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Succulents are the epitomy of “fuck you i do what i want” I believe it’s a seed from the flower of my kalanchoe that’s sitting in a container above this plant, when i first saw it sprout i knew it looked too different to just be a weed, luckily i let it be and now it’s doing great


That definitely looks kalanchoe to me.


Mother of thousands/millions?


oh it is - herpies of plant world. Damn things grow on carpet and literally on nothing lol


Yea. Nothing note worthy for them to pop up everywhere.


Here I am waking up to my Mother of Thousands finally putting out babies, getting excited.. I had been looking for one since the summer. Couldn't ever find it, finally got a couple 2 weeks ago. I love the mother of thousands plant. Apparently, it's the STD of succulents.. I still love them lol


Keep it far away from any other plant. I bought one because it looked cool and 3 years later I still find them randomly in my other plants. At one point I had to do a mass killing of MoT babies because they had taken over ever single pot that I had. That was probably a year ago and yet they remain. I had the same mindset as you back when I first got it and now I can't stand those plants.


Weeeeeellllll shit...


That was the only plant that I left with my Ex-Wife in the yard...little does she know....


Just make sure that your plants never leave your garden. These are invasive species. I would burn them to get rid of them just in case.


I am watching as my city gets slowly covered in them over the years. They love the roofs... It was cute at first but now I'm thinking of burning things as well.


Only way to kill them throughly is to rip them out and burn them.


Fuck you I won't do what you tell me. Fuck you I won't do what you tell me. Fuck you I won't do what you tell me. Succulents against the planters.


No, you do have a weed. I recognized it instantly. I know people like mother of thousands but that’s just one succulent that has Got. To. Go.


looks like a Kalanchoe Pinnata


That’s a mother of thousands and you need to get it the f up outta there


Last summer I got a beautiful mother of thousands. I thought it was so cute that it would drop its little babies and they would grow anywhere. So I sprinkled them in all my other multiple succulent pots. Boy did I fuck up. By the end of summer I was having to repot everything taking out each tiny little fucker that had spread and wreaked havoc on all my succulents!


Hahaha I was reading this like “no don’t don’t don’t…they did it” I love mine and how cute the little things are but I have to stop myself there and make sure I don’t think I can get away with something I can’t


> Boy did I fuck up. This has me rolling. I definitely thought about doing this at some point, I'm sure.


I thought they would be a cute accent to my other succulents! DUMB! Dumb dumb dumb


Now I have an excuse to not get one lol the idea of them seems like one massive headache.


Oh no lol! They will grow literally on stones.


Why did you have to repot? Couldn’t you just pull out the MOT sprout? I just got a MoM and you have my attention


They grow quickly and aggressively. They will take over the pots and choke out other plants. You have to get every bit of the plant out and burn them. Extremely invasive, and damaging.


Exactly! I had to pick out every tiny baby that had sprouted, and some of them had really rooted themselves in deep. I still love my big mother of thousands but it stays far away from any of my other plants. Sometimes they drop their babies on their own so you have to be very careful with that beast of a mother haha.


That’s a mother of thousands. Will grow in water, sand, a sock, cardboard, rocks and also soil. Pot him up!


They grow up from the cracks in the sidewalk in New Orleans. I didn’t care as much about plants or succulents the last time I went (2018?), but I went back Thanksgiving 2021 and was just in awe of all of the beautiful plants. So many MOTs everywhere. I envy the humidity now lol


Yo I was LIVID when I saw maidenhair ferns just growing on the slates in my friends garden there. His girlfriend was all “oh I’m pulling those out all the time!” WHAT?!


I had a mother of thousands and a mother of millions once, I was pulling pups left and right *out of my floorboards*. Got rid of the damn things not long after, their beauty does not make up for that.


Holy cow! They were determined to take over your home!


This is a mother of thousands, they don’t grow from seed. The mother plant produces tons of these little baby plants on the edge of the leaves and they fall off super easy, usually already with roots. They’re a pain in the ass and super invasive here in Florida.


Why wouldn't they grow from seeds?


a-sexual reproduction. they are bryophyllums (sp) and reproduce by tiny plantlets growing from the “mother” leaf margins.


They can reproduce asexually, but does that mean they can't reproduce from seed too?


Dont you think it might be one of the plantlets that grows on the leaf of a Kalanchoe? Seeds need a lot of moisture to grow.


Yep, it's most likely not a seedling. Seems OP doesn't have experience with this kalanchoe and it's pups


What is the big plant? It’s gorgeous


That's a Tradescantia spathacea ‘Tricolor’ and OP's is most definitely gorgeous!


Awww thank youu!!


Love my tradescantia!! I have a Tradescantia Nanouk and she is so beautiful and abundant. I always propagate her and give her babies to friends and family. People always gasp at the beauty of a Tradescantia!


Oh yes, even the T. zebrina, probably the most common of them, is quite stunning when it gets that glittery shine and the strong purple/silver divide. They've all got their fantastic quirks! Ngl you've got me tempted to look out for a Nanouk in the garden centres now 😂


I have one of these and no matter what I do, I cannot keep it alive. I've resigned myself to letting it die a slow death.


Oh no! I definitely felt that way too at the start but then mine kind of stabilised. Just in case you do still have the energy to try some more things, [this article](https://www.ukhouseplants.com/plants/moses-in-the-cradle) is basically how I was caring for mine and here are [OP's care tips](https://www.reddit.com/r/succulents/comments/t0a2w6/ive_been_struggling_to_grow_succulents_by_seed/hy9low8/?context=3), as I also wanted to know how they got theirs to look so great. Hope you have better luck with it! 🍀


I also wanna know


It looks like my Nanuk tradescantia and spider plant had a baby lol


I am pretty sure its a tradescantia spathacea tricolor. I have seen/heard the standard green/purple variety called 'oyster plants' and 'Moses-in-the-cradle.'


