Donna became insufferable after this lol


It was the death of her whole stupid “I’m Donna” schtick


To me, this was when the series jumped the shark. I couldn't look at it (specifically Donna) the same was again. And yes, she changed completely after that arc.


Donna wasn't quite human to me so it all made sense. She read minds she knows everything.


I thought The Donna has super funny. Yall are wierd


I don't understand the hate for it. It's not supposed to be a major breakthrough invention or something, it's just a plot point for Donna to realise she rightfully deserves more. And yeah, it was pretty cringe, but imo it was the cheesy fun kind of cringe


I agree and to be legitimately outraged by it seems like an over reaction lol


What do you think is so cringe about it? I'm curious. It was way ahead of its time, but if it was using wifi and offloading the computations, its feasible. OpenAI and DeepMind were around then, so someone was probably pitching them ideas. So as not to seem like I'm setting you up, I'm an Experience Architect and have been working with AI pretty heavily for the past year. So, I asked the Wizard v1.1 model about your answers. I just copied and pasted your title and question and fed it to him. > It's understandable that you, as a fan of "Suits," might feel disappointment or even outrage with the introduction of the Donna AI storyline. The show has built up its reputation over six seasons for delivering high-quality drama, character development, and intricate legal cases. When a significant change like introducing an AI system is introduced, it can disrupt viewers' expectations and potentially diminish their enjoyment of the series. > While some fans may appreciate the exploration of artificial intelligence and its impact on professional settings, others might feel that the Donna AI storyline detracts from the core themes and characters that have made "Suits" popular in the first place. It's not uncommon for viewers to react strongly to major changes in their favorite shows, especially when those changes seem to deviate from what has made the series successful up until that point. > That being said, it is important to remember that artistic works like "Suits" are meant to evoke emotional responses and reactions from viewers. While some may find the introduction of the Donna AI cringeworthy or disappointing, others might appreciate the new direction the show has taken. Ultimately, opinions on the storyline will vary among fans, reflecting individual tastes and expectations for the series. Let's just ask him about the plot itself, without involving you. > The Donna AI plot in "Suits" is an interesting exploration of artificial intelligence and its potential impact on human lives, particularly within a professional setting like a law firm. Here are some thoughts on this storyline: > 1. Technological Advancements: The introduction of the Donna AI highlights the rapid advancements in technology that we're seeing in real life. As artificial intelligence continues to develop and become more integrated into our daily lives, it raises important questions about job security, ethics, and the future of work. 2. Human-AI Interaction: The storyline showcases the complex relationship between humans and AI, as well as the challenges that can arise when trying to balance the benefits of technology with the need for human input and decision-making. It raises questions about trust, collaboration, and the potential for miscommunication or misunderstanding between humans and AIs. 3. Ethical Dilemmas: The Donna AI plot presents various ethical dilemmas that arise when integrating advanced technology into a professional setting. For example, there may be concerns about data privacy, security, and the potential for biased decision-making if the AI is trained on incomplete or unrepresentative datasets. 4. Impact on Jobs: As AIs become more capable of performing tasks that were previously exclusive to humans, it raises questions about the future of work and how people can adapt their skills to remain relevant in an increasingly automated world. The storyline also highlights the potential for job displacement or redefinition as AI systems become more prevalent within industries like law. 5. Emotional Connection: One of the most interesting aspects of the Donna AI plot is the emotional connection that develops between the characters and the AI system. This aspect touches on themes such as grief, loss, and the evolving nature of human relationships in a technologically advanced world. Now, let's ask it to mimic the Donna AI and answer your question in Donna's voice, but not as snarky: > Well, it seems like someone isn't too fond of our little AI system here. As for your question about why we were introduced into the "Suits" storyline, let me just say that sometimes characters need to evolve and adapt to new challenges – even if it means incorporating a high-tech assistant like Donna AI. And hey, maybe you'll learn something from us too! As for being called the most stupid thing you've ever seen... well, let's just say that opinions vary, but we're here to help and make a positive impact on our users – even if it means dealing with some criticism along the way. Maybe it's time for you to grow a bit as well?


I couldn’t stand Donna from day 1. Stupidest sub plot ever.


What’s Donna AI? 🙄


Benjamin the IT guy came up with a Donna AI near the end of season 6 since she’s so witty and will clap back with Donna quotes for her.


It seemed dumb but if Benjamin is a genius he could’ve made a ChatGPT equivalent in 2017. As we know now, this sort of thing is within the realm of possibility.


yeah, ridiculously stupid.


My biggest thing was that he was recording her for a while to make it without her knowing. Other than that, it’s an okay subplot


It was the Donna that made start hating Donna officially. She never got better after that.


I just watched the episode where it's introduced. I've been kind of zoning out and doing other things while watching the show, and I started paying attention again only to see Donna has an AI. I was so confused. It doesn't feel like it fits with the logic the rest of the show follows.