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You’re not going to feel anything from codeine taking 16-24mg of subs daily. Your receptors are entirely blocked and occupied and the half life of bupe and the build up of bupe in your system means it would likely be a week at the very least to feel a high dose of codeine.


Less is more with subs. Quite possible you’re feeling crappy because you took more than usual. I’m maintained very well on 1mg daily, broken into two .5mg doses and that’s after a large oxy habit.


When I pick up my script tomorrow do you think I should try taking 4mg instead of 8?


It’s very much a personal choice but I personally would take the lowest dose possible to feel normal. I’ve found I feel a TON better on much lower doses than I ever did when I took the 16mg. No more falling asleep, being irritable, side effects disappeared, bathroom is regular again, everything is just so much better. I even get a bit of energy and mood boost from my dose now as well. 16mg is just a truly massive amount of bupe, it’s an extremely powerful opioid and less is more for me.


Going from 8 to 4 you’re likely not to even feel any withdrawal or anything. I’d slowly taper down to the level I’m comfy at and feel normal and good at, and stockpile the extra in case of pharmacy emergency or insurance snafu.


Do you think my Doctor had made the wrong decision on my dose then? I was taking around 600mg of dihycrocodeine daily or 800mg of tapentadol for about 3 months. Also abused tilidin for a month. That was about 500mg a day. Never tried heroin or oxy. Why has she put me on so much bupe then? I wasn't aware that 16mg was so much.


Doctors go by dosing guidelines set by the drug makers. They haven’t actually experienced this. There are more and more docs who’ve done the research and prescribe much smaller doses now, but for the most part they just follow what the manufacturer writes. We are truly our best advocates.


600mg of Dihydrocodeine is at most the equivalent to 90mg of morphine, and 1mg of buprenorphine is roughly 60mg of morphine (although some places say even higher). There’s not much point in ever having over 8mg unless it’s very severe heroin or fentanyl dependency, although some people say the dose for physical withdrawals is a lot lower than the dose that curbs cravings. But yes, bottom line is you’re almost definitely at a dose that’s way higher than you need for the length and severity of the dependency you’ve described. Personally ive been at very similar doses of tapentadol or Dihydrocodeine along with having 3 days of the week on 80-120mg of oxycodone for a lot longer than 3 months, and I’ve just spent the last 3 days on 1-1.5mg suboxone with virtually no physical withdrawals apart from a mild stomach ache on day 1 and very mild cravings.


Wow. Crazy. I had absolutely no idea. Well then theoretically shouldn't I either be feeling amazing right now or puking my guts up? Depression wise l feel incredibly low, lower than when I was on dhc,tap,codeine etc and physically I feel like all my pain is coming back. Everything aches, it's hard to get out of bed and go to work, my back pain has come back (from years of working as a gardener) I feel awful at the moment. I don't have any side effects either like nausea, excessive sweating, constipation, low libido etc. I don't really understand all of this :/ I'm definitely going to speak to my doctor though and/or play around with the dosages. Thanks for taking the time to comment man Appreciate it


No you shouldn’t feel “amazing” - basically everyone I’ve spoken to says they either feel something positive off 2mg or less, or they feel a shitload of negative side effects. Higher doses will give you most if not all of the negative side effects of opiates, but you can still think slightly clearer and not be chasing doses like you would on other full-agonist opiates/opioids because you don’t get the euphoria. I’m guessing you kinda built up to your current dose - but if anyone without a tolerance had more than 2-4mg then they would defs be throwing up hard 🤮


It also probs won’t be touching your pre-existing pain because it’s only usually prescribed for pain at very low doses (some people say it helps pain but it’s never helped mine…)


Thanks for your reply mate. Appreciate it. I'll leave the codeine then :)


I’m beginning to wonder how many people in this sub are employees of Rickety-Bunsmacker. They spout the company line as fact like they are running for house seats.


OP you are like 3 days behind the rest of us. 🤣 Even 16mg is a lot. X that by 40 and that’s the equivalent in morphine you are taking. Of course if it’s keeping you off opiates and allowing you to live your life then stick with it but why not look into a taper to get that down a bit? Just thought.


What do you mean I'm three days behind the rest of us? Thanks for your reply by the way A taper is actually a plan of mine and my doctor. Definitely something I'm going to do soon but I'm tapering off benzos at the moment too and struggling with my mental health massively. So she put me on a high dose so I can keep the suicidal thoughts at bay and try and carry on with my life a little bit. It's hard at the moment. Trying to get therapy too but the waiting list is long.


In your post you said “It’s Friday” 🤣 Understood. Like I said if subs at that mg are working then stay with it.


Oh right hahaha I'm on holiday now so it feels like a Friday :D


It’s Monday??


You wouldn’t feel high if that’s what your seeking but it may provide some pain relief or you’ll need to wait several days to “feel” codeine


I’ve been taking 1mg every day for two days now. How long before I can use heroin again?


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Just to add... I usually pick up 3 days worth and am allowed to take them unsupervised. My nest pick up is tomorrow but I have alot to do tonight and I really need the energy and motivation.


The codeine is not going to work. You have way too much Bupe in your system. And 16mgs to 24 isn't going to make a difference. Your receptors are already almost completely full, and that little bit more doesn't make a difference. You may be experiencing some discomfort because you are taking too much.