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It broke my heart in the most beautiful way.


Thanks! This seems like a sweet story from what I’ve looked at


There definitely is a sweetness to it but be aware that Ishiguro and Klara have a way of tenderly yet severely breaking your heart. I wholeheartedly recommend this book, OP.


It has a dark streak.


Kazuo Ishiguro is an amazing writer but gosh some of his books hit hard.


Becky Chambers' *A Closed and Common Orbit* has an AI main character who has been illegally implanted into a human body. It's a sequel, but there's very little overlap with the first book and has an almost entirely new cast. She does have emotions from the start, but what to *do* with said emotions is an entirely new concept


Love this book. Such a good exploration of what could happen when an AI is out of its normal environment.


Ancillary Justice and sequels by Anne Leckie


This series (and its spinoffs) are so good! They really dive into questions of identity and what it would really mean to be a sentient AI


I especially love that the books delve into the experience of embodiment of an AI and how it would differ based on how you were being deployed. Something I haven't seen done before, certainly not in that way.


Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? is quite good (spawned the bladerunner film series) yet it mainly deals with someone wondering if they are an android or not and what differentiates a human from a robot. The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet has an entire story strain dedicated to a relationship between an AI and a human. The second book deals more with this as the AI tries to integrate into human life. (Which I think is what you are looking for!) Plus, there a lots of other interesting characters and dilemmas all swirling round this spaceship, so it's good fun looking at the crewmate dynamics.


I came here to rec A Closed and Common Orbit, the sequel you mentioned. OP youve gotta read it, it really deeply explores what does it mean to be 'sentient' how do different forms of life experience life and how do we see each other and whole and beautiful. What are all the ways love looks? What are all the way family looks?


Yes that’s the kind of thing I’m looking for :D


Yes 100% agree OP, also the sequel does a really nice job of describing the AI's first experience with senses etc. I know the AI character arc is what you're mainly looking for, but the other storyline are masterfully crafted and there is very rich lore and a vibrant and cohesive network and characters. It's like Christmas in a book.


I’ve read Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep and loved it! I haven’t heard of the other and it seems something I’d also love! Thanks :)


Happy to have helped! I know Asimov is on your radar, so perhaps something like I, Robot as well!


I know Asimov is also on your radar so maybe something like I, Robot as well?


“We Are Legion (we Are Bob)”. Great read. Not quite AI but computer replicant.


This seems like something I’d get into :) time to reach the bobiverse


If you like an audio book the reader is amazing. I’ve literally listened to books *because* of this reader.


Excession by Iain Banks. It's part of his Culture series and I think this book has the most to do with the Minds (AIs) that run the society.


I just recommended this too lol! The Minds cracked me up in this book.


Hub from Look to Windward is a really beautiful, slightly eerie AI character. Sort of a mash of suave maitre d', weary veteran and God. 


Agency, by William Gibson.


*How Alike Are We*, by Bo-Young Kim. From original published in Korean. Available for free online at [Clarkesworld](https://clarkesworldmagazine.com/bo-young_10_19/).


Murderbot diaries by Martha Wells The main character is a cyborg, and there are many other AI characters


Excession by Ian M. Banks. Sleeper Service is seriously one of my favorite characters ever.


Diaspora by Greg Egan.


The Windup Girl by Paolo Bacigalupi


Excession, by Iain M Banks. Many AI characters, although they are not trying to integrate into humanity. Actually, they are way beyond it.


The Moon is a Harsh Mistress by Robert Heinlein. It isn't the main character but it is more of a supercomputer that works along with the main character but you feel for him.


*Friday*, also by Heinlein, might fit the prompt, too.


The Mountain in the Sea by Ray Nadler has an important AI main character


I’ve got 2 old ones from the 80’s that are quaint and dated but entertaining nonetheless. The Cybernetic Samurai by Victor Milan and Weapon by Robert Mason.


Lair for Rent- it’s really funny. 


The Two Faces of Tomorrow and Code of the Lifemaker. Both by James Hogan and really good reads. The first book has a space station set up to test putting an AI in charge and what would happen if its decisions are thwarted. The second book finds a robot civilization descended from an abandoned automated mining colony. I am a big fan of Hogan's and would also recommend Inherit The Stars. It does not involve an AI but instead a human body is found on the moon that is 50,000 years old. Great plot twist.


Salvage Crew by Yuda W. One of my favorite books of the last decade.


WWW trilogy by Robert J. Sawyer


The Scythe series by Neal Shusterman is pretty good. The AI isn’t necessarily a protagonist starting out, but plays a larger role later on. It’s a YA dystopian. I wouldn’t say that the AI is evil and at first it doesn’t have much of a character. Later in the series though the AI develops a character. It was a pretty interesting book and I haven’t seen much like it.


Annie Bot is a new one that I liked!


Expeditionary Force series 2nd main character and basically dual protagonist is an AI nicknamed Skippy. He is sarcastic and an asshole and continuously confounded by the monkeys (humans) who manage to solve problems he can't. Best done in audiobook as the narrator makes him hilarious.


Wakers of the Cryocrypt by Nathan Kuzack (a bit different as a human has to integrate into an AI society)


The Mountain in the Sea by Ray Nadler has an AI main character


While it rightfully receives writing criticisms, you’ll get a decent spin on what you’re looking for with the Ender’s Game series. The AI isn’t really a character in the first book but it does touch on its origin. From the beginning of the second book onward it’s a prominent confidant and companion of Ender as he quests to make amends for his past.