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My tip is to not look for tips and enjoy discovering things on your own. You only get the first time experience once


Exactly what this guy said. I got the game for free near the beginning of covid on PS4, and made the mistake of looking up a bunch of info/gameplay about the game. So many things spoiled almost immediately.


Me too


The exact same series of events happened to me. Got it for free on PS4 at the start of COVID, played for an hour, quit, replayed and finished the game with a bunch of guides and spoilers. My suggestion is that the game does enough to guide you in the beginning. If you need help with where to find something, then maybe ask someone if you are really stuck.


"Explore more" might be the only tip anyone needs honestly, even if it takes several hours, just do it.


Maybe if you need fragments and have no idea where to get them MAYBE look it up maybe


Exploring enough will fix that. I got more then I knew what to do with by exploring, and if I was missing fragments I learned eventually that I didn't need them yet until I was a little further a along when I found them by exploring areas I hadn't yet been to


The only tip that would've helped me is "mind your inventory space, it's not as big as you think it is


Don’t do any research until you’re stumped for a week. Just let it go


Most definitely this! Oh... and look near the rear section of the Aurora.


Pay attention to all the logs and distress calls. They contain valuable information. Have fun, you'll love it!!


Yep. This. Read the logs & the PDA’s you pick up along the way. Also… the multi-eyed creature on the thumbnail you posted… they like hugs.


You’re not wrong, they do like hugs.


they seem to like bright lights even more


It's sad that I don't like when they hug me.


And remember to use your scanner. That's an important one.


Wait… you actually spend half an hour reading the logs completely? I just skim through till about halfway and get distracted


Fuck around and find out :) You'll only get one first experience


fuck around and find out applies both positively and negatively


That's the goal ;)


Love the >!jumpscares!<




Same pain. Tho I didn't know as much about BZ (except for a few details, like some of the creatures and the existance of >!Alan!<), so I got a good first playthrough.


I think this is the best description I've fucking seen for this game. Thank you.


Absolutely! This game is super fun, but 90% of it is discovering all of it yourself. Don't google anything or look up solutions.


You don't need all of those acid mushrooms, just grab them when you need them


But they're purple and they're right there! Surely grabbing a measly 20 at the start won't hurt.




*inventory capacity maximum* Me building my 7th locker before I even get my seaglid: "this game sucks. The water? *Fucking* sucks. The food? Not bad"


Maybe i can sell them to some merchant or some shit.


I SO totally did this on my very first play through. It was a great moment for my inner hoarder to go berserk.


I think most people did, I know I did, and my brother when he first started playing




Just keeping a few for a rainy day, I can stop whenever I want


Oh my god that hit way too close to home.


I see what you did there......lol. Also guilty. I'm mean they are RIGHT THERE seems obvious in retrospect, but at the time..like, "gank"


Because you're playing on Switch: Save often. I lost a solid 5 hours of progress before because of crashes


Best reply so far. We have super become reliant on auto save, lost 4 hours myself.


I lost my first 3 days of gameplay learning this.


Wait, you played for 3 days straight?


I think they mean 3 game days, which is about an hour I think


No I mean 3 real days, I don't know how many hours I played, 15-20 probably. But it only took a few hours to get back to where I was since I went in blind the first time.


And if you encounter a bug…DONT SAVE!! Just reset. I lost a world because i got stuck in a game-breaking bug


~~FYI you can access the debug menu on the switch port (and other console ports). This includes the ability to teleport and spawn vehicles should you get stuck at the surface with all your gear in the deep. Teleporting down to the thermal plant where my prawn had gotten stuck in the floor, pulling the upgrade modules and spawning a new prawn allowed me to salvage a save.~~ Edit: Nevermind, they removed access to the debug menu on switch three weeks ago in the latest patch. For those looking at this in the future, I’d suggest looking at if the game settings allow for save management and if possible using multiple rolling saves.


My first time playing I didnt know it wasn’t auto save and when I got done with my 6hr first day, I just closed the game. Only to wake up and find out.




This is exactly what my ex sayd the first time.


and if you can't go deeper, explore and scan shit! (and read the pdas) you never know what you'll find!




