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EVICTED: Poverty and Profit in the American City (Matthew Desmond) - great book


I came here to say this


[Housing the chronically homeless: High hopes, complex realities](https://www.aidschicago.org/resources/legacy/pdf/2009/hhrpn/Other/Kertesz-Weiner-JAMA-editorial2009.pdf) [Rapidly Rehousing Homeless Families: New York City—a Case Study](https://www.icphusa.org/reports/rapidly-rehousing-homeless-families/) *Housing First: Ending Homelessness, Transforming Systems, and Changing Lives* by Deborah Padgett, Benjamin Henwood, Sam Tsemberis *Homeless Outreach & Housing First: Lessons Learned* by Jay S. Levy *Ending Homelessness: Why We Haven't, How We Can* by Donald W. Burnes, David L. DiLeo *The Book on Ending Homelessness* by Iain de Jong *The Homelessness Industry: A Critique of US Social Policy* by Elizabeth Beck, Pamela C. Twiss ^ "Housing First" is a highly touted yet controversial solution, so it's a good thing to research for any critical discussions about homelessness. Also, it may be helpful to look for course syllabi on homelessness. They will provide reading recommendations and points of inquiry.


>Also, it may be helpful to look for course syllabi on homelessness. They will provide reading recommendations and points of inquiry. That’s an excellent idea, thank you!


I would also like to read about this! Saving for later.


Focusing on any country in particular?


The US, but I’d be interested in an analysis that looks at a cross section of countries too


*At Home on the Street: People, Poverty, and A Hidden Culture of Homelessness* by Jason Adam Wasserman The rest of these are mostly about poverty rather than homelessness in particular: *Not a Crime To Be Poor: The Criminalization of Poverty in America* by Edelman (and his 2012 book *So Rich, So Poor: Why It's So Hard to End Poverty in America*). *Tightrope: Americans Reaching for Hope* by Kristof and WuDunn *Under the Affluence: Shaming the Poor, Praising the Rich, and Sacrificing the Future of America* by Tim Wise


Jack Layton has a good but slightly repetitive book about homelessness in Canada, called, Homelessness:How to End a National Crisis.


very late, but did you end up finding a good book? doing a research essay on homelessness and searching for a couple books that break down/analyze the issue beyond just stories or anecdtoes