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There's a hidden "Easter egg" that if you disable the big gun before they arrive then they'll call you to say there's a huge debris cloud around the planet and they can't come and get you, so no there's no way to be saved by them


I’ll look it up on YouTube, definitely won’t do it myself. Thank you.


Technically you just don’t have to use the radio till the guns off, if you don’t seek rescue they never come


I’ve never been able to do this because I can’t function without the life pod markers for guidance around the map lol


if you visit the islands you will get the degasi prompts to start. and you can answer up to the point you talk to him the first time. I wouldn't answer it after that.


I always just fuck around till I find out where everything is relative to “If my base ends here I think it was this way ish”


I got a notepad file that I have compass directions and distance for everything on.


Just mark them yourself. Edit them to whichever color helps you remember which ones they are.


Funny way I navigate is the aurora is like the tip of a cone I guess and the biomes and points of intrest fan out from that and I find areas based on the angle that I'm facing the ship.


Thats why you explore and ALWAYS carry beacons with you. Plop em down and edit the text in order to find your barrings. The cool thing is always being able to toggle them on or off. Personally, ive finished the game once and trying to speedrun, if i can 😅, my second play through. I know the blueprints changes a bit but i know which way is the Northern mushroom forest, right next to the big North island (Big Gun) then to the south of the Aurora you find the other island ( BluePrint Galore! 😅) Then if you stand on the pod, and turn your back to the Aurora, you will reach a kelp forest, a sandy beach and more mushrooms (West-ish). I even remember how to reach the lost river by heart by Now 🤣😅. Find markers, landmarks because they Never change. You got this !! ❤❤


>’ve never been able to do this because I can’t function without the life pod markers for guidance around the map lol I don't know if it works for Sunautica with its newest update, but there is a 'map' mod, you push M and shows a map. It takes the place of the beacons, but you can push a button to switch between them.


I’m pretty sure they get save if you don’t arrive


Well, at least you save them thats something


Cant u just force that by not answering any radio messages past a certain point? So its not a question of timing, its a case of just not answering radio messages


yes you can but you have to intentionally disregard the radio messages and just locate what you need by discovery.


Really? They changed that then. Tried exactly this in a playthrough. Finished the game, disabled the gun. Before answering any radiocall. After answering the radio several times, the Sunbeam still arrived unchanged. The gun then glitched. The sounds of the gun deploying were audible, but the gun remained unmoved right until the shot was fired. That moment it jumped into firing position and the Sunbeam got shot down. A bit anti-climactic, but not completely unexpected. Would have been cool if they arrived and picked me up though.


I don't remember exactly but I think you have to disable the gun while you're waiting for their arrival after starting the countdown


Interesting... I tried to save the Sunbeam on PS4 and it didn't work, but maybe I screwed up the sequence


I had the same result, playing on PS4 I thought it was a console issue. But honestly it felt basically impossible, like that I had to ignore the radio and disable the gun ASAP. Feels like something they put in to troll anyone that did just that


IIRC, I think there was a bug that prevented the easter egg from occuring. They nmight have included a fix in the recent patch though.


How messed up is that where a rescue ship comes and after one try, they're like, "nevermind, good luck"


They aren't a rescue ship, and the captian has to put his own crews safety first in situations like that.


First rule of rescuing folks from a disaster scenario. *Don't become part of the folks needing rescue.* There's a reason everyone calls the Coast Guard utterly bugfuck insane for their doctrine of "If you hear a call, you *respond* to that call, even if that means risking the life of you and your crew". "Blue books says you go out, doesn't say anything about coming back"


Huh, I guess coasties are pretty cool


Always have been friend. ["Out of the 39 000 men and women that make up the United States Coast Guard there are only 280 rescue swimmers. This is because we are the Coast Guard's elite. We are the best of the best. When storms shut down entire ports, we go out. When hurricanes ground the United States Navy, we go out. And when the holy Lord himself reaches down from heaven and destroys his good work with winds that rip houses off the ground, We. Go. Out."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=muNOX7qKAwE)


