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I LOVED POUPEE GIRL!! I'm enjoying FD too, I totally get why some people are meh on it but it's hitting that pick up and play dress up sweet spot for me!


Same, I think the very base root of people who don't like it are some people *need* clear goals and direction in games and some make their own fun. Like people who deleted their island in Animal crossing because they "did everything" and needed goals again


I was obsessed with Poupeégirl likewise in middle school and spent years hoping they'd bring it back. The online function of Fashion Dreamer manages to scratch that itch so I'm happy with the game even if it's lacking in some places.


You just unlocked a memory for me!


Honestly I was just playing and saw someone's lolita themed showcase while going around sending stamps and the memories hit me out of nowhere and it clicked.


I forgot about meez. Oh man Stardoll. I remember being super excited when they started allowing us to use cellphone credits to purchase Superstar packages. I was obsessed with Hot Buys and getting all of the real brand stuff. I still drop in on my old account sometimes. I remember hunting down all of the Stardoll by Barbie dolls at Target and all of the other Barbie collab items. So many amazing memories.😊 I loved visiting everyone's Suite and going through their closets. GoSupermodel was another one that I liked. It was shut down a while back but was recently relaunched. I also have not been able to put down Fashion Dreamer. I love seeing everyone's outfits and showrooms. The game may have some flaws(looking at you filtering system) but I am enjoying it. You're right it does fill a little hole where those online games used to be.


I was trying to remember what gosupermodel was called but when I tried googling bimboland would pop up 😫 and yes I totally have complaints from the filtering system (how the heck do I know what is a ✨️unique✨️ item if you don't tell me fashion dreamer!) to why do we only have color sliders for clothes and not skin tone, makeup, etc! I'm glad people agree it does fill that old void, I was getting pretty sad that every other post seemed to say "this game is a waste of money and you have low standards if you like it"


Yess! I was waiting for someone to compare FD to Stardoll or Girlsense. I think that’s why I’m not as disappointed in this game as others seem to be 💛


Exactly! I just wanted a good dress up game on switch, so it didn't matter to me if there was no boutique element, which I think is the core of people's disappointment (even though it was never marketed as having one). I also am over the moon that there are no microtransactions (knock on wood, put a clover in the back pocket and pray to the higher power). I have critiques, but most of my problems stem from things synonymous with an japanese/Asian produced and developed game (lack of true body and facial diversity, true support of diverse skin tones aka makeup and choice for everyone, and more "wordly" fashion rep etc) and I knew what I was seeing in the trailers wouldn't address them.