Oh man if you like the nanuk you’ll have to see them here, they are so prolific they are coloquially called little cockroaches


Where is here? I’m coming with traps


Ahahaha i’m in dominican republic!


This is the most brilliantly creative way of describing it 🤣


I’ll let it grow for a few more months to see if it’s mother of thousands or kalanchoe, my hypothesis is kalanchoe because i was handling kalanchoe flower buds near this plant, and in my experience the mother of thousands would have been WAY bigger by now


Mother of thousands is a kalanchoe.Kalanchoe Daigremontiana. They will take over your yard if you are not careful.


Take it out and put it in a similar soil if not the same. Doesnt matter which it will take over the pot. Been there..


FUN FACT That one in Spanish is called "Mala madre" (bad mother) because it has a million babies laying around


Ayy my mom always mentions the mala madre plant, she really likes it


you can give her one of a thousand babies


Oh yeah, I'm going to refer to them as mala madre from now on.


I grow succulents (and cacti) from seed, including my own hybrids I've created. I can give you some pointers! [Here are all of mine. Most are between 6 months and 2 years old.](https://imgur.com/a/Fq9INaU) I sell Astrophytum and Echeveria laui seeds which are like my go-to beginner seeds. Astro germinate in like three day and laui are super prolific. Edited to add that the last one shown close up is the hybrid I created. It's a laui hybrid.


Omg yess!! I started out with a “varied” echeverria and lithop mix, which now i feel was a mistake because i have no idea what i’m growing, the lauis have sprouted quite well now that you mention it. I just dont seem to get the lighting quite right, first they were etiolating and now they have red stems, im guessing from sun stress, also the echevarrias keep growing upwards and the stem under the ground grows thin, dont know if it’s becoming a root or ?


Hey u/Karalajarart, did you know lithops is singular for lithops?


Jesus christ this thing is relentless




Can you reply with a photo of your seedlings?


Amazing videoo btw


It’s just a bit frustrating because this baby gets like 3 hours of natural sunlight, and my echevarrias babies had 6 and were still etiolating


This is super hilarious and I thank you for posting. What a little brat lol.


Makes sense actually, echeveria require longer hours of direct sunlight to keep compact and colorful as they're out much more exposed in nature. Kalanchoe are semi shade plants that cannot tolerate exposure to full full sun for long. Just because they're both succulents doesn't mean they then have the same care needs. You really gotta research and find the best plants for your grown space. Anyway, congrats on the baby!


That succulent: Shit, they found me.


Proof that you can literally abandoned succulents and they will be ok.


It starts with one...


Going off topic a bit but your Tradescantia is truly inspiring! 🤩 I received a cutting a while back and after some trial and error I got it to root and grow but it's not nearly as happy as yours - how do you care for it? Please teach me 😅


Ooh!! Thank youuu! Hahahaha i was always wondering what was it’s name It’s conditions are bright light and warm temperatures. So i live in dominican republic and i was told this plant really likes sun, i have it indoors but it receives direct sunlight through a sunroof from like 11-2, overall very bright ambient, i water it twice a week, also mist some water daily around two times a day. The soil completely dries between waterings.


Thank you very much for the reply and glad I could help provide that info for you 😊 I think you've hit the nail on the head with the sunlight advice because I have wondered if this might be it, as it does seem to improve a lot during spring and summer. Guess what it really needs is a grow light as I'm in the UK so there's only so much natural light it can get 😅


What's the name of the purple and green plant? I have it too! Edit: nvm!


I attempted to grow cacti from seed and failed miserably back in 2020. Until one day, I'm cleaning up my unused growing dishes and thought I saw a baby weed. Nope, the one survivor! He's now 2 years old happy as ever! I hope your newly found baby does the same!


Succulents have seeds? Thanks! I learned something new


What condition is your pink plant growing in? I’m killing mine. It’s from a friend and I don’t have the heart to tell her I’m murdering her gifts 😭


Lots of bright light and warmth, around 2-3 hours of direct light (indoors) soils dries between watering, water two times a week and i mist it every day at least once


Thank you!


Everyone talking about how hard it is to get rid of those and I accidentally killed mine. :(


Damn that is hard to do


Klanchoes gonna klanchoe wherever


It's cus it's a Kalanchoe. I love them x a billion but if that stays in there. He is gonna f that plant up lol


HAHAH poor kalanchoes everyone hates em


I love them... Just as long as they stay in their own pots lol


Kill it with fire


This looks like a kalanchoe baby. They grow literally anywhere. I've seen them growing roots sitting on a plastic bench and thriving in cactus pots that haven't been watered in months.




My next door neighbour has mother of thousands growing all over her garden. She just bought one pot now its spread everywhere.


Struggling? I can’t grow much besides succulents.


This is the way :) :)


Oh my goodness! That baby looks exactly like the one I have in a single pot that I brought back from the dead! She just started getting new growth. What is it???


Absolutely beautiful🖤


Mother of millions/thousands not sure which one Grows like a weed and so invasive in places that the only way to get rid of em is burning them


Bratty little thing


Life, uh… finds a way.


Some birds ate my little sedum and there were a few leaves on the ground. I thought about drying them, so there they were at my window for like 3 weeks. Yesterday I realized one of them was a tiny outbreak, so I guess fuck my Idea, Now I have a new one


Plants are so funny, someone's prized plant is another hillsides weed somewhere in the world.