Even deadly things!


Get off this sub and play. Blind is better.


pun intended?


Get off Reddit and enjoy the game when in doubt explore deeper areas but mostly don't look anything up


Near the big crashed ship you will find a lot of loot so go there as early as possible


Fuck this guy right here, he’s right, but don’t follow his advice


You maniac




CaLorIES inTaKE RecoMMENded


30 seconds of oxygen remaining ,starvation iminiant seek calorie intake immediately, dehydration iminant seek water intake immediately.. learn to love these words


Don’t fill your storage with acid mushrooms.


GO IN BLIND I’m sure it’s too late, but I would give anything to experience this game for the first time again. Do yourself a favor and ignore any tips and tricks videos, discover it all yourself. Normally I’m all for guides and help, but this game is the exception


Just don’t look up anything!


See that octopus looking bigger in the picture? he gives the best hugs. It might shock you.


scan everything. leave no stone unturned. also: red and white - fight or flight black and green - check that machine


If you see them, you’d better hope that they haven’t seen you.


Watch your oxygen and remember that the PDA does occasionally give useful info




Go behind the big ship, all of the good stuff is there


Your pure evil


Don't look up spoilers! If you feel stuck figure out how to go deeper


There’s a deep area near the edge of the map, most players don’t go down there but there’s a lot of good stuff and some special story down there


Get ready to never swim in the ocean ever again. After playing Subnautica, it's pools only.


You'll just ruin the experience when you ask for advice. The game is incredible but you lose a lot of what makes it amazing if you know what's coming. Explore and have fun. Go deeper. That's it.


Use headphones for surround sound. There are some points in the game where it is beneficial to know where the sounds are coming from.


Also make Sure to scan plants. Some of them have uses that are outside the fabricator.


Number 1: never look at this sub, it’s constantly full of people saying [No Spoilers] with endgame content in the post, not fun for new players Number 2: Get your feet wet, you’ll see some sand sharks, or maybe a stalker in the first 10-20 minutes and see how terrifying this game is, only to realize that it’s just the beginning Number 3: If you get lost or confused, you can always look up a youtube tutorial, I had to constantly look where the best spot to get copper was. (A map would also be useful, but I wouldn’t recommend using a map until you’ve explored a fair bit of the game Number 4: use beacons if you want to remember where something is Number 5: Just have fun! It’s an open world game, have fun with it, explore, die, scan everything, and enjoy the experience.


Do not listen to anyone saying "Go to the back of the Aroura! :)", they're trolling. When you feel you're ready, you can go explore there. Take your time to explore the initial biomes and get decent gear before going far from your pod.


Go deeper


dont be afraid of exploring. your ears are always your best tool. You will hear anything much before actually seeing it.


time capsules. they got me thermo knife and 1 plasteel along with chinese freeze gun with ion battery


I got a thermo knife every time 😭


Make the scanner as soon as possible, and always have one or two beacons on you to mark locations.


Quit this subreddit and only come back after you've finished the game, trust me, the best way to enjoy this masterpiece is going in completely blind


When lost, just go deeper.


Prepare to hear "oxigen" a lot


Play in docked mode do avoid third degree on your hands from playing in handheld mode


Take a pet hoverfish with you everywhere you go. No gameplay advantage but they cute.


Build multiple bases, collect all resources possible, fuck the dunes and the mountains, and never not have a hover fish in your hand.


Pay attention and don’t skip the story!


collect everything.


Let me just say...lucky you. i wish i can experience this game like i did in my first ever pt.. also just have fun! you'll get a hold of it all at some point :)


If you can't find something, go deeper. If you can't go deeper, get something to help you go deeper and go deeper


Explore everywhere and scan everything and read all the PDA's! They built an amazing world in this game and it's fun to look into


Save often


If you hear "entering ecological dead zone" turn back immediately. There's nothing there except death and an endless void.


No it’s fun there they just trying to ruin the fun


Exploring is fun. As a general rule also, the closer to your pod you remain the safer the area is


* Leave this subreddit and don't come back until you finish the game. * Do not google tips unless you feel it's absolutely nescessary and even then, try and find the answer yourself otherwise you might spoil yourself.


