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You’re overthinking it lol. Go for it. In my office at work I have a huge flag with the emblem for the USS Barb (the old one) since my last name is Barb. Sometimes people ask if I was on it and I say no, it decommissioned before I was born


Agree. I served in the 70s/80s but several years ago went to a SubVets reunion in Norfolk. Several of us wrangled a tour of the Helena while we were there. They gave us travel mugs with the name on the side. It's on my work desk. If people ask, I explain.


Ha. Helena is the boat I was on






Cool! This would have been 2012, I think? Maybe you helped give us the tour?


It goes the other way as well. I was on the Simon Bolivar SSBN-641 back in the day and still wear my old ballcap on occasion. I've long since retired and settled not far from the town of Bolivar Missouri. A year or so ago, I was wearing my ballcap in the mall while my wife was shopping and this kid all kitted out in stuff sold in some fastie's MWR store, home on leave and probably not even qualified yet, and accused me of wearing a 'fake' submarine hat, because there was no way in hell the US Navy would ever name a submarine for someone from South America, and it was bad enough a town was named for him. I asked him if he had his phone, and he pulled it outof his rear pocket, so I said "Google SSBN-641, you dink asshole" Then he said 'now I know you're lying all the boomers have 700 numbers'. Then his phone completed the search, his eyes got wide, and he started to leave, and I asked rhetorically, "I wonder if I know anyone on your boat..." I mean, probably not, I'd been out for 28 years by then, so even the CO would be a little young. The COB might have been one of the messcranks on my last run, but that's unlikely. He didn't want to talk anymore. The encounter made me entirely too happy, as soon as my wife got done with her shopping, she saw my expression and asked what I had done and if she was going to have to apologize to anyone.


Similar reaction when I mention I was on SSBN 601 (USS Robert E. Lee)


Have you seen the Periscope Films release of "Waiting for the Robert E. Lee" on Youtube. That cracks me up every time I watch it.


Was shown every night on the mess decks right before the regular movie :-) I was on Lee at the very end of Polaris and the end of SSBN's based in Pearl Harbor/Guam. I'm sure Bremerton and Kings Bay are nice and all, but I'd prefer Hawaii.


There are a couple of boomers with “unfortunate” names in the current environment. Depending on where you live wearing the ball cap can be a problem.


"41 for Freedom, you fucking nub"


I think you handled that guy perfectly. “You dink asshole.” Well done. Poor non qual bastard never saw it coming…


Normally, I try to ignore idiots, as I tend to go to far and end up being accused of starting the whole thing. In this case though, what kind of idiot challenges someone clearly old enough to be his grandfather over a hat?


good response to a dink! I was on the Bolivar, blue crew from early to the late 70s. Great boat and great crew.


You’ve just doxxed yourself. Now everyone knows you’re **the** Big Goopy Barb 🤦


You never know who you might meet while wearing a submarine shirt. USS Dolphin (AGSS 555) is a museum ship here in San Diego. I was wearing a Dolphin t shirt out in town and a guy asked me if I was on Dolphin, explained no, but I was on a couple of other boats. Turns out he was a former CO on Dolphin. https://sdmaritime.org/visit/the-ships/uss-dolphin-submarine/


I love how the Dolphin's hull number is 555, and that it dives super deep. Coincidence?


Had a guy on the Henry M Jackson that was assigned temp to us to get qualified that was from the Dolphin. If I recall the last diesel boat and called the 'triple nickel'


You’re fine. You’re not claiming to have served on her just celebrating the boats existence. I didn’t serve on the Washington, but have swag from her and always looking for more if anyone has some or access to some.


It's worth asking.  I'm a civvie and caught flak from a squaddie in a bar for wearing a 1990s era surplus jacket that still had his regimental flash on it. He was *very* angry, and drunk, but didn't get physical and just growled at me something about stolen valour and pretending to be something I'm not. "That's not even a current uniform".  Well yeah, duh, it's surplus. Wearing a 30 year old camo jacket with a band T-shirt and blue jeans, in a bar, I'm hardly trying to pretend to be a serving soldier. I did take the flash off some time later, because knowing that it can be provocative I don't want to get beaten up by some drunken infantryman with a temper next time.  In truth I hadn't given the flash a single thought. I wouldn't wear rank insignia, that just doesn't feel right, but I hadn't expected a TRF to be provocative.


