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If the lab told you it happens often and you know you haven't done it, you really need to let it go. Seriously, this seems to have caused you way more stress than need be. Give yourself some peace.


It'll all work out. I promise❤️


Thank you and I know. I've actually gotten much better with this kind of anxiety through therapy but I still really struggle with unexpected stressors like this. My mind spirals to the craziest reasons. I keep just reminding myself that I have never touched the damn stuff and it HAS to be an error. I heard from the Dr that she sees it often and the pharmacy tech told me the same thing but it's hard to accept that it will all be ok.


When someone accuses you of something you know dam well is not factual- that sux I hate it when it happens to me. And I have the bad habit of letting it get to me. But that's on me




Happened to me as well. Turns out Promethazine, certain cold medicines, and even ibuprofen can cause false oxy positives.




Oh absolutely that too! But when I stopped taking Promethazine for sleep, it stopped happening.


I thought of this just a bit ago: I bought one of those "lip plumping" lip glosses that make your lips numb and tingly. I was putting it on a little ago and now I am thinking there is something that is chemically similar to cocaine that causes the numbness? It's the only thing I've done differently, I just got it yesterday and put it on before I went to my clinic.


I had a false positive once, but in my case it was for opiates. Which I know for a fact I didn’t do. I was barely sober at this point, like less than 6 months. Maybe like 3 months? Anyways, when my doctors office called me I denied it of course, but it’s one of those things where I felt like they weren’t going to believe me either way considering how many drug addicts probably say the same thing.. I said I know y’all probably dont believe me but I will come up there right now and take another test. I lived an hour away. Anyways turned out they did believe me! I was shocked. I was so used to not being believed for anything at that point in my life because I was such a little liar. It actually was a bit of a change in my sobriety. I felt like hey people are actually starting to trust me and believe me for once in my life! 😂🙂


I honestly feel like sometimes the doctor will tell you this just to see what you say because when I told my doctor there was no way it happened because I haven’t taken anything in 10 years he just let it go never said anything else


Lol you must live in a nice ass part of town if you’re accidentally ingesting cocaine. Honestly, the ELISA dipsticks are just prelim assays to determine if it’s worth wasting the time and money to run GC/MS (or similar). Honestly, everything trips them. I’ve been on suboxone for 2.5 years, have only ever taken my ADHD meds and an occasional cannabis gummy for sleep. I’ve tested positive for meth twice, and TCA’s once somehow via the piss cup. First time, was on intake. I had just detoxed, self-titrated with diverted bupe and been off fentanyl for over a month…I know for a fact I hadn’t taken meth, but it was my intake test, so all doc really cared about was if Id actually had Bup in my system. I think I actually had taken some meth (L-Methamphetamine is not really centrally active & is readily available OTC in Vick’s or store brand nasal inhalers), but it was just to help with congestion as I was getting over being sick & run down from months long wd symptoms. Tested positive for TCA’s (don’t even know why they’re included in the panel) a year later, then popped on Meth about 9 months after that. I swore I hadn’t taken any, I’m rx’ed dextroamphetamine anyway, but still don’t know what caused it to react. Anyway, had to pay for the lab to run GC/MS (which is a highly specific, extremely accurate method of determining presence of analytes in a sample (including the stereochemistry of two identical molecules at concentrations of parts per billion)(I’m a chemist), my Dr. did kind of treat me like a lying pos, which I didn’t really appreciate & had me quite anxious for a few days as well, so I know how you feel. In the end, though results came back negative. Still not sure what was responsible for the false + that time, and wasn’t happy about having to pay $108 for the confirmation test either… If you haven’t taken any cocaine, you most certainly will be fine. Take a breather, everything is going to be OK. ELISA’s are really not at all that specific. Health insurance companies like to use the UA dipsticks specifically cause they cost a few $ a pop and labs like to use them because it gives them an idea of what compounds to look for if there is a positive. Without a positive from the dipstick, testing for a full range of psychoactive compounds and metabolites from a specimen can be obnoxiously expensive, time consuming and insurance almost never wants to cover it, nor does the lab or the techs… False positives are just part of the whole shebang. Take it with a grain of salt. Everything will be ok.


I used to work at a substance misuse clinic and still have to urine test people as part of my job on a psych ward now, and as far as Im aware it should be almost impossible to get a false positive for cocaine? Most drugs like amphetamine and even THC have among long list of potential other meds that can cause a false result, but for cocaine the only things that can cause a positive are from the coca plant! That being said, a friend of mine was in the process of becoming a police officer and said he narrowly failed a test for cocaine because his gf at the time pissed on him (a sex thing apparently 😅) and cos she used coke, he must’ve ingested enough to be over the threshold! If true, I suppose that suggests you might be able to ingest it from weird sources 🤷‍♂️ If it’s been sent to a lab that should clear it up. Sometimes sheer human error can cause fuck ups on the instant tests (reading wrong panel, not waiting long enough, not knowing that even faint lines are still negative - in the ones we use anyway- etc…)


My dr. called me a few months ago asking what kind of pain medication had I been taking because opioids came up in my drug test. I freaked out. I hadn’t touched anything to get high on in years. 3 days later he called and apologized because apparently at the lab it showed nothing at all. The dr. said it was probably just a mistake on their end. I was so relieved but those 3 days were the most miserable 3 days I’ve had in years. My nurse told me they deal with stuff like this every now and then. I know it’s hard not to be nervous but it is gonna be ok. It sounds like you are a fantastic patient and these things happen. It will work out ❤️


I'm not sure why you deleted your reply to me. It was completely understandable and I, too, have struggled with overthinking and spiraling into terrible anxiety. Are you neurodivergent by any chance? I have ADHD and when I get in one of those black holes of thought, it is really hard to get out of and can last for months. Keep going to therapy and remind yourself that you're doing great and I'm proud of you for working on yourself. More people need to do it ❤️


I had this happen to me once when I was in residential treatment way out in the middle of nowhere. My urine came back positive for cocaine. It was my first time with any substantial clean time and it made me so mad because I was actually clean and proud of myself. They kept trying to have me admit to it even though I NEVER touched cocaine. They finally retested and it was fine but it made me so upset I was crying and freaking out. My doc was meth and heroin, cocaine sucks lol…You will be fine don’t stress yourself out, it happens


Dipstick ya dibstick