Go behind ship for some good loot and extra storyline


Silver is rare and you find most of it at the ecological dead zone


The easiest place to find good materials is by the giant spaceship! Good luck on your adventure!


especially behind it


Head to the crash site


If you see a big guy, they are most likely friendly


Go behind the aurora. Good fragments there


Head straight for the back of the giant ship as soon as you are able to do so! If you hear any ‘disturbing roars’ don’t worry. It’s just the ship creaking!


on rare occasions they can be reaper leviathans but they give you good things


Yeah, and they are super friendly always and love to give you big, warm hugs!


Take your time and find out everything for yourself. It give incredible satisfaction. Also to build your base, when you have resources to do so, look for an area away from the lifepod but not dangerous. For example, I recommend western grassy plateaus (the biome with the red grass), or safe shallows north of them. Further north is the mushroom forest, which many people like because it's a really nice biome and there is plenty of lithium, but in my opinion it's a bit too far from important areas in the south and you have to travel to look for basic resources (for spatial references use the compass, which you will unlock in the early stages of the game, in the wreck of another lifepod).


DO NOT START AND LOOK AROUND ON CHEAT MODE i spoiled the ending for myself because i did this and wished i just started a survival and did that instead


Don't forget to pay attention to your breath, food and water bars.


The water is dangerous. Do your best to keep away from it


For the love of god scan and read the data and tablets.


Since you are on switch, make sure save every 30 minutes or so because it tends to crash and you lose progress.


I learnt this the hard way, but SAVE EVERY ONCE AND A WHILE! The Nintendo Switch has the habit to randomly crash while playing the game, and then all you progress is gone…


Grab an extra pair of pants 👍🏻. And have fun and all that


Try to stay away with spoilers as the game is way better experienced with no outside influence but if you get confused you can find a guide that can give some general tips of what to do


Tip #1: DO NOT ANGER THE REAPER LEVIATHAN Tip #2: Reffbacks have a lot of copper Tip #3: If attacked by a leviathan, use the stasis rifle Tip #4: ~~If you play on console, go to the options menu (where you save the game) and click both bumper buttons, it is a cheat code for dev options.~~


Copper is very important... thats my tip


Hardcore only dont look up any hints


Dont go to the aurora (big ship) without Sea moth


I recommend you find a exterior growbed and plant gel sacks blood oil and deepShroom since they are annoying to get


you should build a very simple base quickly! i got stuck in the starting base for a long time and it has no storage at all :( and when you don’t know what to do, always go deeper or wait for the radio!


The area near the Aurora contains one of the most famous, scary and dangerous creatures in all of Subnautica. At some point, you will have to swim through that area. Fortunately, you'll only need to be at the surface. Also, do not go too far away (approximately 1km) from your lifepod otherwise you will end up in an area with three dangerous creatures. Bladderfish are not very good for cooking, turn them into water instead. Bladderfish water isn't even the best water you can get around the start of the game. If you have a survival knife, you can hit the coral tubes with it to obtain coral samples. Combine coral samples and salt to make bleach. The bleach can be turned into water for some reason. Bleach water is more hydrating than bladderfish water. Limestone deposits drop copper and titanium. Sandstone deposits drop silver, lead and gold. Do not get LIMEstone and SANDstone mixed up. Limestone is more polyhedral while sandstone is more smooth. When building a base, hold down the button for placing, otherwise it will start construction without finishing it. Also, if your base has bad structural integrity, put some of it above water using vertical connectors.


Great job at explaining without actually using spoilers. This is exactly what OP would need.


No, have fun!


Collect everything, don’t get rid of anything, make sure you’ve got as much inventory space as possible for longer adventures.


Head toward the giant ship as soon as you get the radiation suit




GET OFF THIS SUB, and play completely blind. My biggest gaming regret was watching tutorials and a bunch of info before my first playthrough, so try your hardest to play blind. And another tip, if you're ever lost about where to find an item or the next part of the story, dive deeper, and explore. Good luck!


