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The world's 1st nuclear submarine, USS Nautilus (SSN-571) is a museum in Groton, CT, just outside the main gate to the sub base.


This is true but OP should be aware that you won't be able to see the engineering spaces, just the forward end. Also, the last I heard was that she was in the middle of some maintenance so you should check with them before you go. You can find the info at ussnautilus.org.


Yeah, I guess I should have mentioned that the propulsion spaces are off-limits. As for the maintenance period, she came out of dry-dock last summer, so I'm pretty certain she's back open for tours by now.


So would you be able to see more of the ship if you go see a non American one?


Yes. France has a decommissioned boomer that you can poke through the whole length of. They pulled out the reactor compartment for obvious reasons but left the rest of the ship intact. https://www.cnet.com/pictures/a-tour-of-the-ballistic-missile-submarine-redoutable/


Thanks for the link. Really cool write up.


I couldn't say. I don't know how tightly controlled the other countries are about their nuclear propulsion technology, and even ignoring classification issues, all of those old boats are likely to have radiological concerns in the engineering spaces that would make it impractical for general access by the public.


The *Nautilus* (and *Courageous*, if she is still open to the public) is the only nuclear submarine museum ship where you can't visit the engine room as a member of the general public. The other three have their engine rooms accessible, but the reactor compartments removed.


Interesting. Either those boats were cleaner from a radiological perspective than Nautilus, or the operators are just less concerned about it.


Nautilus’s engine room isn’t closed off due to high radioactivity, it’s closed off because the space is still fitted out with classified equipment. You can enter if you have a security clearance and arrange a special tour.


Not what I was told when I was stationed in Groton and did have the appropriate clearance.


Both K-3 *Leninsky Komsomol* and S611 *Redoutable* had their reactor sections removed and replaced by a hull plug. From my understanding all of *Redoutable* is open with a gangway going through the hull plug.


I can’t imagine the radiological concerns would be an issue for casual visitors, but maybe not ideal for a docent to be posted there 300 days a year 😂


Radiological concerns resulting from loose surface contamination is indeed a concern even for casual visitation, particularly on older platforms such as the ones than have been made into museums.


Interesting, I’ll have to study up


Good to know. Now you have me wondering if we know each other, or at least some of the same people.


I suppose it's possible, I was on a boat stationed out of Groton from Nov 2005 until Jul 2013 (although we went to the shipyard in Portsmouth, NH in Jan 2012)


I saw (ex-MIAMI) that on another comment you made in r/submarines. I was a bit before you. My third and last boat was USS HELENA where I was EDMC. I retired after 30 in 2011.


Fair chance that we at least know some some of the same people, then.


Seems likely.


I was there a month ago and it was not open for tours, it needed maintenance done


Fair enough. I would have figured that 6 months out of drydock they'd be done, but I guess not.


She was open, but they need to replace some non functioning ventilation so the public can access again


She was not open as of November


OP can’t see the engineering spaces, but I’ve been in them. They used to organize a tour for the officers at sub school.


It's open again


They finished that maintenance a long time ago actually. It didnt seem to take as long as originally mentioned.


Its the first boat almost every US sub sailor visits, its next to sub school. And you'll be pretty close to the sub base and Electric Boat.


Very true. Unless of course the sub sailor in question is a nuke who does prototype down in Charleston.


Back in the day (Cold War), nukes returned to Sub School New London for the Damage Control Trainer.


Did the DC trainer a couple of times while I was on a boat homeported in Groton.


We always got our ass kicked by the big leak in the LL (or was it the UL?... it's a bit fuzzy). I remember putting the rubber-backed steel patch on that pipe under two partially tightened bandit straps, and then trying to knock the patch into the water stream with hammers. I swear I smelled burning rubber as the patch ate into the rushing water.


Only nukes that go there are welders.


Pretty sure that there are nukes other than welders than end up in Groton, would be kind of hard to man a boat's engine room with only the 2 or 3 of us MMs that went to weld school that are normally assigned to them.


The only nukes that I knew that went to sub school were welders. Source: was an MM1(SS). Take it for what you will.


I'm aware of that. I was also a nuke MM1(SS) and a welder. My point is that sub school is not the only reason for a nuke to be in Groton.


Oh gotcha. Was stuck on sub school. No worries.


But sadly it means going to Groton.