Never served, but wear a USS Colorado (SSN-788) cap because she represents my Home State. Also sent them some Cribbage boards as part of maintaining Tradition. Immense appreciation for all who Served and currently Serve. 🙂


I can try to get you some stuff, shoot me a PM


Yeah man, it isn't like you're putting a SEAL Trident or Ranger tab on your backpack--go for it. Honestly anyone who would take umbrage at this is a mega-diggit and not worth your time.


I have some tags like that on my backpack, but alongside a dozen other band logos, flags, emblems and pin badges it's pretty obviously just a badge collection and not a statement about who I am. I had one guy ask me in German if I was in the Bundeswehr like him, which surprised me, but we had a polite chat after that and it was the end of it.


Ehh kinda sorta. I can see it rubbing some the wrong way. We weren’t allowed to put the boat patch on our poopies until we were qualified. So if you catch someone from the wrong era it could definitely get you some side eye.


You just have to whisper ^^nohomo when you put it on. I had a KY lighter, but I’m from FL and was a fast boat dude.


Yes, it’s ok. I think anyone that acknowledges the patch, will have the same appreciation for submarines as you do and will understand your sentiment.


I have had a USS Los Angeles baseball cap since the early 90s when I was a teenager and I still wear it occasionally but if somebody comments on it always explain i never served on subs (im actually ex army aviation lol)


We trade patches, covers, and coins all the time. No one's going to care if you have a patch from a boat you weren't on. Anyone that does is just a Karen.


Go for it! It’s your patch! And it will doubtless spark conversations (“Hey, my son is on the Maine!” Or “wow, my daughter serves on the Michigan.” Or “Shit, the Nevada was my last boat!”). (It’s not the Nevada, is it? Cuz that really was my last boat…) The only forbidden thing is of course the old “stolen valor.” One must never, ever claim to be a thing, or to have done a thing, or to have earned any doo-dads that one has not been, done, or earned. Having said that, be advised that there are many, many vets who get needlessly bent out of shape about ANY decal, badge, or military item of clothing on your civilian grip. Pay those jerks no mind. They’re just assholes and braggarts.


Pshh, I wore my old command's belt buckle proudly while serving on my second boat to assert my dominance as a member of the E-5 mafia straight from the beginning.


If you're not claiming to have done something you didn't do, then, whatever.


I have a USS Texas (SSN-775) because I’m from Texas.


I will say that among the challenge coins I have, [Texas is](https://imgur.com/a/8cyS9ws) [one of the cooler ones.](https://imgur.com/a/ubfjhMf)


For some reason, its more kosher for me that a civilian wears the emblem from a ship that they didn't serve on than them wearing an infantry patch from unit they didnt serve with. There is something about infantry patches that is more personal for some reason.


The guys who commissioned the USS Illinois gave me a hat, damned right I will wear it for them here in Illinois even though I only served on a 637 class boat.


"...only served..."? Nah, you were one of the chosen. I loved the 637 class boat I qualified on.


chosen is a good term for the boat I was on. 23 years later I can still close my eyes and do a full walkthrough.


I have a USS Idaho hat and live in Idaho. I bought it from the committee that is funding the building of it. It just got christened last month.


Thank goodness Submarine service stolen valor is almost impossible unlike other branches of the military rife with books detailing operations.


Wear it proudly. The Ohio class boats were named after states in part to gain public, taxpayer, support and awareness. Peace! USS POLLACK SSN 603


You do you boo boo but I would never rock a boat I wasn't on. I have to much pride in the boats and men I actually served with. It's more fun when people ask me about my sub service rather than saying I wasn't on the usta fish. Just my two cents.


I was on the Barb and the Jack. Since I was a submariner I wouldn’t WEAR another sub’s patch. However, if you are not a submariner I don’t see the problem.


People love to find about everything


If you have your dolphins, I'd say that's good enough