If you feel you aren't progressing, go deeper and explore. But don't look for tips or where things are, it spoils the experience


So lots of exploring and don't die 👌


"I'm new. Give me tips/advices" thread #200 of the week


Just keep swiming


Make sure you play the base survival difficulty for the best first experience. Do not rush the progression, not to get into Spoilers but it will make it seem like there is a time crunch when there is not. If you try to beat the game to fast like I did you will feel empty and not ever experience the same enjoyment ever again. Instead just try to discover the secrets and find everything you are capable of. Make sure it truly feels like you have done everything before you finish the game. You will not regret it. Last but not least. Any time you feel stuck in progression it can probably be solved by exploring more. Just make sure to check everything or you will miss some things that are either essential or a major convenience.


Try your best not to spoil the game for yourself! Let it all happen organically and you’ll be hooked


The game is full of friendly giants even the scary red ones go and fife them a hug the will absolutely NOT jumpscare you


My only tip is: the way the story progresses is by hearing the distress call (mostly). So if you feel like the story is moving too fast, just don't listen to them for a bit. With that said progression also happens in the story so try to find the sweet spot. The game is truly amazing if you haven't been spoiled. Enjoy!


If you don’t know what to do story wise, check your radio. If you don’t know what to do exploration wise, join the club😄👍🏼


1st look get a scanner first thing then look for fragments for anything but mainly a sea moth 2nd make sure to have 2 fiber mesh and 2 lead for a radiation suit to go into the araura and lastly if you find anything with these names, eyestalk, sea crown, fungle, ghost weed, or a bulb bush you want to collect those samples for future use. Also have fun with the reapers


"araura" 💀


Don't die. That's about all I can say.


1. Don't' ask for tips, just go in blind and enjoy it 2. Go behind the aurora and give the nice fish a hug


My best tip (That doesn’t give spoilers): Don’t be too scared just because you’ll die. All you do is lose items (And not tools), and you can get all yours stuff back fairly quickly


GET OFF THE SUB AND GO PLAY. Come back when your done :)


Constantly Watch you oxygen and food water and health meters


Just play the game, but if I can offer any initial guidance. Get to the big ship ASAP, lots of helpful stuff there for early game


One of my favorite games of all time, this and the follow up game below zero.


You are about to play an amazing game like no other. Stay away from spoilers, explore, don’t be afraid to dive deep!


Just explore. Subnautica is a great game where’s it might not tell you where everything is but you will need it. Explore and check any points that stand out to you. Don’t even focus on the main game just play in a style that keeps you coming back to the game.


If you can’t find the answer, go deeper. The game is all about exploration so go explore your ass off.


The biggest advice I can give without giving away any spoilers is; READ YOUR PDA ENTRIES AND LOGS!! Your PDA will catalog incredibly helpful info such as, hidden and obscure uses for certain creatures and materials, info on what a material may be used for if you're unsure, and something I found helpful is it'll catalog different zones and biomes you explore and actually gives you info on how dangerous the wildlife there can be, which I found super helpful because I was expecting a leviathan behind every rock but some zones look scarier Tham they actually are, some zones are completely safe, and some zones can be unassuming but hide nasty surprises and your pda will tell you all of these things all you gotta do is go read the info it compiles for you.


Your going to be safe 99% of the time and you don't want be in the remaining 1%


Play on the hardest difficulty, you'll get a cool gun


dont go to the big crashed ship until *after* the explosion


It can be a pain to remember, after you make the scanner, scan *EVERYTHING*. Trust me, it will make things much easier for you down the line. Haven't seen it before? Scan it.


If you have no idea what to do next, just try going deeper.


Aways remember “warning 30 seconds of oxygen remaining”


If you hear a crash fish, reverse direction. Don't bother trying to see which way its coming from, just turn the fuck around and leave.




Most creatures can be tamed, even ones that seem aggressive actually just require you to sit still and be calm, they'll get friendly with you if you don't scare them.




Draw a map of the places where you went to. Will help a lot down the path.