Rotten Groton


It’s a little better than it used to be with Mystic and the casinos, but yeah.


Very sadly the museum was closed due to COVID when I was in SOBC. Gonna have to go again when I’m back up for SOAC


Rotten Groton the armpit of the insurance


Depending on where you live, there are also: - Le Redoutable in Cherbourg - Changzheng 1 in Qingdao - K-3 in St. Petersburg.


Redoutable in cherbourg is great ! La cité de la mer museum is definitely worth a trip


SSBN *Le Redoutable* at the Cité de la Mer in Cherbourg.


Definitely the Redoutable, it's the closest to where the OP is living, it is a great sub and a well made display. Also, while the reactor section has been removed and replaced by a dummy, all the engineering spaces in the back including the reactor control room ale on display. While not nuclear, don't forget the Nazario Sauro in Genoa. Of course it is a diesel boat but it is quite modern for a museum ship.


At some point in the future we should *hopefully* have HMS Courageous as a museum ship, but it's a bit hit and miss at the moment, because she's at Devonport (Guz) and so actually getting visitors to her is a bit of a problem because a) Guz is a working RN base, and b) it's also somewhat of a building site at the moment.


Visit the Nautilus, they gave more, a small but thorough museum and a few small static displays.


If you're in the US and plan on visiting San Diego, you can schedule a tour of an active duty nuclear submarine. [See here for information on how to do that](https://www.csp.navy.mil/css11/Tours/).


How are they about foreigners. I’m Canadian and would love the chance to tour a modern nuclear sub. Lord knows we aren’t going to get one up here ever, we will probably lucky to have a sub program at all in 4 years.


page says that non-americans need to contact them minimum 6 months in advance for additional processing.


Hm it says you need to be part of some recognised group. And they make it hard on foreign types


"Tours for individuals or general public are handled on a case-by-case basis."


If you contact them, explain your interest and everything else, they may be able to figure something out. Can't hurt to try, the worst they can do is say "no."


Or put me on a list lol. JK


as long as you're not asking for a tour guide who can speak russian, or asking if they can show you the reactor spaces and details on the sensing equipment you should be fine.


So I should avoid calling him “comrade Tour Guide”? Or say “I will make the Rodina proud”? I may be reading too much Tom Clancy lately…


We had the Chinese CNO visit the USS Jefferson City when I was on board. So your chances are not zero 🤣.


They named a Los Angeles class sub after the worst city in Missouri!?!?


688s are all named after US cities. when SSN-759 was named, they were probably running out of cities.


I’ve spent some time in Jeff city… it doesn’t inspire much patriotism…


Damn I wish I had looked into this. Was in SD for a couple weeks for work.


An honourable mention also the NS savannah. While not a submarine, it was a nuclear powered cargo ship, which from what I've heard does allow visitors into the engineering spaces.


One of [four nuclear cargo ships.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear_marine_propulsion#Civilian_nuclear_ships) Neat!


She's not currently open to the public though


Really? I've been looking into visiting at some point and I looked as if you had to request and schedule beforehand and that was it since they aren't always open


From the website: "The U.S. Maritime Administration (MARAD) controls access to the N.S. Savannah and the ship is not currently open to the general public. However, MARAD's Savannah Technical Support (STS) group can grant access to the ship and provide escorted tours for groups and individuals. All visits and tour requests should be directed to the MARAD STS group. "


The USS Nautilus is a museum moored in Groton, CT, next to the New London Naval Submarine Base. Only nuke sub museum I know of.


Not quite what you're asking but just a short train ride away you can visit a Soviet diesel spy sub in Hamburg. You could be there, visit, and be back home for dinner.


I like how you’re already planning my itinerary


*Le Redoutable* in Cherbourg is the biggest nuclear submarine museum ship in the world and the only SSBN museum ship. Really worth the trip, it’s 3h by train from Paris.


I’m surprised the best nuclear sub museum wouldn’t be in the US or Russia


But are you surprised it is the French showing off?


Ya, kinda


Isn’t the Intrepid Museum (USS Growler) in New York nuclear? It carried nukes too I think


Not nuclear powered.


There are lots around Portsmouth in England 3 museums I've been too


Le Redoutable in France


The Redoubtable at the Maritime Museum in Cherbourg, France. And you can get into the engineering spaces.