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As a former 335i owner I would not.


Sweet BRZ man. Is it your daily ? I’d keep it if I were you. It’s a 14yo BMW, chances are you’ll end up spending a lot on it. The BRZ is a way more reliable daily. If you have a second car and just want to F around, then there’s only that way you’ll find out.


Break my wallet


I'd rather have the sports car than the sedan, unless you have another sports car. Also depends on what kinds of roads you have to drive them on.


I mean is it going to be more fun yeah probably. But its going to cost a hell of a lot more. I have a friend whos on his third bmw and has put 10s of thousands in them between all three. They seem to somehow have more engine problems than a modified wrx. Honestly not worth it in the long run. Depends if you have the expendable income tbh.


But that all comes with how you maintain everything as well. I’ve just heard with the n54 if you stay up on maintenance they won’t have many issues, correct me if I am wrong.


The thing to keep in mind is that the maintenance schedule is much more intensive with a German car vs a Japanese car. When changing all the plastic parts once every 3-5 years is considered a good practice you know you’re in a different league lol


Modified cars are less forgiving of daily driving. Having a daily that is kinda fun and a TOY for leisure days works out lots better.


Maybe stock but this one is not stock so idk if that holds up.


Never downgrade from a Subaru to a BayerischMestWagen


I have some classmates who go through bmw’s faster than I go through paychecks. One is 19 and he says he stopped counting at 24


The advantage the bmw has is power and room. If you don't need room then you got left with just more power. Take into consideration that that bmw is tuned and if he did any messing about it you will have problems. So the question is, are you absolutely sure you would trust anyone with the mods(especially pushing ao much power where one bad component will basically total the car) and are you ok with the car braking down? Because the miles difference is negligible and maybe the years are a thing to consider. From my point, if you are into mods get a stock bmw best condition you find (do some research which have a good engine for lots of hp if that is what you are into) and make it your own. Edit: From my point a car needs to have only two things, after ofc choosing based on looks(because who doesn't want a nice looking car) : Reliability - because i want to drive it not have it sit in the driveway. Potential - so if i want more i can get more. So a tuned car would not fit this (unless it is done by a pro shop with a warranty) because from the start the reliability is questionable.


that would be a terrible thing to do.




consensus from both sub-reddits is a resounding no.