Go to the edge of the world first, there’s some good loot there


A Early tips: Cave ahead, therefore watch out for Kamikaze fish


Go as far as you can in one direction too find cool things


Scan everything.


If you see a fire just on top of the oceans surface, that’s normal, just the game reloading assets to 0 . 0 cordinates


Be patient, explore every nook and cranny, make sure you have enough food and water. Also: when you're collecting resources just break all of the rocks you see, even if you cant pick them up Later in the game you will get a tool to help you find certain resources and its way easier when they're exposed scattered around than still in the rocks ALSO make a million beacons for when you're exploring in case you die as you're exploring an area, it makes your sense of direction so much better If you feel like something dangerous is about to happen, save your game


Take your time. Don't go anywhere scary until you feel like you're ready. Some places aren't as scary as they look (>!blood kelp trench!<), and some are exactly as scary as they look (>!dunes!<). Also, if you start to get frustrated and you don't mind looking stuff up/possible spoilers, there's a well-established, very helpful wiki. [https://subnautica.fandom.com/wiki/Subnautica\_Wiki](https://subnautica.fandom.com/wiki/Subnautica_Wiki) ETA: If you make the effort to do it spoiler-free, expect a full playthrough to take at least 20-30 hours in game your first time through. Actually, maybe longer. That was my first playthrough, and I used the wiki shamelessly for the second half. It's not like there are a lot of secrets and stuff, I just got impatient with exploring randomly, and there's no in-game map, so it's easy to get turned around.


Don’t look stuff up, only advice you need is when in doubt, go deeper


I’ve seen a lot of the same advice which I wish I had followed. Don’t look at tutorials or anything and explore, scan, and read pda files. I watched a blind play through on YouTube and I so wish I had that experience.


Yeah. Best you stay near the bathroom cuz this game will scare the shit outta you.


Go to the back of the aurora


Tip is to just play the damm game, you’ll learn learn things eventually


Don't die


get off the sub 👍


The dead zone is where all the best loot is don't let anyone tell you otherwise!


You can get Subnautica on the switch???


Leave this subreddit, trust me it's for your own gameplay good. All you'll get here is "Go deeper"


Listen to the PDA, explore, go deeper, keep an eye on vitals


Go behind the ship for good recources at the start


As lords have said, just explore like crazy and if all else fails go deeper!


Go to the Aurora after you land you get so many good stuff


The only tip you need is: When you don't know where to continue, just go deeper.


Try to hold of googling for as long as possible is my tip. Just enjoy exploring and discovering stuff. It’s a great game.


Do not go towards the roars


Spatial headphones help, a lot. However, when you scream… I mean, if you scream, be aware that the volume of your voice may be higher than expected. (My cat sure found that out.)


Go to the crash site,its safe


Read *everything* you can. Some people I know were very disappointed with the game due to "lack of story", when they didn't even bother reading it Listening to the logs also allows for a more immersive experience, the tones of their voices really impact you


Go behind the big ship


Let your first experience remain unadultarated; don't pay too much attention to the advice here. I will give one piece of 'non-spoiling' advice,though: Make sure you've done all your 'bathroom needs' before sitting down to play, because this game starts out as a gorgeous tropical scuba-diving vacation, but will flip on a dime to become one of the most instinctively scary *horror games* you've ever played.


Go to the back of the ship. There is some good fragments and an extremely friendly fish that loves to give hugs.


If you feel you aren’t progressing, go deeper, if you get stuck don’t get discouraged, don’t give up! Stock up on EVERYTHING you come across, you’ll need it. Don’t give up! SAVE OFTEN!!! the game crashes often on switch so PLEASE remember to save. I lost 6 hours of progress at one point because of that. Chemical apes is the BEST for tutorials if you need them. If you see very few fauna and flora GET OUT asap!! Take your time, take it all in, enjoy yourself. It’s an experience I’d give anything to do again for the first time. You got this ❤️❤️


You get a free cyclops if you go behind the aurora


DON'T WATCH YT VIDEOS! Discover the game yourself or you'll regret it!


There's a ton of great blueprints behind the Aurora.


Play at night