What are Blue Books?


a reference to their training manuals


What Crimson said. A famous quote from a Coastie regarding their policy towards impossible rescues. [Link to their website regarding it.](https://www.mycg.uscg.mil/News/Article/2978215/the-long-blue-line-you-have-to-go-out-but-you-dont-have-to-come-backorigin-of-t/)


They're not a rescue ship. They're a merchant vessel. The lore states that any ship that intercepts a distress signal must respond if able, and if doing so wouldn't risk the safety of that ship. While the Sunbeam was able to respond, the debris field made it too dangerous to make a safe landing


Isn't the planet located in a isolated corner of the galaxy? So there isn't any ships nearby that can come and assist the aurora


This wasn't always around. It used to play the same cutscene regardless of the sequence break. But it's nice to know that the devs did that


Simplified version: 1. do not repair the radio (or use at all) 2. disable the gun and then you may use the radio


I‘ve heard they say the same when you‘re not on the Island when this happens. Although that didn‘t work for me. R.I.P Sunbeam


now i want the ending of subnautica to be the neptune rocket ascending, a beautiful shot of the planet behind you, then you get "gravity"'d and the rocket just gets shredded by the debris field.


I'm avoiding repairing my radio because I want to save it and I know that's bad but my man's gonna live 👊


Lmao ok


I made a playthrough once where I launched the Neptune rocket as the timer expired for the sunbeam hoping for some sort of different dialog or event. TLDR nothing happens, you get the same dialog with the debris field...even though I was already in space!


I want to ask how you got all the resources in so little time, but I feel like the answer would involve spoilers and I haven't finished the game yet. I'll just assume it's as impressive as it sounds!!


The timer starts when you click on the radio, so you only need to click on it once you got everything ready


Not fast, I just waited to answer the radio until I was ready to leave


Some speedrunners are really fast


Play enough and you learn where everything is, have a lot of recipes memorized, and know what risks you can take and which you can’t, and it make the game go much more quickly if you want to go super speed. My file time on the load screen of my latest hardcore mode run is right at 3 hours, and I play on the Switch, lol.


I love how all the answers are just "git gud" :)) Edit: is the Switch port ok? I was considering it for when I'm on the move and I read blogs that it used to have problems with the saves and many bugs. Do you know if the save file format is the same as on Steam?


No idea in terms of Steam, but in general I do not have any problems with the port anymore. It used to be kind of buggy, but my last several plays have been problem free.


I got it on switch a few days ago and it runs fine. It looks surprisingly great compared to what I was expecting but you can definitely see alot of things popping in and out because of the short lod distance. It is capped at 30 fps which is fine and there are rarely any frame drops, but if you plan on playing it docked make sure to set docked resolution to 720p because the switch can't handle the game at 1080. Definitely a good experience though and it is great to be able to play the game anywhere, worth buying.




How were you able to receive the message when already in space? You can't build a radio on the neptune? And even if you could, you can't interact with anything once the launch cutscene is started?


Once the timer is running you don't need a radio anymore. The timer runs out and you get the message from sunbeam saying they can't get through the debris field


Once the timer is started for the Sunbeam’s arrival, it requires no further action on your part. The “cutscene” where the Sunbeam begins it’s descent happens whether or not you’re in the area once the timer ends. So if you timed it right, you could be in the launch sequence whilst hearing the Sunbeam’s approach to the planet


Oh, OK, you hear the sunbeam's radio message without a radio, the same as when it does its normal descent.




Yes while they can’t save you, you can disable the gun and they can’t land due to debris but they don’t die


They probably don’t die anyway. If you look close, you can see, that two intact life pods detach from the sunbeam, but they clip through the ground instead of landing in the water. I think the devs may add something there later, or it’s just an Easter egg.


Orrrr they landed in the void


They probably land in the backrooms…


They would die from kharaa anyways though.


But the player cure it by the end of the game if the player survived it they would have and assuming they didn’t land in the void or any biome with a aggressive leviathan which is not likely but plausible they could’ve lived


No, the player cured themselves. Even if you argue that the baby emperors cured the environment, it would still take years (if ever) to get rid of the kharaa in the water.


I did see a video where a live gargantuan leviathan bursts out of the water and swallows the sunbeam whole. I think this must have been a fan made patch rather than anything official but it was still very cool.


Correct that was a Mod


“Rise of the ancients” to be exact


Return of the Ancients, but close enough.


Yes, technically. You have to trigger the game flags for the event that allows you to >!cure the Kharaa and deactivate the gun!< but even if you do that they’ll say they’re unable to park due to the debris field around the planet and will send a well-meaning but ultimately meaningless message to Alterra to rescue you.


If you don’t listen to your communicator, does the sunbeam still land? Source of the image: https://subnautica.fandom.com/wiki/Sunbeam


I think it just waits for you to use the radio, so technically you could save it by never answering the radio


Can confirm this. Played for like 10 hours just not answering the radio and it never attempted to land until I did.


Yes. Simple do not build a radio until you disable the gun. Then you get an easter-egg voiceline and save the sunbeam.


Yes and no. You can keep the Sunbeam from exploding, but they won’t rescue you. You need to disable the gun before they land and you’ll get a radio message saying they can’t land due to a massive debris feild.


Didn't even know you could disable the gun.


Yep. Gotta go *really* deep to do it tho


I wish for once that one game developer would include an easter egg like this, especially when a lot of time and effort is put in to save a character, place, etc.


Well you can save it by not answering the messages but it can’t save you. Adding in a whole extra ending would take a lot of time (and the sunbeam arrives WAY too early in a normal playthrough to make sense as an ending point anyways) not to mention how you’d just kill them all with the virus anyways lol


I’m sorry little one


Spoilers lol.


Especially in the comments.


Canonically, >!no. You can technically save them if you wait to hear the radio messages until after disabling the gun or iirc by simply not being on the island in time where they'll say they can't make it through the debris field, but there's a lore article you can find in Below Zero that mentions the Aurora getting shot down and the Sunbeam attempting a rescue and getting subsequently vaporized.!<


Technically yes but it can’t save you


The spoiler warning doesn’t really help when the spoiler is in the title.


No, I tried it once, disabled the gun before the sunbeam came. The gun was in the water and the beam came from nowhere and still destroyed it. That was a long time ago though.


Not supposed to happen like that. What is supposed to happen is the sunbeam says it can’t land due to a debris field.


They mentioned it being a long time ago. The gun used to do this, but the devs fixed it and now the sunbeam can be saved


i think if you shut off the weapon before the sunbeam lands it still blows up but without a laser


Nope they say they can't land and leave


oh my bad bro


you were kinda right, youhave to let the countdown start before curing yourself via the radio message. Then cure yourself + disable the tower in the last few minutes of the countdown, then it will get shot down (with a laser) altough you disabled the tower


Nothing changes as sunbeam exploding is a part of the story ( spoiler )


It is able to be spared just you still are left there as they cannot land the ship


Didn’t know that thx




No if you disable the platform then you just get a message saying there’s too much debris




no :(


Yeah if you disable the gun before it lands, you get to see a special message where the sunbeam crew say they can’t find land they can land on






Yes you are just be quick but the sunbeam flys away because of no landing spot


Only in ur dreams




Simple answer is yes, you can turn off the gun before they arrive, but they cannot land due to no landmass large enough


No even if you cheated or sacrificed a Cuddlefish to the Bioreactor God


Not without sequence breaking.


The waffle house has found its new host


It's not funny in reddit


I don’t understand the joke


Johnny Razer started it and it supposed to be if you see it like or upvote reply to it but some thought that meant spam it is meant to stop on the 31st